GUILTY FL - David James, 41, slain in dispute, "Stand Your Ground", Valrico, 25 Sept 2010 *probation*

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Man accused in Valrico shooting won't be allowed to stay in home

When Heinrich was told about the proximity between Dooley's home and the shooting scene, the judge said, "He's not going back to that house. He's got to have to find another place to live. I will not let him be that close to that park where this event took place – where all these kids would be."

Dooley, a Hillsborough County school bus driver, has a permit to carry a concealed weapon. But Heinrich said today that Dooley cannot carry a weapon.
And what neighborhood will want this gun-happy, irresponsible old **** moving in next door? He should be about as welcome as an RSO.

Something tells me that I am going to be really, really, really furious about the outcome of this. Please, don't let it be.

That man went outside with a gun and made sure that the victim saw it, deliberately calling vic's attention to the gun. I think Dooley was deliberately inciting Mr. James, almost threatening, even if he did turn around and start walking away. And he got the result he was hoping for.

It was just wrong, wrong, wrong for that man to take a gun out to the area with him.

~ imo ~
This is a joke. Your telling me that can't prove ill-intent here? The guy pulled a gun on a freaking skateboarder. That's pretty darn ill in my book.

Bus driver accused in deadly shooting is released from jail, why?

Trevor Dooley, 69, used papers to shield his face from reporters as he walked to a silver sedan in the Hillsborough County Jail's parking lot late Wednesday night.

Oh. My. :furious: :banghead: :furious: :banghead:

From the link:
"Dooley's attorney tells 10 News his client plans to enter a plea of not guilty during his upcoming arraignment."


"There are some conditions to Dooley's release from jail.

He can't own or possess a gun even though he has a concealed weapons permit. He also cannot live in his Valrico home for now, since it's across the street from the park where James was killed."

I pray for TRUE justice here, but I'm not very hopeful at this point. :mad:
This whole situation is insane. I feel so sorry for that poor man's family. This is outrageous. And they aren't even sure they can get him on manslaughter? What kind of worthless DA have we got here?
It's pretty clear at least to me what is going on here- this guy is connected. He knows in the end he will walk and sadly, he will.
Isn't it ironic; a law that was intended to enable innocent citizens to protect themselves from the bad guys gets turned around. IMO, because he's an ex cop. The fix is already in, all the way up the line.
Glad I don't live there.

Vigil held for man killed in Valrico shooting

The family, friends and neighbors of David James, the 41-year-old Air Force veteran who was shot Sunday in a dispute over skateboarding, held a vigil tonight at the playground where he died.

James' parents, Don and Toni James, flew in from Minnesota and attended, according to Lovelace.

Danielle, the 8-year-old who saw her father killed, also was there, as was James' widow Kanina.

It was "a get-together with neighborhood residents to show support for the family," Lovelace said.

Friends, neighbors salute 'D,J," killed on Valrico basketball court

More than 100 friends and neighbors and co-workers of James gathered for the ceremony organized by Carolyn Mourey, 47, a close friend of the family.

She put out 100 fliers Wednesday night and called local news stations to get the word out. The Twin Lakes Homeowners Association sent out a postcard that was delivered to everyone in the subdivision Thursday.
It is nice to hear that the neighbors are standing by this fractured family who lost a husband and father to a 'madman'. This was a hate crime, IMO. Dooley hated skateboarders so much that he brandished a gun to bully and intimidate a 14 year old. He hated that another adult stood up for the young mans rights and showed DJ the gun in his waistband. DJ took this as a threat to the children present and himself and when he questioned why Dooley had a gun, Dooley points the gun at him. I would have charged him too in hopes of wrangling the gun from him to protect my daughter. And now this will prolly get off with a smack on the hand. How disgusting!!!

I hope DJ's family slaps a civil suit on Dooley to get justice because this was a hate crime. Dooley hated skateboarders! God help us.

This is how I see it anyway.

MOO MOO ande more MOO......

This is a note I received on my e-mail today about this case:

They finally charged the A-hole....with manslaughter. said they cant prove ill intent or pre meditation.

WHAT??!?!!?! He brought a gun to confront a 14 year old skateboarder and then shot an unarmed man.....and you cant prove any of this was premeditated?

*advertiser censored**ing cops protecting each other. who is protecting us?


Like I said we have a legal system, not a justice system.,-friends,-and-colleageues-say-goodbye-100310

Family, friends, and colleageues say goodbye

But the brothers-in-arms mourn like no one else, paying tribute with an honor guard salute and a promise to help protect James' young daughter. They realize she'll live with the memory of his last words, spoken to her moments after he was shot.

"I think that it shattered not only a family but it shattered a community. It made a community feel cheated that they lost one of their own," said Lovelace.

Friends of James are creating a memorial fund to benefit his daughter.
This is beyond infuriating. Why can we, ordinary people, see that this man went outside, taking a gun, and made a threatening gesture, and ended up using that gun and killing a man who did him no harm, and the lawyers can't see that?

If only this young husband and father hadn't called out after the man to ask why he had the gun, I suppose he would be alive today. Or, maybe not.

Many times when I read here, I feel like I am in the middle of a nightmare. Some of the things we write about don't seem like they could even possibly happen.

That man needs more than to have his hand smacked with a ruler. I wonder what he was like as active LE? Any problems there? Like we would ever know!
They are trying to determine if the shooting was justified! WTH? One man is armed, one man is not. Where is the question here? It looks like the good 'ole boy cover-up, doesn't?

The victim was tussling with the shooter, trying to disarm him. And that's when the gun went off. So now shooter can claim that victim jumped him and he was afraid for his life......
The victim was tussling with the shooter, trying to disarm him. And that's when the gun went off. So now shooter can claim that victim jumped him and he was afraid for his life......

So here's the real story as I imagine it might be. The following account is purely ficticious.

Dooley's sitting in his recliner, watching the ball game on tv, and watching the park across the street through his front window when he sees some fourteen year olds skating around on the tennis courts. "Those little b^tards are at it again, and I'm going to go over there and put a stop to this once and for all." He tucks his gun in his waistband thinking, "Hmmm, when they see my gun, maybe they'll understand I mean business."

So Dooley, packing the heat that makes himself a Big Man, goes into the park looking for trouble, looking to start something with a bunch of 14 year old boys, and he does. He starts giving them the third degree.

DJ while playing basketball with his 8 year old daughter, witnesses this exchange, and tells Dooley to lay off the kids. Dooley then points to his gun, and that my friends is a threat. Dooley was armed, dangerous, and threatening! By pointing to his gun, Dooley was in essence saying nonverbally, "You want some of this? Then come and get it." DJ was fully aware of the threat Dooley presented to the kids and himself, and sought to disarm a crazy man.
Bottom line, simple as this.

That man had no REASON or BUSINESS taking a loaded gun to go fuss at some 14 year old skateboarder.


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