FL-AMBER ALERT Haleigh Cummings 5 yrs. old - Putnam County #23

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Anger and intolerance are the enemies of correct understanding.
Mohandas Gandhi

Bigotry and intolerance, silenced by argument, endeavors to silence by persecution, in old days by fire and sword, in modern days by the tongue.
Charles Simmons

Intolerance betrays want of faith in one's cause.
Mohandas Gandhi
Hi Pirate. I just came back to read about two minutes ago. I haven't seen those comments yet but I saw a slew of them over the past few days.

I haven't seen anything to support that she is prostituting, I haven't seen anything to support she's retarded either.

But I do think she's responsible for the fact that she is the last person Haleigh was with, and if we look only at her activities prior to Haleigh being reported missing, I can't reconcile the fact she washed blankets (cleaned a crime scene) and possibly staged a coverup. The door, the cinder block and not calling 911 until Ronnie got there.

Those are my thoughts and I'm probably wrong.

I don't disagree.

I think if she's guilty of anything it's being irresponsible. And lying by omission but I don't think she physically hurt Haleigh.

And I also don't think she and the father are involved in covering up something that Misty may have done- this is a four or five month relationship- I think dad would have turned on her immediately if she did something tho hurt his child.

I also think her immaturity would have prevented her from cracking for this long if she was helping Ron to cover up a murder or accidental death.

I have to wonder if this couple lived in a house like the Anthony's and if Misty were a middle class, well put together young woman if people would be calling her a prostitute and other things.
I believe all the speculation is coming fast and furious because we have yet to see Misty give a "complete and factual" account of the time between 5:30 - when bro, friends and nephews left, and 3:00 am when Haleigh was discovered missing.

She has been interviewed by several media outlets and we have the video - yet I have yet to hear - when was dinner, what did she make for dinner, did both children eat, what about bath time, what time was bath time - did Jr. get a story - what time did Jr fall alseep, was there any TV watching, which shows? She has not accounted for normal, daily routines in the children's lives. That leaves a huge chunk of time UNaccounted for and opens up big avenues for speculation. I don't believe telling the public about dinner, what they ate, who did dishes, who took baths and when is going to "compromise" the investigation at all. And it just might give us info to STOP the speculating.

Just sayin......
Respectfully snipped and bolded by me.


Her reference to plural abductors strikes me as odd....

Since she didn't know if it was a him or her I'm sure that's why it was used. I have done the same myself or use they instead of them.
I don't think they've been released yet, but I'm waiting for a nice Sunshine Law document dump!! :)

That would be a blessing in forming an opinion panthera! I have posted over the past day or two why I am focusing on Misty. I have lined it out. I'm not dismissing anyone's theory because as you pointed out without a doc dump (facts from LE) we can only pose theories right now based on what we think and feel. :)
I'm wondering about the blanket washing. Why take a blanket off the window at night time when it's used as a curtain. I'm sure LE checked, but I wonder if the trailer has a good expensive Maytag or washer that will wash two blankets at a time. The cheap crappy, but new washer that I have gives me all sorts of trouble by not filling and rinsing if I try to wash a big load of bedding at one time.

You too, huh? I made the mistake of washing a queen sized comforter the other night. D*mn washing machine walked all the way across the laundry room before I could get to it.

Taking the blanket off of the window at night would definitely be a huge no no for me if that's what I was using for a curtain.
But if she would of said I wouldn't of let him take her, we would be saying how did she know it was a man? I totally understand her same them in that context.

Very true. I guess I just thought "I wouldn't let anyone take her" would be a more natural phrase.
That is what I was trying to articulate, but couldnt, a few threads ago. She seemed to make sure to explain she was cleaning, and the blanket was peed on and she had to do laundry. why? who cares? if "thats all you know" I guess I could see it, but why not say uncle john and jim were here, and his friend doug, and billy came with the kids, instead of all of this blanket, pee and window blanket washing.

Maybe trying to justify why she was not in the room with the kids....or maybe making up a story to cover up the fact that she wasn't even in the trailer?
Great find.
I am confused, however. Is there a link to MC bringing up this cousin and why? It was my understanding that he had visited and pilfered Ronald's gun?

It was brought up on Geraldo last night by Craig R. he said he talked to Misty and that was one of her theories. I guess the cops already know because they wouldn't comment, when asked by a reporter today, accept to say they were talking to extended family.
I agree with you. I mean asbolutely no disrespect to Tim Miller but this is exactly why I got annoyed with him when he was on the Caylee Case. If you are going to commit to a case you don't just stay there for 2 days and then be like "oh we are going to leave."
I really have to believe that Tim's decision to leave has a direct connection to the direction law enforcement is going in this case. When it was made public that TES was closing shop, the police also came out with an announcement of changes in their investigation,to discontinue the ground search. This has to be connected, I doubt Tim just decides on his own it's time to stop searching, just my opinion.
Maybe trying to justify why she was not in the room with the kids....or maybe making up a story to cover up the fact that she wasn't even in the trailer?

I have been thinking that too AA. I said earlier that I am not sure she was in that trailer all night. In fact, I'd be surprised if we find out she was right about now.
I pray to God that they don't get "lawyered up"

The need to keep interviewing Misty until she comes clean, she knows something, and nothing will convince me otherwise.:mad:
Me too, Lovejac! I hope they don't get lawyered up too. Hopefully they won't. Misty will be easy to break, I think... she is not like the evil Casey!
I hope Ron doesn't kill her when she finally tells the whole truth!

You know, I wasn't going to follow this case, as i am still so 'into' the Caylee case, but once again i got sucked in!
My heart is so heavy for Haleigh, and what must have happened to her. Poor children, so many are in situations where they really just don't have a chance! I wish I could take all of them in and raise them as my own!
Yep, but never does she mention anyones name that came over to the house,,,,,friends relatives, etc, we know they DID. Why go on and on about cleaning and pee and blankets. Why didnt she live at home? I read a few threads ago she was homeless when she moved in with Ron. Was she scared of someone in her family. Seems like if I was scared, Id try to bring in other people who were around right away, so everyone could be looked at. I would say Billy, john and david came over, and brought lil suzy johnny, whatever etcetera...
I have to wonder if this couple lived in a house like the Anthony's and if Misty were a middle class, well put together young woman if people would be calling her a prostitute and other things.

People accused KC of all these things too.
It was brought up on Geraldo last night by Craig R. She said he talked to Misty and that was one of her theories. I guess the cops already know because they wouldn't comment, when asked by a reporter today, accept to say they were talking to extended family.

Thanks, Cajun. :blowkiss:
I swear, I need a separate mental filing system just for stories surrounding this MC person. Is it just me or does everything about this case just seem so disjointed? I'm going to start my own filing system to get things in order. I'm having a difficult time following otherwise.
Do any of you know if Misty is staying in the tent with Ron right now?

This article (linked above) says that Haleigh has Turner's syndrome. If that is true, that is a condition which has major medical implications. (Check google or wikipedia for details.) I have read a lot in these threads and I noticed someone commented on whether Haleigh was small for her age. Turner's syndrome can make a child small for her age.
I hope they find this little angel soon--alive!
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