GUILTY FL - Damien Kornegay, 16, fatally shot, Columbia County, 5 Jan 2015

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"Other Sheriff's Office reports indicate Kevin Kornegay made the brother and older sister have sex. Seven months after Kevin Kornegay was arrested, the girls' mother caught the brother and sister having sex."

Most disturbing is that the state knew that both the brother and older sister had been forced to have sex. Then, when the two kids were caught after the uncle was incarcerated CPS investigated and nothing happened. That seems criminal on the CPS side.

My God, this case is just getting sadder and sadder.
"Other Sheriff's Office reports indicate Kevin Kornegay made the brother and older sister have sex. Seven months after Kevin Kornegay was arrested, the girls' mother caught the brother and sister having sex."

Most disturbing is that the state knew that both the brother and older sister had been forced to have sex. Then, when the two kids were caught after the uncle was incarcerated CPS investigated and nothing happened. That seems criminal on the CPS side.

This newest info is really confusing. If uncle was abusing/molesting and videotaping BOTH the older siblings I wonder why news reports make it seem as if he was only tried/convicted of that crime with A? Was he tried/convicted for crimes against both A & D? Or only A? If only A, why? If both then why not mention that in the earlier articles which are phrased in such a way as to suggest only conviction for crime against A?

Also why do earlier articles seem to imply/suggest that the inappropriate activity later which mom discovered is somehow A's fault? Seems to me like that behavior would be understandable between children who had been taught to behave that way with one another. Particularly when neither was given appropriate help to figure out how to relate to one another properly.

What a mess. Have i mentioned yet today how much I abhor this case?

Sounds like inadequate or improper supervision over these kids their entire lives. :(
If I were in that DA's shoes and this case came across my desk, I might not be so willing to let it go, to dismiss all charges and let CPS take full oversight of the situation. If it were within my power, I might see juvenile charges as a way to get the girls sentenced to the intensive therapy they'll need in order to have any hope of happy, productive lives and, you know, the outlook is not rosy at this point. It would be a way to make sure more than one agency keeps their eyes on the situation, an extra layer of protection. Theoretically.

After watching CPS fail time after time from one end of the country to the other, I just don't trust them. Maybe if the girls could be guaranteed the best possible psych support the state can arrange for them and some time to heal in an environment suitable to their fragile condition without further traumas being inflicted, juvenile charges might turn out to be... not such a bad thing? Maybe the lesser of two evils?

Maybe a pie in the sky idea, but I just really hope the girls get everything they need and, if anyone deserves a little extra service from the justice system, these two certainly do.
The adults in the horrific case set these horrific events into motion. It baffles me that anyone could see otherwise. These victims are minors who were all living in a h&llhole of sexual abuse and neglect.

The uncle was a monster who had no qualms terrorizing the older sister physically, but do not be confused: what he made her do with her brother victimized them BOTH (and it affected every child in that household)! The fact that her own "mother" was fully aware, and consciously chose to not only leave her home alone, but locked away, leaves me without words to describe (without being banned permanently). How could she NOT get her care after she attempted suicide? Who does that? :gaah:

These "parents" are responsible for the outcome. Can you even imagine what YOU would do? The pain you would feel, the utter betrayal that had built up over time? Would you not unravel, come unglued, after such torture by your own flesh and blood? Remember, we are talking about the mental processes of a teenager! My daughters are also 4 years apart, and love each other dearly (even if they don't always get along), and I know for a fact that my youngest would do anything to protect her big sister if she felt someone was hurting her. :cow:

These victims need the absolute best in assessment and assistance that can be rendered by Child Forensic Psychiatric and Psychological trauma specialists. Thus far I have been impressed by the manner in which the DA has handled their complex case.

I can only hope that as the adjudication process continues, the matter is handled with the sensitivity and compassion it deserves -5 in regards to the girls. I am deeply saddened it took the violent loss of their brother for the truth of this horrific abuse to come to light.

I truly believe when the investigation is complete, the Prosecutor will throw the book at the so-called parents. I realize the uncle is already serving life in prison, but IMO his actions contributed to D's death sentence. He was a major catalyst in all of this.

It is at their collective feet that true responsibility lies for what happened in this home. Based on all I've read so far, these sisters were trying to survive. They did NOT go about it the right way. How the Juvenile Justice System will handle this remains to be seen. Their lives hang in the balance, and I am certain the DA is aware of the gravity of the situation.

The adults should pay adult consequences for failing the children. If there's a way to charge them with felony murder, I believe it is fitting. Granted IANAL, but that's just my take on this case.

My heart goes out to these children. This is a cautionary tale of abuse and neglect. It leaves me to ask myself if this could be happening elsewhere in our country... around the world? I've been a WSer long enough to know the sad answer, and it makes me weep. :tears:



This post is purely :moo:

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and now all the hidden ugly begins to come out. I guess all my heavy edits on page one to my speculative post were not necessary after all. Somehow I had the story before the story was out.

I hope the courts will deal fairly with these sisters and come down hard on these parents. IMO if the sisters are telling the truth, and I have no reason to believe they aren't, they were stuck in a household from hell with their oldest brother as their keeper meting out discipline while mommy tagged along after daddy over the road, because, well as mommy said on her FB page, it's complicated.

Very angry right now because I knew. Knew from the moment Okie posted the first link on this story it was going here. I want these parents in a room alone for a stretch. Sorry but this is just such a preventable mess. Life should not have been what it seems to have been in this house. Particularly for A. :cow:

Yes, a minor girl of this age committing first degree murder on a family member, barring diagnosed mental illness, is going to have some really ugly history behind it. And the brother learned it from the uncle and saw how the girl was basically punished for it. Quite a set-up for a total family failure.

Two weeks after a pair of young girls were arrested in the shooting death of their 16-year-old brother, a prosecutor has said that he will wait until counseling determines how years of alleged abuse impacted them before deciding whether to charge them with a crime.

And should 14-year-old AK and her 11-year-old sister be found guilty of juvenile-level second-degree murder, the assessments would help develop a sentence appropriate to their situation. The information cannot be used against them during the adjudication process.

Ariel might face some form of punishment, but both children should be postured for the best chance at life in the wake of tragedy, the prosecutor said.
Thank everything holy in this world. I am so glad that the prosecution is approaching this case in this manner. This gives me hope that these girls are going to be dealt with fairly, with their own special circumstances in mind and maybe, at long last, A will get the help she had every right to for so very long. Much needed help. This was a very welcome update to read and thanks so much for it OkieGranny.

From your link:


A recent tour of the girls' housing unit showed cells with beds covered by colorful blankets and matching carpets. The youths are offered structured opportunities to paint the cinderblock walls or play video games — even sing karaoke.

"We want to make it look softer and not so intimidating," said Dixie Fosler, DJJ North regional director. "We actually hope they leave here a little better."

Hallam said his staff is trained to pick up on needs kids might have, especially those who had been previously sexually abused. Siegmeister said that in his role as a prosecutor who has dealt with molestation victims, the criminal system fails to correlate dreary childhoods with troublesome adult records.

"I recognized there's a flaw in the system," Siegmeister said. "A lot of those victims were abused because their families were not good."

This closing snip gives me hope for their collective futures. To think that where they are now is actually a far better place than the h*llhole they were living in when this tragedy occurred is impossible to ignore.

May their healing continue.


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Thats what I was hoping for. Hoping the girls would be 'sentenced' to mental health halfway house where they could get some long term therapy.
The best that could happen to these children is to be sentenced like katydid said. Mental hospital to get the care they have needed for so many years. I see a plea with exactly that coming up. I wouldn't want them simply released without undergoing extensive therapy.
[h=1]Columbia County sisters charged with murder may have charges dropped[/h]
Siegmeister said the next hearing in the juvenile criminal case against the sisters is Thursday and he will have decided by then what action to take.
He said he might not charge the younger girl with any crime, and if he does charge the 15-year-old he recognizes she needs counseling, education and help for the abuse she has endured.
Amen. This is an answer to a prayer that has been on my heart since the opening post.
No charges will be filed against an 11-year-old north Florida girl held in connection to her brother's fatal shooting, but charges are still being considered for her 15-year-old sister, prosecutors said Thursday.

Both girls were released from juvenile detention and have been placed in new homes under state supervision. Their parents, who face felony child neglect charges, are out of jail on bond.

"The judge won't let their parents anywhere near them," said Blair Payne, the public defender representing the elder girl.

Payne said his office has received money, gift cards, clothes and food from the community and people elsewhere who want to help the girls.

Not a dry eye in the office, when the girls left.

Oh My gosh, these girls need so much help. Even the youngest of them.

what is scary to me is that grandparents are attempting to get custody of all 3 girls -- I do not think that is a good idea! MOO

"The girls' maternal grandparents, who have not spoken to the girls since the shooting, said they will fight for custody of the children, including a 3-year-old sister."
A 15-year-old north Florida girl who authorities say fatally shot her 16-year-old brother after years of abuse at home pleaded no contest on Thursday to felony burglary and will receive probation and counseling.The girl's probation will last until her 19th birthday, and is contingent upon her participation in counseling, and testifying truthfully in the case of her parents, who face felony child abuse charges.

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