Identified! FL - Big Cypress Natl Preserve, Male Hiker, Denim & “Mostly Harmless” July 2018 - Vance Rodriguez #3

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“Mostly Harmless, if you’re here, if any part of you is here, and you don’t want to be here anymore. You’re invited to walk out with us”.

Wow. This made me tear up. This was a hiker interviewed for the podcast that met MH on the trail. Him & some friends went back to the site where he was found. He talked about how that camp site/area was creepy & made him feel uneasy.

I enjoyed hearing this hikers interview on the podcast.

Now more than ever, I strongly feel like MH was not a missing person.

Good updated podcast with a different perspective on his notebook writings. IMO
The podcast confirmed many of the hypotheses I made in my prior post. In addition, seeing the color photos of the journal and full autopsy report reminded me of some thoughts that have been rattling around in my brain for a while.

1. There's a photo of MH with palm trees and scrub brush (idk if this is a real term, but it's what we called it in SW FL) in the background. He's relatively clean shaven and of a healthy weight. Does anyone know when that photo was taken? I've not seen a consistent date, but think it may help line some movements up, as he's sporting some serious mutton chops when he's found. Where did he shave? More importantly why did he shave?

2. The notebooks are pristine: no food/grease stains, no water damage, no dirt smears (at least majorly visible). Some of the ripped out pages have some yellow staining. I'd hazard he had them packed in ziplock or covered by something waterproof.

3. I don't know that I'd agree 100% that the notebooks were written "while hiking", but certainly agree that they were written after his arrival in Florida. Could have been at a public library, hostel, whatever. Considering the uniformity of the script, I think they were written while stationary for a significant amount of time, rather than on a train, bus, or in a car. I'd also wager he wrote on a hard surface...because think about squatting/reclining/contorting yourself in a tent to write sophisticated content with this degree of penmanship. Is there consistent access to picnic tables along the FT?

4. I'd bet my last dollar that those are Wal-Mart notebooks and were purchased not long before his death. Had he hiked the middle section of the Florida Trail, he wouldn't have had great access to Wal-Mart (up by Sebring, maybe?). But if we throw a stop in Sarasota/Ft. Meyers/Naples into the mix, then bingo.

5. I'm going to get my mother, a recently retired physician, to take a more focused look at the autopsy report. I gave her a verbal read out, and she agreed that something seems off. I think it would be good to know if "abundant" feces means "impacted," as that in conjunction with the empty stomach are red flags. was he bathing? Stagnant water and amoebic dysentery go hand in hand...and you can absolutely suffer from diarrhea and fecal impaction simultaneously.

6. Something still nags me about his jacket. Probably because I listened to the latest CaseFile podcast episode in which Japanese investigators trace a perpetrator's sweatshirt down to the individual sale lot throughout SE Asia. The BR jacket had a limited run and was sold by only a handful of stores.

7. I'm going to assume he's a US citizen, since his prints would be on file if he was on a work visa or had permanent residency via a green card. He might have voted...and likely in NY state. We're about to have another election, and voter rolls are routinely purged following non-renewal of registration. Perhaps the 2020 presidential election will indeed be kind to us in some way.

8. No idea about his sexual orientation. I am, however, a queer person who has lived in NYC and know that many people sharply cordon off their professional and personal lives. I know in other cases people have made Tinder/Grindr profiles that function as missing persons posters, but do not know the ethics/legality of this practice. Perhaps someone--regardless of gender or sexuality--may have previously swiped right on MH.

9. How did he get from Brooklyn to Bear Mountain. Was he dropped off by ride share? Did he take the train? Bike? Could LE look through Uber/Lyft public data to determine if anyone made a long trip from Brooklyn to Bear Mountain?

10. Tin foil thought #1: if we throw out the Louisiana connection, might he be from an isolated community? I remember wanting to comment on this last year when someone mentioned Mennonite or Amish....and Sarasota is absolutely a destination for these groups. It is common to pass families in traditional clothes biking on three-wheelers out to the beach.

11. Tin foil thought #2: if not Amish/Mennonite, what about one of the Orthodox Jewish communities (Williamsburg Brooklyn) or Scientology (Clearwater). I know several people who have been shunned from both of these groups...and there's no going back for either.

That's it for now...sorry about the length and thanks for slogging through if you made it this far!
It seems like the younger guy has brown eyes, doesn’t it?

I go between brown and hazel for Chad. MH’s eyes were blue/grey but I always thought they looked more hazel in his photos. Can’t find any identifiers anywhere for Chad.
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Anyone have an account to access I registered but I’m waiting to be accepted by the mods. I came across an interesting post with dates posters were leaving on the AT in early 2017. Without a validated account, I can’t click the usernames. Figured I’d post here in case someone here has an account.

starting soon
I’m so sorry if this was already posted, but has this screeps forum discussion been checked out? Someone replied:

This is definitely screeps talk, so yes your suspicion that "ben2" maybe the person in question is possible, his activity stopped around 3 years ago.

maybe someone in his friends list knows personal details about him? have they been questioned?

if you look at the groups he’s in on Steam, he’s in two of them. 1 is for another game, and another is called “Aliena” made in 2015 and he’s the only member along with another Steam account named Ben, who’s the creator of the group. this other account has around the same amount of friends.
I’m so sorry if this was already posted, but has this screeps forum discussion been checked out? Someone replied:

This is definitely screeps talk, so yes your suspicion that "ben2" maybe the person in question is possible, his activity stopped around 3 years ago.

maybe someone in his friends list knows personal details about him? have they been questioned?

if you look at the groups he’s in on Steam, he’s in two of them. 1 is for another game, and another is called “Aliena” made in 2015 and he’s the only member along with another Steam account named Ben, who’s the creator of the group. this other account has around the same amount of friends.

I don’t know anything about Steam, but it looks like some of his badges were awarded in 2019. Unless they’re given out without having to log in?

ben's Steam Badges
“Mostly Harmless, if you’re here, if any part of you is here, and you don’t want to be here anymore. You’re invited to walk out with us”.

Wow. This made me tear up. This was a hiker interviewed for the podcast that met MH on the trail. Him & some friends went back to the site where he was found. He talked about how that camp site/area was creepy & made him feel uneasy.

I enjoyed hearing this hikers interview on the podcast.

Now more than ever, I strongly feel like MH was not a missing person.

Good updated podcast with a different perspective on his notebook writings. IMO

Which podcast was this on?
Which podcast was this on?
Here’s the SoundCloud page for the Collier County Sheriff’s podcast Sworn Statement. The latest episode is titled “July update” and I provided some key takeaways (or at least what I thought might be key) on the previous page of this thread.
I’m so sorry if this was already posted, but has this screeps forum discussion been checked out? Someone replied:

This is definitely screeps talk, so yes your suspicion that "ben2" maybe the person in question is possible, his activity stopped around 3 years ago.

maybe someone in his friends list knows personal details about him? have they been questioned?

if you look at the groups he’s in on Steam, he’s in two of them. 1 is for another game, and another is called “Aliena” made in 2015 and he’s the only member along with another Steam account named Ben, who’s the creator of the group. this other account has around the same amount of friends.

@Narcj had looked into this. That is what was referred to regarding Steam not giving information about their users. It is possible that badges & such are claimed automatically when you have a paid subscription. This has also been discussed, but i don't know about the specifics. For example, is it a monthly payment? Yearly? Is it recurrent & charged automatically. IMO
Sorry @Coffee56....I didn't follow all the posts....Who is this person you are comparing MH with?

Chad Smith from Pickering Ontario. Disappeared with 6 other teens in 1995. Stole a boat and went joy riding. Never found remains of them or the boat. Just a gas can. Some unreliable sightings of a couple of them after. 3 boys have an online missing presence. The other 3 very little.

I cross posted on their websleuth thread also.
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The podcast confirmed many of the hypotheses I made in my prior post. In addition, seeing the color photos of the journal and full autopsy report reminded me of some thoughts that have been rattling around in my brain for a while.

1. There's a photo of MH with palm trees and scrub brush (idk if this is a real term, but it's what we called it in SW FL) in the background. He's relatively clean shaven and of a healthy weight. Does anyone know when that photo was taken? I've not seen a consistent date, but think it may help line some movements up, as he's sporting some serious mutton chops when he's found. Where did he shave? More importantly why did he shave?

My complete speculation...

In this picture, the weather appears to be much hotter than a lot of the other pictures he appears in. You can see this his arms are badly sunburnt/tanned from where his sleeves lift up a little. With the hot weather, he may have stopped at a place to unwind and cool off. While doing so, he may have either symbolically shaved his beard to feel clean and refreshed (there was a movie with Matthew Perry and Chris Farley where they are colonial time explorers and Chris Farley gets "shave and a haircut" which made me think of this) and/or shaved his beard with the thought process that it would be better to have a beard in the winter and stay cool and clean in the summer.

7. I'm going to assume he's a US citizen, since his prints would be on file if he was on a work visa or had permanent residency via a green card. He might have voted...and likely in NY state. We're about to have another election, and voter rolls are routinely purged following non-renewal of registration. Perhaps the 2020 presidential election will indeed be kind to us in some way.

My assumption is an agreement, largely for me because of the content of his notebooks. Everything is written in English, specifically, "English, Simplified" (American English) as opposed to "Queen's English" (British and others). Basically, nothing stood out like using "color/colour" "Center/centre" or other words that may have a non-American spelling. This is important to me because I have lived in several other countries, and their English system is based on British English.

Aside from the English style, I don't recall seeing any measurements that used the metric system (although US soldiers measure map distances in meters and kilometers). I also did not notice anything being measured in liters (litres British English)

This is just my two cents as to how he can be ruled out from foreign origin, including Canadian that would more than likely use British English and metric measurements. However, I don't see imperial measurements being used either, so I know my theory is not 100%

9. How did he get from Brooklyn to Bear Mountain. Was he dropped off by ride share? Did he take the train? Bike? Could LE look through Uber/Lyft public data to determine if anyone made a long trip from Brooklyn to Bear Mountain?

Take this with a grain of salt, but a FaceBook user on one of his missing pages claims to have met him early on and seen him on and off between NY and Pennsylvania, "leapfrogging" to there.

Anyways, the user claims that when he met MH, MH claimed that he had taken a bus to Bear Mountain (Or at least a bus near that area), but claims that is what MH told him about his travel.

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