FL - FSU Law Professor Dan Markel Murdered by Hitmen *4 Guilty* #24

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I'm not sure about the '"Jeff would be my vote" comment, but I do recall she made it clear that she didn’t think Jeff was capable of the murder. She even said something to the effect of that she views him as a ‘decent’ guy and she said be more inclined to suspect ‘someone like you’ - not sure who she was directing the ‘you’ to, I don’t recall who speaking to at the time (victim’s advocate?)

The ex is just logical choice – IMO, it had nothing to do with her believing it was Jeff.
She seems to have thought it could NOT be Jeff, and yet somehow felt she had to bring it up, or felt that Wendi had to bring it up. This suggests to me that she possibly would not have brought Jeff up or suggested Wendi mention him to the investigators, had it not been for their walk earlier in the week.

Also notable, as I see it, is the fact that the victim advocate - who Wendi likely knew was a social worker like Jane and might possibly be trained to be empathetic and attuned to the possibility of abuse or stalking - just happened to be in the room while they were discussing it and immediately picked up on it.

Again, in my opinion we can’t rule out the possibility of subtle manipulation.

It’s true that Jane is the first to bring him up, but it is what happens afterward and the lead-up to telling Isom that I find most interesting.
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I never said this or anything like it.

If I missed that quote, so be it. As I said I was listening on double-speed. I'm not going to listen to the whole thing again but if someone could provide a timestamp I would appreciate it.
I think it may have been edited out.
She seems to have thought it could NOT be Jeff, and yet somehow felt she had to bring it up, or felt that Wendi had to bring it up. This suggests to me that she possibly would not have brought Jeff up or suggested Wendi mention him to the investigators, had it not been for their walk earlier in the week.

Also notable, as I see it, is the fact that the victim advocate - who Wendi likely knew was a social worker like Jane and might possibly be trained to be empathetic and attuned to the possibility of abuse or stalking - just happened to be in the room while they were discussing it and immediately picked up on it.

Again, in my opinion we can’t rule out the possibility of subtle manipulation.

It’s true that Jane is the first to bring him up, but it is what happens afterward and the lead-up to telling Isom that I find most interesting.

I understand all the theories that have been discussed and I think they all have some merit or are at least conceivable. The facts are that Jane knew Wendi fairly well and knew about Wendi and Jeff’s relationship issues – including Jeff’s jealously which, according to Wendi, may or may not have been warranted :). According to Jeff, Wendi was seeing other men throughout their relatively short relationship. Also, per Jeff, he confronted Wendi about the cheating which led to the ‘big’ Gainesville fight shortly before (as in weeks) the murder. The reality is even if Wendi didn’t purposely feed Jane stories about Jeff as part of some elaborate ‘setup’ plan, she sill would have confided in her about their issues and that’s exactly what she did.

IMO, Jane bringing Jeff’s name up as a potential suspect was not necessarily because of anything Wendi told her about their relationship issues, it was just a logical choice. Just like after Wendi told Jane that they fingerprinted her - Jane said to Wendi - 'well I would hope so, you're a logical choice'. I'm sure Jane felt the same way about Jeff - he was also a 'logical choice'. The additional color Jane provided after mentioning Jeff by adding that they were having relationship issues and Jeff was very jealous just so happened to be true. Wendi gave him a reason to be jealous and I realize many think that Wendi purposely was making Jeff jealous as part of the elaborate plan. Personally I think many details of this case are overanalyzed to a very extreme level.
I understand all the theories that have been discussed and I think they all have some merit or are at least conceivable. The facts are that Jane knew Wendi fairly well and knew about Wendi and Jeff’s relationship issues – including Jeff’s jealously which, according to Wendi, may or may not have been warranted :). According to Jeff, Wendi was seeing other men throughout their relatively short relationship. Also, per Jeff, he confronted Wendi about the cheating which led to the ‘big’ Gainesville fight shortly before (as in weeks) the murder. The reality is even if Wendi didn’t purposely feed Jane stories about Jeff as part of some elaborate ‘setup’ plan, she sill would have confided in her about their issues and that’s exactly what she did.

IMO, Jane bringing Jeff’s name up as a potential suspect was not necessarily because of anything Wendi told her about their relationship issues, it was just a logical choice. Just like after Wendi told Jane that they fingerprinted her - Jane said to Wendi - 'well I would hope so, you're a logical choice'. I'm sure Jane felt the same way about Jeff - he was also a 'logical choice'. The additional color Jane provided after mentioning Jeff by adding that they were having relationship issues and Jeff was very jealous just so happened to be true. Wendi gave him a reason to be jealous and I realize many think that Wendi purposely was making Jeff jealous as part of the elaborate plan. Personally I think many details of this case are overanalyzed to a very extreme level.
I don’t believe she necessarily intentionally made Jeff jealous or picked that fight as part of an elaborate plan, and it’s possible she really was cheating on him. It’s certainly possible Jane would have mentioned Jeff in any event.

I’m just pointing out that if memory serves me, the first person Jane mentions Jeff to is Wendi, not the detectives, and then everything follows from there, with the victim advocate intervening, Wendi asking them whether she should say something, the other two women agreeing she really should, and THEN Wendi herself telling Isom.

Speaking generally and not about anyone in this particular case, manipulation can be subtle, and some people are very good at it, it may be second nature and not consciously done, and effective manipulators can make something look like it was someone else’s idea.
I don’t believe she necessarily intentionally made Jeff jealous or picked that fight as part of an elaborate plan, and it’s possible she really was cheating on him. It’s certainly possible Jane would have mentioned Jeff in any event.

I’m just pointing out that if memory serves me, the first person Jane mentions Jeff to is Wendi, not the detectives, and then everything follows from there, with the victim advocate intervening, Wendi asking them whether she should say something, the other two women agreeing she really should, and THEN Wendi herself telling Isom.

Speaking generally and not about anyone in this particular case, manipulation can be subtle, and some people are very good at it, it may be second nature and not consciously done, and effective manipulators can make something look like it was someone else’s idea.

Yes, Jane gave Jeff’s name after Wendi asked her ‘who would do this’ – Isom wasn’t present at the time. You don’t have to dig too hard to find all sorts of theories that Wendi was intentionally trying to make Jeff jealous and the question Wendi asked Jane at the police station both are tied to the elaborate Lacasse set up plans. Also that everything Wendi told Jane earlier that week when they went for a walk is tied to the set up plans as well. Many believe Jeff was a target from day one, which is why I refer to it as the ‘elaborate setup plan’. It’s a little too farfetched for my taste – identifying Jeff as a suspect as well as the others mentioned, might have been diversion tactic, but I don’t believe in the elaborate Lacasse setup plan ‘theory’.
So, I have to wonder what made Jane think of him straight-off? She immediately mentions him as soon as "who could have done this" comes up. What gives?
Yeah I don't like that. She was a friend and colleague of his and would know he was incapable of that. She's also know there was little genuine motive. She had a hidden agenda. There's no way JL should have been at the forefront of her mind when thinking about potential suspects.
I still don't think LaCasse is a tough guy. Maybe he was just posturing in front of the cop a bit, trying to act macho.
He followed up the comment about kicking his arse, with something along the lines of "I've never been in a fight or punched anyone" something like that.
KM said she didn't want to confess because that could put SG "the father of her children" on death row.
I don't buy that. KM is cut from the same cloth as the Adelsons. There's only one person Katie cares about and that's Katie. None of these co-conspirators gave a flying about anyone else when arranging this murder. DA sold her own kids down the river to get what she wanted, not caring that they might be arrested and die in prison. Same with KM. She enlisted SG not caring that he might get caught. And also not caring that her she might get caught and her kids would be essentially orphaned.

She didn't confess because she was convinced, with the help of Kawass and Decoste, that she would not be found guilty.
I wonder how much SY looked in to WA's involvement in the murder of DM. She's a lawyer and you'd think would want to know the truth. I've had friends that have committed certain crimes. It is your duty to find out the truth, especially when the crimes are serious. And that's what I've done with 2 friends (ex-friends). I needed to know what happened, I found out and severed the friendships. I get the impression with SY that she had her head in the sand to some extent. It wouldn't have been hard to find out that WA was not who she purported to be. A different side to her. And SY could have easily found out that there were a lot of inconsistencies with WA's version of events, yet she remained friends until 4 years after the murder.
I wonder how much SY looked in to WA's involvement in the murder of DM. She's a lawyer and you'd think would want to know the truth. I've had friends that have committed certain crimes. It is your duty to find out the truth, especially when the crimes are serious. And that's what I've done with 2 friends (ex-friends). I needed to know what happened, I found out and severed the friendships. I get the impression with SY that she had her head in the sand to some extent. It wouldn't have been hard to find out that WA was not who she purported to be. A different side to her. And SY could have easily found out that there were a lot of inconsistencies with WA's version of events, yet she remained friends until 4 years after the murder.
Well if you watched the video , ML says that she was moved by Phil Markels victim impact statement, and that she was worried that others would twist and take info she knew about Wendi and use it against her.
But in time, as she probably saw the shows like 20/20 and followed the SM, she decided what she knew had value and she should share the info she has. Donnas conviction may have changed things.
And according to those emails, if you want to imagine what Wendi may have told her…you can imagine the fear.
Her life would now be under scrutiny.
And it definitely will now.
With both sides taking depositions.
And now she is on the states witness list.
I think what she did was brave. And really good timing actually.

She had to be careful with this crazy family.

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