FL-AMBER ALERT Haleigh Cummings 5 yrs. old - Putnam County #17

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Have they used the dogs to track the g/f/babysitters scent to see if the dogs follow it on the same trail?

Along that line..it has been mentioned that Haleigh's track around the neighborhood can be easily explained as she had gone for a walk, at some point. I can buy that up until they point where the track cuts through the unknown person's yard on Monroe straight to Buffalo Bluff Rd. Discounting the effect of wind, would Haleigh have ever gone that way?? I don't think she's in the area.
George and kfn are not involved anymore, they were asked to leave. So no point in discussing them. imo

You're right. It's so easy to get off track when we don't have any new details to think about :)
Plez SS do not "edit" my posts, unless you would like others to "edit" your's. I don't think it's useful to waste time talking about threads or repeat posts, I've waded thru as many as you. I think the dad's criminal record speaks volumes and will be very relevant to solving this. I think his anger management and past violence may also be relevant. I believe whether or not Haleigh was attended while playing outside is crucial. I also believe which if any of these players is credible, abusing drugs, and/or motivated by custody issues is critical. If you consider these "social" factors extraneous or have a different opinion it does not mean mine is "OT." Nor will I consign your's to a "Jury Room." Now plez... back to the business of sleuthing. :rolleyes:


SS didn't edit your post, just the quote of your post, as I recall. Even so, the part that was changed violated TOS. It probably should have been editted in your original, with all due respect.
This article talks about septic tanks and well water:

Nobody seems to know exactly how many people live in Satsuma. The total ranges from 1,700 to 5,000 -- depending on whom is asked. The community was named in 1886 for its satsuma oranges, according to Allen Morris' Florida Place Names.

Now it's a community with vastly different residents -- out-of-state retirees looking for a quiet place to live out their years and locals born and raised in mobile homes with well water and septic tanks

Page two

Everywhere I have seen in Fl have pump houses. Such as the shed by there trailer. The pump is above ground. Not the typical wells most of us have. Not sure why this is done in Fl......would imagine its from all the sand. Ours has a pipe comng out of the ground not big either. Several inches around it attaches to the pump. No way could a child fall into it.
Thanks, Leila~ Don't you think LE has been all over him since this began tho? Wouldn't that be the very first person they would check out? He has to legally answer their questions and allow them to search his house. If he refuses, they can haul him in...IIRC.

If he is related to her...wouldn't Ronnie already know this since he was "part of the family" after having two babies with Crystal? I cannot imagine him not telling LE if this is the case.

(I appreciate all your hard work, too! I am just trying to figure out if he is related...if LE would already know it. Maybe not tho!)

It's possible LE doesn't know. We need to somehow check into that by at least a simple e-mail, something. They may not have connected the dots. The family may have not connected the dots. Remember their not as familiar with the details and statistics of crimes as we are.

Even though Ronnie may know of this relative, he may not have put two and two together to inform LE. We know the last people we would assume hurt one of our very own would be our very own family. It could be falling under the radar with all that's going on. We need to give a headsd up appropriately somehow. They do have a tip line right? This would be a legitimate tip, to call in and not accuse this person, but inform LE to check into this if they haven't. It's definately a lead that should be checked into. Hopefully it goes no where, but that's not up to us.
Ive been reading all morning, this thread is getting harder to follow since you have to look for it on websleuths from post 15,16,17 and so on. I think I would be alot easier it everything was kept under her name in the Thread like Caylees was.

I find the GF story changing. I also find the Bio-mothers story very vague as to what her daughter was doing, in school , at home, playing with her brother, while they were with the dad. Surely she asked the little girl what she was doing at school??
I didnt like how be brushed NGrace off by saying she didnt go to the hearing because they sent the papers to the wrong address."Well how did she know they went to the wrong address???"" I think it was her drug problem that kept her from getting her children.Also, yes the father is working to try to provide for these kids, but if he has had a past drug problem and in trouble with LE, why wasnt these kids placed with another family member or DSS.
The dads GF is just a child herself, why isnt she in school??OR have a JOB??Seems like she is was an easy street to care for these kids while he worked.
Bad Situation.
The extremely short period of time that elapsed between the time Misty indicated she discovered Haleigh missing and the time Ronald pulled in really, really, really bothers me.

Right on! That's what I thought too. What a coincidence, she just got up to go to the bathroom and was blearily eyed looking at Haleigh's bed and noticing she was gone, at the exact same moment he walks in? Sounds more like she was doing some preemptive work to me.

I dunno about all this. She seems sincere, but sumpin aint adding up here.
Obguthr, the part that was changed? A quote?? No SS was telling me what was, and wasn't, relevant re MY theories because these issues are not germaine to his own. I'm confused... is this relevant? Can we move on now? JMO

Need to find out if he is related to G. Sapp who is co-owner with Misty's mom who lives a walk through the woods away. Should also sleuth G. Sapp, no?

found an article on this guy. He prefers post pubescent girls.


Bolded by me. He has NOT just pursued post-pubescent girls. This article from '97 states he was on probation for assaulting a 13 yo, when he was arrested for assaulting a 14 yo. However, in 2000, he was arrested for trying to set up a meeting with a 10 yo girl....through her father in an internet chat room. Only the "father" was LE posing as the dad.
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