GUILTY FL - Dan Markel, 41, FSU law professor, Tallahassee, 18 July 2014 - #4 *Arrests*

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I don't know why you would think that, unless he was "in love" with his sister. As successful as DM was - CA was considerably more successful. Please elaborate. Also I never felt that the little snippet of video of her talking to police the day of the murder was credible. The only thing that makes her look innocent is when she mentions her brother's ongoing joke about hiring a hit-man.I am confused as to why she would say that guilty or innocent.
I think she knew about all of this from the start.

I think he meant "envious" instead of the word jealous - a lot of people confuse the two. However, I don't think either man would have been envious of the other, since they seemed to have such different values. DM gave up a potentially lucrative career in private practice to become a legal scholar, and family and faith were so important to him. CA on the other hand had a lucrative career, lots of girlfriends, expensive cars and boats, and dubious taste in acquaintances.
As for why WA would tell the police that CA joked about hiring a hit man, another poster on this board had a theory which sounds very plausible. A year earlier, after the divorce was finalized and the court dismissed her petition to move to South Florida with the kids, WA told her then-boyfriend JL that CA had talked of hiring a hit man to take care of her "problem". The theory is that WA knew the police would talk to JL and learn of the conversation and so she decided to be pre-emptive by saying that sure, CA said that, but he was joking! It was all a big joke and he never really meant it. BTW, the police did talk to JL and he said that it wasn't a joke at all.
I think he meant "envious" instead of the word jealous - a lot of people confuse the two. However, I don't think either man would have been envious of the other, since they seemed to have such different values. DM gave up a potentially lucrative career in private practice to become a legal scholar, and family and faith were so important to him. CA on the other hand had a lucrative career, lots of girlfriends, expensive cars and boats, and dubious taste in acquaintances.
As for why WA would tell the police that CA joked about hiring a hit man, another poster on this board had a theory which sounds very plausible. A year earlier, after the divorce was finalized and the court dismissed her petition to move to South Florida with the kids, WA told her then-boyfriend JL that CA had talked of hiring a hit man to take care of her "problem". The theory is that WA knew the police would talk to JL and learn of the conversation and so she decided to be pre-emptive by saying that sure, CA said that, but he was joking! It was all a big joke and he never really meant it. BTW, the police did talk to JL and he said that it wasn't a joke at all.

DM and CA are worlds apart. CA is now counting down he days of freedom and from my sources nervous as my cat during a thunderstorm. My over under is within ten days we will see some action.
DM and CA are worlds apart. CA is now counting down he days of freedom and from my sources nervous as my cat during a thunderstorm. My over under is within ten days we will see some action.
Also this has made the Filipino national news.
i sure hope so it has been too long that the killers are free and with unlimited access to dan's boys.
DM and CA are worlds apart. CA is now counting down he days of freedom and from my sources nervous as my cat during a thunderstorm. My over under is within ten days we will see some action.
I have read through this thread once when I first discovered it but I don't remember if this was discussed. Remember when LR flipped and they recorded his confession? It was quickly available for the whole world to see, KM was arrested soon after. I remember thinking it was unusual for LE to show their card's like that. I have never seen that before, why did LE release that video?
If and when KM ever flip's would LE release her confession in the same way?
I have read through this thread once when I first discovered it but I don't remember if this was discussed. Remember when LR flipped and they recorded his confession? It was quickly available for the whole world to see, KM was arrested soon after. I remember thinking it was unusual for LE to show their card's like that. I have never seen that before, why did LE release that video?
If and when KM ever flip's would LE release her confession in the same way?

1. i don't believe that KM will flip as long as she has her current attorneys. is it a coincidence that in all of Florida, she just happened to pick attorneys who are right down the hall from CA's attorney? somebody had to plug that leak and put them together. that's some shady legal work IMO. KM is being used as a pawn to buy the alleged conspirator(s) time and kick the can down the road IMO.
2. if she does flip (again - i doubt it) i believe that arrest(s) will come well before it's made public due to the ability to flee (money) of the alleged conspirator(s) and the "game over" aspect of a KM flip. i'm surprised too that LE released the interview prior to KM's arrest but i guess they felt she wasn't a big flight risk - and they ended up being right because they got her.
3. i personally don't think the alleged conspirator(s) would attempt to flee - i think they believe that they are above the law and i think their attorneys have them convinced that they will get them off scot-free.
They didn't release Rivera's testimony before KM was arrested. She was arrested on Saturday, October 1st. He pled and they released the interview video on Tuesday, October 4th. He proffered testimony before her arrest that was included in her affidavit to issue warrant and redacted from publication. If/when KM decides to cooperate, I predict it will go the same way. She will proffer testimony in the presence of her attorney and the state attorney and law enforcement only, the information will be included in warrant affidavits for other parties, warrants will be issued and arrests made, then we will see her plea and get to hear/read about her testimony.
We don't have any idea what will happen. As correctly pointed out- previously KM was arrested, then LR's confession went public, almost a week later. Could happen that way, could be different.
There are no rules and everyone is guessing. We don't know what is going on behind the scenes or what LE strategy looks like in this situation. We will all just need to watch and wait.
It does seem like the noose is tightening and the we are marching towards the inevitable- but most short-term predictions have been wrong so far. It's possible there could be several rounds of additional arrests, but it could be a while, prolonging the suspense.
When the case is closed, LE will announce that. Until then, anything can happen.
We don't have any idea what will happen. KM was arrested, then LR's confession went public. Could happen that way, could be different.
There are no rules and everyone is guessing. We have no idea what is going on behind the scenes or what LE strategy looks like in this situation.
We will all just need to watch and wait.
It does seem like the noose is tightening and the we are marching towards the inevitable- but most predictions have been wrong.
It's highly possible there could be several rounds of additional arrests, prolonging the suspense...
When does the new SA take over?

Didn't he say (can't remember his name) that he would have had the A's arrested already?

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Anyone notice this, it seems to me that Lat and other usual sources have gone quiet of late? Maybe it was the holidays. Maybe Lat didn't like the reaction he got to his last post and realized he needed to dial back his Wendi-is-so-totally-innocent bias a bit, or just lower his profile. Maybe the wheels of justice are slowly turning.

Dan deserves justice. Why would Garcia and Rivera go to kill him, if they were not paid by someone? A serious question. What on Earth could be the credible, believable explanation that leaves a hired hit by the As just a fanciful fiction?
Maybe Lat doesn't like his blog being the top several results in Google searches of DM and WA. [emoji56]

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When does the new SA take over?

Didn't he say (can't remember his name) that he would have had the A's arrested already?

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The TD reports him to be Jack Campbell. He was sworn into office January the 6th. I haven't found anything about his indicating he would arrest the A's, maybe someone else here can sleuth it out. I will keep searching too.
I don't know why you would think that, unless he was "in love" with his sister. As successful as DM was - CA was considerably more successful. Please elaborate. Also I never felt that the little snippet of video of her talking to police the day of the murder was credible. The only thing that makes her look innocent is when she mentions her brother's ongoing joke about hiring a hit-man.I am confused as to why she would say that guilty or innocent.
I think she knew about all of this from the start.

It depends on how you define success. A lot of people make money. It does not take any education or class and sometimes is made by people who are willing to bend the rules or rationalize that there are no rules.

The kind of success that DM’s career represented is very difficult to attain. There are no guidelines or step 1, 2, 3…
Harvard is a good place to start but there are plenty of people with law degrees from Harvard that will not attain the success that DM had. Neither does it mean automatic tenure. (Many years ago a friend with a grad degree in landscape architecture, #1 in that field as is law from Harvard, was denied tenure at a state university)

Someone correct me if I am wrong but I think DM had an endowed chair of some sort. Wikipedia lists some of his accomplishments. It sounds to me like he had already made a name for himself, nationally.

The fact is that DM had already distinguished himself in his career. CA could never hope to be his equal. The difference would be obvious and I could imagine CA feeling envious.
He was a dentist and given a job by his father at a regular dental clinic. There are advances being made in dentistry, especially with lasers, faster healing periodontal therapy and “no more drilling” but I just checked their website and lasers are not mentioned. Neither did I see anything about mercury or alternatives using biocompatible materials. I am sorry to sound so critical but if you compare their smile makeovers with a general google search, then it will make more sense. Some of the teeth on their website look like Chiclets (bad lab) and I felt sorry for the people because they probably paid a fortune.

They are just good businessmen with patients who have not done their homework. It may be that all of CA's associates, family, friends thought that being rich was the ultimate success. Maybe he had not met anyone who had higher standards for success.
I thought that everyone knew of their existence, though.

The TD reports him to be Jack Campbell. He was sworn into office January the 6th. I haven't found anything about his indicating he would arrest the A's, maybe someone else here can sleuth it out. I will keep searching too.
Sorry TacoChip. It was around the time when the now ex SA broadcasted there was not enough to indict CA and CA's attys were giving him kudos.

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The TD reports him to be Jack Campbell. He was sworn into office January the 6th. I haven't found anything about his indicating he would arrest the A's, maybe someone else here can sleuth it out. I will keep searching too.

The SA race was btw Jack Campbell and Pete Williams. Pete Williams was a solid candidate - ran on better issues, had great experience and education. Jack Campbell was brought up under the wing of Meggs. Jack's daddy was in LE and had a bad reputation but, again, was a buddy of Meggs. GA was Jack's boss before he ran and won. During the debates, the question about the Markel case came up - how it's been handled (unsealing of docs, etc.). Pete Williams criticized the SA's approach from the start. So, Pete Williams, who did not win, was the one in reference. Jack Campbell - the new SA - is just more of the same.
The SA race was btw Jack Campbell and Pete Williams. Pete Williams was a solid candidate - ran on better issues, had great experience and education. Jack Campbell was brought up under the wing of Meggs. Jack's daddy was in LE and had a bad reputation but, again, was a buddy of Meggs. GA was Jack's boss before he ran and won. During the debates, the question about the Markel case came up - how it's been handled (unsealing of docs, etc.). Pete Williams criticized the SA's approach from the start. So, Pete Williams, who did not win, was the one in reference. Jack Campbell - the new SA - is just more of the same.
Thank you reallybusy. That explains it. And, here I was hoping for a new face, new blood and a different attitude.

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It depends on how you define success. A lot of people make money. It does not take any education or class and sometimes is made by people who are willing to bend the rules or rationalize that there are no rules.

The kind of success that DM’s career represented is very difficult to attain. There are no guidelines or step 1, 2, 3…
Harvard is a good place to start but there are plenty of people with law degrees from Harvard that will not attain the success that DM had. Neither does it mean automatic tenure. (Many years ago a friend with a grad degree in landscape architecture, #1 in that field as is law from Harvard, was denied tenure at a state university)

Someone correct me if I am wrong but I think DM had an endowed chair of some sort. Wikipedia lists some of his accomplishments. It sounds to me like he had already made a name for himself, nationally.

The fact is that DM had already distinguished himself in his career. CA could never hope to be his equal. The difference would be obvious and I could imagine CA feeling envious.
He was a dentist and given a job by his father at a regular dental clinic. There are advances being made in dentistry, especially with lasers, faster healing periodontal therapy and “no more drilling” but I just checked their website and lasers are not mentioned. Neither did I see anything about mercury or alternatives using biocompatible materials. I am sorry to sound so critical but if you compare their smile makeovers with a general google search, then it will make more sense. Some of the teeth on their website look like Chiclets (bad lab) and I felt sorry for the people because they probably paid a fortune.

They are just good businessmen with patients who have not done their homework. It may be that all of CA's associates, family, friends thought that being rich was the ultimate success. Maybe he had not met anyone who had higher standards for success.
I thought that everyone knew of their existence, though.


You hit the nail on the head. While CA is financially successful, DM could have easily made just as much money--if not more. After DM finished Harvard Law and his clerkship with the 9th Circuit, he was an associate at the litigation boutique Kellogg Huber in Washington DC. This is a firm that currently pays first year associates wet behind the ears $225k a year plus bonus. A mind like DM's would undoubtedly have made partner and would have been clocking over a million a year easy by now. Obviously DM took a different path for for self-fulfillment and went into academia. He wanted to shape the law (and minds) through his teaching and writing. Money is far from the only measure of success.
i'd like to see KM's lawyers investigated for a possible conflict of interest. perhaps we will see a motion for disqualification if and when her trial begins. i'd like to see CA's blowhard attorney on the stand to tell the court exactly what his involvement has been in KM's defense strategy and fee payment.
i'd like to see KM's lawyers investigated for a possible conflict of interest. perhaps we will see a motion for disqualification if and when her trial begins. i'd like to see CA's blowhard attorney on the stand to tell the court exactly what his involvement has been in KM's defense strategy and fee payment.

I love it.
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