Family that hid Casey Anthony says she is selfish

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You know that old story.....woman finds snake out in cold, nearly frozen...takes it inside, lays it by the fireplace. Picks it up and it bites her. Why? she asks. "You knew what I was when you picked me up the first time" answers the snake.


Al Wilson told the story and here it is
[ame=""]The Snake - Al Wilson - YouTube[/ame]
Quite a toe tapper "You knew darn well I was a snake before you brought me in"
I just started reading JA's book and I just finished the part where Yuri interviewed KC at Universal. It really hit home that she's been able to get away with lying all of her life and the verdict probably just made her think she's teflon. JMO
BBM: Really. A "star". I had not thought of her as a "star". I was thinking more on the lines as an asteroid......taking up a lot of space without an useful purpose. Hummmmm. A star.....nope, not getting that feeling of a star. Oh, wait, you mean like in red carpet star. Nope, not getting that either. jmo

The last time KC disappeared she murdered her daughter. Do you think she did something that made her up & go so fast?
Even God has given us the book of proverbs so we will be wise to these dark souls.
A leapard will never change their spots says HE...
What I think is funny is that they expected anything different from her. (Truthfully I think they got off lucky if all she did was to leave unexpectedly and without telling them. She could have done much worse.)

Her father who supported her and her child, she accused him of molesting her. And she allegedly stole from him.

Her brother who stuck by her side, she accused him of molesting her.

Her mother, well she did all she could against her mother.

Her grandparents, she allegedly stole from.

Her friend she was convicted of stealing from.

Her boyfriend, she tried to get him to become her child's father when he wasn't.

And her daughter, well let's just say she didn't get convicted.

And this family really had some expectation that she would treat them differently? That is beyond being naive, that is being stupid IMO.

Anybody know where she went? I'm guessing there is a man in the picture.

Good list, mysteriew. You know what boggles my mind? That this church family took her in, with full knowledge of everything she had been accused of doing, accepted her anyway . . . and then got fed up with her because of what? What was the big offense against them? That she left them holding the bag and having to deal with the media? That they were disrespected, unappreciated and maybe weren't compensated enough for having protected her?

Well, compared to her other misdeeds, that's pretty small potatoes. But, apparently, once Casey crossed them it was a real serious offense. They could afford to forgive her for her prior sins, maybe even question her guilt. But, whew, doesn't sound like Mrs Preacher has any trouble at all trying to call Casey down when her actions infringe on the church's territory.

Guess the snake is not really bad until it bites you . . . never mind that other's before have died. This small wound that this church received was/is the only one that counts for them.

And how does that count compared to Caylee's death?

This church is an embarrassment.
Good list, mysteriew. You know what boggles my mind? That this church family took her in, with full knowledge of everything she had been accused of doing, accepted her anyway . . . and then got fed up with her because of what? What was the big offense against them? That she left them holding the bag and having to deal with the media? That they were disrespected, unappreciated and maybe weren't compensated enough for having protected her?

Well, compared to her other misdeeds, that's pretty small potatoes. But, apparently, once Casey crossed them it was a real serious offense. They could afford to forgive her for her prior sins, maybe even question her guilt. But, whew, doesn't sound like Mrs Preacher has any trouble at all trying to call Casey down when her actions infringe on the church's territory.

Guess the snake is not really bad until it bites you . . . never mind that other's before have died. This small wound that this church received was/is the only one that counts for them.

And how does that count compared to Caylee's death?

This church is an embarrassment.

I tried to multi quote but I don't think I managed it.

mysteriew and ExpectingUnicorns - you guys nailed her, the issues and the church! Thank you!!!
Okay, so let's take a moment and consider the facts:

1. Church Lady Cindy is hurt kc didn't say goodbye.

2. Did Caylee get to say goodbye?

3. Refer to #2.

I rest my case.

Oh, and watch out for snakes in Florida - I hear they are like alligators they pop up out of a swamp when you least expect it.
BBM: Really. A "star". I had not thought of her as a "star". I was thinking more on the lines as an asteroid......taking up a lot of space without an useful purpose. Hummmmm. A star.....nope, not getting that feeling of a star. Oh, wait, you mean like in red carpet star. Nope, not getting that either. jmo

I don't consider her a star, she is more like a black hole. A huge, gaping, black hole where many things are sucked into and disappear.

Things like :
Caylee's life,
the grandparents money,
the truth,
Amy H's checks and duct-tape,
The truth about Caylee's father,
and many other things that she has used people for and them cast them aside once she has sucked them dry of everything that they had of value to her. She is like a huge parasitic tick, feeding off of the lifeblood of others.

The only way she resembles a star is if you get too close to her, you will get burned!
I don't consider her a star, she is more like a black hole. A huge, gaping, black hole where many things are sucked into and disappear.

Things like :
Caylee's life,
the grandparents money,
the truth,
Amy H's checks and duct-tape,
The truth about Caylee's father,
and many other things that she has used people for and them cast them aside once she has sucked them dry of everything that they had of value to her. She is like a huge parasitic tick, feeding off of the lifeblood of others.

The only way she resembles a star is if you get too close to her, you will get burned!

LOL - hope you weren't misunderstanding a comment I made a page or two ago with Lambchop pulling my leg with an answer. No way is she a star - but I just made a sarcastic comment about how she views herself. SHE thinks she is a star - wonder how she equates hiding in fear for her life with being a star :waitasec: Well never mind - her probation is almost up and she will find out just how much she is NOT a star very shortly.
I don't consider her a star, she is more like a black hole. A huge, gaping, black hole where many things are sucked into and disappear.

Things like :
Caylee's life,
the grandparents money,
the truth,
Amy H's checks and duct-tape,
The truth about Caylee's father,
and many other things that she has used people for and them cast them aside once she has sucked them dry of everything that they had of value to her. She is like a huge parasitic tick, feeding off of the lifeblood of others.

The only way she resembles a star is if you get too close to her, you will get burned!

Yup. A black hole destroys things for good and never comes back, like what Casey Anthony has done. If one is within event horizon, they are safe. One is beyond it, they are screwed and cannot escape it. Even if Anthony dated Joran van der Sloot, OJ Simpson, or Jerry Sandusky, she would destroy them. :crazy: :crazy:
Good list, mysteriew. You know what boggles my mind? That this church family took her in, with full knowledge of everything she had been accused of doing, accepted her anyway . . . and then got fed up with her because of what? What was the big offense against them? That she left them holding the bag and having to deal with the media? That they were disrespected, unappreciated and maybe weren't compensated enough for having protected her?

Well, compared to her other misdeeds, that's pretty small potatoes. But, apparently, once Casey crossed them it was a real serious offense. They could afford to forgive her for her prior sins, maybe even question her guilt. But, whew, doesn't sound like Mrs Preacher has any trouble at all trying to call Casey down when her actions infringe on the church's territory.

Guess the snake is not really bad until it bites you . . . never mind that other's before have died. This small wound that this church received was/is the only one that counts for them.

And how does that count compared to Caylee's death?

This church is an embarrassment.

I agree. What in heck were they expecting? That she would drop to her knees, beg forgiveness for all of her sins and get saved by Jesus? They were in way over their heads thinking they could influence and save her. And of course, she used them up and then left them high and dry. That is just who she is and she's never going to change.
I agree. What in heck were they expecting? That she would drop to her knees, beg forgiveness for all of her sins and get saved by Jesus? They were in way over their heads thinking they could influence and save her. And of course, she used them up and then left them high and dry. That is just who she is and she's never going to change.

IMO, KC is a psychopath. The stuff I've read about psychopaths makes me believe that it's a birth defect. They are born without the ability to empathize. So they see people as pawns to be used until they can't provide them any usefulness anymore. Believing you can change a psychopath, IMO, is like believing you can make someone born without a leg, grow a new one. JMO
IMO, KC is a psychopath. The stuff I've read about psychopaths makes me believe that it's a birth defect. They are born without the ability to empathize. So they see people as pawns to be used until they can't provide them any usefulness anymore. Believing you can change a psychopath, IMO, is like believing you can make someone born without a leg, grow a new one. JMO

I agree, but having a mother like Cindy certainly made her a lot worse. I can't just blame it on her being born bad. She also had a bad mother and a dysfunctional family because of her mother.
LOL - hope you weren't misunderstanding a comment I made a page or two ago with Lambchop pulling my leg with an answer. No way is she a star - but I just made a sarcastic comment about how she views herself. SHE thinks she is a star - wonder how she equates hiding in fear for her life with being a star :waitasec: Well never mind - her probation is almost up and she will find out just how much she is NOT a star very shortly.

I understood your comment but couldn't resist comparing her to a black hole. It just seemed so fitting for her. I would also say she also like the sun, if you get to close to her or are exposed to her for any length of time - you will get burned!!

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