FL FL - Debora Lowe, 13, Pompano Beach, 29 Feb 1972

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Of the seven found, every known detail of their lives and the crimes of their earthly passing should be entered in to a relational database...and studied over and over and over by a capable analyst.
I believe some, if only minor, answers may obviate.

They were kids, that he abducted using his patrol car. They were runaways, that he came across hitchhiking. Like most serial killers, he often picked his victims on the spur of the moment.

Others were women he picked up for a date. To understand the things he thought they had in common, please go to you tube and watch him reading his story Cut Bait. I refuse to list the terms here and have them even associated with my sister. He makes it very clear in that story, so like many many others stories he wrote, what he thought these girls were.

You are just going to have to take my word on this one. He has been analyzed, and analyzed. Do not mistake his luck in living in Florida with it's swamps and animals, to genus. He got by un-noticed because the swamps hid his secrets well. He abducted undetected because he drove a police car in the 70's. He was not some mastermind that escaped detection, and all the modern sciences. He lived in an time when Missing Persons databases were not linked. A child missing in one county was not really reported to another county, unless they specifically thought they might head there.

It was the era, and the lack of any type of infrastructure to track missing children. So please do not give this monster more credit than he deserves.
Happy Birthday my beautiful sister, I hope this is true. I miss you so horribly. I made you a cake and I sent you some flowers. Sadly, the cake just sits there and the flowers stay unopened, because until we find you, until we bring you home, we have no grave to lay them on. Tears slide down my face as I struggle to remember the last time I saw you, the sound of your laugh, the smell of your hair. I know you're happy in heaven with Mom and Dad, you're surrounded by so many loved ones up there. I know it is selfish of me, but I want you back. I want to watch you live out the rest of your childhood that murderous monster stole from you, from us. I want to stand beside you when you get married, like I did with our other sister, and I want to hold your hand as you have you babies, just as she and I did with each other. I am angry that he stole you away in the middle of your childhood. He took you away from us, and did not even have the decency to tell us where he left your body. So everyday we look, we hope, and we pray. I want you back, but since I can't have that......I want you happy, at peace, and safe in heaven where I know you will never hurt again. I love you my sister, it is so hard to celebrate your birthday without you....but I simply can not pretend you were not here, and the short time we had with you.....you're life....that is something we must celebrate.
Praying that 2015 is the year that you get a miracle to bring your beautiful sister home to lay beside your parents!


Hi sweetheart, still praying it will be this year. Do you know if any attempt has ever been made using topographic maps to plot where each of this piece of garbage rotting in hell left the few victims who were recovered? I remember reading somewhere that killers operate within safely circumscribed zones. Just wondering if this s*%#^>{} *advertiser censored* had a 'zone of comfort?'

May God bless & keep you & yours. Sis is in His infinite embrace.
He did not have a comfort zone. He did not follow any type of location pattern for his abductions, or for his torture. My apologies for me taking so long on giving you a reply. It has been a very event filled year. We are still waiting and praying......knowing we are closer.......Thank you for your kind words and warm thoughts.
Here is a link to the latest article on my sister. You can also view the TV news report done by channel 4 in Florida.
We have begged and pleaded with police to allow us to view the articles found in Gerard Scheafers home, however to date all our requests have fallen on deaf ears. All we have seen are the few black and white photos of the evidence that had been published.
We have never given up....we have never lost hope of at least locating her remains. Twice we have submitted DNA samples....and twice they have been misplaced or misfiled. Florida police "blow off" our requests that they actively attempt to match her to any of the many unidentified remains that are buried in Jane Doe graves.
My sisters file at the Pompano Beach police department consists of a total of 4 pages. To them she is simply a hick poor little country girl who moved to the big city and "ran away". There has never been any evidence produced to indicate she would have left home on her own.
To them she is "nothing" not worth the time or effort.To us...she is our sister....forever loved and never forgotten. We have not stopped, we have not slowed down, and we will never quit...giving up is not an option, she is a part of all of us, and we need to bring her home. I am also including a link from Yvonne Masons book Silent Scream, which is dedicated to the un-named victims of Gerard Schaefer. She did a page on each of them...and this link goes to my sisters page.
Thank You for taking the time to care. All to often all we hear is..she has been gone for almost 40 years...get over it....we will NEVER..accept that as any type of answer.



I left a comment that the date of Deb's disappearance as well as the spelling of her name in the bi-line is incorrect. I assume comments are moderated because it did not post.

SSA posted to the other thread; wanted to bring her post here too...

I'm so sorry. I don't know how you managed to come here today to post. Sending you strength & hugs to get through today. I do not doubt that you will find Debbie. You will bring her home. <3


Bringing forward this other link, FL - GERARD SCHAEFER -- How Many Victims?
Thank You!!!!! No, you did awesome. Deb is actually a little darker toned, same as my 2 older brothers are. Lil Sis and I are the fair skinned ones.

I can't express how much this means to me. Finding this photo of her after all these years......having that kind lady tear the page from her yearbook to send it to me, took a kindness that touched me to my soul. Your taking the time to try to clear the image, does that very same thing.
I had forgotten about Deb's determination to have bangs that year. My Dad was very strict about us not having our hair cut......so Deb, being Deb.......cut her own.
I miss her so badly......want her found so desperately.....so we can bring her home....and lay her to rest.

Thank you. Prayers are our greatest strength.

We appreciate all prayers, they are our greatest strength. We have a saying in my family, we will get Deb home someday.....maybe not this day, or the next.....but someday. Thank you and God Bless!!

Praying for you and Deb, that you can bring her home.
Bringing some posts / information forward:


Now, back to the more important matter. Of the known and found victims, is there any specific pattern of disposal that has been identified? Has there been any discernable "heat map" developed of the disposal sites? Were they close to the crime scene...buried, water, wells, etc.? Any pattern at all?

Apologies if this has been discussed several times already, but it never hurts to revisit with refreshed thinking.

My first main question as well. Going to other thread to take a look. Also interested in his awareness spaces.

One other thought....he was a deputy. Did he work on any homicide cases? If so, let us take a close look at those. Was there anything he could have "learned" or duplicated from those particular crimes? Just a random, but interesting thought....
Or, did he study any particular case studies at the academy that he might have "borrowed" from?

And, I am quite intrigued by his superior who immediately brought him in and charged him for the crimes related to the girls he tied up. I suspect that was NOT an isolated incident...but the most grevious one. What else did the superior see in the time this person was on his force? Might be clues there too.

I appreciate you thoughts, I appreciate your analysis and suggestions. Schaefer victims had little in common. They varied in age, he had no preference to hair color, or skin tone. He preferred runaways, and would use his patrol car to often abduct his victims under the disguise of arresting them for hitchhiking. Not always:
A better case exists for Schaefer's involvement in the murders of 9-year-old Peggy Rahn and 8-year-old Wendy Stevenson, in Pompano Beach. Both vanished from the beach on December 29, 1970. A day later, a clerk at a nearby convenience store reported a man buying ice cream for two young girls on the previous afternoon. The clerk identified photos of Peggy and Wendy, describing their companion as a white man in his 20s, six feet tall, around 200 pounds. The girls remain missing and Schaefer was never charged, though prosecutors publicly accused him of the crime in 1973. Schaefer denied the slayings publicly, but later confessed in a letter dated April 19, 1989. "I am annoyed by all this murder talk," he wrote. "Peggy & Wendy just happened along at a time when I was curious about [1930s cannibal Albert] Fish's craving for the flesh of young girls....I assure you these girls were not molested sexually. I found both of them very satisfactory, particularly with sautéed onions and peppers."
21-year-old Nancy Leichner and 20-year-old Pamela Nater, are Pinellas County residents who vanished on a 1966 picnic in the Ocala National Forest. The case remains unsolved and both women are still missing. The forest has been searched, and searched, using many methods and not a trace, anywhere, after they were saw walking into the forest with Schaefer. He left the park alone.

Of the victims located to date, Susan Place and Georgia Jessup were found on Hutchinson Island in St. Lucie County, (1973) They were buried under a the tree he had hung them from.

Less than four weeks after Place and Jessup vanished, on October 23, 14-year-olds Mary Alice Briscolina and Elsie Lina Farmer were added to the missing list. Farmer's family reported her missing on October 24, while Briscolina's waited another week, assuming she had run away from home. Farmer's skeletal remains were found on January 17, 1973 (eight days after Schaefer went to jail), at a construction site near Plantation High School. Briscolina was found on February 15, 200 yards away. (Both girls were identified by dental records.) Following the April search of Doris Schaefer's home, Farmer's relatives identified a piece of jewelry taken from the murdered girl.

Leigh Hainline Bonadies. Bonadies was last seen on September 8, 1969 in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Gerard John Schaefer was
named as the prime suspect in Bonadies' disappearance when authorities found her gold locket in
Schaefer's possession at the time of his arrest in the 1970's. Schaefer was never charged in
connection with Bonadies' case. Bonadies' remains were found in the subdivision of Boca Del Mar
which was under construction at the time in Boca Raton, FL in January 1978. She was positively
identified in 2004.

19-year-old Iowa residents Collette Goodenough and
Barbara Ann Wilcox left Biloxi, Mississippi, hitchhiking to Florida. No trace of either girl was seen
until April, when searchers found evidence of their fate in Schaefer&#8217;s stash. Among the items retrieved
were Barbara&#8217;s driver&#8217;s license, along with Collette&#8217;s passport, diary and a book of poems. Skeletal
remains of both victims were found at Port Saint Lucie in January 1977, but no cause of death could
be found and no charges were ever filed.

I believe the total is 7 found. Seven of the 80-100 plus that he bragged of torturing and killing. There is no accurate count of Scahefer victims. He traveled overseas and often bragged he had left victims there also. He lied as often as he spoke the truth. LE experts, as well as many other types of experts who have studied his case agree on few things, they do all agree he was pure evil. A sadistic monster who had no conscious. He took joy in the families he left behind, waiting and wondering. It gave him pleasure in knowing we were trapped in a hell of his making.

We take comfort in knowing, Deb is on the other side now. Nobody gets to hurt her again. He had no set burial ground for his victims. He had no specific area. There were items taken from victims in his mothers home, that still have not been identified as to who they belonged to.

So we wait, and we pray....maybe the next group of people who examine this monster will find a pattern, will be able to give us a clue. Maybe someone doing construction will happen upon her, or maybe someone already has and she is in one of the many graves marked unknown that Florida refuses to exhume.

To ease my mind, I do what I do. I try to find those long missing, give names to those not identified. it brings to me a sense of peace, and I pray if my sister has been found....there is someone out there doing the same for her.

Here is the other post btw

FL - GERARD SCHAEFER - Where is my sister???? Deborah Sue Lowe - 1972

And for anyone wanting to support making every state have to get DNA from their missing & unidentified person's; see the NJ link below; look at the pages liked for your state or see this note

NJ for the Federal Help Find the Missing Act - Billy's Law

They were kids, that he abducted using his patrol car. They were runaways, that he came across hitchhiking. Like most serial killers, he often picked his victims on the spur of the moment.

Others were women he picked up for a date. To understand the things he thought they had in common, please go to you tube and watch him reading his story Cut Bait. I refuse to list the terms here and have them even associated with my sister. He makes it very clear in that story, so like many many others stories he wrote, what he thought these girls were.

You are just going to have to take my word on this one. He has been analyzed, and analyzed. Do not mistake his luck in living in Florida with it's swamps and animals, to genus. He got by un-noticed because the swamps hid his secrets well. He abducted undetected because he drove a police car in the 70's. He was not some mastermind that escaped detection, and all the modern sciences. He lived in an time when Missing Persons databases were not linked. A child missing in one county was not really reported to another county, unless they specifically thought they might head there.

It was the era, and the lack of any type of infrastructure to track missing children. So please do not give this monster more credit than he deserves.
Bringing forward this other link, FL - GERARD SCHAEFER -- How Many Victims?

I'm just on page 1, post one of this other thread. I wanted to bring this forward, that I'd like to see all these locations mapped out. Perhaps there is a map over there and I just haven't gotten to it yet, but I see some disposal/recovery locations here right away so wanted to bring them forward for a place to start.

Eta: will read through the below and Deb's other thread before posting further in order to be current with all the information.

*FL - GERARD SCHAEFER -- How Many Victims?
http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?34741-FL-GERARD-SCHAEFER-How-Many-Victims / post 1:

"Rsbm due to graphic nature

Teeth, jewelry identification papers from several missing young women were found in a closet in his mother's house in Ft. Lauderdale

These are the victims that I can find linked to Schaefer:

-17-year-old*Susan Place*and 16-year-old*Georgia Jessup*had vanished from Fort*
Lauderdale.On April 1, 1973, hikers*found human bones*near Blind Creek, on Hutchinson Island. The*
two teenage*victims were identified*by dental records on April 5. Susan had been shot in the jaw. The*
crime scene indicated the girls were (rsbm, snipped by me, m25, graphic.&#8221;) Based on the M.O. and Lucille*
Place&#8217;s testimony, Schaefer was the only suspect in the case.Police searched Schaefer&#8217;s mother&#8217;s*
home on April 7. The objects seized from his room included: a purse owned by Susan Place (Schaefer was convicted of these 2 murders)

Leigh Hainline Bonadies. Bonadies was last seen on September 8, 1969 in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Gerard John Schaefer was*
named as the prime suspect in Bonadies' disappearance when authorities found her gold locket in*
Schaefer's possession at the time of his arrest in the 1970's. Schaefer was never charged in*
connection with Bonadies' case.*Bonadies' remains were found*in the subdivision of Boca Del Mar*
which was under construction at the time in Boca Raton, FL in January 1978. She was*positively*
identified in 2004.

The next to vanish from Broward County was*Carmen Marie Hallock, a 22-year-old cocktail waitress.
When Schaefer&#8217;s stash of souvenirs was seized in 1973, police recovered two of Hallock&#8217;s gold-filled*
teeth and a shamrock pin identified by her family.*Her body has never been found.

Belinda Hutchens*was another 22-year-old cocktail waitress On January 5, 1972. In 1973, the search of Doris Schaefer&#8217;s home revealed an address book*
containing the name, address and phone number of Belinda&#8217;s husband.*No other trace of her was found,*
no charges were ever filed.

At some point, Schaefer tired of killing victims singly. &#8220;Doing doubles,&#8221; he later wrote, &#8220;is far more*
difficult than doing singles, but on the other hand it also puts one in a position to have twice as much*
fun. There can be some lively discussions about which of the victims will get to be killed first.
We cannot know when Schaefer started &#8220;doing doubles.&#8221; Seven years after the fact, his name was*
linked to the disappearance of 21-year-old*Nancy Leichner*and 20-year-old*Pamela Nater, Pinellas*
County residents who vanished on a 1966 picnic in the Ocala National Forest.*The case remains*
unsolved and both women are still missing.*

A better case exists for Schaefer&#8217;s involvement in the murders of*9-year-old*Peggy Rahn*and*
8-year-old*Wendy Stevenson, in Pompano Beach. Both vanished from the beach on December 29,*
1970.*The girls remain missing*
and Schaefer was never charged, though prosecutors publicly accused him of the crime in 1973.*
Schaefer denied the slayings publicly, but later confessed in a letter dated April 19, 1989.

19-year-old Iowa residents*Collette Goodenough*and*
Barbara Ann Wilcox*left Biloxi, Mississippi, hitchhiking to Florida. No trace of either girl was seen*
until April, when searchers found evidence of their fate in Schaefer&#8217;s stash. Among the items retrieved*
were Barbara&#8217;s driver&#8217;s license, along with Collette&#8217;s passport, diary and a book of poems. Skeletal*
remains of both victims were found*at Port Saint Lucie in January 1977, but no cause of death could*
be found and no charges were ever filed.

October 23,*14-year-olds Mary Alice*
Briscolina and Elsie Lina Farmer*were added to the missing list Farmer&#8217;s*skeletal remains were foundon January 17, 1973 (eight days after Schaefer went to jail), at*
a construction site near Plantation High School. Briscolina was found on February 15, 200 yards*
away. (Both girls were identified by dental records.) Following the April search of Doris Schaefer&#8217;s*
home, Farmer&#8217;s relatives identified a piece of jewelry taken from the murdered girl.Schaefer was never charged with those murders, but he later admitted the crimes, in a letter referring*
to one of his published stories, titled &#8220;Murder Demons.&#8221;*"
Apologies if this has been fleshed out elsewhere, but I would like to know more about the following comment on Debora's Charley Project page.

Debora&#8217;s family believes she may have been a victim of the serial killer Gerard John Schaefer Jr. &#8230; He worked with Debora&#8217;s father and had visited her family&#8217;s home.

Could anyone elaborate on the relationship between the family and Schaefer? How many times had he visited? Was he acquainted enough that Debora would have willingly got in the car with him, so she didn't have to walk the rest of the way to the school?

When was his last interaction with the family before she went missing? Were there any interactions after?
Apologies if this has been fleshed out elsewhere, but I would like to know more about the following comment on Debora's Charley Project page.

Could anyone elaborate on the relationship between the family and Schaefer? How many times had he visited? Was he acquainted enough that Debora would have willingly got in the car with him, so she didn't have to walk the rest of the way to the school?

When was his last interaction with the family before she went missing? Were there any interactions after?

Best suggestion I have would be to read the other thread FL - GERARD SCHAEFER -- How Many Victims? All of the history is there

It started out as a normal day, Feb.29,1972. My Sister Debbie, my brother and I all got ready to walk to school.We walked out the door, walked together to the end of the block together, then my sister turned to the right, smiles,waved, said I'll see ya later and started the mile long walk to her middle school. She was 13 yrs old, but we were to poor to afford to be able to ride the bus. We had moved to Florida the day before Christmas.
My mother kept clippings of murders that were later linked to Gerard Schaefer...however it was only a couple years ago that we were able to get the Florida Police to acknowledge she was his "type".
My Sister is somewhere as a unidentified missing remains....but while we search databases and everything we can get our hands on...to date we have not located her.
I was reading the forum earlier, and while police found things to link him to over 30 missing girls/women, while in prison he bragged that the count was over 100. He was killed on my mothers birthday,she died Dec23,1994 never having an answer...and he died on her birthday in 1995......maybe she was sending us an answer?
I wanted to take a moment to Thank All for the caring comments and attempts to help. Trust me, we the families of those missing and lost, truly appreciate you!!!!

Hi again, and Thank You all for your kind words. My sisters name is Deborah Sue Lowe. She vanished on Feb.29,1972 from Pompano Beach Florida.Her school books were found in a trash can 1 block from where she left us that morning. I am including here three links....the first one is the Story that the Miami news service did for us a few months ago. It also shows the re-enactment that channel 4 news ran for us. The second link is another story the Miami newspaper ran for us a few years ago. The final link is from a book called Silent Scream written by Yvonne Mason in which she attempted to acknowledge as many of the unnamed victims of Gerard Schaefer as she could in anyway identify.
Yes the link that Katydid23 included was one of the posts on Schaefer that encouraged me to register so I could post back.I was very touched by so many of the caring comments I saw as I was reading the serial killers posts. Amazing as it is, often people tell us we are wasting our time, or that by now she should have accepted this and moved on. Or we hear that now we should have closure....
Our feelings on that are very simple. If our sister is safe in Gods hands, then she is looking down and she has to be able to see she is still very loved.She will see that we never gave up......just as she would have never given up on us. As for closure....that we hope we will have the day we can bring her home and lay her to rest with her parents.
Not knowing at this point, is truly way more painful than anything we could find out. There is nothing we could hear that would be anymore horrible then the things we have learned about Schaefer, and serial killers in general.



Still_Seek_Answers, I am so sorry for your loss. :grouphug:

It sounds like Schaefer became a deputy just to pick up these young girls and commit these heinous acts with them. He was a special kind of monster, in hell right now, where he belongs.

One day we will bring your sister home, am so sorry for what you have been through.

Bumping for Debora who has been missing for 45 years now. I also found this recent newspaper article from West Virginia concerning Debora Lowe.


Forty-five years ago a 13-year-old girl who moved to Florida with her family from Palestine, Wirt County, went missing, never to be seen again.



Thanks for posting the article. Would be nice if her remains were found so she could be buried with her parents. Her family needs a place they can visit her.
Thanks for posting the article. Would be nice if her remains were found so she could be buried with her parents. Her family needs a place they can visit her.

I live in Jackson county about a mile from Wirt .I remember reading an article about this girl. Had residents keeping an eye open for her returning to WV. Oh how I wish she would have made it back here! Would have been a Much better ending then reading this thread now!

[emoji237]Always My Own Opinion[emoji4]
I live in Jackson county about a mile from Wirt .I remember reading an article about this girl. Had residents keeping an eye open for her returning to WV. Oh how I wish she would have made it back here! Would have been a Much better ending then reading this thread now!

[emoji237]Always My Own Opinion[emoji4]

She wasn't the type of kid to run away. Her family knew she was taken, especially when they made the Schaefer connection.

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