GUILTY FL - Carlie Brucia, 11, Sarasota, 1 February 2004

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DNA Solves
I just can't stand the waiting to hear if they've found the guy! I can't believe he could be there on video in broad daylight and not have anyone identify him. :eek:

I hope they find her safe, but I also have to say I am disappointed in the lack of coverage of her abduction. I have had to search for news on it.

Also- did anyone uncover why an Amber Alert wasn't issued for her until Monday? She disappeared on Sunday night. Why did they wait? Even if they suspected she may be a runaway she is only 11 years old. Why wouldn't the Amber Alert go out immediately?

it would be nice if the schools would teach a form of street safety, like jovin said drop down makes it harder to do what was intended, these children should realize they are in danger when something like this happens, they should know that it would be the same for them to be harmed at the first crime scene then to be taken off to another place that turns out to be crime scene two and to go on missing for years. I do believe that someone will come forward about this man. I just hope that he doesn't harm her, maybe if he saw that he was on tape that maybe he will change his mind, after all the tape is more trouble for him to deal with. I at least hope that if this is his work clothes that the firm that uses those will say something to the police. I read that a motorist saw a man and a girl struggling in kissemmee ( sorry for the spelling) at 5:50am tells me that maybe this man lives there and works in the area where she was taken from, maybe the nearby garage. the work clothes to me look like what a trucking company mechanics shop personel would use. if not a mechanic at least a equipment operator of sorts. I hope the video cleans up enough to use. nasa has assisted the nashville investagators with a video tape which is in worse shape than that, but the outcome of the results will most likely not be made public for some time. this man should realize that if he is identified by the tape and she is no where to be found then I can hear the rope tighten around his neck even now. all just my thoughts and opionions, maybe the law inforcement should look at all the websleuths postings, maybe it would give them some ideas to work with..
fellow websleuthers, we all should pray that all these children and young/old people are located... god bless the familys living with all this..
From watching the video, it looked to me like maybe the abductor was holding a cell phone. Maybe he approached Carlie and said that her parents had called him to pick her up? Maybe he told her her Mom was on the phone to talk to her, and that is how he got close to her and grabbed her?

My heart is just sick over what Carlie and her family are going through. I showed this video to my 9-year-old and we went over what situations to avoid and what to do if anyone ever approaches. I didn't mention to crouching down, like you said dannie, but I will do that today. Great idea!

Bailey1 said:
The man is short as he is the same height which implies to me Spanish or Mexican. He looks to me a man in his 30's or even older by his stature. The tag will be identified. If not his name his business. This guy deserves the max. Thank God for the camera but unfortunately doesn't erase this child's experience. She is NOT ok, she has been missing by a man that grabbed her. He certainly didn't take her for conversation.

I also thought that the man looked very short, and pretty dark complected. He could be an ex convict. Tatoos were all over his forearms. A very upsetting thing to see on film, tragic for the family, and horrible for the little girl.
nixmom said:
You are so right Poco. Yesterday in St. Louis, a 10 year old girl was abducted as she walked home from a convenience store and raped. "Luckily", her rapist released her about an hour after he tortured her. Also on last nights newcast, a 7 year year old girl was sexually assaulted at a freaking Super Bowl party where both of her parents were in attendance. That happened less than ten miles from my home and scared the heck out of me. PARENTS: PLEASE WATCH OVER YOUR CHILDREN! PREDATORS ARE JUST WAITING FOR YOU TO TURN YOUR BACK! I am still just physically ill from these news reports from my own backyard and now Carlie is missing. God help our children!

I also heard on Court Tv that a girl was raped in a Target store. Didn't catch the name of the town, but it showed the guy on tape in the music section of the store.
I wonder if Karlie had access to a computer, and could have been chatting with somebody whom she arranged to meet?
Imon128 said:
I wonder if Karlie had access to a computer, and could have been chatting with somebody whom she arranged to meet?

Possibility to look into.....

I thought it was strange that she took a supposed short cut and there this guy was, almost like he was waiting for her -

Did he know who she was?? If he had been "stalking" her, he wouldn't have known to find her there as that was not the regular route she took.

If he was not stalking her, did he just see her on the spur of the moment and abduct her with no plan in mind?

Too many nuts out there today! I hope they find her soon. I cannot even imagine what she and her parents are going through!!!!

These are those cases where I vote for public lynching - right there on the spot!!!!! I get tired of this slap on the hand "Bad boy, we know you have a sex, problem, you are going to get to sit in jail the rest of your life." When it comes to children, we need to make an example with some of these child molesters - because it just seems to be getting worse!
It looks to me like he was trying to gain her trust. I can remember vividly when I was younger, how stories would go around and these sickos were abducting people by telling kids someone sent them, or something happened to someone they loved. My mom always gave me a "password". If the stranger didn't have the password, I didn't go. Even if it was a neighbor, friend, whatever.
I am praying for her return. The video is heartbreaking.
I decided to look up some statistics on how many stranger abducted children are recovered. More than I thought are recovered, but the average statistic does not sound too good. The average abducted child murder victim is female, 11 years old, near her home, and from a stable family. Over half of the murderers are repeat offenders due to sexual offenses. The offender is often from, or works in the surrounding area, and the abduction usually not planned out, but of convenience.
txsvicki said:
I decided to look up some statistics on how many stranger abducted children are recovered. More than I thought are recovered, but the average statistic does not sound too good. The average abducted child murder victim is female, 11 years old, near her home, and from a stable family. Over half of the murderers are repeat offenders due to sexual offenses. The offender is often from, or works in the surrounding area, and the abduction usually not planned out, but of convenience.

Thanks for the research - very intereseting - so, I guess they just take advantage of the moment.......
I see Doyle posted a link about the delay in the Amber Alert, but for those that want a quick rundown...
The video was not seen until Monday, when she disappeared on Sunday evening, they had no idea if she was a runaway or just lost. The video was seen by the business owner on Monday and he alerted the police that it captured something.
The FBI and NASA are working on the photo.
One more tidbit for anyone interested. Florida makes it's living off the tourist industry. With the exception of Miami, the rest of the state does not want bad publicity about the crimes that occur. Unless the family of a victim goes to the press and demands attention, crimes are not picked up by the press. The police claim it helps with their investigations and the press knows where their bread is buttered, so if you depend of the media for information you might think that Miami is another state (one of crime-ridden scoundrels) and the great state of Florida is basically crime-free.

I must say that I can't agree with this line of thinking as forewarned is forearmed.
Juliana said:
........we went over what situations to avoid and what to do if anyone ever approaches. I didn't mention to crouching down, like you said dannie, but I will do that today. Great idea!


Juliana...Please tell your child to do I saw this guy on tv (and it made quite an impression on me.) I even had my adult daughter try it with me, because it seemed so simple and I just couldn't see how it worked, BUT IT DOES!

Please, anyone and everyone reading this...pass this hint along to every child (and it wouldn't hurt to warn the adults in your family either) you know. I swear it could save their lives. I just wish I could remember if it was Oprah's program that he was on, and I can't remember his name, but it was just so eye-opening! He showed it more than once with the kids (and actually I saw him more than once...because this one time he was in an auditorium with kids and had them try to get away from his grip ...AND IT WORKED EVERY TIME!)

Maybe they were just showing that as a clip on her show when he was a guest, but it's been quite awhile.

As far as someone not seeing any coverage on this case...MSNBC and CNN have had it on non-stop!
Re: news in Floridas
With the exception of Miami, the rest of the state does not want bad publicity about the crimes that occur.

It now looks as if Miami has joined the rest of Florida, since aol/cnn had "no information" about the middle school boy who was killed in the bathroom. It seems he was stabbed. What's happening that children are no longer safe either at school or walking home? Websleuths has really made me aware of how unsafe our society has become. Is it TV, movies, video games, drugs, gangs, more people?
It is really a shame that the $$$ makes the rules. The income from the tourist trade is substantial but hiding the crimes as if they don't happen is just wrong. Especially when the crime involves a child that may (hopefully) still be alive.
dannyodie said:
it would be nice if the schools would teach a form of street safety, like jovin said drop down makes it harder to do what was intended, these children should realize they are in danger when something like this happens, they should know that it would be the same for them to be harmed at the first crime scene then to be taken off to another place that turns out to be crime scene two and to go on missing for years. I do believe that someone will come forward about this man. I just hope that he doesn't harm her, maybe if he saw that he was on tape that maybe he will change his mind, after all the tape is more trouble for him to deal with. I at least hope that if this is his work clothes that the firm that uses those will say something to the police. I read that a motorist saw a man and a girl struggling in kissemmee ( sorry for the spelling) at 5:50am tells me that maybe this man lives there and works in the area where she was taken from, maybe the nearby garage. the work clothes to me look like what a trucking company mechanics shop personel would use. if not a mechanic at least a equipment operator of sorts. I hope the video cleans up enough to use. nasa has assisted the nashville investagators with a video tape which is in worse shape than that, but the outcome of the results will most likely not be made public for some time. this man should realize that if he is identified by the tape and she is no where to be found then I can hear the rope tighten around his neck even now. all just my thoughts and opionions, maybe the law inforcement should look at all the websleuths postings, maybe it would give them some ideas to work with..
fellow websleuthers, we all should pray that all these children and young/old people are located... god bless the familys living with all this..

Dannyodie, I agree with that the schools should have self defense programs for children and think that some of them already do. I don't know about the public schools in our area, but my son attends a private school and our PTA paid for someone to come to the school to teach the children ways in which to defend themselves. It was a three hour program and the children were split into age groups so that each grade was given methods that were tailored to their particluar age group. It was worth every single penny of the the $1,500.00 we spent!
Now that the video is being shown over and over, maybe someone who knows this man will come forward. I sure hope so. Praying that this little girl will be released TODAY>
I just read in a magazine (Better Homes and Gardens, I think??) about a program that teaches children to avoid possible abductors. I think there were 3 strategies, one was for kids on bikes. I believe the dropping or crouching move was in the article also.

Does anyone remember this? I will look it up at home, when I get a chance.

This is so heartbreaking.


JMO-and my two cents worth! :twocents:
This man had a video of his uniform and tag (whatever that was). Not to mention his face. Last year there was less of a video of a man with no uniform and partial face that abducted a little girl and he didn't even work there or live near by and they found him (Thank God).

I hope they are on him NOW.

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