FL - Jennifer Kesse, 24, Orlando, 24 Jan 2006 - #11

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The parents of an Orlando woman missing since 2006 says the missing women found alive in Cleveland, Ohio has given them hope that their daughter is still alive. Jennifer Kesse's father, Drew Kesse, told Ashley Glass Saturday morning that it has "absolutely increased hope" that she is still alive. The missing women found in Ohio "bent, but did not break," said Drew Kesse. "And I know Jennifer could do that too," he said.

Read more: http://www.abcactionnews.com/dpp/news/local-family-of-missing-woman-remains-hopeful#ixzz2TCUiYoEi
Hi All, I am new here.
I have known about Jennifer's case for a long time but just recently decided to read about it on here. I am curious about a few things so I will put them out here and ask you guys to give your opinion.
First, Jennifer's cell phone battery was TAKEN OUT OF HER PHONE at 10:40 pm the night before-not just turned off. It was not pinged at her condo at that time which was 40 minutes after her phone call with her boyfriend. Maybe she went to meet someone for a night cap and was taken outside the bar she went to. Maybe she went to a Kinko's to mail her brother's friend's cell phone and was taken close to there.
Second, I am so sad that LE did not do the proper protocol for a missing person at that time but feel strongly that if they were to re-enact that night, there would be so many clues even now that they missed. I pray that Jennifer is alive and living somewhere close by and is able to get away or be found very soon. I feel strongly that something is going to happen with this case soon. Have any of you looked at the videos of Dale Smith? He is the ex of Michelle Parker and he looks exactly like the poi in the video at HOTG. Has anyone tracked his whereabouts on the night of the 23rd and morning of the 24th? What happened with asking about Johnny's car the next day? Has anyone found it? I bet if you found it today, there would be dna in it. It's worth a shot. Also, if the FBI has touched up the pictures-WHERE THE HELL ARE THEY? Why not put them out for everyone to see to try to find the poi? Why not put where the cell phone last pinged to see if someone saw something? Why hold anything back if it was taking this long to find her? Put it all out there and LET PEOPLE HELP YOU! Something has got to give. Start over. Get some fresh eyes on it. Why not do a focus group with those the family helps with the criminal justice grants? You never know, they may just see what we old folks cannot. I am not criticizing anyone here. I am just passionate about getting answers. It's time to bring Jennifer home.
Hi All, I am new here.
I have known about Jennifer's case for a long time but just recently decided to read about it on here. I am curious about a few things so I will put them out here and ask you guys to give your opinion.

(Above post respectfully snipped by me)

:wagon: to Websleuths, TadBitCurious, and thanks for your post with your thoughts and insights on Jennifer's case!

Hi All, I am new here.
I have known about Jennifer's case for a long time but just recently decided to read about it on here. I am curious about a few things so I will put them out here and ask you guys to give your opinion.
First, Jennifer's cell phone battery was TAKEN OUT OF HER PHONE at 10:40 pm the night before-not just turned off. It was not pinged at her condo at that time which was 40 minutes after her phone call with her boyfriend. Maybe she went to meet someone for a night cap and was taken outside the bar she went to. Maybe she went to a Kinko's to mail her brother's friend's cell phone and was taken close to there.
Second, I am so sad that LE did not do the proper protocol for a missing person at that time but feel strongly that if they were to re-enact that night, there would be so many clues even now that they missed. I pray that Jennifer is alive and living somewhere close by and is able to get away or be found very soon. I feel strongly that something is going to happen with this case soon. Have any of you looked at the videos of Dale Smith? He is the ex of Michelle Parker and he looks exactly like the poi in the video at HOTG. Has anyone tracked his whereabouts on the night of the 23rd and morning of the 24th? What happened with asking about Johnny's car the next day? Has anyone found it? I bet if you found it today, there would be dna in it. It's worth a shot. Also, if the FBI has touched up the pictures-WHERE THE HELL ARE THEY? Why not put them out for everyone to see to try to find the poi? Why not put where the cell phone last pinged to see if someone saw something? Why hold anything back if it was taking this long to find her? Put it all out there and LET PEOPLE HELP YOU! Something has got to give. Start over. Get some fresh eyes on it. Why not do a focus group with those the family helps with the criminal justice grants? You never know, they may just see what we old folks cannot. I am not criticizing anyone here. I am just passionate about getting answers. It's time to bring Jennifer home.

Welcome to Websleuths... The information about the battery being taken out of her cellphone and the last pings is not verified and therefore considered rumor. Moreover, perception about the suspect in the photo is subjective. I personally do not see a resemblance to Dale Smith. There have been a couple of focus groups/panels (link below) who have looked into the case to no avail. I think of Jennifer very often and I pray her case comes to a resolution. Thank you for your thoughts and I hope to read more of your posts in the near future.

Thank you for the warm welcome. I just watched the video and have not read everything about this case. When it has been this long and no answers, it's time to do something differently. I think that LE has limited knowledge and leeway in what they can do. I also think that the family is completely drained and in need of some real help. I hope that she is found soon. With over 800,000 people missing each year, there is no way all of them can be dead or we would be finding bodies all over the place. There are MANY, MANY missing persons being held against their will that is NOT sex trafficking. Just like in the Cleveland case, RIGHT NEXT DOOR IN A NEIGHBORHOOD and not out in the country away from everyone like most people think. Sorry-You are reading my frustration. I have had a very hard time with missing persons all of my life. I would love to form a non-profit organization that trains LE in the proper procedure in missing person cases BEGINNING WITH THE 911 CALL all the way through to finding the person. I would train people in each county to go around to each LE office in their county and train EVERYONE! WE SO NEED THAT RIGHT NOW! Is there anyone on here in LE? I have some questions if you would like to answer them.
Hi everyone,
This is my first post about this case and I've been doing my best to get caught up so as not to be redundant or bring up moot points.

Is the height of the parking POI still debatable, or has there been a clarifying release on that matter? I checked her family's website (truly heartbreaking) but was faced with a few browser compatibility issues.. none of the bitmap format images load. I hope this hasn't deterred anyone who may have been able to recognize the person/location from a closer look.

Before I can directly address what's been bugging me, is it acceptable to link to or name by name a perpetrator from an unrelated crime? I only stumbled upon it from a link here in an earlier discussion (from around the time this crime was committed). What gets me is the profile of the perpetrator (violent, transient, sex offender, young and not menacing looking), the fact that he got arrested in March of 2006 about 12 miles from where Jennifer lived, but above all, the fact that he's 5'4.

There's obviously no information available about whether or not he was cleared, though as an area SO I assume that's protocol. Just makes me wonder.
Hi All, I am new here.
I have known about Jennifer's case for a long time but just recently decided to read about it on here. I am curious about a few things so I will put them out here and ask you guys to give your opinion.
First, Jennifer's cell phone battery was TAKEN OUT OF HER PHONE at 10:40 pm the night before-not just turned off. It was not pinged at her condo at that time which was 40 minutes after her phone call with her boyfriend. Maybe she went to meet someone for a night cap

I know you wrote many more points but i wanted to give you one thought about your question .It is said that the reason for her to MAYBE go out that night was because when she was away .Her brother N friends used her condo.As she was returning home she either got a voicemail or a call stating her brother's friend had left his cell phone in her appt. And Could she maybe take it to i forget where but a place that would deliver his cell phone back to him i take it this friend lived further away because she had to use one of those deliverycompanies to get the phone back ...Again like many things this is all theory of what they think maybe she did and i thought i would mention it...
I've followed this case since the beginning, or close to it anyway.
Back then we would have never believed that over seven years later the mystery would remain unsolved.

The three things that solve crimes are missing:

physical evidence



There is always hope of course but golly, there are unsolved crimes over 100 years old.

A few weeks into the investigation the then lead detective commented that this was as close to a vanishing he had ever seen.

Somebody out there has the answers. If they had one ounce of compassion they would let the family know where Jennifer is. They could do it anonymously.
My gut says yes it will be solved . See I think they have a pretty good idea of who did it or the person's that have done this .They have went forword with tips that cost them alot of money and i know for all of us it's who cares how much it is it's thier job and I agree but they allways dont and unless its almost a for sure thing .Thier not gonna go to the exstreme of getting back ho's and tracters to rip apart a huge field and they have done this more then once so those tips have to be telling them the exaxt spot and who put her thier . Because thier not gonna just go to fields and pay for all the man work do dig at just some random spot .Iam convinced theres more and that they have a poi just they have nothing at all on him to call him one..My guess is he will be caught for something else maybe even another murder and during the process they will get him to confess..I dont have a times table for this but it is how it will be solved...
Hi everyone,
This is my first post about this case and I've been doing my best to get caught up so as not to be redundant or bring up moot points.

Is the height of the parking POI still debatable, or has there been a clarifying release on that matter? I checked her family's website (truly heartbreaking) but was faced with a few browser compatibility issues.. none of the bitmap format images load. I hope this hasn't deterred anyone who may have been able to recognize the person/location from a closer look.

Before I can directly address what's been bugging me, is it acceptable to link to or name by name a perpetrator from an unrelated crime? I only stumbled upon it from a link here in an earlier discussion (from around the time this crime was committed). What gets me is the profile of the perpetrator (violent, transient, sex offender, young and not menacing looking), the fact that he got arrested in March of 2006 about 12 miles from where Jennifer lived, but above all, the fact that he's 5'4.

There's obviously no information available about whether or not he was cleared, though as an area SO I assume that's protocol. Just makes me wonder.

Which unrelated crime? Would you mind posting a link?
Jennifer thinking and praying for you ...

You need to come home ... You deserve to be home....

We never give up .... NEVER ....


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I think the two best theories, in my personal opinion, are that she was either abducted into trafficking/prostitution or that she was the victim of a serial killer. Just below that is the possibility that she was taken by someone that she knew, but for some reason, it just doesn't hit me with as much of an impact of as the first two.
Anything appears possible in this case.

Starting at the very beginning I would like to know when the crime happened.

Was it the Monday night or was it the Tuesday morning?

If it was Monday night I would like to know how a safety conscious person like Jennifer was lured out of her condo.

If it was Tuesday morning I'm looking at workers/contractors at Mosaic.
From www.findjenniferkesse.com

Family Letter
October, 2013

JENNIFER NEEDS YOUR HELP! October 24th marks 7 years 9 months Jennifer has been gone, virtually Vanished into thin air, without a trace. We, her family, are asking that at this time everyone visiting this site do a few things to help Jennifer and others whom are Missing. We ask that you use every social media outlet to post and repost this website, www.findjenniferkesse.com or Jennifer’s Facebook page, “Please help find Jennifer Kesse” group. As well we ask that if you have any traditional media connections in TV, Print, Radio and the like to please contact them, make them aware of Jennifer’s Abduction and ask for them to create a piece to help with awareness of her situation. We ask this due to the fact that we are seeing more and more people who were missing, abducted, trafficked or exploited being found or coming forward to make it known what happened to them. The world is becoming increasingly smaller with all the social media usage truly driving what seems to be our every move and thoughts. It holds the power to quickly and efficiently spread information all over the world and create new leads which is exactly what Jennifer and others needs at this time, Urgently. Someone holds the key to finding our loved one and it may be the next post that a person makes that creates the lead to come in to end Jennifer’s personal Hell. Please help us keep and increase the awareness for Jennifer through the simple act of posting and reposting. We are asked or told on a frequent basis –“I wish I can help in some way”, You Can! It may seem so simple that one may think it doesn’t really help or make a difference, however the power of a post is seen, heard and felt more than you will ever know. So, please while you are here, pass this site on to all in your address book. Post it on Facebook and all social media networks, like her group page, invite others on.

We also ask that you make yourself aware of others Missing, Abducted or Trafficked in or around your community. We have seen first hand that the general pubic, average people are finding our Lost loved ones. Law Enforcement cannot do it alone. They need eyes and ears in our communities willing to speak up, not shut up, when information comes to light. One will never truly understand the destruction these crimes create within the family and communities they occur and that is a good thing because no one should ever have to go through what Jennifer and so many have or are going through right now. It is happening under our very noses, we just aren’t accustomed to look for it and no community is free of heinous crimes, none. Act as if Jennifer and others are your family. We ask this because you or someone in your family may be the next victim. We know there will be a next victim it is just a matter of time. If you think it can’t happen to you or a family member, please think again. It can happen to anyone at anytime, any place without notice and in a split second. We also know what these criminals are doing with our loved ones when taken or trafficked. We have heard it first hand from victims such as Elizabeth Smart, The 3 young women from Ohio and so many others that have made it through Hell and back again. There is no room in our society for those who prey on our loved ones and bring great bodily harm or death to them. Public safety is everyone’s responsibility, not just Law Enforcement’s.

Reward money remains for information leading to the whereabouts of Jennifer, $5,000 from Crimeline, 1-800-423-8477(tips), No Caller Id, No Names, just information and reward. You may also contact the Orlando Police Department @ 1-407-246-2950 or FBI 1-866-838-1163. One may also contact a lawyer, clergy, media or a friend to make the information known that may bring our loved one home. Make the call, be a hero, change the world. We thank you all for your unwavering help in this family’s most challenging time. We know we do not walk alone and we cannot do this without you.

Respectfully and with great thanks,
Drew, Joyce, Logan & Katie Kesse

BUMP for jennifer.

i'd just like to take a moment to state how wonderful her parents are. they will never give up on finding her, and neither will i!
I think the two best theories, in my personal opinion, are that she was either abducted into trafficking/prostitution or that she was the victim of a serial killer. Just below that is the possibility that she was taken by someone that she knew, but for some reason, it just doesn't hit me with as much of an impact of as the first two.

aren't people abducted into prostitution usually young/teenage girls?

i think jennifer was lusted after by a construction worker for a long time, abducted by him, raped, murdered and then dumped somewhere. it could be a serial killer but it could also just be (and in my opinion, most likely) a total drifter construction worker (someone off the map, maybe an illegal immigrant) who became obsessed with her and took an opportunity where he saw it. i think this is someone who wanted her on a sexual level first and foremost, not simply someone to murder. her beauty definitely played into this. perhaps he didn't even want to murder her, but he wanted her sexually and didn't want to go to jail when she reported him so he felt he needed to dispose of her. there is a chance, in my mind, that she could be living in the abductor's basement right now especially when you consider the fact that she was probably selected because the man was sexually attracted to her. he could have wanted to keep her around. jennifer stated that she was uncomfortable around the workers. maybe one of the workers really wanted to go out with her but knew that she wouldn't be receptive, and he was so obsessed he felt this was the only way.

random question: i know people were eyeing james hataway. what became of that?

additionally, what amount of the construction workers were hispanic? apparently the contractor wasn't that cooperative (shame on him!!) but if a large portion of workers were hispanic as i suspect they were, the kesses should find a way to go on telemundo or some other hispanic news channel. perhaps on the next anniversary of her disappearance?
not even just to find the suspect but to plead for some of the workers that day to come forward so they can ask more questions because i think getting the floridian hispanic population involved is KEY to solving this. perhaps there could even be monetary compensation, that is, they will be paid if the lead actually GOES somewhere. i would contribute.
emphasize the fact that the individuals coming forward will NOT face legal issues (deportation or anything else) if they give information. it will be confidential. emphasize the reward offered. is there a way to have informants contact the kesses and not the police? the police seem like dummies and like they want to cover their asses for messing this case up.

---also, what other construction sites were occurring around the area right after that time? maybe check up on those sites/the contractors involved. see if there were any suspicious persons, any people who mentioned just having worked on Jennifer Kesse's apartment complex. Even if they don't have any info to give, hand them flyers anyway (lots written in spanish).
----look up all of the major contractors in the Florida area, many whom work on larger buliding projects with many people (especially around where Jennifer's complex was) and give them flyers to give out. if this guy is a repeat offender, he will likely seek out construction sites with lots of people and lots of workers, IMO.
tell the contractors and workers how important this case is and emphasize that they won't seek legal problems as a result of coming forward (make sure a whole bunch of the flyers are written in spanish).
---even driving around to random Florida construction sites you see and handing out Jennifer Kesse Missing flyers (again, many many written in spanish) would be a better use of flyers than just putting them up around town, IMO (although puttng them up around town and at construction sites is ideal obviously ;)).
i'm sure a lot of these day laborers from the apartment complex still work around the area. make sure many of the flyers are written in spanish and emphasize the reward, and emphasize that coming forward will only help and they will not face any legal problems (like deportation) as a result. sorry that i've mentioned this part so much, but i think that's the only way anyone would come forward. is if they were guaranteed they wouldn't face deportation or anything.

jennifer was uncomfortable around the workers, many of them would leer at her, and to me this should be the number 1 theory. instincts are so telling and jennifer seemed like a girl who had her wits about her. to me, this is honestly one of the key aspects of the case and should be taken very seriously (as i'm sure it has, at least by jennifer's parents).

***Some additional questions***: I apologize if they have already been answered.

---Would there have been a way for an outsider (someone not working on her building, a close friendd or her boyfriend to know out her exact address? Was this public info/listed online? did she ever host large parties with some people she wasn't super duper familiar with?
---Did Jennifer ever bring someone besides her close friends/boyfriend back to her apartment? an acquaintance or a friend of a friend she didn't know so well? a locksmith? some kind of repair person? co-workers? furniture movers? cleaners? neighbors?
---Did Jennifer's boyfriend have any guy friends that liked Jennifer a little too much? Friends that were girls who were jealous of Jenn?
---- I'm not super familiar with the layout of the apartment complex. Were construction workers working very close to her exact apartment--aka they could see the apartment she went into from where they were working?
----did these workers stay on for the whole project, or were they literally day laborers? did some stay on the project for a few days? how were they found by the contractor? when time in the morning did they arrive the day she was abducted? IMO someone needs to get this CONTRACTOR to SPEAK UP MORE. he must know some smaller details that he hasn't shared for fear of getting in trouble for using illegals. of the info he knows, he should be able to say how/where he GOT these illegal immigrants, what connections he has to other contractors in the area (if he hooked up some of his workers with other projects, if he was close to any of them, if any of them stayed on longer, etc).
---were any construction workers friendly with residents of the building? buddies who would hang out or say hi to eachother frequently? what was the contact level of many of the construction workers with the residents? with the male residents? with the female residents? again, with the contractor?
---What were the people who lived near Jennifer like? Had any of them come forward with any info, like whether or not they thought some of the construction workers or creepy, especially female residents? did they see any of the construction workers out of their construction clothes walking around the complex or in them, around the building? any linger a little too close to the apartment doors? any construction workers ask any of the residents to hang out in any capacity?
----Were some of Jennifer's neighbors kind of shady with shady friends that would come by? I know it was an expensive apartment, but it was in a sketchy area. Any drug dealers? pimps? anyone who lived near jennifer arrested for any crimes?

OMG this post is a NOVEL!!! sorry it's so long and i'm sure a lot of this has been addressed. let me know if i should remove some of it. i just wanted to bump up the thread and maybe get more people here to speculate.
jennifer, we will find you! xo

ALOOOOOOOO: if the kesses make flyers to give to the contractors and construction workers, i think there should be a large pic of jennifer AND ESPECIALLY a large pic of the construction site as it looked on that day and the weeks before. i think that;'s crucial, because perhaps not all of the workers even knew what happened.
Another thing I was wondering (sorry I'm posting so much!!!) is whether or not authorities have determined the ethnicity of the suspect walking by the fence?

Surely there is information on what the weather was like that day. Perhaps police can have hispanic people and white people of varying tones walk by the fence on a day with weather similar to that day, so they can determine if the suspect was hispanic or not. hopefully the trees and stuff around that fence are similar, and the relation of buildings to that fence as well so there aren't extra shadows cast.

sorry, maybe this is a weird post + it's probably been done to try to figure out more about the suspect, i just figured i'd ask.

ALSO i don't think the suspect walking past the fence is israel keyes, but it is INCREDIBLY striking to me how much the hunch/walk seems similar. can someone comment as to the height of the suspect? since there's so much of a hunch w the walk, is it possible that his height could APPEAR much shorter than the height actually is?
I know I also mentioned the contractor of Jennifer Kesse's appt site in the other post, but i think learning more about his methods of picking up his workers (many of them probably being illegal) and his relationship to them + perhaps referring workers to other contractors in the area is CRUCIAL.

can someone tell me more about what his relationship to police has been etc. i really feel like he could shed more light than he has, if he really wanted to.
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