Famous Favourite Quotes - That Move or Comfort You when you think about this case

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People are unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered,

If you do good, people will accuse you of
selfish, ulterior motives,

If you are successful,
you win false friends and true enemies,

The good you do will be forgotten tomorrow,

Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable,

What you spent years building may be
destroyed overnight,

People really need help
but may attack you if you help them,

Give the world the best you have
And you’ll get kicked in the teeth,

Mother Teresa's "A Simple Path" from a sign on the wall of Shishu Bhavan, the children’s home in Calcutta.”
I can think of three quotes one of which is just comforting no matter what the situation... "Love is patient, love is kind....it is not boastful..nor jealous..Love is like the wind; you can't see it but you can feel it" -From A walk to Remember

that is also from the bible. not a big bible-person myself, but i think it comes from corinthians, and it is read at a lot of weddings.
Somebody to Love

(Jefferson Airplane, 1967)

When the truth is found to be lies
and all the joy within you dies
don't you want somebody to love
don't you need somebody to love
wouldn't you love somebody to love
you better find somebody to love

When the garden flowers baby are dead yes
and your mind is full of red
don't you want somebody to love
don't you need somebody to love
wouldn't you love somebody to love
you better find somebody to love

your eyes, I say your eyes may look like his
but in your head baby I'm afraid you don't know where it is
don't you want somebody to love
don't you need somebody to love
wouldn't you love somebody to love
you better find somebody to love

tears are running ah running down your breast
and your friends baby they treat you like a guest
don't you want somebody to love
don't you need somebody to love
wouldn't you love somebody to love
you better find somebody to love
I'll love you forever,
I'll like you for always,
As long as I'm living,
My baby you'll be.
From a book I read to my little girl every night before bed. She's 19 now and it still goes inside each card we exchange.

Oh - "I'll Love You Forever" is such a sweet and lovely book. Unfortunately, it reduces me to tears every time I read it!

How I wish Casey could have had those motherly feelings for Caylee...
That young boy without a name, I'd know his face anywhere. In the city, the kid's my favorite. I’ve seen him, seen him, oh, I see him every day. I’ve seen him run outside looking for a place to hide from his father, the kid half naked made me say to myself, "Oh, what's the matter here?" I am...tired of the ex-c-u-s-e-s everybody uses, he's their kid, so, I stay out of it, but....who gave you the right to do this?
We live on Morgan Street, just ten feet between. And his mother, I never see her, but her screams and curses, I hear them every day. Threats like: "If you don't mind I will beat on your behind," "Slap you, I’ll slap you silly." Made me say-ay-ay-ay, "Oh, what's the matter here?!" I’m....tired of the exc-u-s-e-s everybody uses, he's your kid, so do as you see fit.
But get this through that I don't approve of what you did to your own flesh and blood. If you don't sit in your chair straight, I’ll take this belt from around my waist and don't you think that I won't use it!"
Answer me and take your time, what could be the awful crime he could do at so young an age?
And if I’m the only witness to your madness offer me some words to balance out what I see and what I hear. Ohhh, these cold and cruel things that you do, I suppose you do them because he belongs to you. And, instead of love and the feeling of warmth, you offer him these cuts and sores that don’t heal with time or with age.
And, I want to say I want to say-ay-ay-ay, "What’s the matter here?!" No, I don’t dare say-ay-ayyyyyyyy it.
Song by 10,000 Maniacs - "Whats the matter here?"

The sad part is we all know worse can happen...to our own flesh and blood. This precious child had grandparents whos' arms ached for her and will continue to ache for eternity. Only her cold, cold mother chose to be, in her own words, to be a spiteful b!tch. Up until just after that 911 call I feel that probably CA and GA led as normal life as they could under the circumstances caused by a daughter that was totally out of control. After that call their life changed forever, some people become combative when they can't and really don't want to face the cold truth of a heinous crime committed by someone they love inflicted onto someone they dearly love. Maybe just once in a while we should try looking at the whole picture through their eyes or walking just one mile in their shoes. I just hope they do the right thing, face the facts, tell the truth and help get that baby in a proper burial site. She deserves better, after the rotten cards that child was dealt, millions of animals are treated better than she was. It breaks my heart.
that is also from the bible. not a big bible-person myself, but i think it comes from corinthians, and it is read at a lot of weddings.

Correct, 1 Corinthians 13:4. And I'm the exact opposite of a "bible-person."

“Love is stronger than death even though it can't stop death from happening, but no matter how hard death tries it can't separate people from love. It can't take away our memories either. In the end, life is stronger than death.”


Let children walk with Nature, let them see the beautiful blendings and communions of death and life, their joyous inseparable unity, as taught in woods and meadows, plains and mountains and streams of our blessed star, and they will learn that death is stingless indeed, and as beautiful as life.

-John Muir

Thus that which is the most awful of evils, death, is nothing to us, since when we exist there is no death, and when there is death we do not exist.

"And if one day a toy should break...or maybe playing PattyCake....you call me "Mama" by mistake. I won't mind at all."

Audra McDonald
"All in good time, my friend, all in good time."

We will find Caylee....all in good time.
Casey will have justice served upon her.....all in good time.
The A's will come to terms that Caylee is dead.....all in good time.

This nightmare will eventually go away.....all in good time!
From the good book you all know which one:) Eye for an Eye :crazy:
Avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.

Romans 12:19
This is such a cool thread! I love it!
I've been here for the past 2 hours reading the quotes and words of wisdom you all posted.

And then I just sent an email To Aubrey
(she's my 1st grandchild - 14 days old)

and included a link to the beautiful website that DollyPardonMe posted. However, I linked the "Irish Blessing"... I thought it was perfect for her.

I watch and listen to this whenever I am feeling stressed and need a lift. Hopefully it will give you the tranquility it gives me morning, noon and night.


I then added a short note to her mommy and daddy - my oldest son - and included MD Mommy's post:

“It's up to you to decide now, and what you choose to do about it will affect the rest of your life, and theirs. Enjoy your child as he is and make sure that he feels totally comfortable and safe and loved in his own home.”

Rosaleen Dickson

Thanx to all for posting here.
I wanted to include so many of the quotes to Aubrey and her parents,
but I felt they'd think I was giving too much advice, where (and from whom) they really didn't want it!! LOL

I too love the book: "I'll Love You Forever, I'll Love You For Always"
But I get sooo teary-eyed each time I read it!!!
***The same Creator who names the stars also knows the name of the lost child we mourn today. Caylee did not return safely to her family; yet we can rest in the comfort that she is safely home.

***Paraphrased from President's Bush's announcement that the Columbia Space Shuttle was down and all seven souls aboard were lost.
Correct, 1 Corinthians 13:4. And I'm the exact opposite of a "bible-person."

“Love is stronger than death even though it can't stop death from happening, but no matter how hard death tries it can't separate people from love. It can't take away our memories either. In the end, life is stronger than death.”


thanks, edam. :)
Oh - "I'll Love You Forever" is such a sweet and lovely book. Unfortunately, it reduces me to tears every time I read it!

How I wish Casey could have had those motherly feelings for Caylee...

I can't read it without crying either.
'Justice denied anywhere diminishes justice everywhere.'

My mother is from Scotland. Came here when she was 30 as a nanny.

She has a saying

"The dead cannot hurt you. Only the living can hurt you."

One should not ever be in fear of their own mother. Certainly not in fear for their life. And certainly not a 2 year old.

It is beyond sad.

I wish they could find Caylee, let her rest in peace, and get justice.

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