Family wants to keep life support for girl brain dead after tonsil surgery #5

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I'm sure that it won't take very long until she will be gone in ways that everybody can understand. I can't imagine that poor Jahi could last very long unless they get her admitted to some intensive care ward that accepts deceased patients on a religious exemption. It's nothing like those pregnant women whose fetuses the doctors were trying to save and who were able to be kept on a ventilator for many months. From what I understand their care took a lot of heroic effort from dedicated teams of critical care experts. If it was hard for them it is not going to be easy to manage in converted office spaces by benevolent volunteers who don't have all the required monitoring equipment, the lab facilities, the treatment options, and the professional knowledge.
When the wrongful death lawsuit is finally filed we will probably find out the names of the healthcare professionals who have given instructions, "written orders", written prescriptions, put in the NG tube and purported tracheostomy

It will be in the public interest to know who violated California state law to perform procedures on a legally dead body.
jmo but the family is going to regret starting that feeding tube.
I can't imagine that poor Jahi could last very long unless they get her admitted to some intensive care ward that accepts deceased patients on a religious exemption.

If it was hard for them it is not going to be easy to manage in converted office spaces by benevolent volunteers who don't have all the required monitoring equipment, the lab facilities, the treatment options, and the professional knowledge.

1. If such a facility existed with an intensive care unit who would treat a brain dead patient with a death certificate, wouldn't that facility have contacted CHO and proceeded with the transfer as CHO requested nearly 3 weeks ago?

2. I don't for one minute believe she is going to NB in Medford, NY. Dolan wants to keep that heart beating for as long as possible - years if he could!!!
The lack of medical expertise and questionable personnel and equipment puts him at risk of losing her heartbeat by completely inept care.

Think of it- Dolan would want to keep her heart beating for years, if possible, while her skin breaks open and oozes, while she has fecal impactions, while stool leaks out through and infects her broken skin, while her lungs become infected with poor trach hygiene and overly aggressive tube feedings. At some point it might become abuse of human remains (corpse). And Uncle Omari seems like he'll be going along for the ride, too.
I think I need to clarify something. I've been posting in partial support of the family, but I've been confusing brain dead vs vegetative state. I do not think they should be allowed to keep her hooked up indefinitely if she is brain dead. :no: (But I do think it's insensitive to refer to her as 'the body', deceased or not.)

I have not watched pressers, I have not read as much as most of you. I've only scanned headlines and read the posts on here. Seems like it's a he says/she says type of thing, so who knows what really transpired when Jahi started bleeding. If the hospital is at fault, then they are responsible (IMO) and I do see a malpractice suit being applicable. The uncle's money talk doesn't help garner any public sympathy, however, and he needs to stop talking.

Perhaps the hospital couldn't have saved Jahi, even if they reacted instantaneously. But if they delayed any treatment or response to the bleeding, then... she didn't even have a chance. We just don't really know what happened.

So I will now back off - and just pray that Jahi passes away in peace, soon. As long money is talking to those advising her mom, that plug will never be pulled, IMO. :(
NY Daily News says she went home.....

A California teen declared brain dead after tonsil surgery has been released from Children's Hospital & Research Center Oakland and placed into the care of her mother.

The body of Jahi McMath was taken in by critical care ambulance to her mom Nailah Winkfield's home at 7:50 p.m.

Read more:
NY Daily News says she went home.....

A California teen declared brain dead after tonsil surgery has been released from Children's Hospital & Research Center Oakland and placed into the care of her mother.

The body of Jahi McMath was taken in by critical care ambulance to her mom Nailah Winkfield's home at 7:50 p.m.

Read more:

Oh wow. If the mom is taking her home so she can unplug her there and have her 'die' at home, I can respect her emotional need to do so. But I pray to God that she is not taking her there to just keep her plugged up.
So thankful that Jahi has been moved, Now this hospital can get back to their real purpose, saving lives and helping live children. I donp;t kniow where jahi went but to be sure, it is simply a detour on her way to inevitable death.

But I suspect that now she is in a different place, being cared for by people who are just as delusional as her family, we will probably hear "updates" of miraculous "improvements that we know are no more plausible than Steven Hawkings dancing the cha-cha on "Dancing with the Stars".
Oh wow. If the mom is taking her home so she can unplug her there and have her 'die' at home, I can respect her emotional need to do so. But I pray to God that she is not taking her there to just keep her plugged up.

I don't think family went through all this court trouble just so they can unplug her at home.
I am guessing they are planning to do surgeries on her (feeding tube insertion) so she can be transferred to a facility.
I would think if there was anything illegal in the handling of Jahi, that would have stopped with the coroner's office. Am curious as to why the coroner transferred her care to her mother. Was this done because of the agreement in court? Somebody/s must agree with this for it to have happened.
1. If such a facility existed with an intensive care unit who would treat a brain dead patient with a death certificate, wouldn't that facility have contacted CHO and proceeded with the transfer as CHO requested nearly 3 weeks ago?

2. I don't for one minute believe she is going to NB in Medford, NY. Dolan wants to keep that heart beating for as long as possible - years if he could!!!
The lack of medical expertise and questionable personnel and equipment puts him at risk of losing her heartbeat by completely inept care.

Think of it- Dolan would want to keep her heart beating for years, if possible, while her skin breaks open and oozes, while she has fecal impactions, while stool leaks out through and infects her broken skin, while her lungs become infected with poor trach hygiene and overly aggressive tube feedings. At some point it might become abuse of human remains (corpse). And Uncle Omari seems like he'll be going along for the ride, too.

It is possible that such facilities do not exist but it was reported that they have a religious exemption and brain dead people are not dead in New Jersey (and possibly in NY, according to some articles) if their religion demands cardiac criteria of death. They would have to be taken care of somewhere I think.

I don't think that hospitals who treated those people would necessarily be so keen on doing it that they'd contact families and volunteer their services particularly if it's unclear whether there is anybody who can pay for them. But who knows what would happen if the family appeared on the door with their attorney saying they already sued one hospital for discrimination of a disabled patient.
I don't think family went through all this court trouble just so they can unplug her at home.
I am guessing they are planning to do surgeries on her (feeding tube insertion) so she can be transferred to a facility.

All the parties have a significant financial interest ($30+ million) in keeping her heart beating for as long as possible. Years if at all possible.

Dolan has said the surgeries would be done prior to a transfer. If so, the name of the medical professional who does them will eventually be disclosed.

I'm curious as to how open those "medical records" will be now that HIPPA doesn't seem to apply.
Dr. Heidersbach also did the apnea test. Shanahan's declaration is not explicit about whether she did or not.

I was curious as to whether 9 minutes off of ventilatory assist is the norm. If a person was not brain dead, but did not have spontaneous respiration, the lack of oxygen for 9 minutes would ensure brain death. If I remember my biology correctly, the brain cannot live beyond 6 minutes without oxygen.

ETA: did a look up on procedure to determine brain death and patients are left off respiratory support for 8 to 10 minutes or until the CO2 level rises to a cutoff point.
How sick for the mother to subject this to her other children.

I can imagine the other siblings would be questioning why their sister is not waking up.

I can't imagine living in that two bedroom apartment and seeing a dead corpse being hooked up to a ventilator.

it's extremely morbid and grotesque.

IMO there is an "attitude" present, which may spill over to the NB facility, assuming transfer there. When this child does not make progress, but continues to decompose, will NB be at fault? Will they be sued due to lack of care? Defense in a lawsuit could cost them plenty.

I'm confused as to the financial status of NB because apparently they will be adding an in-patient building, yet they are soliticing money for an automatic door, which it sounds like they don't have the money to pay for.

On the NB webpage, note quite a bit of fundraising:
I was curious as to whether 9 minutes off of ventilatory assist is the norm. If a person was not brain dead, but did not have spontaneous respiration, the lack of oxygen for 9 minutes would ensure brain death. If I remember my biology correctly, the brain cannot live beyond 6 minutes without oxygen.

I was wondering the same thing. If she did not start breathing, there would be damage from lack of oxygen. I could not get that article to open. Does anyone know what it said? tia
Ah, so she went home. Interesting indeed. Since her mother reports that Jahi responds to her and moves and reacts to her voice (and every doctor and medical tests definitively shows that she is incapable of responding and is indeed dead), then Jahi is right where she should be, at home, where she can be in her moms care as the inevitable happens and hopefully then her family will accept the truth.

But to me, it looks like Uncle is enjoying his rise to "fame" on the back of this poor dead child. He will not fade away quietly. :notgood:
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