Family that hid Casey Anthony says she is selfish

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I think somewhere in their devine thought process, they thought they could break through to FCA and get her to change or at least start trying to change. Did they honestly think they could do the impossible? Did they honestly think she was there to better herself? Only to some of the unsuspecting public. It has always and will always be about her-Use people, move on, no conscience, another publicity stunt gone wrong-as usual.
I don't see them as stupid. I see them as Christians (probably born-again), who, because of their faith, actively seek to help the unlovely and unlovable -- those people in our society that no one else wants to deal with.

Thank God that there are still people like them in this world, because this world will always be filled with the unlovely and unlovable.

I agree with the sentiment, but the VM wasn't very Christian.

Cindy stopped loving this 'unlovable' when she --- well, .... moved without saying Goodbye.
I agree with the sentiment, but the VM wasn't very Christian.

Cindy stopped loving this 'unlovable' when she --- well, .... moved without saying Goodbye.

Sounds like FCA could be following the same routine she was using before - leaving without saying a word just like she did to the A's maybe to shack up with a guy she has the hots for.

So this Cindy comes out with her story - I wonder if it was for her own cut of the money pie?
I don't see them as stupid. I see them as Christians (probably born-again), who, because of their faith, actively seek to help the unlovely and unlovable -- those people in our society that no one else wants to deal with.

Thank God that there are still people like them in this world, because this world will always be filled with the unlovely and unlovable.

Then they should know those people will never feel gratitude or respect, but only contempt for those they can use - as always. Casey will inevitably act in a destructive way, so they should not be astonished (and leave angry voice mails) when they don't...
Showing compassion and kindness to the untouchables is commendable, but you have to temper that behavior with the common sense to not allow yourself to be manipulated, or be set up as an enabler. Allowing a sociopathic child murderer into their home with their own children is foolhardy to say the least.
Then they should know those people will never feel gratitude or respect, but only contempt for those they can use - as always. Casey will inevitably act in a destructive way, so they should not be astonished (and leave angry voice mails) when they don't...
Showing compassion and kindness to the untouchables is commendable, but you have to temper that behavior with the common sense to not allow yourself to be manipulated, or be set up as an enabler. Allowing a sociopathic child murderer into their home with their own children is foolhardy to say the least.

Behold ZsaZsa words - She has just given us the meaning of that old saying -

"Praise Allah/God and tie your camel"....

What about that statement is hard to understand??? :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :rocker:

I doubt that God intends Christians to be darned on earth would assisting a sociopath to avoid facing their own reality be seen as "helping" a lost soul?? Sounds like enabling to me!
Behold ZsaZsa words - She has just given us the meaning of that old saying -

"Praise Allah/God and tie your camel"....

What about that statement is hard to understand??? :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :rocker:

I doubt that God intends Christians to be darned on earth would assisting a sociopath to avoid facing their own reality be seen as "helping" a lost soul?? Sounds like enabling to me!

These poor people may not have heard the last from her yet. Look at what she did to GA. There will come a day she will meet her match. It appears she may have stepped out of a zone of safety.

Is she off probation???
I'm sure we all know someone, maybe even someone in our immediate family, who only sees the good in people -- the eternal optimist. Do we berate them?

I didn't hear the voicemail, so the "new" Cindy could be totally fake, I don't know.
Suprise suprise...... Not !
Oh, I think this goes way beyond naive. IMO, people like this church family have some major issues of their own.

ITA, I can't summon up any sympathy for them.
I don't see them as stupid. I see them as Christians (probably born-again), who, because of their faith, actively seek to help the unlovely and unlovable -- those people in our society that no one else wants to deal with.

Thank God that there are still people like them in this world, because this world will always be filled with the unlovely and unlovable.

The difference here is that IMO, this family is not exhibiting Christian like behavior.
An interesting article on the website of
It discusses whether charging $$ for ministry is appropriate. Of note....

psychological Christian counselors are the new “pastors of discipleship” and do charge you and your insurance company untold millions each year to “help you” deal with the deep problems of the mind and heart;
Casey Anthony is perpetually toxic. For the balance of her life, she will continue to be toxic. Anyone who does not realize this blatant fact and harbors her is asking for trouble. Sure she can charm some, but her true colors will always shine right on through, eventually.

I simply cannot muster an ounce of sympathy for this couple because they should have known who they were dealing with all along. I am, however, thoroughly disgusted that they allowed their children to be among this liar, thief and murderer.

Anyone who attempts to "help", "save", or "rehabilitate" FCA will almost certainly be sucked into the Casey Vortex and soon become just another one of her victims, in one way or another. She will never change. A person with Antisocial Personality Disorder (AKA: a SOCIOPATH) cannot be cured, helped or rehabilitated. I just finished up an Abnormal Psychology class and my professor himself said there is no known effective treatment for sociopaths. They exhibit a grandiose, self-centered thought process and seldom acknowledge they even have a problem at all. In fact, they are convinced OTHER people are the ones with the problems, CERTAINLY not them! They lack the ability to feel any empathy whatsoever to the pain and suffering they inflict on others, and are oblivious to the fact that other people aside from them have feelings and needs. They rarely, if ever, experience remorse or compassion toward their fellow man. They simply go on to bring more pain, heartache, devastation and hardship to all unfortunate souls who cross their paths.

I'm sorry but these people simply should have known better. You can't play with fire and not expect to be burned.

CA? Selfish? And in other news, water is wet.
I'm sorry, this woman and her husband are just stupid.
They take a venomous snake into their home and then complain when
she does what poisonous snakes do...

:rocker: Good Analogy !

And I totally agree -- these people had to be "stoopid" ... and totally "off their rockers" ...

Casey Anthony is perpetually toxic. For the balance of her life, she will continue to be toxic. Anyone who does not realize this blatant fact and harbors her is asking for trouble. Sure she can charm some, but her true colors will always shine right on through, eventually.

I simply cannot muster an ounce of sympathy for this couple because they should have known who they were dealing with all along. I am, however, thoroughly disgusted that they allowed their children to be among this liar, thief and murderer.

Anyone who attempts to "help", "save", or "rehabilitate" FCA will almost certainly be sucked into the Casey Vortex and soon become just another one of her victims, in one way or another. She will never change. A person with Antisocial Personality Disorder (AKA: a SOCIOPATH) cannot be cured, helped or rehabilitated. I just finished up an Abnormal Psychology class and my professor himself said there is no known effective treatment for sociopaths. They exhibit a grandiose, self-centered thought process and seldom acknowledge they even have a problem at all. In fact, they are convinced OTHER people are the ones with the problems, CERTAINLY not them! They lack the ability to feel any empathy whatsoever to the pain and suffering they inflict on others, and are oblivious to the fact that other people aside from them have feelings and needs. They rarely, if ever, experience remorse or compassion toward their fellow man. They simply go on to bring more pain, heartache, devastation and hardship to all unfortunate souls who cross their paths.

I'm sorry but these people simply should have known better. You can't play with fire and not expect to be burned.


Of course they should have known better. It is not like they have been living down on the farm without benefit of any type of communication. The preacher was in the music buisness in Nashville, prior to that, down in the L.A. area - he's been way around the block a time or two and he is still in the music business, although he probably produces all his music now-not going to share any wealth with the big boys, besides, he wore out his welcome.

I think a lot of us have at one time or another tried to help a person, for whatever reason-we have been sharing our food with one of our neighbors who is supposedly down on his luck and what started out as an invitation to sup with us on a Sunday, he has now misinterpeted that and taken up the offering and has been here every night straight up at 6 pm since a week ago last Sunday, -eventhough he does get food from a food bank, although we do understand his predicament, it is getting to be that he thinks we are the local diner and he sets his clock. Tonight I gave up my meal to him and he relished it, but then wanted to stay and watch tv and asked what was on the menu for tomorrow-I had to tell him nothing, we are going out. Another time, I was helping another neighbor; giving her 2 lbs of coffee here and there, bringing her some food since she lost her job, then I find out she's not only into buying Louis Vitton handbags, but she buys a lot of diamonds to set into her old rings and has a perfect manicure, fake nails and all-that p'd me off to no end and what happens? She calls and wonders why I haven't been by to visit and when I am going to bring her more coffee and how I was such a good friend with a kind heart, tried to pull one off again and tried to play on my sympathy and care for people-Hmmpth, I just stopped going because I had been conned. A person can only be good hearted for so long, but when one gets taken advantaged of, makes you not want to help anymore when they show their true colors. Users, once the con is found out, lesson learned again and again. We are not stupid, but we are too caring I guess, and it's hard to remember the bad when somebody needs a helping hand up.

These 2 knew exactly who they were dealing with and there seems to be a connection with one of his parishoners and FCA and Co. I chime in with someone else who said there is much more to it than what has been in print about the phone call. I believe that. Wasn't the preacherman right in the thick of it when FCA bailed? Helping her into the car and all that? I bet she got herself kicked out by the wife, I just bet.
An interesting article on the website of
It discusses whether charging $$ for ministry is appropriate. Of note....

psychological Christian counselors are the new “pastors of discipleship” and do charge you and your insurance company untold millions each year to “help you” deal with the deep problems of the mind and heart;

Like Jimmy Durante once said 'Everybody wants to get in on the act'. I thought that's what love offerings were for. So, now they want to bilk-er-I mean, charge for services when they don't posses a medical license? You know, this sounds exactly like that guy that was selling those bricks. He too called himself a counselor and had no license, but has a set fee. Anything to make a quick buck. Whatever happened to helping your fellow man? I know, I know, it all comes with a price tag now, believe it.
Gahhhhh!!!! My heart is in the right place, really. Right now its with Caylee and the facts. My head is in the right place too, saying, I TOLD YOU SO!!! For pity's sake, sre the people who took poor Casey in so sure that THEY could change a leopards spots? I mean, I saw Casey grow horns on her head, the self servimg crying, the fisties, the party pics ad nauseum. IMO good riddance to bad news!
It galls me that the VM was so righteous in that stating basically you dissed us and how dare you! The children are heart broken? Be lucky thats all they are and no one forced them inflict Casey on said children but them. Unless of course they write a book Cayleefare has worn me out years ago. Sorry, but I am not surprised, just adding them to the list of whoever deals with Casey lie in ruins. Willingly to boot.
These poor people may not have heard the last from her yet. Look at what she did to GA. There will come a day she will meet her match. It appears she may have stepped out of a zone of safety.

Is she off probation???

No I don't think she is until July or August...and now we can expect Baez's book out around the same time...I wish whatever little hamster that is driving this wheel round and round would just wander off and find something else to feels like it will never end.:what:
Casey is selfish?
What's tomorrows headline?
Casey isn't a good mother?

I can't muster the tiniest bit of sympathy for anyone who deals with her knowing who and what she is. It isn't a tragedy when you open the front door and invite chaos and evil into your home. They should be thankful this is the "unhappy ending" to their Casey Anthony saga.

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