Identified! FL - Big Cypress Natl Preserve, Male hiker, "Denim" & "Mostly Harmless", Jul 2018 - Vance Rodriguez

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Long post. New here, learned of Mostly Harmless from the Wired article. I've been reading through these threads to see what had already been discussed. Reluctant to join because I already spend way too much time online. I have been sharing a link to the Wired article (and now the Othram announcement info) via FB and e-m with 4 friends in FL (none of them had heard of the case) and with mostly media outlets in FL and LA as well as a few national. Thoughts and observations follow.

Someone commented on his use of 3x3 grid in his notebooks. Ben Bilmey is 9 letters. I've wondered if it is some sort of substitution code or code for his SSN, if he had one. Haven't come up with anything though.

Also tried google translate without knowing others had.

Also searched Louisiana parish and city/town names to see if any seemed connected to the letters in Ben Bilmey. Nothing stuck me.

Benoit is used as both a Cajun first and last name.

GuildWars site mentioned above ends about 2007, around the time he told hikers he began working in NY. Other info on the site refers to Mostly Harmless there as a close knit group that only accept friends of friends. Swiffle is listed as being from NY so that might be a lead if we can figure out how to contact. Also lists a member from FL. Interestingly, the wiki page for Guild Wars Mostly Harmless (archived) lists the members but Cajun EvE is missing. Guild:Mostly Harmless (historical) - Guild Wars Wiki (GWW) Narcism which is listed reminds me of comments here about the apparent missing syllable related to nutritional in the protein bars. I have no idea if admin noticeboard on the wiki connects to someone related directly to the page or someone at wiki. EvE may mean environment vs. environment?

Off the wall thoughts: Bilmey backwards is (wh)Y me Lib (Liv?)
ben mirrored could be ned?
Ben Bilmey with the duplicated letters (think nutritional>nutrional) unduplicated is Ben Ilmy though that hasn't led anywhere.
Bilmey->bill me (If he owed someone money).

Possible that he went offline if fired or divorced/split for spending too much time online doing things other than work or if he didn't want to interact with anyone about whatever had happened. Possibly to prove to himself or someone else that he could. Some people need to quit thing cold turkey, may have been his addiction of choice.

At 5'6" I was down to 82 pounds (female, typical weight before and after was about 120) due to mercury and arsenic poisoning. I was still working (though fired during this time for spending work time trying to figure out my health issues) and driving at the time but exhausted as is work, eat, crash. I was eating healthy with added good fat (several avocados a day) but had trouble gaining weight. I was aware something was wrong but didn't trust mainstream medical after one HMO doc wanted to test me for AIDS. I had strangers ask me or assume that I had AIDS or anorexia. I'm not suggesting that MH had mercury or arsenic poisoning but wanted to provide some perspective from someone who had been very underweight. The alternative doc who diagnosed me correctly described cachexia but did not use the term as far as I can remember (somewhere I have the transcribed notes from the appt.) In addition to extreme fatigue my memory and ability to spell where affected. I had always been a good speller but couldn't figure out here vs. hear at the worst of things. I also have suspected (but never tested) celiac so malabsorption issues.

Another random thought is that he was diagnosed with a progressive vision issue (hike while I still can)(walking poles)(hike only 10 miles a day). May not have been discernible PM if an issue with the eyes themselves. May have been reluctant to interact with others or to try to venture out for fear of getting lost or encountering wildlife. Sadly, many people fear blindness more than death. Cash on hand meant to pay for his cremation (I suspect burial costs more) if found.

Anyone know if there's a list somewhere of missing declared dead (without a body) following Hurricane Katrina, Sandy, 9-1-1? Chance that someone might use those circumstances to disappear and since both LA and NY figure into this.

Ok, last thought for this post. Suppose abusive father, disappear/move away/end contact with family. Feels guilty that couldn't save Mom or sister. Receives word that father dies or quits job, gets fired, or takes vacation to go camping to think. Decides to visit sister but not ready yet, hikes for a couple weeks to try it out, decides to continue, contacts friend (via snail mail?) to put stuff in storage, finishes AT, decides to continue to FL to visit sister to try to reconnect/apologize or one last time due to his health or to SEE her if vision issue, this occurs during absence from trail/time line.
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Off the wall thoughts: Bilmey backwards is (wh)Y me Lib (Liv?)
ben mirrored could be ned?
Ben Bilmey with the duplicated letters (think nutritional>nutrional) unduplicated is Ben Ilmy though that hasn't led anywhere.
Bilmey->bill me (If he owed someone money).

The alias that MH used was Ben Bilemy, not Ben Bilmey. And so far, no one has really come up with much as far as anagrams or codes, at least nothing that has panned out.
lonebirch, Thanks for the correction. I can't believe I consistently got it wrong above knowing it was Bilemy.
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I have been following along for a while now and just wanted to comment on something. Many who are just joining in say things like I am not sure what has been discussed or maybe don't say much because they think something has already been thought of.

I think with the new interest and excitement of this case being in the media more and getting shared further than it has been previously, it's a great idea to discuss things again. Even if it has been thought of, something someone writes could spur another thought for a new person to check a different idea out. We never know when someone new sees something mentioned again that didn't see it mentioned before and it triggers a memory or a thought and it leads down a new path. Many cold cases get solved by fresh eyes looking at the case and the evidence and talking to witnesses again or looking at facts again. Sometimes a ball gets dropped in the initial look that is discovered in a new look.

I think it can be frustrating to talk through the same thing again for those that have been around a while, BUT it just might be that conversation that leads to a new person seeing something that gives them an idea. It is never for nothing!

Just wanted to say that to encourage the new people coming in to share those ideas even if it may have been discussed before. Maybe you have a different take on that evidence or person.
What still perplexes me is that in the crime scene photos and autopsy report, his tent and clothes were clean in regards to human waste. While the scene looks as though he starved to death because he got immobile somehow, he was able to go outside and use the restroom, and clean himself up. The autopsy report also states findings of a bit of unknown food substance in his stomach, and a full bladder of urine of which the color indicated severe dehydration. He was eating, drinking, and going to the bathroom outside of his tent! Plus, writing code in a notebook suggests to me that he was planning on going back home at some point to actually put the code to use. Why did he let himself starve to death?
I also think so. He did not deliberately starve himself to death.

And there are so many conditions that autopsy cannot see, especially if his body tissues were already in a state of autolysis. Or conditions that would require a wide array of blood and other tests the standard autopsy does not do (and cant do, certain blood tests have to be done with fresh blood). They have their fixed standard protocol, check for macroscopic changes in every organ and the long bones and also do basic toxicology and urine tests.
Just because superficially he looked fine, no bloodclots or changes in organ size and shape and negative toxicology tests does not mean he was a healthy man. Just it is beyond the natural limits of forensic medicine.

Yes he had urine, stool and some food in his stomach. He must have eaten and drunk at least a few days past. I wonder why he did not (or could not?) try to get some help from other hikers? Something must have completely knocked him out and other hikers did not want to disturb him in the tent. Very tragic story.
Re: hiker report of missed food drop (not sure now where I read this but around the last time seen alive, if I recall correctly)

Other than the hiker report from the Pinhoti or Florida Trail have any other hikers mentioned MH having received/picked up any supply drops/food drops/packages along the way? Anyone here know what would happen to unclaimed supply drops along the trail? Would they get mailed back to the sender, be held for a certain amount of time, go into unclaimed mail, or be discarded at some point? Would they trigger concern about the person who didn't show up? Would someone at the drop location start asking others hikers if anyone knew/had seen a particular hiker? (Wouldn't help if address to real name that no other hikers knew). Would they likely be addressed with the person's actual name or a trail name? Does one have to show ID to pick up? If returned, one would think that would trigger sender to wonder.

Rather late to try to follow up in this case but might be useful info. I'm guessing there are customary places along at least the AT used as supply drops (hostels, specific post offices near the trail) where they wouldn't worry if a day or two late but might if more. If he received others I'm guessing they might have been sent by friends who stored his stuff or by his sister, although I know some hikers arrange to send them to themselves. Seems like a supply drop would be a bit of excitement along the trail and something hikers might talk about or walk together to pick up.
I have been following along for a while now and just wanted to comment on something. Many who are just joining in say things like I am not sure what has been discussed or maybe don't say much because they think something has already been thought of.

I think with the new interest and excitement of this case being in the media more and getting shared further than it has been previously, it's a great idea to discuss things again. Even if it has been thought of, something someone writes could spur another thought for a new person to check a different idea out. We never know when someone new sees something mentioned again that didn't see it mentioned before and it triggers a memory or a thought and it leads down a new path. Many cold cases get solved by fresh eyes looking at the case and the evidence and talking to witnesses again or looking at facts again. Sometimes a ball gets dropped in the initial look that is discovered in a new look.

I think it can be frustrating to talk through the same thing again for those that have been around a while, BUT it just might be that conversation that leads to a new person seeing something that gives them an idea. It is never for nothing!

Just wanted to say that to encourage the new people coming in to share those ideas even if it may have been discussed before. Maybe you have a different take on that evidence or person.
Thank you for saying this! I couldn’t agree more!
Do they look for smallpox vaccine scar when trying to determine age? Wouldn't be exact but could help narrow it down since they stopped routinely administering it in the US in 1972.

Ya know, I also wondered about that for an different reason.

After 13 years in the military, I’m not entirely convinced that the fingerprints rule him out as former military (due to administrative carelessness etc, I’ve expanded on it in previous posts)

Anyways, the reason I though about this was because in 2008, it was mandatory to get the smallpox shot on your non dominant arm (I don’t know how early this start d being mandatory or if it is still mandatory today ) causing a circular scar on the shoulder.

To me, this could also be an indicator of prior military service, or not.
Ya know, I also wondered about that for an different reason.

After 13 years in the military, I’m not entirely convinced that the fingerprints rule him out as former military (due to administrative carelessness etc, I’ve expanded on it in previous posts)

Anyways, the reason I though about this was because in 2008, it was mandatory to get the smallpox shot on your non dominant arm (I don’t know how early this start d being mandatory or if it is still mandatory today ) causing a circular scar on the shoulder.

To me, this could also be an indicator of prior military service, or not.

I've had two smallpox vaccines and neither one of them left a scar on my arm, whereas my mother and sisters scars are still visible.
Saw this on another MH site and think it’s worth sharing. Age would be a little over the age range but not by much. I’m not sure why it’s a non family abduction with so little info. I don’t normally automatically think runaway but I think it’s possible here. I think maybe Scott and his sister may have just left.

26DMAK - Scott Curtis Fandel

Re: hiker report of missed food drop (not sure now where I read this but around the last time seen alive, if I recall correctly)

Other than the hiker report from the Pinhoti or Florida Trail have any other hikers mentioned MH having received/picked up any supply drops/food drops/packages along the way? Anyone here know what would happen to unclaimed supply drops along the trail? Would they get mailed back to the sender, be held for a certain amount of time, go into unclaimed mail, or be discarded at some point? Would they trigger concern about the person who didn't show up? Would someone at the drop location start asking others hikers if anyone knew/had seen a particular hiker? (Wouldn't help if address to real name that no other hikers knew). Would they likely be addressed with the person's actual name or a trail name? Does one have to show ID to pick up? If returned, one would think that would trigger sender to wonder.

Rather late to try to follow up in this case but might be useful info. I'm guessing there are customary places along at least the AT used as supply drops (hostels, specific post offices near the trail) where they wouldn't worry if a day or two late but might if more. If he received others I'm guessing they might have been sent by friends who stored his stuff or by his sister, although I know some hikers arrange to send them to themselves. Seems like a supply drop would be a bit of excitement along the trail and something hikers might talk about or walk together to pick up.
We did a mail drop just once, the wife sent it out to a designated business on the FT and we picked it up there. No ID needed, I just told them "Hi I am Max Power and I have a package waiting" signed a paper and I was gone.

However I do think you need ID if you're picking up a drop at a post office. There is a website that lists all resupply points on the FT so I am assuming the AT as well. But, you need someone on the other end sending it out at the right time.

Also, most have a phone so they might tell their wife to send a different jacket or socks or whatever.

Looking back on that one mail drop, IIRC the website said that variety was important. You don't want to be consuming the same stuff on the trail because you get sick of it. Did MH get sick of his rations? Haven't thought about that yet but worth some others weighing in.
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