FL - Abadoned newborn found in box in Ocala, baby ok!

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oh that 911 call is so sweet. The lady said the box was sitting there the day before when she took her grandson to school. ants in her hair, sweat where her head was, and a soaked pamper.
In the pic you can see two ant bites on her little hand.

how sad this poor baby laid there with ants bitting her and no way to get away from them.

3 days to a week old someone has to know who this baby is.
wonder if they could get finger prints from box, and diaper?
Thank God this little one is alive and well..It makes me SO mad that my son and daughter in law cannot have a child, adopt here in the US ( due to my sons health) and if they want to adopt through a Chinese agency it will cost them $17,000. Yet, people are throwing babies away like trash :furious:
Thank God this little one is alive and well..It makes me SO mad that my son and daughter in law cannot have a child, adopt here in the US ( due to my sons health) and if they want to adopt through a Chinese agency it will cost them $17,000. Yet, people are throwing babies away like trash :furious:
I'm with you. I can't have more children, although I would desperately like to, and can't adopt because of health issues -- which don't prevent me from taking great care of my biological children. I would gladly pay for a private adoption, and I know other families who would, too. Why in the world would anyone throw a baby away like garbage when there are so many people out there who could take them in?
A baby is not an object that someone just tosses away when they don't want it! This makes me so mad. I couldn't have children either (I later adopted two daughters) & it was a terrible thing to see others just abandoning their babies. I would have done anything to be able to adopt one of them. At that time, though, there weren't that many. Now we hear about it all the time.
While I hope that the parents can be found so they can be punished, I am always so worried that babies will be returned to homes when they would be so much better off being adopted and raised by parents who love them.

Me, too! It worries me sick. If they locate the mother, will they "work" with her so she can have the baby back? Her rights should be terminated! It should be a Federal Law that ANYONE who abandons a baby like this should have all parental rights terminated!
I hope everyone takes a moment to realize that this may not be a case of straight up abandonment. They need to find out who the parents are to make sure they are also okay. You never know...the parents could be victims also. Or the mother a young girl being raped by a relative who then took the baby to get rid of it. The possibilities are endless!
I hate that the baby is going into foster care rather than be adopted. If a baby is dropped off at a safe haven place, is there no foster care limbo? Are they adopted as soon as possible? I hope so.

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