Family that hid Casey Anthony says she is selfish

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I agree, but having a mother like Cindy certainly made her a lot worse. I can't just blame it on her being born bad. She also had a bad mother and a dysfunctional family because of her mother.

I agree, the things I've read about psychopaths is that with a good upbringing they can function ok in society. In a bad situation, abusive and such they become Ted Bundys and Charles Mansons.. I've read that 25% of the wall street companies are helmed by psychopaths.

I understood your comment but couldn't resist comparing her to a black hole. It just seemed so fitting for her. I would also say she also like the sun, if you get to close to her or are exposed to her for any length of time - you will get burned!!

I agree with the sun. She was pretty, but if you got too close you'd be burned.
Drop to her knees.:what::D

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"Family that hid Casey says she is selfish"???????

Surprise, Surprise!
"Family that hid Casey says she is selfish"???????

Surprise, Surprise!

Yep, but they could work with all her "past life" sins, shower her with help and forgiveness. The ultimate tipping point with them? She hung up on the preacher. Apparently that was one toke over the line, Sweet Jesus.
Red by me....

Yep, but they could work with all her "past life" sins, shower her with help and forgiveness. The ultimate tipping point with them? She hung up on the preacher. Apparently that was one toke over the line, Sweet Jesus.

I just figured it out.......they were trying to trace her call and she screwed it up with her early "disconnect".

She is not only selfish, she is also a coward. That's right, A Coward with a somewhat forever back-up plan. No matter what the situation, she turns tail and runs off for others to pick up after her. I think the church might have tried to help her, but in all likelihood, it was just another time out for her-just for show/publicity, as usual. Thinking just about this therapy alone to show to the courts, imo, this is not considered actual therapy with a trained Dr. to help her - as long as she put down therapy and her former attorney mentioned she's in therapy, I guess that's all the courts needed. Another fail to protect the princess. Surprised she isn't angry about a lot of the other prior situations, kwim? She can't fool anybody anymore, not that she ever could.
I hate to say I told ya so.. But come on lady!! This was Casey friggen Anthony not Mother Theresa ..

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CA is unbelievably selfish. She is angry and annoyed that she has to testify in court. She wanted to get on with her life and this ruined everything. Boo crappin' hoo.,,20598068,00.html#dsq-form-area-536960286

from article

She ventures out infrequently, afraid that she will be recognized. But according to two sources close to her, she looks much different. "Quite honestly, she's gained a few pounds," says the source. "She does nothing but sit in front of her computer and eat."

I think I predicted this back on...oh, 6th of july of last year...oh well. what I really want to know is if anyone (family, lawyers, people taking her in looking for evidence of the goodness of religion) truly expected her to do anything else with her life now? because she wont IMO
CA is ....angry and annoyed that she has to testify in court. She wanted to get on with her life and this ruined everything.

So FCA is angry and inconvenienced. Uh oh. Hide your puppies and your children, southern Floridians.
CA is unbelievably selfish. She is angry and annoyed that she has to testify in court. She wanted to get on with her life and this ruined everything. Boo crappin' hoo.,,20598068,00.html#dsq-form-area-536960286

Let's see...She wouldn't tell the truth, then she didn't have to testify, then she took the 5th so she didn't have to talk and now she is annoyed-bet I can guess why-she'd just tell more mistruths again and it's going to mess her up. Your last liitle sentence says it all-Just like what happened 3+ yrs ago.

Guess the old snowball is going to go out of control again.
Let's see...She wouldn't tell the truth, then she didn't have to testify, then she took the 5th so she didn't have to talk and now she is annoyed-bet I can guess why-she'd just tell more mistruths again and it's going to mess her up. Your last liitle sentence says it all-Just like what happened 3+ yrs ago.

Guess the old snowball is going to go out of control again.

If the article is true, Cindy is probablly sending her money.

I was thinking of Cindy's answer to Dr. Phil - "Caylee was just a shell" and now that I have been away from the case for quite some time, it is really incredible that a grandmother would speak of a murdered grandchild that way. So, imo, and it is off topic, and I apologize, Cindy had a huge hand in the way Casey turned out. Huge.

I also think that Casey will get in trouble again with the "law" when she is in need of money and starts stealing again, which I have absolutlely no doubt will happen.

Interesting Civil Trial coming up - they will nail her lying self to the wall.
Omg I can't believe the thrill I just got reading that people article.. Hearing she is so upset it's ruined her plans, and that she has gained weight because she does nothing but sit in front of the computer and eats all day!!

Love it! Karma keep coming!
I was wrong. She does have to show up in Court; she can plead the fifth but she has to show up. Nah, nah, nuh nah naaaaaaaaa.
Yep, but they could work with all her "past life" sins, shower her with help and forgiveness. The ultimate tipping point with them? She hung up on the preacher. Apparently that was one toke over the line, Sweet Jesus.

With all these redeaming virtues these people hold so dear, what did they really expect? Didn't they watch the trial? Read the details as they came to light when Caylee was "missing"? KC sees this place she's at as another rock to hide under, didn't, doesn't nor ever will appreciate people that are good to her. She expects that with no conscience and has no intention of ever seeing it for anything else other than what it can serve for her purposes. I hope she's gained 75 lbs. I'm glad she's concerned about being recognized. Not that it's any indication that she has any remorse but, rather the opposite, that she may never know her "BV life" again as she ever knew it. I don't hate her, I don't want to, it's not what's good for MY soul but, I do take solace in knowing she will do penance for her way or the other.

She's upset that she has to testify?.............TOUGH!
If KC has gained weight as the article said, IMO she doesn't want people to see her chubby and unattractive. Remember she is self centered and it is all about her. I don't know if she has the ambition to diet and work out before her upcoming trial so she can become the gorgeous one she and her parents think she is.
If she pleads the 5th at the trial, isn't that held against her?
When one doesn't answer questions, they pretty much gave an answer in my book.
I do not believe for one second that she has gained any significant amount of weight. She's way too vain for that to ever happen. IMO, this is just another pitiful attempt to get some media attention and possibly some sympathy.
PS. Not sure why this topic is in the Church ppl thread, but I didn't see it being discussed anywhere else.
Oh yay! She does want to leave the country! I'm all for that! Hope she never comes back either!
"Family that hid Casey Anthony says she is selfish".

we say, "DUH",

we say ,"she also LIES ...what were you thinking?"

can we say, "Pinellas 12"? :banghead:

(it's been a while, did I spell that right?_
Oh yay! She does want to leave the country! I'm all for that! Hope she never comes back either!

Countries Casey Anthony Can Go:
North Korea

She is free to choose any of them. Hint, I think North Korea, Iran, or Zimbabwe would be a good choice for her. In Zimbabwe, everyone is a millionaire (they have runaway inflation, of course she is not smart enough to know that). :crazy: :floorlaugh:

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