FL-AMBER ALERT Haleigh Cummings 5 yrs. old - Putnam County #9

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bio mom hasn't acted very concerned to me. In fact, I'd much rather hear maternal grandma talk bc she seems better able to articulate herself better. Bio mom just answers "yes. no. yes. yes. no." when I feel like a short explanation could/should be in order. Not saying that bio mom has anything to do with it - like everyone else, I just don't think she seems to be emoting all that much.
Maybe you have a link to the interview you are speaking of because I have watched a lot of them and the girlfriend never states she was in the same bed with Haleigh. She say's RIGHT NEXT TO HER. How reporters interpret and report what she said is what the problem is....or if you have a link to the interview where she states she was in the bed with Haleigh I would love to hear it.

I'm not ignoring you...just trying to wade thru the video's to find where she said it.....OR, as you said, maybe it was taken out of context....BUT, almost positive it was an early video.
I wish there was a way to get a travel trailer or a small rv out there for the father and the girlfriend to sleep in rather than a tent. I am sure he wants to stay right there, and I would too. Does anyone know if they can be hooked up to existing electric at the mobile home. Anyone know anything about renting one?
POSTED: Thursday, February 12, 2009
UPDATED: 10:59 pm EST February 12, 2009

*snipped from article bolded by me*
Girlfriend Describes Waking Up, Finding Haleigh Gone

I would have got up and I wouldn't have let them take her," Croslin said.
I wished they'd took me instead of her, because I could have fought," Croslin said.
What do they want with a little 5-year-old?

Haleigh's Mother Has Questions, But Same Plea
"If somebody went in there and grabbed her, they'd have to know her," Sheffield said Thursday afternoon. "Haleigh's not going to wander off or let some stranger pick her up without making a noise. It all sounds fishy to me, but I don't want to make any accusations, I don't want to talk about them. I just want my baby home."

I think this is an issue of grammar, not guilt.
I don't know?? The GF may be hiding something, but it's difficult for me to believe this particular seventeen yr. old was involved. Simply because I don't believe she could pull it off as well as she has. I think she is just very frightened.

From where I'm sitting - I don't think is pulling it off well. There are so many inconsistencies in her story. To be a good liar you have to have a very good memory. I'm not saying for sure she is lying but there is lots of reasons to think she could be lying.
POSTED: Thursday, February 12, 2009
UPDATED: 10:59 pm EST February 12, 2009

*snipped from article bolded by me*
Girlfriend Describes Waking Up, Finding Haleigh Gone

I would have got up and I wouldn't have let them take her," Croslin said.
I wished they'd took me instead of her, because I could have fought," Croslin said.
What do they want with a little 5-year-old?

Haleigh's Mother Has Questions, But Same Plea
"If somebody went in there and grabbed her, they'd have to know her," Sheffield said Thursday afternoon. "Haleigh's not going to wander off or let some stranger pick her up without making a noise. It all sounds fishy to me, but I don't want to make any accusations, I don't want to talk about them. I just want my baby home."

It is too hard to interpret what you posted without seeing the question that was asked of the gf.
I was trying to follow this story, but we are on thread 9 now. There was a lot of conflicting stories right at first.
What I have so far.

Dad was at work. (FWIW, I have seen crane operators, along with others, in FL working throughout the night on bridges and causeways, avoiding the day-time traffic.) Dad got off work at 3am. Haliegh was missing when Dad got home. GF says she, Haliegh, and little brother were asleep in same room, but not in same bed? GF gets up to go to bathroom and Haliegh is gone. 911 was called when Dad got home. Dogs traced Haliegh's scent to end of dock near home.

Anyone care to help a fellow sleuther? What do I have wrong, and what have I missed?

Essentially, you have all that correct assuming the story doesn't change again. The last story I got last night was- Misty (the girlfriend) put Haleigh to bed around 8:00-8:30. Then, Misty went to bed in the same room as Haleigh around 10:00. At around 3am, Misty woke up to go to the bathroom and walked past the kitchen. When she did, she noticed the kitchen light on, walked into the kitchen to turn it off, and then she noticed the back door wide open. She walked into Haleigh and Juniors room ("Junior" is the nickname for the 3 year old brother) and Haleigh was gone. She then called Haleighs father, who was pulling in the driveway from work. He came inside, and they called 911.
It was her two nephews that are Haleigh's age. The brother and an air conditioning guy?

In one of the accounts (NG interview I believe), she said it was her brother AND a couple friends, and the two kids.
Has anybody asked the little boy( Haleigh's brother) where they slept and if the they were in separate beds. Many 2 or 3 year olds can be very articulate and of course some are not. I was just wondering if the boy can be of any help.
POSTED: Thursday, February 12, 2009
UPDATED: 10:59 pm EST February 12, 2009

*snipped from article bolded by me*
Girlfriend Describes Waking Up, Finding Haleigh Gone

I would have got up and I wouldn't have let them take her," Croslin said.
I wished they'd took me instead of her, because I could have fought," Croslin said.
What do they want with a little 5-year-old?

Haleigh's Mother Has Questions, But Same Plea
"If somebody went in there and grabbed her, they'd have to know her," Sheffield said Thursday afternoon. "Haleigh's not going to wander off or let some stranger pick her up without making a noise. It all sounds fishy to me, but I don't want to make any accusations, I don't want to talk about them. I just want my baby home."

I find that use of pronoun curious too Momtective. I posted my thoughts a few posts back on the door. That is really bothering me. Do I think that this 17 yr old girl did something to Haleigh? No..I do not. Do I think this 17 yr old girl is telling the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth? Hmm, not quite sure.
I'm not ignoring you...just trying to wade thru the video's to find where she said it.....OR, as you said, maybe it was taken out of context....BUT, almost positive it was an early video.

lol...thank you...I didn't think you were ignoring me this board is moving too fast and I can't keep up!
It is too hard to interpret what you posted without seeing the question that was asked of the gf.

I don't think, in that portion of the interview, there was a question asked to the gf. She was just rambling about how she would've rather the kidnapper(s) taken her instead of Haleigh because she could've fought them off, and Haleigh couldn't.
bio mom hasn't acted very concerned to me. In fact, I'd much rather hear maternal grandma talk bc she seems better able to articulate herself better. Bio mom just answers "yes. no. yes. yes. no." when I feel like a short explanation could/should be in order. Not saying that bio mom has anything to do with it - like everyone else, I just don't think she seems to be emoting all that much.

I got the ffeeling that the bio Mom was rather detached from her children and thats why she spoke the way she did.
Has anybody asked the little boy( Haleigh's brother) where they slept and if the they were in separate beds. Many 2 or 3 year olds can be very articulate and of course some are not. I was just wondering if the boy can be of any help.

Early on (like, in the first day this story broke) I'm pretty sure in one of the articles police said they had spoke to both the 17 year old, and the 3 year old, and neither one remember anything because they were both sleeping.
With any breaking story there will be lots of misinformation bandied around, it wasn't clear at the begining of this case what was going on, people were speaking of cousins, the little boy was 2, 3 and 4. Haleigh was spelled Hayleigh etc But the gf and bf should, by now, have their story straight to a level that the very basics are covered, like WHERE WAS HALEIGH SLEEPING! If they can't get that simple basic IMPORTANT fact clarified then there is something wrong.
I got the ffeeling that the bio Mom was rather detached from her children and thats why she spoke the way she did.

Yeah. I got that feeling too. Especially since according to her Myspace, she's all gooey eyed over the baby & her fiance...but calls her other kids "brats"
I read were dogs followed The Halieghs sent to the end of the dock.is there water nearby?? Would she have somehow got out of the home and fallen into water?? Im just beginning to read up on this case TIA
From where I'm sitting - I don't think is pulling it off well. There are so many inconsistencies in her story. To be a good liar you have to have a very good memory. I'm not saying for sure she is lying but there is lots of reasons to think she could be lying.

I am confident that she is lying about the discovery of Haleigh not being in the house. She is soooo bad at it though that it really convinces me that she is not involved in a sinister way. There is no way she could hold up to LE/FBI/polygraphs/press/family if her truth was that she killed Haleigh and disposed of the body and then cleaned up the crime scene.

She can't even handle the "we went to bed in this configuration, I woke up because _________ and she was gone." It almost seems like every version she tells someone says "well that doesn't make sense because _______________." and being 17 and not fulling grasping that life doesn't always make sense, she redrafts the story, runs into the same problem and then runs it from another angle.
I got the ffeeling that the bio Mom was rather detached from her children and thats why she spoke the way she did.

Not to bring up a sore subject but what the bio mom didn't say on Nancy grace last night was that the reason the state gave custody to the dad is because there was a history of drug use in her past and that is one reason she lost custody. I am not putting her down or anything, I give props to anyone that can clean their life up.
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