GUILTY FL - Christian Aguilar, 18, UF student, Gainesville, 20 Sept 2012 #2

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while I think he may have the mindset I dont think PB has the smarts to pull off anything...because of his written communication we see that he could not even follow his own directions...he is just not that smart and thus got caught on his first outing.
I don't feel sorry for him in the slightest. Not only did he murder Christian in the most horrific way possible, he outlined a plan (fanciful it may have been, but the intent was 100% serious) whereby at least four more people/students would have to be randomly murdered so he could save his sorry skin.

On top of that, and in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary he sat in that witness box and lied for several hours. Patently obvious, farcical, ridiculous lies - in fact, his lying testimony was the only defence they could muster. Not a single character witness, not a friend, no-one to speak for him, no experts to attempt to contradict the forensic evidence, nothing. Just Pedro's sociopathic arrogance as he sat there and lied and lied, insulting the intelligence of everyone in that courtroom and everyone watching at home. Every sentence he uttered just reinforced his guilt.

Then, having been found guilty on all counts by a jury that took only three hours to decide (including dinner!) - did he admit his guilt, ask forgiveness, show real remorse and genuine contrition? Nope - he stood there and pronounced his innocence. Even now, even in the face of indisputable and insurmountable evidence, with nothing to contradict it, other than his lies .. he still claims he is innocent. If he were willing to face up to what he had done that would be something, but he doesn't.

So no, I don't feel sorry for him. Not even a flicker of pity. The way in which he killed Christian - the premeditation, the sheer horror of the act itself, and what he did in the aftermath of the killing .... is all the proof I need that he is evil to the core. And as for him not being 'smart' - he's a highly intelligent young man, just nowhere near as clever as he thinks he is, and he has been outwitted at every turn by fine police work, a first class prosecution team, excellent witnesses and the courage and dignity of Christian's family.
I don't feel sorry for him in the slightest. Not only did he murder Christian in the most horrific way possible, he outlined a plan (fanciful it may have been, but the intent was 100% serious) whereby at least four more people/students would have to be randomly murdered so he could save his sorry skin.

On top of that, and in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary he sat in that witness box and lied for several hours. Patently obvious, farcical, ridiculous lies - in fact, his lying testimony was the only defence they could muster. Not a single character witness, not a friend, no-one to speak for him, no experts to attempt to contradict the forensic evidence, nothing. Just Pedro's sociopathic arrogance as he sat there and lied and lied, insulting the intelligence of everyone in that courtroom and everyone watching at home. Every sentence he uttered just reinforced his guilt.

Then, having been found guilty on all counts by a jury that took only three hours to decide (including dinner!) - did he admit his guilt, ask forgiveness, show real remorse and genuine contrition? Nope - he stood there and pronounced his innocence. Even now, even in the face of indisputable and insurmountable evidence, with nothing to contradict it, other than his lies .. he still claims he is innocent. If he were willing to face up to what he had done that would be something, but he doesn't.

So no, I don't feel sorry for him. Not even a flicker of pity. The way in which he killed Christian - the premeditation, the sheer horror of the act itself, and what he did in the aftermath of the killing .... is all the proof I need that he is evil to the core. And as for him not being 'smart' - he's a highly intelligent young man, just nowhere near as clever as he thinks he is, and he has been outwitted at every turn by fine police work, a first class prosecution team, excellent witnesses and the courage and dignity of Christian's family.
Martha, it's not that I think PB doesn't deserve what he's getting, it's just the thought that if he knew what he'd be facing for the remainder of his pitiful life, I suspect he would have had second thoughts about killing Christian. When he claimed to be depressed and suicidal, I believe the threats were his devious way of manipulating people to get his way. Someone said up-thread that he will certainly be depressed now, and I agree. I won't be surprised if we hear about him committing suicide in prison. He won't be able to manipulate anyone there. Michael Angelo testified that PB wanted some of MA's connections on the outside to do him some favors. PB thinks the world revolves around him and that everyone else exists for his benefit, so he thinks it should be acceptable for him to murder someone whom he perceives is 'in his way' or overshadowing him. Yes, PB is intelligent and could have done very well in life, but he believes he is a genius and still can't understand why the jury and judge weren't taken in by his far-fetched tales.

I really wish someone had knocked some sense into PB long ago....then maybe Christian would still be alive and PB would also have a life ahead of him. Tonight I was even thinking how much PB reminds me of Calvin of Calvin and Hobbes. I know, PB's not funny at all, but I didn't think the comic strip was, either, when it first came out. I was too astonished at the little boy's brattyness. But, after a while I started to feel sorry for Calvin because he was convinced he was a genius although he said and did some of the most illogical things. I've often wondered in horror what type of teen and adult a child like Calvin would grow into. Perhaps if we knew more of PB's background, we would have the answer because, as an adult, I see those same qualities in him: the conniving, the lies, the mentality that he is super-intelligent while lacking simple common sense, and the egocentricity. We can even laugh at the those qualities in a fictitious character. At times during his trial, PB said things so preposterous that I burst out laughing -- until, that is, I quickly remembered that he was on trial for Christian's murder. But, his irrationality made the trial seem so surreal. How could an intelligent young man say such preposterous things, and then expect everyone else to believe him?

Over the last week I've been wondering (not inspired by PB alone), if there might be some sort of procedure that would enable people who have no conscience to live peaceably in society. I have always been repulsed at the idea of electroshock therapy and lobotomies, but I'm beginning to look at such neuropsychological procedures differently. If those treatments could keep innocent people safe from sociopaths and keep sociopaths from wasting away in our prison systems, they would be worthwhile. I do believe, though, that behaviors like PB's are more nurture than nature, so maybe schools need to be aware of early signs of personality disorders. Most schools any more have staff psychologists, don't they?

Just some thoughts. :thinking:
Dear Friends,

Anyone else notice - the state prosecutors - this is a quality team. Even the female, she appears effective - silent but deadly. The husky pros. who gave the open - tactul delivery, although he did not challenge Bravo during cross... and finally, last but not least, the pros. who delivered the close... efficient... but - is it me? Anyone else notice he is wearing a hair piece? (toupee)? He adjusts it during early direct with one of the members of the circle of friends. Horrible quality - had to hold the volume button to adjust it - due to poor audible system, mike systems, and these attorneys just walking around. Interesting how - the bearded one who discovered the skull and shallow grave - he was able to just tell his tale, without question - and the defense did not even object - multiple use of hearsay "jesse said he smells something dead,: etc. Anyone else notice he looks almost identical to the Judge? I'm serious>? Is there a term for him, not cajun, but , while a local, is there a term, the beard lends itself... anyway, an interesting trial... finally, been a slow, dead summer. Anyway, thanks for all your contributions - please have a look at what I point out above, and lmk your thoughts... I know its a rug!

Love ya,

The Gajonka.
Tonight on ABC 20/20 they will feature Pedro Bravo and Christian's girlfriend Erika Frimon on their show.

A beautiful college student loved by two young men. Then, one vanishes. A frantic search discovers his body, face down in a shallow grave in the swamps of Florida. After a two-year investigation, Pedro Bravo was accused of strangling his romantic rival and one-time best friend Christian Aguilar to death and faced first degree murder.
Sorry if it was asked but does his journal was made public to download?!?
Wow, this Prosecutor- bringing up what a state attorney mentioned on TWITTER! What a POOR decision!!!! I mean, is he kidding? This is professional conduct>>??? Unreal,,, he almost caused this trial to absorb dismissal, which could and possibly should have been done! Grrr.... Twitter during closing....
Wow, this Prosecutor- bringing up what a state attorney mentioned on TWITTER! What a POOR decision!!!! I mean, is he kidding? This is professional conduct>>??? Unreal,,, he almost caused this trial to absorb dismissal, which could and possibly should have been done! Grrr.... Twitter during closing....

I believe it was what the prosecutor said that was tweeted about that was what was being talked about on twitter. Not that he tweeted it himself! imo
Dear Friends:

Okay so I have viewed the trial in its entirety. Its interesting- Elisa Ortiz - the ex girlfriend. Chris did not have the good sense to realize that he needs to log out of an site or his credentials, info will be there. So scorn, Elisa, let Pedro know... and this was a VERY SMALL GROUP. Maybe Pedro and Erika were only one of two or tree couples. This creates a sick environment sometimes. All in te same area- sucked in by the allure of Florida and all the ******** football mania. The state decided not to go after Elisa Ortiz - this was Chris' fault.

This is an interesting dynamic- between Erika and Pedro, no mention of a restraining order.... just face to face , long encounters involving discussion. Hmm.

Can't help but notice- these are little kids... barely 20. MORe to come...
It also appeared that Bravo, certainly one who is familiar with being bullied, employed a "kill em w/ kindness" approach to answering Kramer's questions on cross. It took Kramer a bit to adapt and realize what e was doing, since Kramer is equal to 3 bravos in size, which neutralized bravos effort to gain sympathy from the jury.
He was intimidated... and went to his happy place responding with "correct" to almost every question and not moving an inch the entire time.
Ezzel's twitter comment really could have caused a mistrial, and the judge should have spent more time at least considering it. Giving the jury an impression that these state attorneys are out on twitter, actively participating on social media while a [modsnip] trial is taking place - is unimaginable. Ezzell almost blew it.
Dateline def highlighted the unique set of characters involved in this case. From the dedicated, reliable, blinking Peck, to the calming cowboy-hat wearing, Roberts, who had an interrogators wet dream with Bravo, who demonstrated how a serving up a 100% cooperative police visit will get you detained immediately.

A poisonous, infectious setting like Doral... with sex introduced between such s small set, well, it is danger. Poor Chris, had he had enough sense to change his passwords, perhaps he was just too gentle a soul,,, and tat will get you hurt out here.

I wonder if there had been any interaction between the parents.
Judge Denies Pedro Bravo a New Trial in Murder of UF Student Christian Aguilar

A judge denied a new trial for a Miami man convicted of murdering a University of Florida student in a fit of jealous rage.
Lawyers for 20-year-old Pedro Bravo requested a new trial Tuesday after statements by an attorney for Bravo's onetime cellmate Michael Angelo, a key prosecution witness.

I am shocked this is the what his attorney came up with to try for another trial. Seriously! :thinking:
Two Years Since Christian Aguilar's Murder
Published September 20th, 2014

GAINESVILLE - Two years ago today, Christian Aguilar’s disappearance brought the community of Gainesville together for one cause-- to find him. In this special report-- we sit down to talk to his brother and the girl who became a main topic in this case.

On September 20th 2012, UF freshman Christian Aguilar went missing. Alex Aguilar, recalls every inch of Gainesville being under a microscope as thousands tirelessly searched for his brother. “Seeing all those people pour in and help you. Strangers that you never met before just come in and want to help you was such a great form of support,” Alex said.

video and more at link.
Just checking in here because I watched the episode of See No Evil last night regarding Christian's case. Just browsing the last few pages here and wow ! So Erika and Pedro were previously a couple ? She broke up with him and then met Christian ? Did Pedro even know Christian prior to that ? Thee show on ID made it sound as if Erika and Christian were a couple a long time and that Pedro and Christian were best friends a long time. Curious what little detals can be left out that make an entirely different scenario.
Just checking in here because I watched the episode of See No Evil last night regarding Christian's case. Just browsing the last few pages here and wow ! So Erika and Pedro were previously a couple ? She broke up with him and then met Christian ? Did Pedro even know Christian prior to that ? Thee show on ID made it sound as if Erika and Christian were a couple a long time and that Pedro and Christian were best friends a long time. Curious what little detals can be left out that make an entirely different scenario.

They left a lot of details out of the show, and I noticed this was a different show than what they had previously shown.

All three went to highschool together and graduated together. Erika and Pedro were boyfriend and girlfriend in highschool. When Erika and Christian went to college in Gainesville Pedro was not enrolled he came later. Erika and Christian and became involved with each other after they go to college.

This case was featured on 20/20 on Friday. Pedro was interviewed and he seemed totally devoid of any emotions, IMO.

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