GUILTY FL - Dan Markel, 41, FSU Law Professor, Tallahassee, 18 July 2014 *arrests* #10

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The first video was more upsetting. This one not so much. You're good to watch.:)

In the first interview posted (the telephone one) she did contradict Luis saying he was in the house when KM and SG were there. She says he came after they left; I think it is just a memory issue.

I still don't understand why she was not called. The contradiction and the fact she looked up information on the case after the probable cause document was released? Most people would. She did provide a lot of insight to how KM's attitude changed in distancing herself in their friendship. Maybe there are calls between her and LR with him reminding her of events?
I agree that it’s odd and the State could have brought everything up for full disclosure.
In the case I was involved in there were witnesses that one ADA thought were important and were subpoenaed but another ADA, who ultimately brought the case to trial, thought weren’t and a full conviction was not secured and IMO the witnesses testimony would have only helped.
Just speculating that maybe the State felt they could secure a conviction without her testimony or of course, as you mentioned, her credibility could be called into question.
Trials are such an iffy situation!! Wouldn’t want to be the one making calls regarding them yet at times you really question choices made!
There are two paradoxical strands of thoughts about the credibility of a speaker, not necessarily a witness. The legal field takes the paradox seriously because of the “innocent until proven guilty doctrine.”

There are two fascinating individuals with potential of falling at either side of the paradox in this case: 1) new incriminating material witness or 2) a wet gunpowder. They are Jessica R and Eric Meja.

May be Jessica R. was deemed untrustworthy witness by the State of Florida? May be the FBI could not corroborate her claims?

On the one hand of the paradox, the “drop of poison into the ocean” line of thought says a truck load of plutonium rods would add a minuscule quantity of contaminant to the ocean, since the ocean is already replete with potent poisons such as uranium, mercury, dihydrogen monoxide etc. Does that mean, “if the witness lies a little bite, it is harmless since she tells the truth for the most part?”

On the other hand of the paradox, the “fecal incident response recommendations for pool” are established set of protocols from the CDC about responding to fecal incidents in chlorinated and brominated recreational water venues. Should a drop of fecal matter warrant draining the entire pool immediately? Besides medical and scientific protocols, the slightest suspicion of fecal incident with its risk of E. coli, Hep. A, Gardia and Crypto parasites is enough to drive me out of the pool and … the building!

Has anyone learnt more about Eric Mejas? Was Eric Mejas an actual potential witness in the vein of Luis Rivera or was it a fictional character? Who was the third man driving Miami-Tallahassee round trip with Sigfredo Garcia that a neighbor noticed lurking around the house prior the week of the killing?
There are two paradoxical strands of thoughts about the credibility of a speaker, not necessarily a witness. The legal field takes the paradox seriously because of the “innocent until proven guilty doctrine.”

There are two fascinating individuals with potential of falling at either side of the paradox in this case: 1) new incriminating material witness or 2) a wet gunpowder. They are Jessica R and Eric Meja.

May be Jessica R. was deemed untrustworthy witness by the State of Florida? May be the FBI could not corroborate her claims?

J. Rodriguez: I do not believe it is a matter of trust worthiness. I found her credible. What did the FBI have to actually corroborate? She had little to offer and some statements she made could actually bolster the defense case theory. These are some highlights from BOTH interviews.

she contradicts LR story in that he says he was there for the money hand-off with SG and KM. JR says both had already left the house.

she thinks it is a brick of drugs

she is told KM's boob(s) were purchased by SG after the motorcycle accident settlement

she says Federal jailhouse calls are not recorded (defense would argue anything she says was coached or provided to her after the fact by LR to help substantiate his claims, to his benefit by getting a good plea deal) also the internet searches on the probable case and the Adelson's

there was not an influx of money provided to their family by LR, she received a crappy old car

she says SG was a very jealous partner in regards to KM
What she did say regarding KM's demeanor is very interesting and I would think would be very helpful to the prosecution case.

KM is distancing herself from their friendship after the murder; does not want SG going to their house. After LR is arrested, SG and KM are checking in with her, helping with diapers etc.

KM seemingly not wanting to enter the house for the money drop off, JR has to ask her from the balcony inside, it appeared that KM was out in the car "hiding", JR thinks this visit is to see the baby and says "what are you not coming inside to see the baby"

the strange call from KM's lawyer (she is the only one in her/their circle that is called by the attorney. Why is that? We know the why...her husband is a co-conspirator to the murder.

I found the tidbit about KM loving CA very interesting. KM has told JR that she is miserable that CA has a new girlfriend. I never thought of the relationship in those terms: LOVE
E.M.: As far as I know the only mention of this name is the internet ramblings on a Facebook account. On the account many crazy accusations are made. The poster seems to have suffered some trauma in his life. He seems to hate certain Judges and Lawyers. He claims drug deals were made between E.M. and these judges and lawyers. He claims CA approached him, he claims to have been inside CA house with the Markel in-laws at a party.....he makes many claims. All this is unsubstantiated gossip. If those letters and anonymous emails recently requested by the Defense have to do with these ramblings. I can see a concerned FBooker writing in as he has posted on the Justice for Dan page often. Or they could be from him.

It is plausible that the A's had previously hired someone else for the job and were ripped off.

I do think the neighbor saw something but most likely it was SG when he went to the house the day before to peek in. I do think the house alarm could have been triggered by this event as an alarm at Danny's house did go off. WA received the alarm call as well but ignored it. Why did she ignore? She knew what was going to go down?

I think SG could have gone to Tallahassee without LR as LR says he did not need directions.
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If you were a serious sleuth wanting to install advanced software for audio/video forensic on your computer, here are 3 of the best free tools (Open source software for the forensic video analyst) = AvsPmod, AviSynth and VirtualDub
This forth free software is an audio/video editor. You could use these 4 tools to prank some of your acquaintances … if you comprehend what you could be doing with them.
With these free tools, there is no “bad” audio/video that you could not make great again. Use at your own volition. Do not do anything illegal.
If you were a serious sleuth wanting to install advanced software for audio/video forensic on your computer, here are 3 of the best free tools (Open source software for the forensic video analyst) = AvsPmod, AviSynth and VirtualDub
This forth free software is an audio/video editor. You could use these 4 tools to prank some of your acquaintances … if you comprehend what you could be doing with them.
With these free tools, there is no “bad” audio/video that you could not make great again. Use at your own volition. Do not do anything illegal.

did you run any of these tools on the restaurant interview? If so, what did you hear?
I have “listened” to some of the audio /video pertaining to the case but unsure if a restaurant interview were one of those. Of what I have had the opportunity to review, there were not much worthy of your expert sleuthing skills. Otherwise, I would have queried Web sleuths’ help promptly.

In several recordings, there were some intimation of private thoughts whereas the speakers exchange gasconades of trefoils. In other of publicly available pieces, one cannot help but to have the cogitation that the interlocutors are fully aware of the ongoing spying. Fascinating conversations! It is as if you were reading someone’s body language looking at them from the back.

Besides the tone of voice and what is being explicitly conveyed, world-leading body language expert such as FBI’s Joe Navarro would have a lot to say about eldritch Ms. Wendi Adelson’s implicit testimony on Sep. 30, 2019. With an audio / video editor, one could pinpoint at some minute details. E.g.:

1) Wendi pruned her hair often while on the stand (e.g., 16 min 41 s and 1 h 13 min 48 s). She has several gestures for petting her hair, but in slow motion she has the same facial expression while doing so. Either she was working to be liked, … but by whom? Or, she was bored and wanted things to move on faster.

2) Wendi could be seen sort of licking her lips and/or swallowing saliva multiple times (in slow motion, she is seen doing both simultaneously) while tilting her head and catching someone’s gaze. Were these tics (does she do these automatically in her everyday life)? Or, was she purposefully blinking her eyes for a specific audience?

3) While speaking, Wendi arched her back and giggled few times (e.g. 1 h 11 min 41 s). Was she defiant such as “I am energetically winning over your proceeding”? Or, was Wendi rather self-conscious and blushing such as “I have a biological fright”?

At few times during the testimony, especially around the time she uttered “the state is not going to arrest me”; and, also towards the end of the proceeding, Wendi is seen with watery eyes while smiling! In slow motion, it is plain clear that Wendi’s facial expression is unmistakably of a fright.
"gasconades of trefoils". 'Gotta love your choice of words but I always have to Google to understand. It keeps things interesting! (Pruning makes her hair sound like shrubbery).

I have “listened” to some of the audio /video pertaining to the case but unsure if a restaurant interview were one of those. Of what I have had the opportunity to review, there were not much worthy of your expert sleuthing skills. Otherwise, I would have queried Web sleuths’ help promptly.

In several recordings, there were some intimation of private thoughts whereas the speakers exchange gasconades of trefoils. In other of publicly available pieces, one cannot help but to have the cogitation that the interlocutors are fully aware of the ongoing spying. Fascinating conversations! It is as if you were reading someone’s body language looking at them from the back.

Besides the tone of voice and what is being explicitly conveyed, world-leading body language expert such as FBI’s Joe Navarro would have a lot to say about eldritch Ms. Wendi Adelson’s implicit testimony on Sep. 30, 2019. With an audio / video editor, one could pinpoint at some minute details. E.g.:

1) Wendi pruned her hair often while on the stand (e.g., 16 min 41 s and 1 h 13 min 48 s). She has several gestures for petting her hair, but in slow motion she has the same facial expression while doing so. Either she was working to be liked, … but by whom? Or, she was bored and wanted things to move on faster.

2) Wendi could be seen sort of licking her lips and/or swallowing saliva multiple times (in slow motion, she is seen doing both simultaneously) while tilting her head and catching someone’s gaze. Were these tics (does she do these automatically in her everyday life)? Or, was she purposefully blinking her eyes for a specific audience?

3) While speaking, Wendi arched her back and giggled few times (e.g. 1 h 11 min 41 s). Was she defiant such as “I am energetically winning over your proceeding”? Or, was Wendi rather self-conscious and blushing such as “I have a biological fright”?

At few times during the testimony, especially around the time she uttered “the state is not going to arrest me”; and, also towards the end of the proceeding, Wendi is seen with watery eyes while smiling! In slow motion, it is plain clear that Wendi’s facial expression is unmistakably of a fright.
"gasconades of trefoils". 'Gotta love your choice of words but I always have to Google to understand. It keeps things interesting! (Pruning makes her hair sound like shrubbery).

Care to share? I'm too lazy to look it up :D. Also, I know you're not the OP but I loved the use of the term 'pruning'. I'm okay thinking of Wendy as shrubbery :).
Care to share? I'm too lazy to look it up :D. Also, I know you're not the OP but I loved the use of the term 'pruning'. I'm okay thinking of Wendy as shrubbery :).

noun: gasconade
extravagant boasting

tre·foil | \ ˈtrē-ˌfȯi(-ə)l , ˈtre-
Definition of trefoil
1a : clover sense 1 broadly : any of several leguminous herbs (such as bird's-foot trefoil) with leaves that have or appear to have three leaflets
b : a trifoliolate leaf
2 : an ornament or symbol in the form of a stylized trifoliolate leaf
Care to share? I'm too lazy to look it up :D. Also, I know you're not the OP but I loved the use of the term 'pruning'. I'm okay thinking of Wendy as shrubbery :).

The use of the word "pruning" was fun!

Gasconades seemed rather obvious. The trefoils threw me as I immediately thought of the Girl Scout trefoil symbol (yeah, I peddled those cookies in my youth!) so... when reading Computantis' post... I imagined Girl Scouts passing gas.
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“[…] I imagined Girl Scouts passing gas.” fred&edna, you made my day!

In general, I am disinclined to speak / write about myself, especially at fora such as Web Sleuths whereas the topic of discussion is well defined, namely “Dan Markel”, his murder and the unpunished criminals behind it. It should be of zero interest to others what my dogs did to some items in my home office, what I ate at that fancy dinner in honor of a guest speaker, or what opinion I might have with the spoken usage of some dear Sleuths. At Web sleuths and elsewhere, I have been at times chastised and at other times approved because of my choice of words. To remain polite, few words about my (un)spoken usage could be excused.

As an adult, I stutter occasionally when I emote or when I happen to be at an unfamiliar situation. Otherwise, I overcame childhood and adolescent stuttering in part by becoming an avid singer and out loud reader, of course when alone. I happen to speak few languages but I have some speech impediments from the inability to pronounce some phonemes in any language. To converse politely, I use circumlocutions and synonyms when I encounter words I could not pronounce properly. In what I do for a living, I speak and write to several persons daily.

From now on, I will avoid to split-hairs and speak plain, especially when narrating about a hair-brained person such as Wendi Adelson. By a hair’s breadth, I almost avoided the hairy situation of guessing what comes to the mind of this woman at the witness stand. She let her hair down as if at ease; And, yet, she has had a need of preening her hair without rearranging it. While watching the video of her deposition with her frequent gesture of petting her hair, masturbation came to mind. To remain polite, I settled with the Ashkenazim spoken usage of pruning hair.

Attempt at levity aside, many important questions remain. What was this eldritch woman thinking when courting, sleeping and breaking up with Dr. Jeffrey LaCase, her ex-husband's look alike? And, what has she planned before intimating to the police officer that my ex-boyfriend “may have done this” because he is mad at his look alike? What was she thinking when burping that her brother joked about "better to buy you a TV instead of to send hit men to kill her ex-husband"? And, somewhat … here you go … her ex-husband got executed by Latin King hit men? What was she thinking at the witness stand when she let is slip that “the state is not going to arrest me”? Does she meant to imply “the state is not going to arrest me … albeit the state has a good reason for doing so”? Scary piece of ... Please, let us remain polite.
CA's FL unclaimed property is a GROUP (typically employer/employee benefits) life or disability or dental insurance product. it has nothing to do with individual life insurance. it could also be a claims balance owed to him as a dentist for services rendered to an insured. Mentour Lawyer is chasing a dead end here. someone please let him know.
My Tallahassee Democrat subscription for $3.99 is nearing expiration, so I cancelled it before I was charged gosh knows what amount when they automatically renewed it. Just a heads up to others so they don't forget to cancel it before those three months are up for the digital special that many of us got.
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