FL - Abraham Shakespeare, 42, lottery winner, Polk County, 7 April 2009 #5

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House I think they are saying they think Abraham was killed in. Now has crime tape around it.

I am no computer wizard. Only had to edit about 10 times for the picture to work.

Are you saying you included a photo on this comment I quoted above? I don't see it :waitasec:

The police crime scene tape was up around both properties the other day when we drove by.....I believe it was the day after AS body was found.
I think they roped both off cause they were on same property. HOwever, they just received the search warrant to enter house tonight IIRC.
....I have sat here and let 10pm come and didn't even realize it!!!!!! The fox news at 10 is now 23 minutes into their newscast!!!! I know it was FIRST on air, and I've missed it DANGIT!!!!

Hopefully they'll repeat???:banghead:

And a clip I heard earlier said they have more developing info in the case.

It makes me sick to think that she still claims innocence in all of this.. An innocent woman does not buy Lime and try to hire prison bound men to move bodies! Nor are they in possession of the murder weapon!
...i bet she didn't see this coming this afternoon when she gave that interview...i know dm...i always carry around lime, plastic sheeting, etc...in my white pick up truck all the time...NO BIG DEAL...NOT.... ..."i wouldn't do anything like that".. how did you get the gun?..i know, it was given to you right??...
Someone brought up an interesting point, maybe last night. The Sheriff said they believe he was killed sometime between 4/6 - 4/7/09. He was buried next door at a house they did not purchase until the end of April 2009. What did they do with his body between the time they murdered him and the time they dug the hole and buried him? You can't very well just plow up your neighbors yard and bury people without them noticing.
Here's what was said.

Charge COULD be upgraded later to MURDER. Right now, they got her on the accessory charge, probably just to get her locked up.

They originally thought he was murdered in red brick house but they are searching the house that is directly in front of gravesite. In that house, is where Howard Stitzel was operating his business.

They are now referring to Shar as DM's "former" boyfriend....which I guess they ain't gonna be havin no conjugal visits, so "former" is an accurate description :loser:

They also said LE is working at back door of house, and since entire property is taped off, they cannot see if evidence is being removed from the home.

Like a dummy, I started out on NBC's news.....shoulda stayed with Fox....I think they report more accurately.

Guess I'll have to wait till they post the story online.
Someone brought up an interesting point, maybe last night. The Sheriff said they believe he was killed sometime between 4/6 - 4/7/09. He was buried next door at a house they did not purchase until the end of April 2009. What did they do with his body between the time they murdered him and the time they dug the hole and buried him? You can't very well just plow up your neighbors yard and bury people without them noticing.

I brought up that point....The house purchase occurred 4/30.

they could have taken residence in the home before the actual purchase

However, someone, somewhere mentioned former homeowner (Richard Land) told LE that he knew the body was there, cause DM told him.


One more connection in the case???? Maybe he helped for a cut of the
Just an assumption. Not trying to slander or libel or whatever the correct term is. Just repearting what was posted before, and adding my :twocents:
(yay, that's the 2nd time I got to use that cute 2 cents icon) LOL:dance:
So, anyone going to the court trials? I shall most definetly be going. My friend from work said we can work some extra time now so we have extra time when it comes up. I think she is stupid enough to get up and take the stand. How could she resist being the center of attention?
So, anyone going to the court trials? I shall most definetly be going. My friend from work said we can work some extra time now so we have extra time when it comes up. I think she is stupid enough to get up and take the stand. How could she resist being the center of attention?

I would love to attend some of it. I need to check with a lawyer friend of mine and ask about a case such as this. Can you get up and leave during? (I'm sure you can) I want to know how often they go into recesses or if they do alot of the 8 - 5 deal....and when would be a good time to go.....the beginning of the case so that you hear opening remarks and presentation of evidence? or later on, when it's "rolling" good. I know I won't attend more than one or two days.
Sheesh, so many arrests on one of the most hectic days I've ever had. Raven Abaroa, Baby Gabriel and this one, and god knows what else. Off to catch up....eventually.

Oh yeah.....DD is charged? Woot...woot woot!!!!
Are you watching this on Bay News 9? Extended interview.
Another thing I got to thinking about......

She sure tries really hard to maintain her innocence, but so far, look at all the facts that have come to light.....

SHE had the gun
SHE paid to have concrete poured
SHE bought limestone
SHE hired person to dig up body and move it
SHE sent false texts, cards, etc

The list goes on.....and on.......and on.......and on......................................

She's GOT
Are you watching this on Bay News 9? Extended interview.

Explain please? Are you referring to the interview when she was leaving her neighborhood today....the one where she talked for almost half hour? Or another thing?
When I first happened upon Websleuths, the very 1st thread had barely begun... there were only a few pages. Not realizing I was going to become so attached, I read and read... researched and researched... making notes upon notes. Then I started seeing where I could possibly make a contribution... so I signed up and became a member here. I was Blessed to have had one brief encounter with Abraham, and I wanted to know where he was... what happened... and why... why?

At first, I didn't understand how all of this worked... I was very reluctant to post... and I think my very first post was deleted LOL. Wasn't long and I became more comfortable... was accepted by others... helped by others... corrected by others... comforted by others... befriended by others... looked out for by others... and have grown close with others in all of this. It's a different kind of closeness, one I've never endeavored upon before... but close nonetheless. This, I cherish close to my heart. I've been disliked by others too... and that's ok, no hardended feelings here. Our reason for all of this... we care... that is the important part.

Having nothing less than my whole entire heart and soul in this journey... purpose driven... heart driven... I realized these past couple of days that there has been a further, deeper, purpose for me... one of growth... one of healing... one of immense gratitude. Constantly growing gratitude for life, love, and laughter... even more gratitude for the little tiny moments that so often go unnoticed. Like that one powerful handshake, that I shared here... and how I related it to the song, "What If He's An Angel". Yes, Abraham Lee Shakespeare is an Angel... and he walks amongst us, but in a different way now.

Towards the beginning of my journey here, I kept wondering, asking, silently pondering... "Why Abraham?" Why this simple, kind, warm, loving, fallible, humorous, giving, generous man... Why this son, brother, father, friend... just why... tell me why...

Then it hit me, it was the same answer as I got... the answer to my asking, "Why me?", with another area of my own life. The answer was so simple... that it made my jaw drop, my heart pound, my eye's fill with tears... but my eyes opened wider and brighter again... the "why?"... and the answer...

There really is true purpose in the answer... even though the surrounding circumstances are so complex, the answer is actually as simple as... "Why not?"

If it weren't for Abraham's life, all the rest of the mess would not be exposed... the people who have wronged others, for years, would continue to go on to wrong many many others, for years to come. Through the loss and sadness of Abraham, can come life, love and laughter again. I believe and trust that others can relate... I know I can... I can relate, in a different way... living with a very rare disease... through me, there are doctor's and scientists... researchers around the globe, learning things that are saving others' lives... saving a baby... saving a mother, a father... a son, a daughter... a friend... so that they don't have to go through the pain... I already did it for them... and it's been worth every minute of it.

Somebody told me, along my way, that nobody said it would be easy... but that it would be worth it. They couldn't have spoken words more true. I hear those words, over and over, each and every single time that I encounter another obstacle.

During my time here, with Websleuths, I did encounter another obstacle... but this time I found it to be very different... I've embraced it, rather than fight it... I've found courage to carry on, rather than give up... I found love, rather than discord... I found peace, rather than discomfort... I found ease, rather than fear... I found faith to endure, rather than doubt... I found Abraham, walking by my side... he's holding hands with my Dad and my 3 brothers... he has that heart warming smile... he's calm and at peace.

I pray that Abraham's family and friend's will find the answer to "why?"

That all of you have found, or will find this too.

I Trust... Through pain, there can be purpose... there can be joy!

Walking With Angels

With Love and Thanks,
~I aM I aNd yoU aRe yoU~

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