GUILTY FL - Fred Laster, 16, found dismembered, Lake City, 5 June 1994 *youth pastor arrest*

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Hearsay indicates the floors might have been installed in between the present and FL disappearance. This would indicate that the house was taken apart layer by layer.

I cannot imagine how gross it must have been to sift through a hoarders cache looking for any relevant detail or evidence. Just the pics and video footage of the outside and the carport were enough to indicate the condition of the interior.

Wonder if they were able to get any DNA analysis on that trail. Could very well belong to another missing person.

Oh, I can betcha they probably dug further than they really wanted to at the Jax Beach residence. I used to live with two older men when I lived in Fernandina Beach. They owned 7 schnauzers and I believe before that, they had many more. Over the years, the dogs would urinate on the floor and probably poop. When I moved in there, I was reluctant; however I had no choice because I did not want to live in Lake City. It was either be homeless or live somewhere with a roof over my head. So I lived with them for a little over a year. When I lived there, I had many allergy problems, and would sometimes couch surf just to stay out. The smell would get on my clothes and I would have to drown myself in cologne or body spray. Additionally, the smell also lingered on all of my papers and belongings. When the owner of the home decided to start working toward fixing everything, he removed the rug and MANY MANY years of dog urine seeped through the rugs and through the hardwood flooring; leaving huge stains throughout the home's flooring. I can only assume that the stains went all the way to the bottom of the foundation.

With that being said, I can only imagine what the house Hyde lived in smelled like and how he took care of himself hygiene wise. Additionally, I could only imagine what the investigators went through when serving the search warrant. But in all fairness, I could also imagine that the Hyde home is probably not the worse they have seen.

As for the blood trail, I wasn't able to get anymore information on it other than that it was shown to TL during the deposition. I also was made aware as I previously mentioned, that TL turned over some of Freddy's music CD's that Hyde must have had in his collection prior to giving them to TL. TL had found them while cleaning the attic in his home, as well as a guitar Freddy owned.

Now something else: Freddy's twin sister apparently spoke with Mac Heavener last Monday and he kept a lot of things vague with her. He didn't confirm or deny CS's involvement with the murder trial; however he stated to her that he was going to play a big role in the sexual abuse allegations. My thinking is why did the judge make a deal with Stalnecker if all hes going to do is testify AGAINST Hyde's character? I would assume that dropping drug charges in favor of testifying against Hyde would indicate something more serious than just the sexual abuse allegations.

More about CS: I did some more research on CS, and I was able to confirm he is in the music business. However, I was not aware that he also RAN his own production studio known as Sly Doggy Productions. He has a studio in Los Angeles and Nashville. The website is at this link:

The autopsy report is located at this link. WARNING: It is a very graphic read.

Also I am expecting a message from a source that is going to be sending me a lot of related material including photos. I need to check with an admin here at WS to see if it will be okay to post the photos and documents here. I was heavily advised that some of the photos were graphic so those will not be included out of respect for the Laters; however there were other photos that did not pertain to the torso.
So I got a chance to look over some of the crime scene photos, including the more graphic photos the news could not show on TV. Pretty disturbing and very very horrible. I believe Hyde will be going to jail for a long time because there is other evidence that is pointing in his direction.
I have attempted to post several times only to return and not find my posts.

Regarding the deal made with CS, I think you may underestimate the impact his testimony will have on his and his family and loved ones. Who's to say he had already made his abuse public. This may have been something he kept private. There will be uninformed, unsophisticated, and or insensitive people who will think that because of his age being mid to upper teens, that he was choosing a gay relationship, instead of seeing it as abuse.

This information might cause a reliving trauma he thought was in his past. This testimony might cause new or repeated trauma for those close to him depending on whether they knew about this already or not.

It's easy for us to think it's a small trade of information, for dropping charges, but it may be very life changing for the young man and those close to him.

We can pray that in the end, this will all be for the best and that it will be a positive for him in the long run. That seeing justice will somehow further strengthen and heal the trauma experiemced by CS as a victim.
I have attempted to post several times only to return and not find my posts.

Regarding the deal made with CS, I think you may underestimate the impact his testimony will have on his and his family and loved ones. Who's to say he had already made his abuse public. This may have been something he kept private. There will be uninformed, unsophisticated, and or insensitive people who will think that because of his age being mid to upper teens, that he was choosing a gay relationship, instead of seeing it as abuse.

This information might cause a reliving trauma he thought was in his past. This testimony might cause new or repeated trauma for those close to him depending on whether they knew about this already or not.

It's easy for us to think it's a small trade of information, for dropping charges, but it may be very life changing for the young man and those close to him.

We can pray that in the end, this will all be for the best and that it will be a positive for him in the long run. That seeing justice will somehow further strengthen and heal the trauma experiemced by CS as a victim.

Totally understand that! BTW check your inbox JaxBeach, I'm going to send you a message that will solve your posting delimma.
FBI investigation of accused child killer reviews other missing persons cases

Ronnie Hyde awaiting trial in 1994 murder of 16-year-old Fred Laster

FBI documents from the investigation of Ronnie Hyde, the man accused of killing and dismembering a 16-year-old boy more than three decades ago, include a list of more than a half dozen unsolved cases of missing boys and young men that agents labeled potentially relevant.

Hyde, 61, is awaiting trial in the 1996 murder and dismemberment of Fred Laster -- a teenager he had befriended through a church.

The Junk in the Thelma Street house is very likely the property of renters. RH kept that house rented out.

The location of the bone in the pic taken in the back yard is not surprising. In the past there were two metal sheds in the back yard. I think one may have been about there. The second was more toward the center of the back. It would have been easy to dig while inside the shed without being detected.

The celebrity pics with autographs may have value, I imagine anything of value not taken as evidence will or has been sold by the lawyer to recover her fees. I imagine the value of the lot the house used to stand on at the beach is in her account by now.

It would be interesting to see the entire collection of pics.
The Junk in the Thelma Street house is very likely the property of renters. RH kept that house rented out.

The location of the bone in the pic taken in the back yard is not surprising. In the past there were two metal sheds in the back yard. I think one may have been about there. The second was more toward the center of the back. It would have been easy to dig while inside the shed without being detected.

The celebrity pics with autographs may have value, I imagine anything of value not taken as evidence will or has been sold by the lawyer to recover her fees. I imagine the value of the lot the house used to stand on at the beach is in her account by now.

It would be interesting to see the entire collection of pics.

Yeah, Hyde isn’t walking from the murder charges. It looks like they have enough to convict him. Especially the photos of the bone fragments found in the bathtub.
how were there still bone fragments this long later? were they recovered from the drain?

Yeah, Hyde isn’t walking from the murder charges. It looks like they have enough to convict him. Especially the photos of the bone fragments found in the bathtub.
how were there still bone fragments this long later? were they recovered from the drain?

I am assuming during the course of the search warrant, they were able to dissect the tub and recover the bone fragments from the drain and also from the anti-slip pads that were still existent in the tub. Also appears to be a hipbone that was found in Hyde's backyard. There is no way that belonged to an animal or any living being other than a human. I am also certain that all (or almost all) of Laster's body parts were found in Hyde's backyard.

As of late, the SAO has not been forthcoming with the Laster's. In fact there has been a bit of distrust between the family and Mac Heavener because hes not being honest about some of the stuff they found to the family, regardless of the fact that they did a huge document drop in April. I am assuming that this revelation came from the SAME April drop; but because there were HUNDREDS of documents, they are probably just now getting to this part.


It also looks like an additional photo of the bones have been posted to FCN's Anne Schindler's Twitter page. The bones definitely have to be human--and Freddy's! Its just amazing that this whole time, Hyde has been able to get away with all of this. And with the fact that FAMILY of Freddy's have been there while his poor remains were buried in his backyard. Just dispicable!
That measuring square is in Centimeters. I think those are dog or cat bones. Look at the funny paddle looking bone that seems sort of like a duck foot, I think that is the shoulder blade of a dog or cat.

That ruler square is 15cm x 30cm. FL's femur would have been as long as about two of them.
That measuring square is in Centimeters. I think those are dog or cat bones. Look at the funny paddle looking bone that seems sort of like a duck foot, I think that is the shoulder blade of a dog or cat.

That ruler square is 15cm x 30cm. FL's femur would have been as long as about two of them.

Lol my emotions got the best of me...apparently the bones were identified as animal bones, though that wasn’t made clear until the later news broadcast. I redact my last post on the bones; however he has some explaining to do about the bone fragments in the bath tub.
I am not happy about the full nature of this document dump.

Apparently the SAO dished up the contact information of the people who called to the FBI in with information and tips. It was made clear that if their were possible other victims they wanted to pursue those tips immediately. This makes sense in case a kid was being held or could be helped with trauma, in addition to obtaining more evidence for the case.

I know someone who has been contacted by the press due to having called the FBI. They are not happy their contact info is public in this way.
Don't feel bad about the bone pic reaction, that is exactly what the media is selling. Emotional impact.

That is why they are posting pictures of letters that were obviously written by someone else and not RH himself. He had two masters degrees, one is divinity and one in counseling therapy. He would not write in broken English as seen in several the photos , and there is different handwriting as well.
I am getting access to the document dump tomorrow, per SAO. If you would like me to post some of the documents to this forum please let me know.

Time to address a pretty messed up topic...Ronnie Hyde: Foster Dad. Before we jump to conclusions, I want to clear this up based on a discussion I had with Freddy’s brother Richard (Not TL).
So here is what happened: sometime between the Laster Mother’s death and Freddy’s disappearance, Ronnie Hyde was forming a very close bond with Freddy and TL (Richard didn’t want much to do with Hyde). It got so close that on numerous occasions, he was taking advantage of Laster’s grandmother who took care of the children after Ms. Laster’s death. He would con Grandma Laster to sign off on paperwork that she had no idea was about and would claim Freddy and Travis on his tax returns.
I’m not sure the legalities of this. Could he also be charged with Tax Fraud if found out that the Laster boys were not his foster children?
I would like to go ahead and followup from my previous posting I made today. I am finding out through the media since this morning (took a long weekend camping in the woods with no service) and all I can think is WTF! I've been in constant contact with the Laster siblings since I found out about this development and I can assure you that the story Jacksonville MSM is FALSE!
Currently, what is being told is that Hyde legally gained fostership of the Laster boys Freddy, Richard and TL. Per Richard, sometime in the late 1980s and into the 90's, he would get the grandma to sign off on some papers; probably for this purpose. Because of her advanced age and status at the time, Hyde was taking advantage of this woman to gain custody of the Laster boys. Why he excluded the girls DW DPL and TT, I think we know why. However, Richard wanted no part of Ronnie Hyde and Richard believes that the feeling was mutual for Hyde.
Somehow, someway Hyde may have gotten away with making her sign off on parental rights or whatever the heck the process is on gaining foster rights. And it looks like from 1992-1996, Hyde was writing the boys off on his taxes as dependants. I am currently awaiting the discovery documents from the SAO, which should be in my email tomorrow morning, and one of the first things I would like to find is this paper. I want to verify this and so does Richard.
Currently, the plan is that if Richard WAS INDEED used as a write off as well as TL, then Hyde will also be seeing a tax judge along with a criminal judge. When all this was happening, Richard was in his 20s, and never gave him permission to be involved with any of Hyde's shenanigans.

With that said, I have become very agitated with News4Jax and First Coast News' handling of this case. A week ago, I watched a video from FCN about the new photos that came out; one of the photos in the video showing behind the dumpster. If you look VERY good at that photo, you can see Freddy's torso. I have asked them to remove that video and perhaps edit it or do a new video. Though they have complied with removing the photo from their archives, they still never removed the video. News4Jax has been disrespectful towards myself and the Laster family when we bring something up to them.
Of the stations in Jacksonville, Action News Jax has been very diligent and has brought dignity to Freddy's story. With the help of Kevin Clark at CBS47, Freddy's story has been told in such a remarkable manner that the Laster family is considering speaking with Clark AFTER the trial, despite repeated attempts by other media outlets to gain such access.
I thought that I would vent for a minute because things lately have been warping every one's mind at the Laster camp. When I receive this document dump tomorrow, things will get smoothed out.
UPDATE: So me and members of the Laster Family are continuing to comb through 700 of 4100 documents pertaining to the Hyde trial set for December. There is so much to read and see! From crime scene photos to rule outs and DNA tests, it’s all in these documents. I’m expecting the rest of the documents to arrive to me no later than tomorrow evening.

Though we aren’t ready to share our complete thoughts on the discovery evidence we have viewed (still waiting on more documents from the SAO), however we would like to share with everyone Walter David Barry’s story.

Walter Berry was the owner of the BP gas station the day Freddy was found by Ms. Hunt in 1994. The way Barry tells his story is haunting; but gives you a real emotional feeling about how things went.

In a 2017 interview with Det. Sgt. Jimmy Watson, Barry tells his story, even wishing he had never seen the torso. Here is Barry’s story at the link below:

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