FL - FSU Law Professor Dan Markel Murdered by Hitmen *3 guilty* #15

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The police officer on scene that morning that recognized Wendi’s vehicle…I’m pretty sure I remember him testifying at a previous trial that he was told what vehicle she drove and to be on the look out for it.
Yes, and I thought he said recently that his daughter actually drives the same type of vehicle, they had a similar year/make/model and she was driving that so that is also why he recognized/recalled the vehicle.

Wendi’s story about police blocking the road for a possible downed trees or electrical outage seems unrealistic, but I did go back to her police interview that day and that’s one of the same details she mentioned back then too. MOO is that it was possibly because it was rehearsed in her mind for what her reason would be, why she was going to that liquor store on that day on that time before going out to lunch with friends.
I went to a lecture by Casey Anthony’s attorney. It made his career. He seemed completely shocked that he won with that defense. If Rashbaum can do this, it will make his career as well.
What an embarrassment it would be for GC if she loses this case! It took 9 years for her to get Charlie in her crosshairs! The Markels have waited 9 years for an Adelson to be brought to Justice. They deserve an organized and methodical prosecution that leaves no stone unturned.

I was thinking last night about how GC went through all the unhinged emails from Donna with Wendi about converting the boys’ religion, getting them to dress like Hitler youth etc. And then GC had to go back a few minutes later and ask “oh I don’t think I asked you but what religion was Dan?”

Are you kidding me???

After the brief remark of Wendi possibly being on the phone when she drove near the house/crime scene, I visited the JusticeForDan website again and was reminded of the slew of alleged phone calls that took place that day of the murder.
snipped by me

Thanks for those

Also at the link you provided is the full Luis Rivera interview with LE. Am going to have another look at it because this is what Rashbaum will be referencing tomorrow when he's on cross with Luis.
Another problem with the defense’s theory- how do you explain the taps with the code talk they all use. I presume Raush will say CA was petrified he or his family would be killed so he did what KM said, and she wanted them to speak in code for fear the feds were listening on the second extortion. We skipped past why they Did the bump. They did it because they all refused to talk on the phone or in their home. Who does that if you’re innocent? And why did he talk code with DA when it was their private conversations? He is innocent and so is she, so why were they speaking in code still? Her calling CA after the bump, but saying let’s not talk on the phone.

Even more, there is that one tap where KM is so mad with CA yelling at her to get the number, find out who it is so they can fix it, she says f this code s**t and keeps talking. Not what the mastermind extorter would do. It doesn’t make sense for CA to be covering for KM in those taps if he’s innocent. It’s ludicrous. He’d be hopIng she’s caught and then when they haul him in, he tells the police he’s innocent and extorted. The other 3 are in jail.

He wouldn’t wait until trial. It;s ludicrous because he’s not being bribed over like a sexual matter, it’s for MURDER! Who would believe if you’re innocent of murder, even if you talk code on the taps because KM wants you to, you wouldn’t speak freely to anyone else. The day SG was arrested, CA’s friend called him to see how he was. When Charlie was only complaining about a patient, the friend asked him, did you see the news? And then CA told him if you don’t want the feds listening to anything we say, don’t say anything on the phone. If you’re a victim of extortion for murder, who would keep up that ruse like that? Raush, with no irony, was screaming how could Jeff L not go to thr police after WA said CA looked into a hit man? Laughable.
Agree zero chance he flips on them. Zero. He loves his mom. May be the only one he does love besides himself. He did this for his mom. No way he ever rolls on her. Maybe DA says it was all her and saves her kids thinking she’s old now so she’ll plead health problems and skate. But I doubt it.
Yep. My theory is that Donna was just complaining and complaining and telling them something must be done NOW (basically in the tone of those emails), and Dan kept filing this stuff, and she kept having to drive up there, and then Dan files something about HER, and …… CA did it in part to make her stop. There are mothers like this who just won’t give up on something and everyone does what they want just to shut them up. Whether CA did It behind her back is the question. It’s certainly possible. She could just be a manipulative narcissist, but not a killer. CA has guns and underworld contacts, and he seems to have been involved in a lot of illegal activity. Perhaps Harvey suggested it. He seems rather calm at that Japanese restaurant, and he was involved in the inside trading, and he is supposed to have pulled strings to get CA to graduate from dental school.

The prosecution, in closing, needs to build the tension with Donna’s emails and the divorce filings, and how she was fixated on it and driving everyone crazy. They need to show that this family wanted the problem gone. And CA took care of it. I thought they did that well in the last trial. I didn’t like the opening here. I think Georgia should do the close. I think Dugan is better with witnesses, and Georgia is better with argument, where she can use her anger and sarcasm.
I don't see how they can logically try to say that DA knew about this supposed extortion against CA and explain DolceV. Why would Charlie be lamenting to KM how he's so worried about his mother, that his elderly mother has diarrhea and can't sleep after the bump to the woman who is extorting them? Why would he be giving the mastermind extortor instructions on how to make a phone call and what to say to, who they presume is the FBI or not?
But the wiretap where DA calls CA about the bump and says that she received paperwork involving her and CA seems like strong evidence that she knew something about Dan's murder. JMO.

But the wiretap where she calls CA about the bump and says that she received paperwork involving her and CA seems like strong evidence that she knew something about Dan's murder. JMO.
I 100% agree and believe she was the impetus for the murder. Limiting the kids to supervised visitation sealed DM’s fate with DA, IMO. I have to go clarify what I wrote, but my point was if you’re making that ridiculous argument from the defense, it doesn’t line up with Dolce Vita. Why would Charlie be sitting there saying we need to put an end to this now with these people. My mom is old and can’t sleep and had diarrhea all night. My mom is not goIng to continue to go through this with the extortionists coming back again and again for more. Find out who these people are, and they need to get whacked. I will pay anything to do it.

It makes no sense that Charlie would say all that to katie if katie is the mastermind extortionist who did this in the first place. That was my point, and to me, it’s another reason why the defense fails. In other words, Charlie and Donna are frantic with all their calls and worrying over the feds finding out that they’re innocent and didn’t do the murder???? Over the feds listening in and finding out that it was katie and the hitman who were responsible for the murder???? It’s ludicrous.
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But the wiretap where she calls CA about the bump and says that she received paperwork involving her and CA seems like strong evidence that she knew something about Dan's murder. JMO.
Yep. She knew what it was about. Maybe her attorneys could argue that she knew about it after the fact, when he asked her to write the checks. Then when the bump happened, she was worried because she thought she could keep out of it, and here they were coming after HER. He does say, repeatedly, “you did nothing wrong” to her on the wiretaps.

The thing that contradicts that is, of course, when she says “probably the two of us.” This suggests she thinks they are both involved. She knows at the very least that she was involved in the payment. But I think she wouldn’t have said “the two of us” if she wasnt involved in more than that. It’s their scheme. The two of them. And then the TV reference. She is telling him it has to do with the hit on Dan.
Wow @katiecoolady just watching your video from today and I’m so glad you made the comparison between Charlie’s demeanor and Wendi’s. I have been feeling the same. I think Charlie should be punished for what he did. I too am feeling somewhat sorry for Charlie for exactly the reason you astutely picked up - there seems to be sorrow and regret on his face! Meanwhile Wendi comes in there completely untouched by the occasion. It’s a stark difference. Who is the real villain?

But the wiretap where DA calls CA about the bump and says that she received paperwork involving her and CA seems like strong evidence that she knew something about Dan's murder. JMO.
And DA’s reaction to getting handed that paper during the bump, not asking “what are you talking about?!” not saying much of anything in response; she quickly puts it in her bag and waits for the crosswalk signal to walk across the street.

I re-listened to the audio recordings this morning, from Katie and CA played during her last trial, and the level of anger from CA and how annoyed he is with being “harassed” and demanding Katie find out who and what this is all about….sure maybe his defense will try and use that for their “extortion” claims but even CA says he doesn’t want anyone to go to jail in that call, he just wants it to “stop”. Some may think that could mean he’s telling Katie he doesn’t even want her to go down for any of this, and so she just needs to find a way to make it stop. The part about him talking about the two “layers” and trying to see which “layer” the info could be coming from/about, some could also think that means Sigfredo & Luis being the “two layers”.

I myself forgot how damning some of those recorded calls for him and KM were. It’ll be interesting to see how much, if any, of his own words in those calls is used by his attorneys to support their extortion claims.
I 100% agree and believe she was the impetus for the murder. Limiting the kids to supervised visitation sealed DM’s fate with DA, IMO. I have to go clarify what I wrote, but my point was if you’re making that ridiculous argument from the defense, it doesn’t line up with Dolce Vita. Why would Charlie be sitting there saying we need to put an end to this now with these people. My mom is old and can’t sleep and had diarrhea all night. My mom is not goInf to continue to go through this with the extortionists coming back again and again for more. Find out who these people are, and they need to get whacked. I will pay anything to do it.

It makes no sense that Charlie would say all that to katie if katie is the mastermind extortionist who did this in the first place. That was my point, and to me, it’s another reason why the defense fails. In other words, Charlie and Donna are frantic with all their calls and worrying over the feds finding out that they’re innocent and didn’t do the murder???? Over the feds listening in and finding out that it was katie and the hitman who were responsible for the murder???? It’s ludicrous.
Their theory is that they believed the bump was a SECOND extortion, not the one with Katie. Katie was helping them solve it.

it’s still unclear to me whether they are arguing Katie was extorting them, or just the other two and Katie told them about it. If it’s the second thing, then their being friend,y to Katie makes sense. She does say “Im trying to help you out and figure out who it is“ on one of the calls. They are obviously tailoring their argument to the calls that exist. That’s the “ puzzle pieces” that he’s referring to. He has all these pieces of evidence and he has to make them all fit into his cockamamie story.
Wow @katiecoolady just watching your video from today and I’m so glad you made the comparison between Charlie’s demeanor and Wendi’s. I have been feeling the same. I think Charlie should be punished for what he did. I too am feeling somewhat sorry for Charlie for exactly the reason you astutely picked up - there seems to be sorrow and regret on his face! Meanwhile Wendi comes in there completely untouched by the occasion. It’s a stark difference. Who is the real villain?
WendI has what I would call “resting nothing face.” No expression at all in between questions. That would be hard to do, I would think. To me it looks odd. Like a passport photo.
Their theory is that they believed the bump was a SECOND extortion, not the one with Katie. Katie was helping them solve it.

it’s still unclear to me whether they are arguing Katie was extorting them, or just the other two and Katie told them about it. If it’s the second thing, then their being friend,y to Katie makes sense. She does say “Im trying to help you out and figure out who it is“ on one of the calls. They are obviously tailoring their argument to the calls that exist. That’s the “ puzzle pieces” that he’s referring to. He has all these pieces of evidence and he has to make them all fit into his cockamamie story.
Yes. I know the bump is the second extortion. I’m saying it makes no sense the way he speaks to katie in Dolce Vita based on the FIRST supposed extortion. I’m saying it makes zero sense that he would say the things I posted about to KM, who was supposedly extorting him from the first extortion. It makes no sense that he would be complaining and sounding alarms to katie about his mom being nervous from the bump. It makes no sense that he would be so nervous and giving directions to katie on what to say when she calls, what to do, and telling her she better find out who it is because he doesn’t want his mom going through this. He wouldn’t be telling his supposed extortionist KM any of that. It makes no sense that that Dolce V would be his reaction to the feds listening in If he was the victim and innocent. Or that he then immediately calls his mom after Dolce to talk more code and reassure her.
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I’m really trying to be unbiased, but even if I didn’t know most the evidence - there is no way I can make the defense theory seem logical in my mind. Two thugs and a bottle girl from Miami, one of the thugs can’t even read or write, hear about the million dollar bribe to Dan to allow Wendi to move back to Miami, and they decide to kill Dan first then ask for $100,000 split three ways?
Wow @katiecoolady just watching your video from today and I’m so glad you made the comparison between Charlie’s demeanor and Wendi’s. I have been feeling the same. I think Charlie should be punished for what he did. I too am feeling somewhat sorry for Charlie for exactly the reason you astutely picked up - there seems to be sorrow and regret on his face! Meanwhile Wendi comes in there completely untouched by the occasion. It’s a stark difference. Who is the real villain?
Wendi certainly is the smoother operator.

Also KatieCoolLady in one of her videos says that Wendi was careful never to look at Charlie once when Katie was there.

What Wendi did do, however, was to wait until the jury all left the court and she assumed - the camera was off her - before she threw a big grin at Charlie and she walked down from the witness box. I posted it here on the day.

Being brighter than her brother, it's no wonder that she fell out with her brother at one stage after KM was arrested ( FanicFiction's sources)
Also, I wonder what she thinks of this crazy new defence? To me, it's not credible that she hasn't discussed this with her family.
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