FL- Girl 12, found dead at abandoned cement plant

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that 12 year old - Roman. She is 12 years old - dying her hair already. 12 years old.

I am way way liberal but a 12 year old dying her hair already kinda tells us a bit about family oversight...

I am also backing out of this thread now. Sad story all around for everyone...
that 12 year old - Roman. She is 12 years old - dying her hair already. 12 years old.

I am way way liberal but a 12 year old dying her hair already kinda tells us a bit about family oversight...

I am also backing out of this thread now. Sad story all around for everyone...

Interesting you mention that. Probably permissive parenting.
that 12 year old - Roman. She is 12 years old - dying her hair already. 12 years old.

I am way way liberal but a 12 year old dying her hair already kinda tells us a bit about family oversight...

I am also backing out of this thread now. Sad story all around for everyone...

It's just hair.

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Thank you for GRADY JUDD! I am so glad he arrested them although they should not be released to their parents. I am from Polk County and I plastered their mug shots on fb as did many others that are from Lakeland.

What horrible parents - they would not co-operate with police and then they have the NERVE to let hem stay on social media???? I hope the judge gives them the max. They are vile creatures who posted HORRIBLE things to poor Rebecca.

I went through all the comments on FB and interestingly 2 posters stood out defending them (they knew them) and siad they've had a hard time of it etc and the have their whole life to turn around and change..FOOEY, what about Rebecca's whole life??
Why do these parents keep buying their kids cell phones, computers, etc. and letting them have facebook pages? I'm sorry, but if you know your child is or has been bullied why in the world would you let them have a facebook page to make it easier for the bullies. My son is 13 and he has been picked on a few times. I won't let him have a facebook. I don't have one. Why does he need one? I think these parents need to take some responsibility. Don't make it easier for the bullies and predators to get to your children.

I agree but in a way you're punishing the target. What I haven't heard is why the social sites like Facebook don't have monitors/mods that stop these hurtful posts from ever being seen?
I agree but in a way you're punishing the target. What I haven't heard is why the social sites like Facebook don't have monitors/mods that stop these hurtful posts from ever being seen?
They have to be reported. There is too much content to monitor. I frequently report inappropriate content that I find from my daughter's Instagram account (Pix of pot leaves, nudity, guns, foul language...)
I agree but in a way you're punishing the target. What I haven't heard is why the social sites like Facebook don't have monitors/mods that stop these hurtful posts from ever being seen?

What? Depriving tweens and teens from social media and smart phones is not punishment if its good for them and protects their stupid arses. Let's face it, kids do not possess the ability to demonstrate really good judgment. I've got shoes older than those girls!

Arent' you supposed to be 15 to have a Facebook account? It's not up to Facebook ALONE (the kids lie about their age when they sign up) to fix this. Parents need to get a spine and go all Trudi (my mom) on them. You don't want anyone to go Trudi on you. But I sure love her for it now, God rest her soul, I wish I could tell her that every day.
They have to be reported. There is too much content to monitor. I frequently report inappropriate content that I find from my daughter's Instagram account (Pix of pot leaves, nudity, guns, foul language...)

Good for you! We once hijacked teen zig's facebook when he left it open, changed the password and forwarded all his email to us. Then we posted all about how he was considering changing his life and getting sober etc. Only 1 friend supported that, ONE. All the others gave him a hard time.

Kids also make their pages private so unless you are their friend you can't see any of it. They do all kinds of stuff behind their parents' backs. Crikey it's like letting your 12 year old have their own apartment.
Re, the perps: Shaw looks pretty neutral; Roman looks like she hasn't been sleeping. Shaw is supposed to have been the ringleader.

I saw a photo of them and they look emotionally cold and consumed by rage. It is like looking at the faces of Lori Drew, Casey Anthony, Seung-Hui Cho, or Mohamed Atta. They are really cold and angry. :crazy:

Guadalupe Shaw and Katelyn Roman arrested in suicide bullying death of Lakeland girl Rebecca Sedwick

These caught my attention.

Shaw's neighbors in Lakeland say she's often in fights and lacks discipline. Jorge Colom, who lives down the street called it disappointing, but not surprising.

"The kids hang loose. They're unsupervised all the time," said Colom.

Father of girl arrested in cyberbullying death of 12-year-old talks to Channel 9

Guadalupe's neighbor, George Colom, said he's not surprised to hear she was involved. In fact, Colom said Guadalupe's siblings are known as bullies in the neighborhood and that he was even harassed by her brother at one point.

"Mowing my grass, cleaning my yard and boy comes and gets in my face and yelling obscenities and calling me names," said Colom.

Judd said Guadalupe was "very cold, had no emotion at all upon her arrest."

Not surprised by the lack of parenting. They sound like psychopaths. I wonder if Shaw's siblings and parents have criminal records.
Thank you for GRADY JUDD! I am so glad he arrested them although they should not be released to their parents. I am from Polk County and I plastered their mug shots on fb as did many others that are from Lakeland.

What horrible parents - they would not co-operate with police and then they have the NERVE to let hem stay on social media???? I hope the judge gives them the max. They are vile creatures who posted HORRIBLE things to poor Rebecca.

I went through all the comments on FB and interestingly 2 posters stood out defending them (they knew them) and siad they've had a hard time of it etc and the have their whole life to turn around and change..FOOEY, what about Rebecca's whole life??

I'm from Polk County too. I love Grady Judd. So sad for Rebecca...I really hope this sends a powerful message to anyone out there that is bullying.
How horrible!! what is this world coming to? you hear about this all the time - suicide due to bullying. Poor Rebecca :(

Hope those girls rot in hell - wasn't she bullied by at least 15 girls? hope they all get dragged into the police station
“As a child, I can remember sticks and stones can break your bones but words will never hurt you,” the sheriff said. “Today, words stick because they are printed and they are there forever.”


“We learned this over the weekend, and we decided that, look, we can’t leave her out there,” Sheriff Judd said, referring to the older girl. “Who else is she going to torment? Who else is she going to harass? Who is the next person she verbally abuses and attacks?”

He said the older girl told the police that her account had been hacked, and that she had not posted the comment.

“She forced this arrest today,” Sheriff Judd said.
I am just sickened over this. Apparently the girls who did the bullying showed no remorse, and their parents are "in denial" (per the sheriff on the Today Show this morning).


I feel like my daughter is a lot like Rebecca...fragile, with easily hurt feelings. This mom did almost everything she could, except take the social media (computer) out of the home.

Kids didn't kill themselves over bullying before Facebook. (Well, I know they *did*, but it wasn't as prevalent).

That poor girl...I wish I could have met her, and told her how much she had to live for.
What? Depriving tweens and teens from social media and smart phones is not punishment if its good for them and protects their stupid arses. Let's face it, kids do not possess the ability to demonstrate really good judgment. I've got shoes older than those girls!

Arent' you supposed to be 15 to have a Facebook account? It's not up to Facebook ALONE (the kids lie about their age when they sign up) to fix this. Parents need to get a spine and go all Trudi (my mom) on them. You don't want anyone to go Trudi on you. But I sure love her for it now, God rest her soul, I wish I could tell her that every day.

It's not about the age of the kid it's about the content of the message. Some sites review a post before it gets aired. I don't buy that it can't be done.
I cannot BELIEVE what that trash Guadalupe wrote on her fb...
"yes, I bullied Rebecca and she killed herself but IDGAF"

that is what prompted the arrest.

What a waste.
I cannot BELIEVE what that trash Guadalupe wrote on her fb...
"yes, I bullied Rebecca and she killed herself but IDGAF"

that is what prompted the arrest.

What a waste.

And apparently, her parents are in denial.

These are parents who have no clue what their child is doing online, and probably no clue what she's doing in life, in general.
I just caught a clip of Grady Judd on Fox....I love his attitude!

Grady Judd is AWESOME!
He makes the inmates buy their own underwear. He took out all the basketball courts, since they aren't there to play. He says to sex offenders, if you're coming to Polk county I AM going to catch you.

Judd: Sheriff Arpaio will get out further on a limb than I will. But I think he's instituted a lot of good ideas. I took out all of the basketball goals out of the county jail.

C1: Why did you do that?

Judd: Because you don't need to be playing basketball. If you want to play basketball, behave and stay out of jail. You've got men and women who ride by every day paying their taxes for that jail. I just don't think they want to see people who are adding nothing to society playing basketball. There's no lifting weights. They can get exercise by doing jumping jacks and push-ups or run in a tight circle.

C1: Can they watch television?

Judd: I don't let them watch any news. It's a status thing for them to look at their buddies on TV being strutted in court before the cameras, and I don't want them to see that.

C1: What can they watch?

Judd: They watch what I call "healthy television." We allow them to watch videos on how to recover from drug or alcohol abuse and we have videos on how to pay your child support. If they behave themselves during the week, we have free time in evenings and on the weekend, we have a few hours before lights out to watch G-rated programs. They can't watch any programs showing violence. They can watch sports if they behave.

C1: How would you refer to the way you govern your jail? Would you call it "tough love?"

Judd: "Tough love" would be appropriate. They're in jail. It's not like they're staying at the Hilton. We have G.E.D. programs and faith-based dorms which don't cost the taxpayer one cent. We make sure that they have a healthy, clean, safe environment, and we make sure they have a, not necessarily delicious, but, nutritious meal. We don't feed them peanut butter and jelly because it's more expensive than meat. I had a momma tell me one time, "Well, my baby likes peanut butter and jelly." I said "Well, m'aam, if your baby will behave and stay out of jail, you can feed him all the peanut butter and jelly he wants to eat!"

The younger suspect has shown "remorse and cooperation" over the incident and was released into her parents' custody, according to the Polk County Sheriff's Office. The older suspect, described by Judd as "very cold," remains in juvenile custody.

I said this upthread, but the older one does look very neutral/apathetic. The younger one looks like she has not been sleeping. So the above does not surprise me, based on what is possible to glean from their mugshots.

I do think the younger one got pressured into bullying by the main/sociopath girl.

I said this upthread, but the older one does look very neutral/apathetic. The younger one looks like she has not been sleeping. So the above does not surprise me, based on what is possible to glean from their mugshots.

I do think the younger one got pressured into bullying by the main/sociopath girl.
Hmmm, the article I read said it was the older one who was remorseful, not the younger one who is the hispanic girl. Last night I saw their pictures with their names in an online article. The younger ones siblings have reputations as bullies and her father was in denial. Sad that it starts so young. I have a 12-year-old, and Rebecca was a pretty girl. Too bad she valued what the bullies had to say and listened to them. And it all started over a boy...

Another article has them switched- the hispanic girl is the older girl- that would explain the confusion. But the article I read last night identified both girls by name and face. The hispanic girl GS is the one who posted IDGAF that Rebecca committed suicide.
R.I.P. Rebecca, you were too good for them!! You were the pretty one with a soul, they are ugly inside and out.

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