Family wants to keep life support for girl brain dead after tonsil surgery #8

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While that didn't happen, THIS did:

(These are descriptions of the brain from the autopsy report above)

Subsequent autopsy revealed a calcified intracranial spherical structure weighing 750 g and consisting of a calcified shell containing grumous material and cystic spaces with no recognizable neural elements grossly or microscopically.

No definite posterior fossa structures (including the cerebellum, brain stem, vessels comprising the circle of Willis, or cranial nerves) were identifiable.

Individual anatomic brain structures could not be identified.

semisolid areas consisted of tan (and scattered intermixed orange, red, and brown), grumous, focally mineralized material, with no identifiable cerebral


The grumous material examined appeared to be necrotic and mummified, containing no recognizable cellular elements"

BBM, So basically the brain deteriorated into a gummy mass that had no features or sells resembling a brain and then solidified into a calcified, hardened mass.



1. To make or become stony or chalky by deposition of calcium salts.

2. To make or become inflexible and unchanging.

Yikes. Dear God, if that was me or my child I would NEVER force them to exist in that state for years. To me, that would be akin to torture (though I know Jahi cannot feel a thing). Why hold a body hostage like that when there is NO chance that they will ever recover, think, feel, hear, or ANYTHING.

Her mother seems so far gone into denial. She puts headphones on Jahi so she can "listen" to Rhianna, Chris Brown and Beyonce music but Jahi incapable of listening and beyond hearing anything at this point.

Sadly, I do not think Jahi is the only member of this family who is beyond hearing (or listening) to stuff (aka the unchangeable truth and medical facts) at this point.

For many, the mind and body are connected and viewed as a whole.

Example...If a leg is crushed, it can be surgically removed and the remaining body continues on. Some view the brain as part of the whole, not the only important part.

Some people believe in God and miracles.
While that didn't happen, THIS did:
(These are descriptions of the brain from the autopsy report above)

Subsequent autopsy revealed a calcified intracranial spherical structure weighing 750 g and consisting of a calcified shell containing grumous material and cystic spaces with no recognizable neural elements grossly or microscopically.

No definite posterior fossa structures (including the cerebellum, brain stem, vessels comprising the circle of Willis, or cranial nerves) were identifiable.

Individual anatomic brain structures could not be identified.

semisolid areas consisted of tan (and scattered intermixed orange, red, and brown), grumous, focally mineralized material, with no identifiable cerebral

The grumous material examined appeared to be necrotic and mummified, containing no recognizable cellular elements"

BBM, So basically the brain deteriorated into a gummy mass that had no features or sells resembling a brain and then solidified into a calcified, hardened mass.

1. To make or become stony or chalky by deposition of calcium salts.
2. To make or become inflexible and unchanging.

Pretty amazing, isn't it? There was nothing wrong with that boy's heart; Jahi may have similar strength in hers to just keep beating, while the organ which houses her mind, feelings, and "soul" if you will, is deteriorating into an unrecognizable glob.

Terri Schiavo's autopsy revealed a brain which was also incapable of doing the things her family insisted she was doing, but things like autopsies and scientific and medical fact have yet to register with them even years later. They still insist she saw them, tracked them with her eyes, responded to the sight of them as they entered a room, etc., when in fact the autopsy revealed that she was most certainly blind.
I agree. But for me, context is everything. It is horrific to FORCE a family to sustain the decaying body of a dead person in order to compel it to act as a host to a non-viable fetus. It is not horrific to ALLOW a family whose religion and grief compel them to believe that brain death doesn't equal death, to sustain the decaying body of their precious child. At least, it's not horrific to them. It's compassion. (To the rest of us watching this, though, it can be a ghoulish and nightmarish charade).

Fetus was non viable because it was too young. In a short period of time fetus could have become viable. Sustaining a body of a brain dead child is not going to result in anything viable ever.
We don't have unlimited resources to sustain brain dead persons on life support for sake of their families.
Pretty amazing, isn't it? There was nothing wrong with that boy's heart; Jahi may have similar strength in hers to just keep beating, while the organ which houses her mind, feelings, and "soul" if you will, is deteriorating into an unrecognizable glob.

Terri Schiavo's autopsy revealed a brain which was also incapable of doing the things her family insisted she was doing, but things like autopsies and scientific and medical fact have yet to register with them even years later. They still insist she saw them, tracked them with her eyes, responded to the sight of them as they entered a room, etc., when in fact the autopsy revealed that she was most certainly blind.

Schiavo was never brain dead. She was in PVS. Her only life support was a feeding tube. Jahi is brain dead and is ventilator dependent. If the ventilator is turned off her heart should stop quickly. So she can't even do what Schiavo was able to do.
Fetus was non viable because it was too young. In a short period of time fetus could have become viable. Sustaining a body of a brain dead child is not going to result in anything viable ever.

We don't have unlimited resources to sustain brain dead persons on life support for sake of their families.

I don't believe money is now the issue in this case.
It shouldn't enter into the discussion. It adds nothing. IMO

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I don't believe money is now the issue in this case.
It shouldn't enter into the discussion. It adds nothing. IMO

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Then why are relatives soliciting donations?
Then why are relatives soliciting donations?

You said "we" as in society as a whole. that's the way I took it. Maybe I'm wrong?

In this case, it's a choice to donate or not.

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Schiavo was never brain dead. She was in PVS. Her only life support was a feeding tube. Jahi is brain dead and is ventilator dependent. If the ventilator is turned off her heart should stop quickly. So she can't even do what Schiavo was able to do.

True. I wasn't really relating the two other than to muse aimlessly and to note that even the brain of a PVS patient had degraded significantly as well. When brain tissue is starved of oxygen to the point that it dies, it deteriorates. There is no longer any blood flow to that portion of the brain ever, as the Schiavo autopsy illustrated.
For many, the mind and body are connected and viewed as a whole.

Example...If a leg is crushed, it can be surgically removed and the remaining body continues on. Some view the brain as part of the whole, not the only important part.

Some people believe in God and miracles.

I don't think they are mutually exclusive.
Fetus was non-viable because it was too young. In a short period of time fetus could have become viable. Sustaining a body of a brain dead child is not going to result in anything viable ever.
We don't have unlimited resources to sustain brain dead persons on life support for sake of their families.

In the TX case, the fetus was nonviable period. The fetus suffered from hydrocephalus, a heart problem, and other severe abnormalities. However, during the court case, the hospital adopted a stance during stipulation which would allow it to promote the theory that if only the Munoz family had lost their suit, the fetus would have been born just fine. That is, the hospital stipulated that at the time of the court case, the fetus was not developed enough to be considered viable. Although accurate, it is not a complete depiction. In other words, Mr. Munoz and the hospital stipulated to two different things. His stipulation implied that the fetus would never be viable, the hospital implied that the fetus could become viable in the future. Media should have made this distinction more clear to the reading audience, IMO.

In the BC case, around the same time, the baby, Iver Benson, was removed from his mother's body when her body could no longer host the fetus following the mother's brain death and subsequent treatment by the medical team in order to allow the baby to more fully develop. He was doing as well as could be expected--perhaps even better than was predicted--on his one month "birthday" on March 10. In this case, the fetus was indeed viable, the pregnancy was further along, and her family and friends believed that Robyn Benson would have wanted her husband to authorize such maintenance of her body in the attempt to give Iver life.

These cases, and others, have significant differences.

ETA: sorry about the run on sentence. I hope the meaning is clear.
Abnormal does not equal non-viable.
It could very well have become viable in time. Of course if ultrasound was correct, fetus wasn't going to become normal, but there are infants born with severe abnormalities day in and day out.
Abnormal does not equal non-viable.
It could very well have become viable in time. Of course if ultrasound was correct, fetus wasn't going to become normal, but there are infants born with severe abnormalities day in and day out.

I agree, and I think that this is a very important distinction to make.
Sadly, both Marlise Munoz and Jahi McMath will, IMO, both be best known for the circus-like atmosphere, and extraordinary conditions under which the bodies of both were kept alive after their deaths.

Both will end up as footnotes and case studies in medical articles as examples of (IMO) the cluster of unwise decisions perpetrated by well meaning, but horribly misguided people. People such as the doctors and administrators in the Munoz case, and including the decision by the judge in the McMath case. In this particular case, the desire to extend compassion to NW has set a disturbing precedent, IMO.

I have compassion for NW. However, I have no compassion or respect for the legions of her enablers. They have not made the situation any better for NW, only greatly complicated and delayed the process of letting go of her beloved daughter. How painful and pitiable is it to hear NW describe her daughter's brain dead body as "blossoming into a teenager"? Every single person who is contributing support to NW's painful delusional state is contemptible, IMO. Particularly those who are manipulating religion and doctrine as a false hope and a crutch. IMO. This child is incapable of waking up, ever. She cannot improve. It is cruel to prolong this illusion. IMO.
Presumably she will have to let go once Jahi's heart stops.
Although I am not even sure of that anymore.
JMO, one of the reasons some people have animosity toward JM's family is that their ability to deny has seemed to hinge on telling stories about JM's "improvement" in order to receive donations. The uncle has certainly hurt their reputation by running around various places for interviews and saying things like "get those dollars up" and "chump change". They can blame their own behavior and that of their lawyer and Dr. PB. Miracles don't depend upon a vent.
I found this today. I hope I can post this information. If not, I apologize.

This is on the home page -

Statement Regarding The Jahi Case

New Beginnings and the Brendan House are facilities that are about preserving life and treating brain injured patients with care and dignity. We do encourage every citizen to take the time to educate themselves more clearly on the issues of what brain death is and what it is not. This child has been defined as a deceased person yet she has all the functional attributes of a living person despite her brain injury. We encourage every American citizen to learn what their rights as patients truly are especially in dire circumstances.

Angela Clemente & Associates and a skilled team of experts along with Attorney Chris Dolan are handling all aspects of Jahi's case. Ms. Clemente will notify me later this afternoon about providing an additional statement. Thank you for your concern about this little angel who deserves a chance to be cared for with dignity and respect.

New Beginnings Community Center in Bedford, NY.

Here's a link to their home page -

This is about the founder of the Center - Allyson Scerri loves and believes in people and their potential. Born and raised on the east end of Long Island in Remsenburg, N.Y., she graduated from Westhampton Beach High School and then cosmetology school in the early 1980s. Scerri immediately began her successful career as a hair stylist, continuing in this profession for some 25 years. A highlight of her profession has been meeting many people and hearing their unique life stories.......

The rest is here -

Could this be where Jahi is located?

I am wondering why opening and running a brain rehabilitation center is able to be run by someone with a cosmetology degree. I looked for further staff. Doctors, RN's, etc and could only find her husband, the Vice President of the company.

Steven Scerri manages the daily operations of the xCellaSave. His business experience includes over two decades in the development and management of operations for businesses and real estate assets. Scerri’s management experience also includes the daily operations and finances of various companies he has founded, as well as Mt. Pleasant Cemetery in Center Moriches, N.Y., and three self-storage facilities. Previously, Scerri managed the asset preservation strategy of Barone Family Partnership, Ltd. and Bar-One Ranch, Ltd., serving as president of both. He is passionately involved in various charitable organizations and in 1996 was recognized by President William Jefferson Clinton, Trans World Airlines and New York state and local government officials for his recovery efforts during the TWA Flight 800 tragedy, as well as his work on a related memorial. (xcellasave is a dead link)

And this person - Kate DiMeglio, Vice President

Kate DiMeglio is the sole caretaker of her son, Robert, a traumatic brain injury (TBI) survivor. On his 21st birthday, Robert sustained a severe head injury from a car accident that left him in a vegetative state for one year. Over the past 10 years Robert has made significant improvements, and he is able to participate in TBI therapies, but the journey for Robert and his family has been difficult. DiMeglio is the founder of the advocacy group The Long Island Chapter, where she also serves as president. This group is connected with the Long Island Chapter/Brain Injury Association of NYS. DiMeglio is honored and excited to serve on the board of New Beginnings. She has committed her life works to improving the quality of living for TBI survivors and their families by raising awareness through support groups, informative materials and events such as fundraisers and walks.

I don't see any medical background on any of them. Can someone tell me how this would be possible? Wouldn't they need to administer meds among other things?

All of the bolds are by me.
I found this today. I hope I can post this information. If not, I apologize.

This is on the home page -

Statement Regarding The Jahi Case

New Beginnings and the Brendan House are facilities that are about preserving life and treating brain injured patients with care and dignity. We do encourage every citizen to take the time to educate themselves more clearly on the issues of what brain death is and what it is not. This child has been defined as a deceased person yet she has all the functional attributes of a living person despite her brain injury. We encourage every American citizen to learn what their rights as patients truly are especially in dire circumstances.

Angela Clemente & Associates and a skilled team of experts along with Attorney Chris Dolan are handling all aspects of Jahi's case. Ms. Clemente will notify me later this afternoon about providing an additional statement. Thank you for your concern about this little angel who deserves a chance to be cared for with dignity and respect.

New Beginnings Community Center in Bedford, NY.

Here's a link to their home page -

This is about the founder of the Center - Allyson Scerri loves and believes in people and their potential. Born and raised on the east end of Long Island in Remsenburg, N.Y., she graduated from Westhampton Beach High School and then cosmetology school in the early 1980s. Scerri immediately began her successful career as a hair stylist, continuing in this profession for some 25 years. A highlight of her profession has been meeting many people and hearing their unique life stories.......

The rest is here -

Could this be where Jahi is located?

I am wondering why opening and running a brain rehabilitation center is able to be run by someone with a cosmetology degree. I looked for further staff. Doctors, RN's, etc and could only find her husband, the Vice President of the company.

Steven Scerri manages the daily operations of the xCellaSave. His business experience includes over two decades in the development and management of operations for businesses and real estate assets. Scerri’s management experience also includes the daily operations and finances of various companies he has founded, as well as Mt. Pleasant Cemetery in Center Moriches, N.Y., and three self-storage facilities. Previously, Scerri managed the asset preservation strategy of Barone Family Partnership, Ltd. and Bar-One Ranch, Ltd., serving as president of both. He is passionately involved in various charitable organizations and in 1996 was recognized by President William Jefferson Clinton, Trans World Airlines and New York state and local government officials for his recovery efforts during the TWA Flight 800 tragedy, as well as his work on a related memorial. (xcellasave is a dead link)

And this person - Kate DiMeglio, Vice President

Kate DiMeglio is the sole caretaker of her son, Robert, a traumatic brain injury (TBI) survivor. On his 21st birthday, Robert sustained a severe head injury from a car accident that left him in a vegetative state for one year. Over the past 10 years Robert has made significant improvements, and he is able to participate in TBI therapies, but the journey for Robert and his family has been difficult. DiMeglio is the founder of the advocacy group The Long Island Chapter, where she also serves as president. This group is connected with the Long Island Chapter/Brain Injury Association of NYS. DiMeglio is honored and excited to serve on the board of New Beginnings. She has committed her life works to improving the quality of living for TBI survivors and their families by raising awareness through support groups, informative materials and events such as fundraisers and walks.

I don't see any medical background on any of them. Can someone tell me how this would be possible? Wouldn't they need to administer meds among other things?

All of the bolds are by me.

BF, thanks for posting this info......which had me reading while picking my jaw off the floor. Certain bits of info Ive read about before but some had me scratching my head. Im with you, I see no medical background mentioned so how in heaven's name can care be provided with not even an RN mentioned?
Cherie.T - I'm really surprised. I didn't look into Brendan House. Maybe the 2 are on the same premises and do have doctors, nurses, etc. But what I was surprised about is that a licensed cosmetologist can open a brain injury rehabilitation center with no medical background. I would think just because she had a family member with a brain injury that does not make her an expert on care for brain injured people.
Maybe I didn't dig deep enough. Maybe they do have medical personel on staff or at least on call but don't you think they would note that on the site?
Wouldn't there be regulations and qualifications required?
If somebody with a medical background can answer this I would like to know.
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