FL - FSU Law Professor Dan Markel Murdered by Hitmen #13 *1 guilty*

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Oh yeah, I signed in one day and had a bunch of these notifications. Mods are essential but I don't recall ever relying on some Youtube source as proof for any argument, aside from using CA or WA's own words against them. Head scratcher, for sure.

Speaking of head-scratchers, Katie is still not singing and will now be using a public offender for her appeal. What in the world is going on with this case?

Looking forward to the CA trial. I am mentally preparing myself for the next rabbit out of the hat that the Adelsons will pull at trial. My newest theory is that there is a chance DA will testify on CA's behalf to say that she planned this whole thing with KM and asked CA to deal with her post-bump. Makes some logical sense. Not sure if it would be enough to get CA off but the elderly DA is in her 70s and doesnt have much time left to serve. Which is why I would love for them to file charges against her yesterday. Even if she wins at trial, which I would put at a 30 percent probability, she will have at least had to spend her last years in a jail and in court. Whereas she can never be charged if she has a stroke a dies next year.
Love this theory. Creative and plausible. It works as long as there are no texts, WhatsApp messages, etc. in the State’s possession that implicate Charlie in the hiring of SG and LR. And THAT is the question that has been vexing me for weeks… Are those communications retrievable?
Love this theory. Creative and plausible. It works as long as there are no texts, WhatsApp messages, etc. in the State’s possession that implicate Charlie in the hiring of SG and LR. And THAT is the question that has been vexing me for weeks… Are those communications retrievable?
To clarify, I obviously don’t “love” the thought of the Adelsons creating a sham scenario to get Charlie out of this mess. It’s clever thinking on Blueshakehead’s part, is what I meant.
Charlie has so few options for defense. I too have wondered if Donna will fall on her sword for her "sweetheart". But I think Charlie --ahem El Maestro-- did such a good job of convincing them all that he knew "how it's done" and had connections and was so certain they could pull this off that she won't have a hard time reconciling in her mind that he got them in to this mess by convincing her of that. It's really a game of Narcissistic chess going on and who will blink first.

I'm leaning toward Wendi and Donna aligning and never helping Charlie. The wild card to me is if he will turn on Wendi. I think that's the weakest link. But would that be valuable enough to the State for a deal?
Charlie has so few options for defense. I too have wondered if Donna will fall on her sword for her "sweetheart". But I think Charlie --ahem El Maestro-- did such a good job of convincing them all that he knew "how it's done" and had connections and was so certain they could pull this off that she won't have a hard time reconciling in her mind that he got them in to this mess by convincing her of that. It's really a game of Narcissistic chess going on and who will blink first.

I'm leaning toward Wendi and Donna aligning and never helping Charlie. The wild card to me is if he will turn on Wendi. I think that's the weakest link. But would that be valuable enough to the State for a deal?
"She doesn't know how lucky she is."
A little throwback Tuesday moment:

Remember during the first trial Kawass is cross-examining Rivera and she’s questioning his memory and lack thereof and he says frustrated “do you remember what you had on last Saturday? I don’t remember what I did yesterday”

She replies, “ Last Saturday, I was wearing…”

Judge Hankman interrupts basically saying “Are you kidding me with this ****?”

Did a little research on Charlie's attorney. He does white collar crime. Interesting.

Perplexed that neither Charlie's lawyer nor his co-counsel, Kathryn Meyers, specialize in state criminal defense (Kathryn Meyers – MNR Law Firm). His lawyer was a federal prosecutor dealing with financial crime which is a totally different ballgame than the criminal defense of a violent crime at the state level. Moreover, Charlie's lawyer is pushing to go to trial in what seems a highly expedited time frame. Why? Is it because Katie might sing when she looses her appeal and if they push to trial now Katie will still be in the appeal process? This seems unlikely given there is virtually zero likelihood of a reversal on appeal and I am sure Katie knows that from her jailhouse friends and her lawyer . . . . Tara Kawass said as much in her extemporaneous interview after her sentencing (in which she did not once profess her client's innocence or claim the sentence to be a miscarriage of justice but rather seemed to concede that justice had been partially served by a very attentive jury but that there was still other culpable parties to indict).
Somewhat side note: I noticed that David Markus (Charlie's old lawyer with the connections to Katie's lawyers) lost a case just recently trying to defend the dentist/big game hunter from hunting down his wife in their African hotel room. I guess Markus likes guilty dentists as clients. They must have reliable bank.
Somewhat side note: I noticed that David Markus (Charlie's old lawyer with the connections to Katie's lawyers) lost a case just recently trying to defend the dentist/big game hunter from hunting down his wife in their African hotel room. I guess Markus likes guilty dentists as clients. They must have reliable bank.
Thanks for that bit! I followed the 2016 murder of Bianca Rudolph by her husband Larry and other than probably getting paid a king's ransom, his work was not impressive. Granted, he didn't have much to work with.
Somewhat side note: I noticed that David Markus (Charlie's old lawyer with the connections to Katie's lawyers) lost a case just recently trying to defend the dentist/big game hunter from hunting down his wife in their African hotel room. I guess Markus likes guilty dentists as clients. They must have reliable bank.

I'm not a big fan of gun owners preening in front of beautiful animals that they so proudly killed. As if total control and death is their rightful pleasure. I'm even less of a fan when they feel they can solve their human problems using the same method. Good riddance to the dentist. Karma.
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IMO - there's a public FBI wiretapped call between CA and who i think was his then best friend and fellow periodontist on the day of SG's arrest about the "news". it sure sounded like this best friend knew about the crime - at least after the fact. i bet CA confided in him as he's got a big mouth and it's hard to keep such a big secret all to yourself - so he told his best friend who then called him and asked him guardedly and nervously "are you watching the news?" with a matching response from CA. i bet we'll be hearing this best friend testify. he's not going to jeopardize his life, family, business, and liberty just to protect CA.
Perplexed that neither Charlie's lawyer nor his co-counsel, Kathryn Meyers, specialize in state criminal defense (Kathryn Meyers – MNR Law Firm). His lawyer was a federal prosecutor dealing with financial crime which is a totally different ballgame than the criminal defense of a violent crime at the state level. Moreover, Charlie's lawyer is pushing to go to trial in what seems a highly expedited time frame. Why? Is it because Katie might sing when she looses her appeal and if they push to trial now Katie will still be in the appeal process? This seems unlikely given there is virtually zero likelihood of a reversal on appeal and I am sure Katie knows that from her jailhouse friends and her lawyer . . . . Tara Kawass said as much in her extemporaneous interview after her sentencing (in which she did not once profess her client's innocence or claim the sentence to be a miscarriage of justice but rather seemed to concede that justice had been partially served by a very attentive jury but that there was still other culpable parties to indict).

That hour long interview, following her own bizarre "on behalf of" statement in court that sounded more like a Victim Impact Statement for Dan Markel, was totally strange. First she seems to blast the media in her statement in relation to Katie's family not being in attendance (via Zoom or identities shielded as we saw in this trial) but then voluntarily gives this weird interview to....the media, that goes on and on. She seemed almost happy in that chatty little session, but yes veered completely from her "my client is completely innocent and wrongfully accused" that she stuck with for years, to praising the jury for their work, against her client.

She was sending some kind of message from herself in all of that. But to whom? For what?
IMO - there's a public FBI wiretapped call between CA and who i think was his then best friend and fellow periodontist on the day of SG's arrest about the "news". it sure sounded like this best friend knew about the crime - at least after the fact. i bet CA confided in him as he's got a big mouth and it's hard to keep such a big secret all to yourself - so he told his best friend who then called him and asked him guardedly and nervously "are you watching the news?" with a matching response from CA. i bet we'll be hearing this best friend testify. he's not going to jeopardize his life, family, business, and liberty just to protect CA.
Exactly my impression too. That best friend knew. I think it's another one too where a fellow dentist friend calls also concerned and Charlie warns him to not say anything he wouldn't want the FBI to hear.
Somewhat side note: I noticed that David Markus (Charlie's old lawyer with the connections to Katie's lawyers) lost a case just recently trying to defend the dentist/big game hunter from hunting down his wife in their African hotel room. I guess Markus likes guilty dentists as clients. They must have reliable bank.
Wow, I missed that that trial had concluded. Thanks for the heads up.

Is he quoting Dr. Seuss here? "I did not kill my wife. I could not murder my wife. I would not murder my wife," Rudolph told jurors when he took the stand in his own defense at a federal trial in Denver last week.

IMO - there's a public FBI wiretapped call between CA and who i think was his then best friend and fellow periodontist on the day of SG's arrest about the "news". it sure sounded like this best friend knew about the crime - at least after the fact. i bet CA confided in him as he's got a big mouth and it's hard to keep such a big secret all to yourself - so he told his best friend who then called him and asked him guardedly and nervously "are you watching the news?" with a matching response from CA. i bet we'll be hearing this best friend testify. he's not going to jeopardize his life, family, business, and liberty just to protect CA.
Do you have link to this?
Have the old friends and acquaintances stuck by all the big A' s in the case?
Peter SchorschApril 25, 2022
''Other evidence submitted to the courts suggests a history of conflict and anti-social behavior. One witness, interviewed after the murder, places Charlie at the center of blackmail attempts and questionable business dealings. Another such story alleged that Charlie had cheated in dental school, and had to turn to powerful family connections to avoid consequences.

One particular family connection — the former chief judge of Broward County and longtime State Senator — is Wendi’s godfather, Peter Weinstein. And his son, Michael Weinstein, was not only Charlie’s lifelong friend but also his lawyer at the time of the murder, providing advice to Charlie following the bump and defending the family on local and national television shows.

Those details may not have come into public attention so soon were it not for Michael Weinstein entering the race for Florida House District 81 in 2020, leading case followers including the organization Justice for Dan to question what, role, if any, Peter and Michael had played in protecting the Adelson family after Dan’s murder.

Charlie and Wendi have other powerful connections, too, no doubt. At the time of the bump, Wendi was working as a clerk in a federal court. Charlie and Donna discuss this on a wiretap, revealing that Wendi’s judge was getting information from a Tallahassee judge to share with her about the case. Other current and former state legislators, local judges, and political advocates are in Adelson circles, too.

Just two months ago, Wendi was seen in a video with her current employer, Jason Feldman of Vault Health, and Miami Mayor Francis Suarez. She has received public support from her former employer, Miami billionaire Mike Fernandez, and has been seen mingling with billionaire Mike Bloomberg.''
Have the old friends and acquaintances stuck by all the big A' s in the case?
Peter SchorschApril 25, 2022
''Other evidence submitted to the courts suggests a history of conflict and anti-social behavior. One witness, interviewed after the murder, places Charlie at the center of blackmail attempts and questionable business dealings. Another such story alleged that Charlie had cheated in dental school, and had to turn to powerful family connections to avoid consequences.

One particular family connection — the former chief judge of Broward County and longtime State Senator — is Wendi’s godfather, Peter Weinstein. And his son, Michael Weinstein, was not only Charlie’s lifelong friend but also his lawyer at the time of the murder, providing advice to Charlie following the bump and defending the family on local and national television shows.

Those details may not have come into public attention so soon were it not for Michael Weinstein entering the race for Florida House District 81 in 2020, leading case followers including the organization Justice for Dan to question what, role, if any, Peter and Michael had played in protecting the Adelson family after Dan’s murder.

Charlie and Wendi have other powerful connections, too, no doubt. At the time of the bump, Wendi was working as a clerk in a federal court. Charlie and Donna discuss this on a wiretap, revealing that Wendi’s judge was getting information from a Tallahassee judge to share with her about the case. Other current and former state legislators, local judges, and political advocates are in Adelson circles, too.

Just two months ago, Wendi was seen in a video with her current employer, Jason Feldman of Vault Health, and Miami Mayor Francis Suarez. She has received public support from her former employer, Miami billionaire Mike Fernandez, and has been seen mingling with billionaire Mike Bloomberg.''
Wow. This is just crazy to me. A man was murdered in cold blood! And what reasonable person couldn’t see that the Adelson’s are behind that murder?!
IMO - there's a public FBI wiretapped call between CA and who i think was his then best friend and fellow periodontist on the day of SG's arrest about the "news". it sure sounded like this best friend knew about the crime - at least after the fact. i bet CA confided in him as he's got a big mouth and it's hard to keep such a big secret all to yourself - so he told his best friend who then called him and asked him guardedly and nervously "are you watching the news?" with a matching response from CA. i bet we'll be hearing this best friend testify. he's not going to jeopardize his life, family, business, and liberty just to protect CA.
Gordon, I too would like a link. I don't disbelieve the story - I just want to see how fully CA implicates himself and if he mentions the possibility of wire taps. The friend's name may well be Ob__d . He was on a witness list for a KM trial but was never called.

As far as the defense of CA is concerned - if the news item mentioned the Markel murder, and I'm sure it did, then the friend simply has to know that DM was CA's brother in law - sufficient reason for the call.
Gordon, I too would like a link. I don't disbelieve the story - I just want to see how fully CA implicates himself and if he mentions the possibility of wire taps. The friend's name may well be Ob__d . He was on a witness list for a KM trial but was never called.

As far as the defense of CA is concerned - if the news item mentioned the Markel murder, and I'm sure it did, then the friend simply has to know that DM was CA's brother in law - sufficient reason for the call.

Check your PM.

DP and ME.
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