FBI - Serial Killers Among Us: There is No Set Profile

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Here is another recent report about Serial Killers:

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If you or your loved one is killed by one all serial killers are equally as bad or evil. Here is a report about the Serial Killer Samuel Little. In terms of numbers and the profile of his crimes I feel there may be one out there who might top the list and I hope it is not a record that keeps getting broken like the one hundred metres world record:

Serial Killer Admits to Killing 93 Women Over 40 Years
Has anyone else here read anything by Dr. Lonnie Athens?
He's a psychology PhD who was raised in a violent and abusive family. Drawing on that experience, he has outlined the four steps of violentization--the systematic development of a violent criminal. His main point is, it is a cultivated process by the individual.
Fascinating stuff.
Here is a video about Criminal Profiling with former FBI Profiler Jim Clemente:

According to Jim Clemente, retired FBI behavioral analyst and criminal profiler, when it comes to the "nature vs. nurture" debate, "genetics loads the gun, personality and psychology aim it, and your experiences pull the trigger..." As a criminal profiler, it was his job to catch murderers, serial killers and rapists and pick up the slack where forensic evidence failed. Clemente explains how he went about his job tracking down some of the world's most dangerous people.

Clemente is a retired FBI behavioral analyst and criminal profiler, and co-host of "Real Crime Profile," a true crime podcast distributed by Wondery. For more information about his career, go to http://www.jimclemente.com, or follow him on twitter at https://twitter.com/JimClemente

To learn more about the DC Sniper case check out the Audible Original Series ‘Call Me God’ on Audible: https://www.audible.com/pd/Call-Me-Go...

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Former FBI Analyst Explains Criminal Profiling | Tradecraft | WIRED

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I am not familiar with Jim Clemente's writings, but it sounds like he is describing Athens' violenticization from a different angle. Athens doesn't deal with the genetic component; instead, he shows how an abuser's violent behavior escalates through four stages unless checked, with stage four being homicide.
Of course most Serial Killers are men and most violence comes from men and they are responsible the deaths of many more females than females are for male deaths and the death of every victim at the hands of Serial Killer like Ted Bundy is a tragedy. There is the odd female Serial Killer though:

Female fugitives: why is 'pink collar crime' on the rise?

There are of course poisoners and Black Widow types. Here are a couple of more unusual female serial killers:

Aileen Wuornos - Wikipedia

Peterborough ditch murders - Wikipedia
Here is a recent report about Serial Killers and one in particular. One thing is certain is the public fascination with them is great. Most people as seen on this board are on the victims side and of course hopefully serial killers become scarcer and scarcer with developments in catching them and changes in society. Will they cease to exist full stop of course that is unlikely as they are part of this flawed world in which we live. My particular view is that the worst serial killer is the one you or your loved one is killed by and all victims are equal of course. However to coin a phrase I feel there might be one Serial Killer out there in the scale and variation in MO of his crimes 'made Ted Bundy and Samuel Little look like Boy Scouts':

‘Cocktail of things’
Certain traits are common to serial killers, such as sensation seeking, a lack of remorse or guilt, impulsivity, the need for control and predatory behavior, according to the FBI’s 2008 report. Serial killers choose their victims based on availability, vulnerability and desirability.

“I think the impulses serial killers act upon are deeply ingrained — animal impulses for survival, flee or fight, the sexual impulse and feeding impulse. Now that we’re civilized, these are anti-society impulses,” says Peter Vronsky, Canadian historian and author. “I think we’re all born with those impulses, but we’re socialized out of them.”

After late 20th century peak, serial killers called to account
I don't think much of the Vronsky quote. We all get hungry. Most of us desire sex. Fight or flight kicks in during emergencies for us all. So what? We aren't all serial killers.
Majority of serial killers are Taurus, study claims

Is your friend a Taurus? Does he or she obsess over murder and watch way too much “CSI”?

There’s a good reason to be wary now.

The sleuths over at Britain’s the Mirror did a serial killer astrological sign round-up, finding that the majority of bloodthirsty evildoers are Taurus.

“[Taurus] are devoted, patient and hard-working, traits which can make for a great personality in someone who is stable and good-natured, and an evil manipulator in someone who is not,” according to the paper.

Among the psychos born between April 20 and May 20 include H. H. Holmes, America’s first modern serial killer; Michael Ryan, the man behind the Hungerford Massacre; David Copeland the London Nail Bomber; the Canadian child killer Karla Homolka; cannibal Albert Fish, the “Werewolf of Wysteria; Levi Bellfield the British child killer and rapist; Orville Lynn Majors; Robert Black, the Scottish serial killer, and pedophile; Brit Steve Wright, and Martha Beck.

Here are notable killers for each sign of the zodiac:

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Lee Boyd Malvo, Joel Rifkin, Luis Alfredo Garavito

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20): John Wayne Gacy, Aileen Wuornos

Aries (March 21-April 19): Alexander Pichushkin, John Reginald Christie

Taurus (April 20-May 20): H.H. Holmes, Michael Ryan, Albert Fish, David Copeland, Levi Bellfield, Robert Black, Steve Wright, Orville Lynn Majors

Gemini (May 21-June 20): Jeffrey Dahmer, David Berkowitz, Ted Kaczynski

Cancer (June 21-July 22): Robert Maudsley

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22): Myra Hindley, Anatoly Onoprienko

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Ed Gein, Albert DeSalvo, Henry Lee Lucas

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Fred West, Beverley Allitt

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Moses Sithole, Robert Pickton, Fritz Haarman

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Ted Bundy, Dennis Nilsen, Rose West

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): John Allen Muhammad, Harold Shipman, Stephen Griffiths

Though there is no set profile of the final product there certainly is a blueprint for how they get there,

Throughout their lives, there are behaviors and indicators (red flags) that can certainly be detected when they are young that may help in some cases, (Certainly not all) to head off violent behavior in their future

Whenever you delve into the history of serial offenders you generally see not only red flags but you also see familial issues that can also be put under the microscope and when observed by qualified individuals actions can be taken to protect them from situations that crystallize from issues to action.

Many of these future violent offenders clearly demonstrated these issues, sometimes, severely , but they were usually swept under the carpet by those who weren't aware of what they were seeing , or they were exiled somewhere so as not to burden the families with their issues, or in some cases, they were met with more enduring violence and abuse themselves.

Part of the reason were seeing a decrease in serial murder (in a traditional sense) is due to not only socioeconomic changes, but better social services available, and intervention into the american family.

If we know what were looking at in the early stages we stand the greatest chance of eliminating future horrors
I have been wondering about this for awhile but never new where to bring it up or to get anyone's oppinion..So I'll ask here What do you think the chances are that on any given day there is a Actual Serial Killer on this website Obviously one that hasn't been caught yet or even a Killer but a killer from one of the cases we profile on WebSleuths. I have no dought both a SK AND A I DON'T KNOW THE RIGHT TERM A REGULAR KILLER OR A ONE TIMER lol troll sites like this one and others most likely as a unknowen guest But I mean One that has sighned up and actually contributes to conversations .Does anyone know of any stories about this happening maybe it was how the killer got caught or something .Otherwise I dought thier gonna out themselves But what does anyone think Im curious do any of you think that we prolly chat with a SK on here with out knowing ?
Take for example Luka Magnotta the Canadian cat killer who went on to murder a man. He teased people on forums in a "catch me if you can" style so yes I believe it is highly likely that killers go onto their own victims homicide profiles.
Take for example Luka Magnotta the Canadian cat killer who went on to murder a man. He teased people on forums in a "catch me if you can" style so yes I believe it is highly likely that killers go onto their own victims homicide profiles.

With the sheer volume of members here and the propensity of killers to follow their crimes, id say theres better than 70% chance some people here are here for reasons other than to solve crimes .

Thankfully however Serial Homicide is on a 20 year decline , and is extremely rare nowadays

But I agree , most likely threads here are being followed here for other than altruistic reasons

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