FL FL - Adji Desir, 6, Immokalee, 10 Jan 2009 - #2

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Prayers that Amber is found. Prayers that a search is setup for Adji and that he is found. Cannot find any birth records for Haitians (it is all jumbled with Dominican Republic and is in a mess). I have spent a bit of time in the areas outside Puerto Plata in the Dominican and the Haitians and Dominicans folks are all mixed in together. There probably isn't good documented birth records for either Dominicans or Haitians - all MOO from observations made.
I just got an email back from CCSO. It sounds like at this time, unfortunately, they are not willing to set up another search for Adji unless something new develops. :(

This message is from Capt. Chris Roberts of CCSO's Special Investigations Division:

Thank you for your support and interest in our continued efforts to find Adji. We appreciate and encourage all tips and ideas from the community to support our continued efforts. As you can imagine, while there has been a tremendous amount of media coverage regarding Adji’s disappearance, the media is unable to completely cover every facet of our investigation/search. Our efforts thus far have been extremely thorough, duplicative (5 times) and involved resources similar to the ones you mention below and others. We are aware of the additional resources you mention, and would not hesitate to request assistance from them should something new develop for which their assistance would be appropriate.
I just got an email back from CCSO. It sounds like at this time, unfortunately, they are not willing to set up another search for Adji unless something new develops. :(

This message is from Capt. Chris Roberts of CCSO's Special Investigations Division:

Darn, I was hoping they would do a search - wish we would get some new developments :mad:
I just got an email back from CCSO. It sounds like at this time, unfortunately, they are not willing to set up another search for Adji unless something new develops. :(

This message is from Capt. Chris Roberts of CCSO's Special Investigations Division:

I got the same message, Idaho. I'm bumping for Adji. As we all do what we can for sweet little Hassani, please, let's not forget sweet little Adji. I wish I knew what to do next.....?

Unfortunately, with CCSO unwilling to make a move unless they get a new lead, I don't think there's much we can do. Other than try to keep Adji's little face out there in the media and in public.

We will never forget you or stop looking for you, Adji.

ETA: I contacted the Oakland Athletics baseball team because Hassani went missing from Oakland. Does anyone think it would be beneficial to contact the Tampa Bay Rays team? Immokalee is about 2 1/2 hours from where the Rays play ball in St. Pete. It couldn't hurt to ask, right?
A few of us have requested a chart for Adji on the Astro thread, with no success. Anyone have suggestions on how this could be accomplished?
A few of us have requested a chart for Adji on the Astro thread, with no success. Anyone have suggestions on how this could be accomplished?

I'm not sure. I've made a request there for Adji also. It may be the lack of details? Maybe if we put a well-organized request with as much detail as we can offer, it might be better. I think we still need info on the adults in Adji's life, but a chart still might be able to be done with only Adji's info? I don't think the astrologers are intentionally ignoring Adji, and when they have time I'm sure they will do one. But the more info we can give them, the easier it will be for them.

If for nothing else, looking at these details might help us here.


*Adji Desir - Born October 15, 2002 at Naples Community Hospital in Naples, Florida

Last seen January 10, 2009, 5:00-7:15 pm (reports vary) in Farm Worker Villiage, Immokalee, Collier County, Florida

Reported missing January 10, 2009, 7:00-7:42 pm (reports vary) to Collier County Sheriff's Office, Florida

*Adji's grandmother - ? - Age ? - Born ? in ? - Lives in Farm Workers Village

*Adji's mother - Marie Neida - Age 36-37 - Born 1972-73 in Haiti(?) -Came to the USA in 2001 - Works in Naples FL - Lives on Lake Trafford Road

*Adji's stepfather - Antal Elant - Age 41-42 - Born 1967-68 in Haiti(?) - Came to the USA in 2004 - Works at local pizza parlor - Lives on Lake Trafford Road

*Adji's father - Yves Desir - living in Haiti - Age ? - Born ? in Haiti(?) - Adji's mother "became pregnant with Adji during a three-month trip back to Haiti"
I got the same message, Idaho. I'm bumping for Adji. As we all do what we can for sweet little Hassani, please, let's not forget sweet little Adji. I wish I knew what to do next.....?


Hey, you got a response. That's something anyway. And they know that the world is watching, although I have always thought that they were doing their best. That whole community seems to care about Adji.
Adji's parents' DOB and location should be listed on his birth certificate (my and my ex's info is on all my boys cert. and they were all born in FL).

However, you can only get a copy of the cert. if you're a parent or have a court order. If you order by mail, you have to send in a copy of your drivers license. But, if you order online, you only have to click the button that says you're a parent. Hmm....

Saturday 1/10/09

• 5 p.m. — Family members realize 6-year-old Adji Desir is missing from his grandmother’s Farm Worker Village home at 814 Grace St., Immokalee, FL (Collier County). Adji was wearing blue shorts and a blue T-shirt with yellow stripes when he disappeared.

• 7 p.m. — Family members call Collier County Sheriff’s Office after a 2-hour search.

• 7:42 p.m. — Deputies respond, begin searching Farm Worker Village and surrounding woods with bloodhounds, ATVs, on horseback, and in a helicopter. The first neighborhood canvass is conducted.


"My impression is they immediately called the Sheriff's office," Batten said. "At 7:15 he was watching TV and told his parents he was going outside to play with friends. We got the call at 7:42."

There are conflicting times when Adji was last seen, but 7:42pm is when he was reported missing.

Adji’s mother Marie Nadia, 36
stepfather Antal Elant, 41
Adji’s grandmother, Jesula Thebaud, 55

I believe all 3 of his relatives were born in Haiti, but I don't know where.

ETA: Here is Adji's WS thread #2 http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=81697

Here is what I posted in the Astro forum with as many details as I know.
Adji, we need some new developments - you are not being forgotten. I am going to messge FifthEssence to see if an Astro chart can be done on Adji or at least find out if one has been done but hasn't been put out on the Astro thread yet.
Bumping this info with added details about Adji's grandmother (thanks, daisy!). If anyone finds any more details, just keep on adding!

Also, I know that the sex offenders in the area were looked at early on to be ruled out. Does anyone remember or want to look back to see if any were ever specifically named as standing out for any reason? If so, we need to include those names here, IMO.

*Adji Desir - Born October 15, 2002 at Naples Community Hospital in Naples, Florida

Last seen January 10, 2009, 5:00-7:15 pm (reports vary) in Farm Worker Villiage, Immokalee, Collier County, Florida

Reported missing January 10, 2009, 7:00-7:42 pm (reports vary) to Collier County Sheriff's Office, Florida

*Adji's grandmother - Jesula Thebaud - Age 55-56 - Born 1953-54 in Haiti(?) - Lives in Farm Workers Village

*Adji's mother - Marie Neida - Age 36-37 - Born 1972-73 in Haiti(?) -Came to the USA in 2001 - Works in Naples FL - Lives on Lake Trafford Road

*Adji's stepfather - Antal Elant - Age 41-42 - Born 1967-68 in Haiti(?) - Came to the USA in 2004 - Works at local pizza parlor - Lives on Lake Trafford Road

*Adji's father - Yves Desir - living in Haiti - Age ? - Born ? in Haiti(?) - Adji's mother "became pregnant with Adji during a three-month trip back to Haiti"
Red Alert - Tuba has done a chart on Adji. Keep an eye on the Case Briefings Only thread in the Astrology forum.

Tuba has run a chart. She will post it as soon as she completes the analysis in the Case Briefings thread. So - give her a day or two and then maybe we will have something new to look at to try to figure out how best to help get Adji home.

:clap::clap::clap::clap: For Tuba and the Astrology Thread!!!!!!

Tuba has posted her analysis. Please go read it and let me know what everyone thinks. I would like to send something to LE and I need everyone's help. I want to make sure that the message comes off as professionally as possible. It is always risky when we ask LE to consider something outside the norm of their reality.

We have been instructed to leave the forensic astrology posts in the astrology thread, so I'm not bringing it over here. But I would really appreciate everyone's input to help insure we can convince LE there are some additional things to either check out or recheck or whatever.


Okay - my interpretation of Tuba's post:

There is someone in the neighborhood that lives near horses or has horses. He/she is a "strange character" and possibly watched Adji and his movements. Adji was probably attracted to the horses. What child wouldn't be?

Okay - I got interrupted so I will have to finish this when I get back. Ughhh!

THANK YOU to Tuba!!!!!!!!!!!

I agree with you, Salem. It would be great to send something else to LE, but we definately need to get it worked out first.

Can anyone pull up a Google Map of Farm Workers Village and check for any *obvious signs of horses? Maybe even within a few miles. He could have been lured away with a "promise" to go see some horses. I have a feeling it won't be that easy, but it can't hurt to check.

I think we should also pull up the sex offender registry and check for any that are "past middle age". Of course we don't know if this person is a RSO, but that's always a good place to start. Or maybe even search the local newspapers for any OTHER out of the ordinary activities in that area.
Thank you, Tuba!!!!

I took my kids to a b-day party (for my son's friend turning 6) and was SO pleased to see this when I got home!!!:)

Gonna go do some research....
Okay - my interpretation of Tuba's post:

There is someone in the neighborhood that lives near horses or has horses. He/she is a "strange character" and possibly watched Adji and his movements. Adji was probably attracted to the horses. What child wouldn't be?

Okay - I got interrupted so I will have to finish this when I get back. Ughhh!


Sorry to quote myself - but I wanted to finish my thought process here. I have checked in at the astrology thread and see that Tuba has further clarified that this person is probably an accomplished horseman.

My thought is that an email be sent to LE explaining that we have a forensic astrology thread that is often very accurate and while we do not ususally send messages to LE based on the thread, in Adji's case we thought it might be worth a try. And then explain that it appears Adji may have met up with someone, possibely someone he knew or had visited previously, that has access to horses. Either owns them or takes care of them or just lives near them. The person is older and generally thought to be strange by others in the neighborhood.

What do you think? Does that sound like a good approach? We are not supposed to name websleuths, so I'll find a way around that when explaining the forensic astro thread. I need to go back and re-read Tuba's chart. Also, I think a map of the area is warranted. I think there is one in one of the earlier threads. I'll have to go look.

Wow, just wow - I have not been on all day and we have a chart for Adji - this is awesome - I need to go read it and then get busy helping ya'all.

Wow - just a big old WOW.
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