FL- Girl 12, found dead at abandoned cement plant

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The key to change... is to let go of fear
Mar 4, 2009
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Did we miss having a thread for her? I don't recognize the name.
Mom of Lakeland girl found dead: Daughter was cyberbullied, killed self

A 12-year-old girl who was reported missing was found dead in Lakeland Tuesday, authorities said.

Detectives said Rebecca Ann Sedwick's body was found at a former business location for a cement company on North Eastside Drive.

Sedwick's mother, Tricia Norman, said it was a suicide, but investigators have not confirmed that.

This may have to be moved at some point to the bully thread. LE is not confirming just yet that she killed herself..............RIP Rebecca :rose:
Cyber-bullied girl dead: 12-year-old's reported suicide topic of news briefing


I don't see a link for news conference that was held. Apparently she jumped from a structure at this cement company. She texted someone in NC that she didn't know, I believe, and said she couldn't take the bullying any longer and was ending it. That person never reported it. LE has also confiscated laptops, phones etc investigating the bullying and said that parents have been very cooperative. jmo
Why do these parents keep buying their kids cell phones, computers, etc. and letting them have facebook pages? I'm sorry, but if you know your child is or has been bullied why in the world would you let them have a facebook page to make it easier for the bullies. My son is 13 and he has been picked on a few times. I won't let him have a facebook. I don't have one. Why does he need one? I think these parents need to take some responsibility. Don't make it easier for the bullies and predators to get to your children.
"Judd said more than a dozen young girls are under investigation for possibly bullying Rebecca Ann Sedwick before she jumped to her death at an old cement business less than one mile from her home."

From link above.


I was usually the target of the mean girls, especially because I was younger than my classmates, but I'm extremely introverted anyway and it didn't get to me as much as it would a "normal" 12/13yo girl seeking acceptance. (Being a bit on the Asperger's side, I was more confused than hurt.)

But back then, you also left the bullying at school when you went home for the day, you didn't take it home with you on your phone.
Why do these parents keep buying their kids cell phones, computers, etc. and letting them have facebook pages? I'm sorry, but if you know your child is or has been bullied why in the world would you let them have a facebook page to make it easier for the bullies. My son is 13 and he has been picked on a few times. I won't let him have a facebook. I don't have one. Why does he need one? I think these parents need to take some responsibility. Don't make it easier for the bullies and predators to get to your children.

Personally, I think all parents should try to be aware of all activity involving their children. I've raised and am still raising mine....if I don't have passwords, usernames and complete history......you don't have a phone or internet access. That means if there is no text history, etc. bye bye phone, etc. Pretty simple. It does take extra effort and time but it is worth it to me. And I am raising them on my own so I have no parenting help. I caught one girl texting some garbage to my daughter, so I texted her back and there have been zero problems since then. I am sure she was freaking out when she realized that I had read every text she had sent.
I feel terrible for this little girl and her family. My prayers and thoughts are with them.
Bullying is a gateway to a life of crime and other evil things. :stormingmad:
It seems recently suicide due to "bullying" is never what the parents want the public to believe. That is, their meek child somehow - inexplicably and unpredictably and helplessly - becomes the victim of bullying and can't stop it no matter how hard the child tries.

That's simply not the case, it seems, ever. The parents did almost everything they could to stop it - they reported it to the school (not the school's fault, though), they switched her schools and they forced her to shut down her facebook page.

But she insisted on circumventing her parents help by using her cell phone to still access social media sites and participate in the bullying forum.

Sometimes, you can't save your precious children from themselves.

Suicide by "bullying" is much, much more complicated than parents realize. It's not cause and affect.

I just read about this story. How sad! What a tragic waste of a young life, all over a boy. I hope the bullies are caught and put to shame!
It seems recently suicide due to "bullying" is never what the parents want the public to believe. That is, their meek child somehow - inexplicably and unpredictably and helplessly - becomes the victim of bullying and can't stop it no matter how hard the child tries.

That's simply not the case, it seems, ever. The parents did almost everything they could to stop it - they reported it to the school (not the school's fault, though), they switched her schools and they forced her to shut down her facebook page.

But she insisted on circumventing her parents help by using her cell phone to still access social media sites and participate in the bullying forum.

Sometimes, you can't save your precious children from themselves.

Suicide by "bullying" is much, much more complicated than parents realize. It's not cause and affect.

I have a hard time understanding why anyone would want to subject themselves to that- I would try to get away from it. Why give the bullies the power by killing themselves???
And I was bullied for 3 years in elementary school and had no friends. But I valued myself, even if noone else did.
I just read about this story. How sad! What a tragic waste of a young life, all over a boy. I hope the bullies are caught and put to shame!

Envy drove them to bully. Envy drives people to commit evil acts. Lori Drew, Casey Anthony, Jodi Arias, Yoselyn Ortega, Gertrude Baniszewski, and Seung-Hui Cho are consumed by extreme envy.

Murderous Envy

Envy is a common feeling. In most instances, it is a harmless matter of people wishing they had someone else's attributes or possessions. In some cases, however, envy can be a motivation for murder. Earlier this month, Stephen Morgan killed Johanna Justin-Jinich, a student at Wesleyan University. Beyond the murder of Johanna, with whom he had been obsessed for a long time, Morgan had written in his journal that he thought it was "okay" to "go on a killing spree at this school" (i.e., Wesleyan). Why did he want to kill people at Wesleyan? His journal gives us a clue. In an entry written approximately two hours before the murder, Morgan referred to all the smart and beautiful people at Wesleyan. This suggests that envy may have been a factor in his planned killing spree. If so, he would not have been the first school shooter to envy the people he wished to kill.

At Columbine High School, Dylan Klebold envied the social successes of the school's athletes. In his journal, he wrote, "I see jocks having fun, friends, women." In another entry he wrote, "I hated the happiness that they [jocks] have." In contrast, he wrote about himself as being so different from everyone else that he seemed to believe he was not truly human or capable of functioning like a human being.

At Virginia Tech, Seung Hui Cho criticized people as stuck-up hedonists. He stated, "Your Mercedes wasn't enough, you brats. Your golden necklaces weren't enough, you snobs." Despite this hostility, Cho wished he could join them: "Oh the happiness I could have had mingling among you hedonists, being counted as one of you." It seems that his antipathy toward them was driven by his inability to be included among them.

Many people have assumed that school shooters target peers who have picked on them. This is rarely the case. Few shooters kill anyone who has harassed them. Rather, as noted with the examples cited above, shooters are more likely driven by envy than by revenge. This seems most true among those shooters I identify in my book as psychotic-i.e., those who are schizophrenic or schizotypal.

Most people think school shooters are bullied. Turns out that is not the case. They are consumed by extreme envy mixed with alienation and rage that builds up over time. Bullies are no different from school shooters and rampage killers.
I have a hard time understanding why anyone would want to subject themselves to that- I would try to get away from it. Why give the bullies the power by killing themselves???
And I was bullied for 3 years in elementary school and had no friends. But I valued myself, even if noone else did.

I completely "get" what you're saying. I was bullied in 7th grade, after I moved from an air force base sheltered life to a junior high school full of kids who all were born in that same tiny town and all grew up together. I didn't fit in - I had a New England accent and they all had a slow southern drawl. Thank God eventually after a year everything worked out and I was finally accepted after working REALLY hard to make friends. Alls well that ends well, and for me, that did indeed end well.

During that time of being bullied every day, I meekly skulked around and avoided all contact that might be bullying. I ran home after school, and stayed in my house. I ran from the bullies, and hid and cowered.

I just don't think the bullying I experienced was the same thing - at ALL - as these teenagers who seek out active fights with their peers in real life and on social media and then, literally to show their enemies up, kill themselves to purposely create a grand finale.

Killing myself was the absolute furthest thing from my mind when I was bullied. It does seem, there are teens who continue to seek out this conflict and then kill themselves to try to hurt their "bullies". They're basically popular kids, and can't STAND IT that they aren't still in the upper core of social strata.

It never works, though. Bullies don't care. And in the end, there is a horrifically tragic loss of an immature teenager who hasn't grown up enough to know that suicide is final and wasteful. And in retrospect, they should not have so enjoyed engaging the bullies all in battle and tried to "up" the game by killing themselves. SO very sad.
Why do these parents keep buying their kids cell phones, computers, etc. and letting them have facebook pages? I'm sorry, but if you know your child is or has been bullied why in the world would you let them have a facebook page to make it easier for the bullies. My son is 13 and he has been picked on a few times. I won't let him have a facebook. I don't have one. Why does he need one? I think these parents need to take some responsibility. Don't make it easier for the bullies and predators to get to your children.

And I say just the opposite. Why do parents of the bullies allow their kids to have cell phones and social media? At the very first instance of any unkind words, those kids should be prohibited from all social media contact until they can learn to conduct themselves in a more compassionate manner.

Parents need to pay attention to what their kids are doing and teach them better.

And I say just the opposite. Why do parents of the bullies allow their kids to have cell phones and social media? At the very first instance of any unkind words, those kids should be prohibited from all social media contact until they can learn to conduct themselves in a more compassionate manner.

Parents need to pay attention to what their kids are doing and teach them better.


I agree.......100%.......it is the children doing the bullying that should be punished, not the child being bullied. The parents of kids who bully others need to take their cell phones, shut down their facebook pages, and remove their access to any social activities outside of school until they learn how to treat others!!! Often, to a child being bullied, social media outlets, such as Facebook can be a help. A child can often get some positive feed back from things they post, or even from those they play games with. The parents of a child being bullied should watch that child's account and make certain none of the bullies have managed to get on their friends list.....but.....by allowing them to have those outlets, the bullied child can have some social interaction that does not involve them being mistreated. Parents of a bully need to send a very clear message.....if you do not know how to treat others.....then you do not deserve the privilege of being allowed to participate.
I agree.......100%.......it is the children doing the bullying that should be punished, not the child being bullied. The parents of kids who bully others need to take their cell phones, shut down their facebook pages, and remove their access to any social activities outside of school until they learn how to treat others!!! Often, to a child being bullied, social media outlets, such as Facebook can be a help. A child can often get some positive feed back from things they post, or even from those they play games with. The parents of a child being bullied should watch that child's account and make certain none of the bullies have managed to get on their friends list.....but.....by allowing them to have those outlets, the bullied child can have some social interaction that does not involve them being mistreated. Parents of a bully need to send a very clear message.....if you do not know how to treat others.....then you do not deserve the privilege of being allowed to participate.
These are often the parents who do not supervise their kids- ever! The kids are given too much freedom to do whatever they want, and the parents aren't even aware of it.
I agree.......100%.......it is the children doing the bullying that should be punished, not the child being bullied. The parents of kids who bully others need to take their cell phones, shut down their facebook pages, and remove their access to any social activities outside of school until they learn how to treat others!!! Often, to a child being bullied, social media outlets, such as Facebook can be a help. A child can often get some positive feed back from things they post, or even from those they play games with. The parents of a child being bullied should watch that child's account and make certain none of the bullies have managed to get on their friends list.....but.....by allowing them to have those outlets, the bullied child can have some social interaction that does not involve them being mistreated. Parents of a bully need to send a very clear message.....if you do not know how to treat others.....then you do not deserve the privilege of being allowed to participate.

And I say just the opposite. Why do parents of the bullies allow their kids to have cell phones and social media? At the very first instance of any unkind words, those kids should be prohibited from all social media contact until they can learn to conduct themselves in a more compassionate manner.

Parents need to pay attention to what their kids are doing and teach them better.


These are often the parents who do not supervise their kids- ever! The kids are given too much freedom to do whatever they want, and the parents aren't even aware of it.

Bullying starts at home. The bullies got some major issues with parents either abusive or permissive, which is really the same. Everytime I hear about bullying, I know instantly, there is issue with the parents and family.

I strongly believe one's relationship with parents is going to be a huge factor. People with poor relationship with parent(s) and/or sibling(s) are more likely to be have behavioral problems and bully. That is no surprise as I have seen it in the past with infamous figures like Casey Anthony, Osama bin Laden, or Adolf Hitler as they had poor relationship with parent(s) and/or sibling(s). Of course, not all people with poor relationship with parent(s) and/or sibling(s) turn out bad as there are other factors in play. Some people with good relationship with their parent(s) and/or sibling(s) turn out bad. Jerry Sandusky comes to mind in that part. No surprise why many bullies turn out to be criminals as they likely have a history of bullying themselves.
Calif. school district monitors kids' social media5:45 p.m. EDT September 15, 2013

GLENDALE, Calif. (AP) — A Southern California school district is trying to stop cyberbullying and a host of other teenage ills by monitoring the public posts students make on social media outlets in a program that has stirred debate about what privacy rights teenage students have when they fire up their smartphones.
Glendale Unified School District hired Geo Listening last year to track posts by its 14,000 or so middle and high school students. The district approached the Hermosa Beach-based company in hopes of curtailing online bullying, drug use and other problems after two area teenagers committed suicide last year, the Los Angeles Times reported Sunday.
The company expects to be monitoring about 3,000 schools worldwide by the end of the year, said its founder, Chris Frydrych.
In Southern California, the district is paying $40,500 to Geo Listening, and in exchange, the company's computers scour public posts by students on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, blogs and other sites. Analysts are alerted to terms that suggest suicidal thoughts, bullying, vandalism and even the use of obscenities, among other things. When they find posts they think should spur an intervention or anything that violates schools' student codes of conduct, the company alerts the campus. more at link: http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2013/09/15/school-district-monitors-social-media/2817299/
I just read about this story. How sad! What a tragic waste of a young life, all over a boy. I hope the bullies are caught and put to shame!

Got shades of South Hadley 6 with Phoebe Prince.

I saw this posting at another forum.

I agree with The Bard. A mob mentality can develop, even with as few as two people, and especially with three or more. I haven't studied this as Miss R. has, but I have looked at certain cases. It seems the everyday inhibitions we all carry around can somehow get short-circuited in a group (mob) situation.

The other issue windfall brought up was whether cases like this where a woman was the 'ring-leader,' so to speak, in a brutal attack on another woman. They are not that common, but they exist. For example:

In 1965, Sylvia Likens, a 16-year-old girl, was murdered over several weeks by a group led by a 35-year-old mother of seven children named Gertrude Baniszewski. Sylvia and her younger sister Jenny, a polio victim, had been left in Gertrude's care as their parents made the carny circuit. Several of Gertrude's own children (including 3 girls) and several neighbor boys joined in the torture and abuse, that led eventually to Sylvia's death.

Karla Homolka clearly 'enjoyed' and participated in the sexual assault and murder of several girls and women over several years with husband Paul Bernardo. (1991-92)

Janet Chandler's gang-rape and murder were facilitated by and participated in by Laurie Swank, her supposed 'friend' and roommate. (1979)

Lori Drew, a Missouri housewife, led a group of young women/girls (including her own daughter) to tease and torment Megan Meier online (on MySpace) by first convincing her (Megan) that a cute young boy was interested in her, and then abruptly ending the 'relationship' by having a bunch of myspace 'friends' join in the taunting, resulting in Meier's suicide. (1996)

In all of the above cases, there was both the element of 'mob mentality' as well as a woman playing a leading or prominent role in the physical (or psychological, in the case of Drew) assault.

One would hope someone is studying these phenomena. In my layperson's mind, it is probably related to deep-seated sexual shame in the perpetrator. It does seem the most evil thing in the world.

I would suspect someone who is psychologically and/or sexually repressed are probably more prone to bullying as they are more prone to commit crimes. Particularly the sadistic and/or have many fatalities.

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