GUILTY FL - Dean Balch, 51, & Dayle Adams, 35, die in hit & run, Palm Bay, 18 April 2006

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PALM BAY, Fla. -- Two hit-and-run victims in Palm Bay, Fla., were thrown into a ditch face-down and left dead or dying for hours before an officer found their bodies, according to police.

Nicole LaFlamme, 36, was charged with two counts of vehicular homicide in connection with the deaths of Dayle Adams and Dean Bealch on Tuesday.
:( This is terrible. if she had stopped maybe they would have lived.
:eek: OMG.. she was tired and had been drinking therefore she couldn't stop :furious: and yet she tells her friend she hit a BEAR.. WTF.. she could have at least pulled over and called for help if she was too tired and drunk to do anything.. If I hit someone, that alone would get my adrenaline going... how sad :(
Man I just want to smack the crap out of people like her, what in the world is wrong with this woman! :furious:
aussiegran said:
PALM BAY, Fla. -- Two hit-and-run victims in Palm Bay, Fla., were thrown into a ditch face-down and left dead or dying for hours before an officer found their bodies, according to police.

Nicole LaFlamme, 36, was charged with two counts of vehicular homicide in connection with the deaths of Dayle Adams and Dean Bealch on Tuesday.
:( This is terrible. if she had stopped maybe they would have lived.
I'm glad her friend turned her in. Guess they won't be friends anymore.
Thanks goodness her friend had some compassion! She "thought" she hit a bear...Well, let's hope she'll have plenty of time to get her thoughts together, say 25 years or so?
People will say BS to cover their butts.

I thought I hit a bear, please.........

She did not even get out to check, so she "assumed" she did.......

Maybe the blood and "front bumper damage would clue her in" that this was not a bear. A bear is like sooooo much bigger then a person, and would it not end up on the hood or something like that. Never hit a bear, so I don't know.

But I know a bear would be 300+ lbs and would cause "extensive" damage to the car.

I can't stand people like this in this story.........really, really ticks Cyberlaw off to no end. Like to no end....because it such a "selfish" thing to do.

She is not showing any kind of remorse, she is not crying," Cordeau said. "When you hit someone on the side of the road, you stop your car and render aid. That is the humane thing to do. You don't leave them on the side of the road to die in a ditch."

Oh I bet when she is sitting in jail and crying it will be "poor" me, what is going to happen to me, why where those guys on the road, it is their fault, why where they crossing in front of me, why did this happen to me" this should not happen to me, me, me..........

LaFlamme could face 30 years in prison on each count she faces.

Well looking at the picture, she looks like she will fit in Prison for the next 60 years.......and also it will be of course "poor" me......looks like a loser.....put money on her "being" drunk.........impaired....that is why she did not get help, to cover her own butt....

Remember that girl who hit a guy and then "allowed" him to die in agony and pain in her garage and then tried to cover it up.......hope they are roomies.....this one only cried when she was sentenced.

I am constantly amazed at the lack of responsibility, or even humanity, in people. I hope she gets a hefty sentence. This is just ridiculous.

This story was on Local6 news tonight here in Orlando. The film story showed this Nicole woman in Court making an emotional plea to the Judge - saying she had remorse for what she did. (Too late lady .. 2 people are dead!)

In addition to 'driving under the influence' - she was driving 'a borrowed car' and had a suspended driver's license.

There were at least 4 stories .. maybe 5 - of hit-and-run incidents (involving serious injuries or death) in the Central Fla area reported on the local news tonight. Just appalling!! :furious: What ever happened to values of personal responsibility & moral accountability???

People like this woman just make me livid.
I hope the Judge throws the book at her. She deserves every day of the possible two 30 year sentences as far as I'm concerned.

13th Juror
These people don't even think of the victim or their families.

There is a family of a child who was killed in a hit and run, who are to this day "waiting" for someone to be held accountable for the death of their child.

It has been years, the child was hit on the side of the road and the person just left........the child could have been saved with prompt medical care.

Bleed to death, all alone........, confused, desperate, wanting Mom and Dad, or anyone, dying a slow and painful death, never seeing another human being again, just "praying" for someone to come and help, asking God for help, begging God for help in their dying moments, coming to the realization that their life is over and knowing they are going to die.

Can you imagine the pain not only of losing your child/loved one, but knowing that a person just left them to die, did not offer aid or phone 911 to even save their lives. That this person is so selfish, that they put their own needs and wants ahead of another person's life that they are responsible for harming.

Also others are of the same "kind" as these people, they are their friends. Hide the car in my garage, No one will see the damage, bring it to my shop or whatever after hours(so other's don't know) and we will fix it right one will be the wiser and you "can just continue" on with your life as if nothing ever long as no one is aware of the damage to your car, no one will know that you "killed" a person in a hit and run. Go home to your wife and kids and have a nice dinner, maybe even go to a will have your whole life ahead of you........

Remember that girl that hit that man, all of her friends helped her "cover" it up.........

Drunk driving and hit and run's.........I swear put them away for life, with only bread and water, rags to wear, and hard labour......
Reminds me of that woman in Dallas who drove home with a guy stuck her windsheild and left him there, in her garage, for three days waiting for him to die before her and some friends dumped him in a park.
It's been like forever since I've been in school, and I really don't want to go back now to learn this, are there BEARS in Florida? :waitasec: along with the crocodiles:croc:
I would really like to see the law changed to say that if you don't stop after a hit and run that charges of DWI will be filed in addition to any other charges. People do this a lot of times because they are drunk and know that they can't have that additional charge if they get caught later and that charge will add a lot to their sentence.
Jeana (DP) said:
Reminds me of that woman in Dallas who drove home with a guy stuck her windsheild and left him there, in her garage, for three days waiting for him to die before her and some friends dumped him in a park.
Jeana, that was the first thing I thought of when I read this thread.
Jeana: That is the case I also remember also, we only had a "small" column in our paper, but it so shocked me.......I still remember it and the trial.

Especially the man's son.........and the reporting of the man's life........and this girl was like a "Daddy's girl".........

Are there bears in Florida, along with Gators and Pythons......I would think that with all that fur.............they would never be able to would never be cold.......hummmmm.
Jeana (DP) said:
Reminds me of that woman in Dallas who drove home with a guy stuck her windsheild and left him there, in her garage, for three days waiting for him to die before her and some friends dumped him in a park.

I thought of that case right away too. If memory serves me that gal was sentenced to 50 years in prison. She deserved every minute of that time too.
PaperDoll said:
It's been like forever since I've been in school, and I really don't want to go back now to learn this, are there BEARS in Florida? :waitasec: along with the crocodiles:croc:

Hey Paperdoll .... :)

To respond to your inquiry .. Yes, as bizarre as it may sound - we definitely do have bears in Florida. Black bears.

There has "NEVER" been a reported 'black bear' attack on humans in Florida. I know this because an increasing number of black bears have been migrating from the Ocala National Forest area to the area where I live and much "Bear Aware" information has been reported here locally. It started several months ago.

Personal story ...

Back in January-February - I found my garbage cans that I had put out 'the night before pick-up' turned over and all the bags ripped apart with 'stuff' strewn everywhere .. my yard, the neighbor's yard and the street. It was a mess! Okay - that happened more than once. I chalked it up to aggressive raccoons or some large assertive dog and didn't think much about it.

Not thrilled about the repetitive clean-up - I starting keeping the 2 large 45 gallon (wheeled) cans in the corner inside my garage. The following week - I returned home from grocery shopping around 7 pm - and left my garage door open for about half an hour before I thought to go back & close it. Both heavy containers had been turned over and the contents of every bag ripped open and again spilled out over a wide area. I was baffled as this could not possibly be a dog or raccoons.

By this time - I had already opted to wait until 6-6:30 in the morning to wheel the containers out to the end of the driveway for pick-up. A few days later my mystery was solved. It was just getting light outside so I opened the garage door and began rolling the 1st container out to the curb. I stopped dead in my tracks. Directly across the street to my left - was a 300 lb. black bear tearing apart my neighbor's garbage bags. Straight ahead of me is our cove lake and another sizable bear was ambling up from the lake coming straight towards me. I immediately left the container and started slowly but surely backing up into my garage. Neither bear paid much attention to me and made no aggressive moves. They were behaving more like neighborhood pets that belonged right where they were.

With disbelief at what I was witnessing, I quickly called my neighbors across the street and on both sides of me. Also called the Seminole County Sheriff's Dept to report the sighting. Before long all 4 local TV stations had their satellite trucks out here filming the bizarre spectacle.

Although there is a National Park & Wildlife Preserve within a short distance of our suburban community - we are not 'out in the sticks'. <lol> It's a well manicured upscale gated development with it's own private security force. Just not somewhere one would expect to see wild bears walking down the street and through yards foraging for food. It was an unreal sight! There were numerous reports by the residents and many were out taking pictures with their camcorders & even with their cell phones. <lol>

When reporting a sighting over the past few months - we were told to contact "Fish & Game" (who rarely answer their phone!) but only if the bear or bears were still 'in our line of sight'. Several of the bears have been tranquilized, collared with info and transported back to the Ocala Nat. Forest - many of those travelers to return. They are a playful group and haven't harmed anyone - not even a barking dog. However, video on the local newscasts shows them taking a dip in resident's pools, helping themselves to bird & squirrel feeders, raiding the garbage cans and taking down portions of resident's back yard fencing as they traverse the various neighborhoods in Central Fla.

The 1st reports and sightings that were televised were here on our street. One photo my neighbor Matt took that I particularly enjoyed was of a young (100-150 lb) black bear lying on his back and holding up a honey jar in his front paws while licking out the remaining sweet contents. It was truly a priceless pic! <LOL>

So - yes .. thankfully, there definitely are black bears in Florida. They are not being shot & killed by suburbanites - but unfortunately, upon occasion, they are hit by cars out in the more rural areas.

Oh - and alligators are indigenous to Florida - (We have lots of them and sometimes, they come into our yards & neighborhoods during their mating season or .. when foolish folks begin feeding them in the lakes - and the gators lose their fear of people!) but no wild crocs. :croc: :D

13th Juror
THANK YOU 13th :blowkiss: very insightful.. I'm surprised FL has bears.. Funny story by the way.. I got a kick out of it... :p
Actually there are wild crocs in Florida.

But they stay mainly in the very southernmost part (The everglades)

On the road leading into the Keys there is a sign that says "croc crossing"

THis is no joke its a legit Dept Of Tranportation sign.

Thank you......for the story, and insight......much appreciated.

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