GUILTY FL - FSU Law Professor Dan Markel Murdered by Hitmen #17

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While we're waiting, what do folks think about the Markels pursuing a civil suit against the A's? Would the verdict from this trial matter? OJ victim families went this route even though the criminal trial found OJ innocent.
A civil suit would be very appropriate, and a conviction here would, in most jurisdictions, be admissible in a civil case against Charlie. I think the only question would be whether the Markels would feel such a move would be an irrevocal declaration of war against the Adelsons that might jeopardize any possibility of cooperation regarding their seeing the grandkids.
People have been speculating that if CA is convicted, DA will be charged soon thereafter. I don't follow that logic. While a conviction of CA would give the state a psychological boost, it would not actually give the state additional evidence. Recall that the impetus for CA's arrest was "new" evidence, i.e., the enhancement of the Dolce Vida recording. The trial did not produce new evidence of DA's guilt to which the state did not previously have access. If the state believed they had the evidence to convict DA, I think they would have already charged her. I'm just not sure how a conviction of CA makes a prosecution of DA materially more viable. But convince me I'm wrong...
Today on the Surviving the Survivor feed Tim Jansen opined that a conviction would increase the likelihood of an indictment and that Charlie's testimony itself will be a huge benefit since he's "de-immunized" as a result and is now locked down with many specifics that can be used against Donna.
o/t Tie Color - Learn the meaning behind each color -

The color – purple is traditionally associated with royalty and wealth. This tie color communicates confidence and luxury. (Today, Rashbaum wears a purple tie)

Though this isn’t a popular choice of tie color for most men, the tie can draw attention to the wearer. Wear this tie color as a way of standing out from the crowd giving you a formal and elegant appearance that portrays a confident gentleman that is comfortable in his outfit choices and shows no concern for what people think about him. Do NOT wear this tie to any event or occasion where you want to give the impression of a “simple man”. Wear it if you want to achieve the direct opposite.
Totally, same page. Magbanua was offered immunity and didn't flip. That is not only unusual, it never happens. And another thing you never see happen is a State Attorney (Willie Megs) giving press conferences and publicly defending the Adelson family against the overzealous FBI and police officers who want to arrest them. That is unheard of.

In both cases, I believe the Adelson's financial and political resources have allowed them to avoid prosecution. Georgia has said that they needed Dolce Vita to be enhanced, and thats how they were able to finally arrest Charlie. I believe her, but I also believe that this explanation also helps the State Attorney's Office justify having not charged Charlie in the first place.
I don’t really want to believe a state attorney would be corrupt like that. I mean, there was a lot of probable cause there, and he IS an officer of the court. There’s not a lot of room to maneuver for him with those facts. I also don’t want to believe that these people had so much influence with this prosecutor in small town North Florida. No offense Tallahassee, (I hear it’s nice) but North Florida and South Florida are very different, and the A’s are not North Florida people who seem like they would have such great connections there. It is the capital though, so maybe they know state legislators, or know people who know them. How that would filter down to Megs I have no idea. It is certainly strange that they weren’t charged and the police had a probable cause affidavit for them. It’s a good affidavit, very solid.
People have been speculating that if CA is convicted, DA will be charged soon thereafter. I don't follow that logic. While a conviction of CA would give the state a psychological boost, it would not actually give the state additional evidence. Recall that the impetus for CA's arrest was "new" evidence, i.e., the enhancement of the Dolce Vida recording. The trial did not produce new evidence of DA's guilt to which the state did not previously have access. If the state believed they had the evidence to convict DA, I think they would have already charged her. I'm just not sure how a conviction of CA makes a prosecution of DA materially more viable. But convince me I'm wrong...
It’s a good point. I don’t know why they don’t charge her. The tapes. The checks. Her defense will be that she only knew that she was writing checks to Katie, possibly for insurance, and when the bump happened, she thought it was about insurance fraud. But, still, let the jury decide if that’s valid. Let her explain that phone call to the undercover, and the TV code.
A civil suit would be very appropriate, and a conviction here would, in most jurisdictions, be admissible in a civil case against Charlie. I think the only question would be whether the Markels would feel such a move would be an irrevocal declaration of war against the Adelsons that might jeopardize any possibility of cooperation regarding their seeing the grandkids.
I recall hearing somewhere that they may want to bring a civil suit for wrongful death on behalf of his estate or his heirs. The estate may have a legal obligation to pursue that claim. I think that’s what they did with OJ, I think Nicole’s estate was one of the plaintiffs there. And the relationship with the Markels, sadly, has already suffered so much damage that it may never recover anyway. JMO.
o/t Tie Color - Learn the meaning behind each color -

The color – purple is traditionally associated with royalty and wealth. This tie color communicates confidence and luxury. (Today, Rashbaum wears a purple tie)

Though this isn’t a popular choice of tie color for most men, the tie can draw attention to the wearer. Wear this tie color as a way of standing out from the crowd giving you a formal and elegant appearance that portrays a confident gentleman that is comfortable in his outfit choices and shows no concern for what people think about him. Do NOT wear this tie to any event or occasion where you want to give the impression of a “simple man”. Wear it if you want to achieve the direct opposite.
Purple is the color of a lawyer's stole on graduation.

LIVE BLOG- P.M.: Closing arguments begin in Charlie Adelson trial​

Published: Nov. 6, 2023

1:48: Jury begins deliberations

The jury is now deliberating in the murder-for-hire trial of Charlie Adelson.

1:44: Jury instructions

Judge Everett is giving jurors instructions about how deliberations should be conducted.

1:43: Cappleman finishes rebuttal

“The defendant is smart. And they had over a year to plan this murder with the goal of not getting caught. And he’s had 7 years to think about his defense,” Cappleman says.

“Only one of us is putting on a magic show. It’s up to y’all to figure out which one it is.”

She finishes rebuttal at 1:43 p.m.

1:25: State’s rebuttal

Cappleman again questions why Charlie would give gifts to Magbanua if she was extorting him.

Cappleman agrees “Katherine Magbanua is a liar.” But, Cappleman says, Magbanua’s prior testimony didn’t fit with the other evidence.

“No one has stronger feelings about Katheirne Magbanua than the ones sitting on this side.”

“Would I ask you to base this defendant’s freedom on the word of Katherine Magbanua? I would never do that.”

Cappleman continues “they really need y’all to discount the testimony of Jeffrey Lacasse, right? Because of that statement Wendi made to him just before the murder.”

Lacasse testified that Wendi told him Charlie had seriously looked into hiring a hit man.

1:24: “They don’t get the last word. You do.”

“There is only one just verdict in this case,” Rashbaum says, approaching the jury. “Count 1, not guilty. Count 2, not guilty. Count 3, not guilty. End this nightmare. Send him home. Thank you, your honor.”

The defense finishes its closing argument at 1:25 p.m. Georgia Cappleman begins the state’s rebuttal immediately after.

1:19: “A case of guesses and assumptions.”

Rashbaum tells jurors they are allowed to speculate when they go back into the jury room. Cappleman objects to that and Judge Everett calls them for a sidebar conversation.

“The presumption of innocence means that we presume the best about people. We presume them to be blameless. That means when you’re listening to these wires, if there are two possible explanations, you go with the one that is favorable to Charlie.”

Rashbaum tells jurors “When you have two explanations, both of them reasonable, you go with the one that presumes his innocence. That’s how our system works.”

“If you waver at all, that is living, breathing proof of reasonable doubt. And when you find yourself doing that, you must find Charlie Adelson not guilty. Because that is reasonable doubt and shows that the state did not meet its burden.”

1:00: Dolce Vita

On why Charlie didn’t go to the police about the extortion, Rashbaum says, “He had just seen what had happened to Professor Markel. He knew the danger of these people.

“You wonder why he is talking the way he’s talking in Dolce Vita. He’s freaking out. He thinks his mom, if they don’t pay, is going to get killed.”

Rashbaum further addresses the Dolce Vita recording, saying “there is no code. But we can agree on this: they’re talking carefully.”

Rashbaum says Adelson speaks carefully with Magbanua because he needs her help and doesn’t want to spook her. When he speaks carefully with Donna Adelson, Rashbaum says it’s because he doesn’t want anyone, including police, to find out about the first extortion.


Talking about Luis Rivera, Rashbaum says, “He’s an animal, but he was truthful.”

Rashbaum says about the fact that Charlie called his parents’ landline the day of the murder -- “It means absolutely nothing … it’s grasping at straws.”

“It’s like magic. It’s like they’re putting on a magic show. Use your common sense.”

12:30: “He didn’t flee or hide.”

Rashbaum points out that none of the Adelsons got burner phones and called the agent from the bump with their cell phones.

“We don’t disagree that the murder of Markel was horrific. They showed you those pictures today. I can’t look at them. These people who killed him were animals.”

Rashbaum argues that Adelson and his team have no idea how Katherine Magbanua and Sigfredo Garcia knew where Markel lived and when he would be out of town.

Jeffrey Lacasse was “a jilted lover who was stalking Wendi Adelson,” Rashbaum says. Rashbaum says Lacasse was angry because he thought the family was trying to frame him for Markel’s murder, and his testimony was shaped by that.

”His testimony makes no sense, is biased and should be discounted as nonsense.”

12:07: Addressing Magbanua’s testimony

Rashbaum apologizes if any jurors were offended by the tone he used when cross-examining Katherine Magbanua. “I’m passionate, and I believe in the system,” Rashbaum says. “And the one thing I hate is when someone comes in this courtroom and lies. I hate even more when a murderer comes in this courtroom and lies.”

The state “called a woman who lied under oath in her first trial, they called a woman who lied under oath in her first trial … but worse, they called a woman who just a year ago lied during her proffers.”

“The bottom line is, Charlie Adelson was conned. On the night of the 18th, he was scared. He didn’t think she was part of it. He thought she was protecting him.”

Rashbaum asks why the state didn’t ask Magbanua any questions about the wires or call her back to the stand in rebuttal after Charlie’s testimony. He says it’s because even the state can’t trust Magbanua. “The truth is, even they have doubt … that’s why it took them six years after her arrest to even charge Charlie Adelson.”

“Ask yourself, ‘Why were they so afraid to ask her any of those questions?’”

11:59: “You don’t have to like Charlie Adelson.”

Rashbaum says it doesn’t make sense for Charlie to joke about hiring a hit man repeatedly if he was actually going to do it.

“Criminals do not advertise what they are about to do,” he says. “That makes no sense.”

Rashbaum also questions why a payment wasn’t made up front if Markel’s murder was a hit.

11:52: Puzzle pieces

Rashbaum points out that at the time of both murder attempts, Markel had custody of the kids.

“Does that make any sense?” Rashbaum asks.

“There’s no chance, if these people were behind the murder, that they would take any risk that those boys would be in the cross-hairs.”

Just a couple weeks before the murder, Sigfredo Garcia tried to run Charlie off the road. Rashbaum says this doesn’t make sense, questioning why Garcia would do a hit for Charlie if he hated him so much.

11:50: “A far cry from murder.”

“Crazy ideas? Yes. An upset mother? Yes. Pushing each other’s buttons? Yes. But ladies and gentlemen, even the million dollar offer you heard lawyers were consulted to make sure it was legal. A far cry from murder,” Rashbaum says.

Rashbaum says that Wendi and her boys moving to South Florida would not have impacted Charlie’s life significantly.

Rashbaum says they spent a lot of time in cross examination trying to prove Wendi is innocent. He says Wendi made plans for her life in Tallahassee -- making play dates, buying plane tickets, hired a new divorce lawyer, and more.

“They were guessing about Wendi just like they’re guessing about Charlie,” he says.

11:45: Rashbaum begins closing arguments

Daniel Rashbaum begins closing statements at 11:45, continuing his theme in opening of “puzzle pieces.”

“What you see in this trial is a mountain of reasonable doubt,” Rashbaum says.

“Sometimes the simple answer is the wrong answer. Sometimes things aren’t so simple. And that’s what we have in this case.”

Rashbaum argues “Charlie Adelson didn’t have a motive to upend his life.”

"Rashbaum argues that Adelson and his team have no idea how Katherine Magbanua and Sigfredo Garcia knew where Markel lived and when he would be out of town."

I guess CA couldn't come up with a lie to explain this away......
Rashbaum is a great lawyer with a guilty client and terrible facts. His closing started strong but when he's having to offer alternative explanations for all these statements - the Defense is exposed as absurd.
His reputation is at stake, this is a high profile case due to international media coverage
Police arresting Charlie got caught up on barbed wire. There were also reports of a gun being installed on a tripod facing the door. So bizzare. And it really makes me think of the final episode from Breaking Bad. Maybe thats where he got the idea.
I don’t think they’ve washed their hands of him. I think they ate watching every bit they can.

If I were a juror - I think I would be wondering why Wendi isn’t in the court room supporting her brother.
The three of them should all be there supporting their golden son and brother. IMO it's telling that they are not present. Especially by CA's own words on how innocent he is. But, I can guess why. They can't take the heat of everyone looking at them knowing exactly what they all are.JMOO
Police arresting Charlie got caught up on barbed wire. There were also reports of a gun being installed on a tripod facing the door. So bizzare. And it really makes me think of the final episode from Breaking Bad. Maybe thats where he got the idea.
I am picturing him in those boxers outside his home - not pretty!

The three of them should all be there supporting their golden son and brother. IMO it's telling that they are not present. Especially by CA's own words on how innocent he is. But, I can guess why. They can't take the heat of everyone looking at them knowing exactly what they all are.JMOO
Do we think the jury noted their absence? And that Wendi didn’t even stay? At one point on cross, Charlie was asked if anyone could corroborate his story, and he said yes, there were people who could. I guess she wasn’t allowed to ask why his parents weren’t there, but could she have asked him “who could corroborate it?”
I'd bet the Adelsons are finally having the banana bread that Donna baked for Dan after they hugged and made up and Dan asked her to babysit his kids before his murder but after he'd filed (and never withdrew) his motion to prevent Donna from having unsupervised visitation with the kids.

That banana bread went missing during Wendi's police interview in 2014 and then it was also missing in her testimonies in 2019 and 2022 but they somehow found it right before Charlies trial in 2023. I hope they kept it in the freezer.
'The BananaBread Defense.' Totally bananas.

It will become infamous in legal circles in Florida.
'Become?'... hopefully by tomorrow afternoon at the latest.

Rashbaum will get served it at legal conferences in the future. 'Coffee and a slice Daniel?'
I am picturing him in those boxers outside his home - not pretty!

Wow! Looks like a cute little bungalow. I had pictured his home being a "McMansion." Wonder if he has a view of the ocean.

ETA: HAD a view of the ocean. He won't be going back to it.
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