FL - Jennifer Kesse, 24, Orlando, 24 Jan 2006 - #11

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1911ss and JnRyan, according to several different locations, Jennifer's brother reached her condo at approximately noon that day. Around the same time, Jennifer's car was being parked a mile away. That's one heck of a coincidence. As for the bed being undone, that only means something if somebody knew the bed was made when she arrived back from her vacation. Without that info we don't know if she ever slept in her bed or not. For all we know it was unmade from before she went on vacation. If I never make my bed then there's no telling when or if I've ever slept in it. Likewise with the wet towel, as a FL resident, I can tell you due to the humidity of the air, towels will stay wet for easily 12 hours, especially if the towel has been used to dry off a person with a lot of hair, like Jennifer had. It if it were Vegas where I used to live with its dry air, that towel would be dry in an hour. But not in FL.

Theref23, I don't take any dog scent seriously. If dogs were all they were made out to be, every single missing person would be discovered. The fact is dogs get much more wrong than they ever get correct. I remember the case of that woman who kinda lost her mind and abandoned her car on the highway in MI or IL. The dogs picked up her scent and it looked like the woman got picked up by another car. However, in the end, they found her body in the lake beside the road. How did the dogs get that one wrong? So, given that, I completely dismiss anything in any case where a dog scent is involved.

colette, drive and hold a gun on somebody at the same time? I'm not saying it hasn't happened. But doesn't Jennifer jump out at the first stop sign? Even in the opposite scenario, she's driving and a gun has a gun on her, doesn't she drive into the nearest telephone pole?

marable, so, the kidnappers had a car AND they took Jennifer's car? Wow, this is getting complicated. I suppose it's possible. But once again, why take her car--it only is going to get you caught easier.

Two more things, first, I've listened to every single interview with the Kesse's over the last ten years. They don't seem to know any more about the case than we do. So, to use them as experts about all the details is like using any of us as experts. They THINK Jennifer slept in her condo that night. However, they don't KNOW it. In fact, nobody "knows" that--it's just a theory, because there's no proof. Wet towels and outfits on the bed are not proof. A cell phone ping from her phone at the condo location at 2am, for example, would be proof. However, there is NOT ONE ping from Jennifer's phone after her conversation at 10pm on that Monday. In fact, I could be convinced she shut her phone off after the conversation. Why? Was that a habit of hers when she went to bed? Did she always do that? Or, was there some other reason?

Secondly, the police from the beginning have looked at this as much as a night time abduction as a day time one--I think I put that quote up some time last week. Now, why would they say that? Obviously the wet towel and the outfits on the bed don't mean that much to them. So, is it okay when I say I'm a bit suspicious of the Kesse's motives when they say, "Jennifer OBVIOUSLY slept in her bed"? Because the police don't think it's "obvious".

However, I think what this all points out is how the Kesse's themselves have pointed the direction in a certain way--the day time abduction--by saying things are SO obvious. Thus, it gets everyone on here to think the same thing. But, when you look at it, what the family says is obvious, actually isn't. Really, all we have in this case are possibilities and theories. That the Kesse's act otherwise is strange to me.
1911ss and JnRyan, according to several different locations, Jennifer's brother reached her condo at approximately noon that day. Around the same time, Jennifer's car was being parked a mile away. That's one heck of a coincidence. As for the bed being undone, that only means something if somebody knew the bed was made when she arrived back from her vacation. Without that info we don't know if she ever slept in her bed or not. For all we know it was unmade from before she went on vacation. If I never make my bed then there's no telling when or if I've ever slept in it. Likewise with the wet towel, as a FL resident, I can tell you due to the humidity of the air, towels will stay wet for easily 12 hours, especially if the towel has been used to dry off a person with a lot of hair, like Jennifer had. It if it were Vegas where I used to live with its dry air, that towel would be dry in an hour. But not in FL.

Theref23, I don't take any dog scent seriously. If dogs were all they were made out to be, every single missing person would be discovered. The fact is dogs get much more wrong than they ever get correct. I remember the case of that woman who kinda lost her mind and abandoned her car on the highway in MI or IL. The dogs picked up her scent and it looked like the woman got picked up by another car. However, in the end, they found her body in the lake beside the road. How did the dogs get that one wrong? So, given that, I completely dismiss anything in any case where a dog scent is involved.

colette, drive and hold a gun on somebody at the same time? I'm not saying it hasn't happened. But doesn't Jennifer jump out at the first stop sign? Even in the opposite scenario, she's driving and a gun has a gun on her, doesn't she drive into the nearest telephone pole?

marable, so, the kidnappers had a car AND they took Jennifer's car? Wow, this is getting complicated. I suppose it's possible. But once again, why take her car--it only is going to get you caught easier.

Two more things, first, I've listened to every single interview with the Kesse's over the last ten years. They don't seem to know any more about the case than we do. So, to use them as experts about all the details is like using any of us as experts. They THINK Jennifer slept in her condo that night. However, they don't KNOW it. In fact, nobody "knows" that--it's just a theory, because there's no proof. Wet towels and outfits on the bed are not proof. A cell phone ping from her phone at the condo location at 2am, for example, would be proof. However, there is NOT ONE ping from Jennifer's phone after her conversation at 10pm on that Monday. In fact, I could be convinced she shut her phone off after the conversation. Why? Was that a habit of hers when she went to bed? Did she always do that? Or, was there some other reason?

Secondly, the police from the beginning have looked at this as much as a night time abduction as a day time one--I think I put that quote up some time last week. Now, why would they say that? Obviously the wet towel and the outfits on the bed don't mean that much to them. So, is it okay when I say I'm a bit suspicious of the Kesse's motives when they say, "Jennifer OBVIOUSLY slept in her bed"? Because the police don't think it's "obvious".

However, I think what this all points out is how the Kesse's themselves have pointed the direction in a certain way--the day time abduction--by saying things are SO obvious. Thus, it gets everyone on here to think the same thing. But, when you look at it, what the family says is obvious, actually isn't. Really, all we have in this case are possibilities and theories. That the Kesse's act otherwise is strange to me.

The Kesses probably have information from the police that we do not. And they certainly would have a better understanding of her habits.

However, I think it's a good idea to think bigger when it comes to this case, which is what you're doing. This is an unusual case and a frightening one.

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Good points. Especially about the vehicles. It's been said from LE that all they got from Jennifer's car is a partial print and some DNA. If Jennifer was transported in her vehicle you would think there would be much more than that and very likely evidence of Jennifer in the trunk. I can't believe someone could clean a car that well. That would appear she was abducted in another vehicle. But if that's the case, why take Jennifer's car? If you're going to do something like this, the simpler the plan the better. KISS principle. If they abduct her in another vehicle, taking hers only increases your chances of getting caught. I don't get that part.

Unless, she was abducted at some place away from the condo. Even with that though, you would think the abductor would leave the car there.

Since LE never really processed the condo, I don't know if they can say whether she slept in the bed or not.
I think that this case is much bigger than what we think as well....I don't know but I have always thought that it was more than a Mosaic worker abducting her UNLESS he had done this before....
You can go to Jennifer's website and read what the family believes which is a morning abduction. I am of the belief that it happened in the parking lot of her condo in the morning.
I have always thought that Jennifer was abducted on Monday night right after her call to Rob....her cell phone battery was removed around 10 pm by someone and I never thought that she would remove the battery as she used her phone as her alarm clock....however, on one of the shows about her I noticed an alarm clock in some shelves near her bed....
A couple things. First, I did my own personal wet towel experiment. I live in Tampa and you don't need to be a geography teacher to know that my city and Orlando share similar weather conditions. I put a towel under my shower head and let it soak for about 10 ten seconds. I'd say 3/4th's of the towel got wet. I'd say it was wetter than if I had just taken a shower myself. However, given I have very short hair and Jennifer had longer hair, I believe the towel was indicative of how wet a towel would be if she used it after a shower.

I hung it on the towel rack. 24 hours later IT WAS STILL WET. Not wet enough that if I tried to wring it out that drops would fall from it. But wet enough that if I grabbed it really hard with my hand, water drops would roll onto to my hand and down my arm. And remember . . . that's 24 hours later. Not 18 hours. Not 12 hours. And I'm sure if somebody would've felt my towel independently, the person would've thought I took a shower within at least the last 6 hours--but I hadn't. So, it's easily understandable that Jennifer's towel could've gotten wet the night before and not necessarily that Tuesday morning.

Second, as for the phones, I don't think we can say either way whether the batteries were taken out of her phone or not. Once again, we don't "know" because nobody has found Jennifer's or the other guy's. Now, the funny thing is that on another website, the Kesse's back in 2014 stated the phones went dead at 10:40pm and explicitly state that the batteries were removed. Now, like I said before, I don't know what the Kesse's do and don't know. Some of what they say may be fact; other stuff . . . conjecture.

But here's what I do know 100% (at least what I think I know as a layman. Plus, I think the police would've told us this), Jennifer's phone was never turned on the next morning. That's the key. Not why her phone went off on Monday night. But why her phone didn't ping at any time on Tuesday morning.

So, here she is . . . allegedly . . . getting up Tuesday morning for an important meeting. She maybe lies in bed for 20 minutes like we all do. Then she gets out of bed to go to the shower--5 minutes. Takes a shower--15 minutes. Dries off--5 minutes. Does whatever she does in the bathroom--brush teeth, etc.--5 minutes. Picks out an outfit--5 minutes. Does her hair, gets dressed--20 minutes. Eats breakfast--5 minutes. Gets all her stuff together and walks out the door of her condo--5 minutes.

If you've added all that up, that's an hour and a half. So, she's awake for an hour and a half on a work day and NEVER turns on her phone or puts the battery back in it? I don't find that believable. Me personally, I don't ever turn my phone off. However, if I did when I went to bed, I think I would turn it on the next morning, especially before I left the house.

Once again, this examination lends itself to the idea that something happened to Jennifer the night before. Me personally? I believe the battery on her phone was taken out because Jennifer wanted to be sure she couldn't be traced. But that's just me--I have no proof of that.
Fasteddy, great post.....we come here to keep Jennifer's story alive....most of what we do is speculate , trying to come up with different theories....."IF" we state everything as fact, for example "battery not removed" when it is all over the internet that it was or possibly removed then perhaps the person making these "factual" statements should solve this case and bring Jennifer home.....

I like your statement about whether the battery was removed from her phone or not was not important the important issue but that her phone was not turned on on Tuesday morning is....I have never thought of it that way....

Great "wet towel" analysis ....

I think the battery was removed also and I believe the abductor removed it to prevent being traced/pinged....But, there again, it could also mean as you stated that Jennifer did not want to be traced...the only thing wrong with that is , her parents said that her phone had never been off since she received....

Thanks again for a GREAT post...
There is no way jennifer herself removed the phone batteries ...so she wouldn't be traced...as you say.
Jennifer is not the type to disappear without telling her loved ones her wherebouts.she had everything going for her, a family who loves her , a boyfriend , a successful career, a new house.There was no reason for her to walk away from her perfect life.
I too believe she was kidnapped the night before.Jennifer was a little on the messy side so when her parents said they found her apt clean this is a red flag.Also her car was found clean . This is also suspicious. Usually if someone has a messy car he also has a messy house. All the people I know if there car is messy their house is messy too.
I believe the abduction happened in her apt .Later he came to clean it and staged it.
I believe a Monday night abduction is a possibility. An abduction that morning in the parking lot as well. In fact, if her car was used and not a 2nd vehicle that would make sense. But that would only leave a few short hours to clean the car so well only 2 trace items of evidence were found. If Jennifer were transported in her own car it would likely have been the trunk. There was no evidence of that based on what LE has released. Certainly no blood or other such evidence has been mentioned. I look at the Christina Morris case in Allen TX where the alleged abductor had DAYS to clean his car and LE found all sorts of evidence. Whoever did this to Jennifer cleaned the car in a short period of time. (They wrapped her in a tarp or shower curtain? That would likely mean this was planned and not a crime of opportunity.)

When I think of a morning parking lot abduction I wonder how no one heard a scream. I seem to remember some of the workers stating that Jennifer's car was gone from her spot when they arrived early that morning and apparently some of them were usually there before she left in the morning. Either she left earlier than usual (this would have caused a problem if this was planned ahead) or the abduction happened earlier.

A Monday night abduction? That's a bold person who will enter someone's condo without knowing where they are or if they are awake to abduct them. There would certainly be a scream then. But it would give the abductor much more time to clean the car before dropping it off at that apartment complex.
Tuesday morning it happened imo. The phone was powered off or the batteries were removed by the abductor in the morning. The batteries were not removed from the phone Monday night.
The police already said the batteries were removed around 10:40 pm ,meaning what happened happaned around this time,also the abductor had all night and early morning hours to clean the car before he returned it.
Also abduction at night gives more time to come back and clean the apt
A messy car does not necessarily mean a messy house. I am proof of that.

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The police already said the batteries were removed around 10:40 pm ,meaning what happened happaned around this time,also the abductor had all night and early morning hours to clean the car before he returned it.
Also abduction at night gives more time to come back and clean the apt

That's is not correct the police did not state that the batteries were removed at night.
Do we have any mainstream media documentation about the cell phone batteries? Most younger people use their cell phones as alarm clocks, I doubt she would remove the battery or turn the phone off the night before work.
A lot of misinformation here. The most recent press conference with the Kesse family and police continue to maintain a morning abduction. Zero mention of cell phone battery being removed. This was from the January 2016 press conference in the Orlando Sentinel.

"Police believe she left for work around 8 a.m. the next day when she was abducted"

"In the decade since, the only trace police managed to find was her car, found two days later in a complex about a mile away from where she lived."

So no keys or key fob was ever found either. Whatever this other website is saying appears to be false information
Purportedly, her phone last pinged around 10:40 pm somewhere away from her condo. Purportedly, given the make and model of her phone, it would not have stopped pinging if it had simply been turned off. Purportedly, this comes direct from case details given out (privately) by LE, in addition to details which they did not want made public. No, we don't know this for sure, but I don't see what motivation someone would have had to leak false details to that effect years after the fact, particularly when the leaker is an active blogger who has incentive to maintain LE's trust. No insider has stepped forward to correct these details or to provide contradictory details, to my knowledge.

Keep in mind this is 2006. The perp probably isn't savvy enough to realize he needs to remove the phone battery to prevent it from being tracked. Also, simply dropping a phone can cause its battery to be removed. Not that Occam's razor seems to have any place in a discussion about this case, but according to Occam's razor, if those facts about pings are accurate, she was attacked while holding her phone around 10:40pm on Monday night.

The other thing is, we do know some things about the perp: he left behind not a single witness, and no known evidence except grainy surveillance footage and possibly a fingerprint. And if the fingerprint belongs to the perp, it doesn't seem that he (or she) has a criminal record. This all seems inconsistent with the type of perp who would be brazen enough to carry out a daylight parking lot style abduction with others around.
There is absolutely no way the police would stand up in front of the Kesse family after 10 years and state false information. Not possible. Yet in the press conference they state it was a morning abduction and no other evidence has been found besides the vehicle. An active blogger has zero creditability. Shame on them.
Please provide links. The last two posts counter dict each other, and I would like to read it for myself. Thank you.
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