FL - Jennifer Kesse, 24, Orlando, 24 Jan 2006 - #2

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from www.findjenniferkesse.com

October 24, 2006 Family Letter

Today marks 9 months to the day Jennifer was ABDUCTED and her personal **** began! The love we have for Jennifer is unconditional, stronger than ever and will never leave us. The heartache we experience everyday she has been gone grows with great pain. The pain we endure is nothing compared to that which Jennifer is enduring which gives us the strength we need to continue our fight to find her. Our lives, as we knew it, stopped that day, January 24, 2006 and we entered into a different world we hope no other family ever has to endure. To this day we hold great HOPE that Jennifer will be found alive and a true MIRACLE will have occurred. The support that has been given to her and our family from, friends, volunteers, the Orlando and Orange County civic leaders, other county and state officials, the media, all law enforcement involved and strangers from around the country and world is humbling to us. It is almost as if everyone knows just how special of a person Jennifer really is. We thank all of you for caring and giving of yourselves in helping Jennifer during her time of need.

We will continue in every way we know how to keep the awareness of Jennifer’s abduction high and in the minds of the public. We know that someone somewhere knows what has happened to her and it will take only one person to step forward with the proper information for Jennifer’s journey in **** to end! We hope you too will continue to keep the awareness of her abduction alive. Awareness is the key, without it we will have failed her and that is not an option! So, we ask you to continue to print fliers from this website and place them anywhere you feel they will be seen. Continue to pass on her website to all in your address books and ask them to read about her abduction and pass it on to all they know and so on, even if you have done it before, it has been extremely effective for awareness.

At the risk of sounding like we are preaching or perfect people, which we are not by far, we need to talk about and teach personal safety to everyone in our families regardless of age. Teach and practice personal and community responsibility. Be active in our communities so they may enrich our lives and generations to come. Simply put, teach the difference between right and wrong, good and bad. We feel it is the responsibility of every parent or guardian to do this. Young people need parents and authority figures to set standards and limitations of acceptable behavior. They need to hear the word “NO” at times and why. They need tough love at times. They need to be taught how to be a productive positive part of our society. They need parents to lead them and guide them through life. Children need to be educated to learn what is expected of them, they are not born with this knowledge, it is taught and learned. Parents need not be their child’s friend, our children need to be loved and taught how to be good people. They need to know they can make mistakes, you will still love them, but there are consequences to their actions both good and bad. We need to teach people they must speak up when they see a wrong otherwise what good are we as a community and society. If we choose not to be responsible and teach our younger generation values we believe in, our society as we know it will slowly disappear into lawlessness and we will live in fear as many countries do around the world today.


Finally, we would like to talk about Heroes. We, as a society, seem to be confused as to who our heroes really are. Today, if asked, most of our younger generation would probably answer with sports figures, entertainers or people of great wealth. These are hero want to be’s in our eyes. The real heroes, we have come to find out, are people in professions not held in high esteem. To us, our heroes are Police, Fire Fighters, Teachers, Military personnel and Parents/Guardians. If we really think about it, these people make modest livings while having the biggest effect on our safety and development as a society. Most people don’t realize how often these people put their lives on the line for us and the community we live and work in.

We have slowly, somehow, been brainwashed that these professions are our enemies.

That police are not there to help us keep law and order but to harass us.

That our military is fighting an unjust cause which is “Our Freedom and our way of life”.

That our teachers are babysitters and can’t teach our children.

None of these jobs can be done effectively if we do not teach our children to give them the respect they deserve.

Fire Fighters seem to get the most respect but they are not really seen as heroes. These professions give up more in their lives everyday than 10 ordinary people. They give up family time to make sure we are safe or learning so we may grow as a person and community. They risk death almost everyday, yes, even teachers as we have learned over the past few weeks of tragedies in our schools. They give up chances to make more money, because they feel they have more impact on our society in what they do. They are our public servants who ultimately chose to serve you and not worry only about themselves and their families. Lastly, Parents/Guardians, not all of us, but the ones who realize the responsibility they chose to take on when bringing a life into our world. The parents who will sacrifice to insure they are there for their children, to be their child’s ultimate teacher in life and take responsibility for their child’s actions. Parents who show unconditional love to their children. Parenting is by far the hardest and most thankless job in the world yet most satisfying when we choose to be part of our children’s lives. We ask you to rethink who your heroes are and to let them know by actions not just words. Hold them in the highest esteem and respect!

Again, we thank everyone who has helped in the fight to find Jennifer or who simply cares!


Drew & Joyce Kesse, Logan Kesse and Rob Allen
Help Find Jenn... www.findjenniferkesse.com
Anyone have a contact link for this case? I would like to see if anyone has mailing labels done for Jennifer. I work for a trucking company and each week I put a return label w/a missing person on it on the outside of our truckers paycheck envelopes....these travel all over the US. I would like to send out labels of Jennifer for a couple of weeks but can't find a link for labels or contact someone to see if this is OK.
christine2448 said:
Anyone have a contact link for this case? I would like to see if anyone has mailing labels done for Jennifer. I work for a trucking company and each week I put a return label w/a missing person on it on the outside of our truckers paycheck envelopes....these travel all over the US. I would like to send out labels of Jennifer for a couple of weeks but can't find a link for labels or contact someone to see if this is OK.
I think that LaMer ( if I am remembering right) had much of the information on her case and FL_ Sun.......had quite a lot of information also.
I'll go look and see what came up back when.........
Also wondering if you could take part of the flyer from their site and shrink and condense it for an envelope. Just the picture, and reward plus website info.....with phone number.
Was there a link also there to reach someone........I think, possiably a phone. I would think they would want any way to get her information out there.......
christine2448 said:
Anyone have a contact link for this case? I would like to see if anyone has mailing labels done for Jennifer. I work for a trucking company and each week I put a return label w/a missing person on it on the outside of our truckers paycheck envelopes....these travel all over the US. I would like to send out labels of Jennifer for a couple of weeks but can't find a link for labels or contact someone to see if this is OK.

Christine, that is so sweet and thoughtful of you! :blowkiss:

Christine, here is the link to the official site for Jennifer Kesse. I haven't heard on anyone making or suggesting mailing labels. Good Idea! :)


The Kesses have a number to call for tips, which leads directly to them. Maybe you could suggest your idea to the Kesses, as it sounds like a great idea. Also there is a link to print posters, as mentioned by Sundayrain.

I would check it out with the Kesses tho, before doing anything, to get their permission. They weren't very impressed with some of the activities, concerning some of the people/internet, whan Jenn first went missing.

Here is another site, which was set up for Jennifer, but it appears to have gone cold, just like Jenn's case. :( This site claims to be affiliated with ChildWatch, maybe they would have the funds to help a 'mailing label' campaign.


Also FlSun has a site, which appears to be more active at this time. You should get in touch with her, as I believe she would move heaven and earth to help you with your idea. Let me know, I also would contribute. It shouldn't be that major of an expense. Maybe there would be some others who would contribute too. Surely someone around here would be computer savy enough to do the labels. Not me tho ;) lol


GOOD LUCK! :) Again, great idea!



Still thinking about and remembering Jennifer :angel:

Hi Christine ... :)

"Return labels w/ Jenn's missing info" - What a thoughtful idea! My personal opinion .. I think the Kesse family would be in favor of such an undertaking.

Drew Kesse called in from Orlando last night to the Larry King Live show during John Walsh's guest segment.

In his continued attempts to help keep Jennifer's plight alive in the minds of the public - Drew asked John "what more" a family could do on their own to keep the public alert & aware on their daughter, Jennifer's 9 month old disappearance.

What it takes is tenacity - 'aggressive & assertive parents' like Drew & Joyce Kesse, John & Reve Walsh, Beth Holloway Twitty and others like them that never give up .. and continue to keep the names of their missing loved ones out there in the public domain - no matter what it costs them on an emotional level.

John offered Drew the suggestion of getting his message out on whatever media outlets he could - appear on TV shows whenever he could, etc.

IMO - Just calling in and speaking with John & Larry for that brief time .. once again, got Jenn's name and her 'continued missing status' out there to an entire nation of viewers. (Program is repeated .. so a total of 3 airings.)

Christine ... on this thread and also on the Kesse website, is a phone number to directly contact the Kesses. If I were you - I would contact Drew and tell him of your idea. I feel confident the Kesse family would appreciate any constructive manner of help that would get 'the word out' to possibly bring Jenn home.

Direct to Kesses - 407-722-2162

Please let us know if you do decide to contact Drew and how your suggestion flies.

Good luck, Christine .. and all good thoughts to you for your pro-active caring! <big smile!>

13th Juror .. :)

Hey All .. :)

Thinking about Christine's suggestion of "Return Address Labels" .. it occurred to me that we all receive numerous offers for return address labels in those circulars (& ValPak envelopes!) that the postman puts in our mailbox along with all the other advertisements n' 'junk mail'.

For a rather nominal fee, any of us could order a different kind of return address labels that .. instead we could promote (keep alive!) Jennifer's plight & missing status.

The cost would be nominal for each of us but we could affix these label stickers to each piece of mail or packages that we, individually, send out - especially now, during this upcoming holiday period.


(insert Kesses Tip # or LE Tip #)
(insert date missing? age?)

Valid postage "Photo" stamps can also be ordered through USPS's website. How about Jennifer's photo on our personal postage stamps? It keeps her picture out there in circulation as well. Have not checked prices on this option yet.

Any thoughts?

13th Juror
13th Juror said:

Hey All .. :)

Thinking about Christine's suggestion of "Return Address Labels" .. it occurred to me that we all receive numerous offers for return address labels in those circulars (& ValPak envelopes!) that the postman puts in our mailbox along with all the other advertisements n' 'junk mail'.

For a rather nominal fee, any of us could order a different kind of return address labels that .. instead we could promote (keep alive!) Jennifer's plight & missing status.

The cost would be nominal for each of us but we could affix these label stickers to each piece of mail or packages that we, individually, send out - especially now, during this upcoming holiday period.


(insert Kesses Tip # or LE Tip #)
(insert date missing? age?)

Valid postage "Photo" stamps can also be ordered through USPS's website. How about Jennifer's photo on our personal postage stamps? It keeps her picture out there in circulation as well. Have not checked prices on this option yet.

Any thoughts?

13th Juror
I just buy the labels at Staples and print them off my computer. It doesn't cost me much at all, I don't order them from a company.

A lot of the missings families have them posted along w/the missing poster. THey can be easily done in word format or pdf.
13th Juror said:

Valid postage "Photo" stamps can also be ordered through USPS's website. How about Jennifer's photo on our personal postage stamps? It keeps her picture out there in circulation as well. Have not checked prices on this option yet.

Any thoughts?

13th Juror
This is a GREAT idea....hadn't thought of the stamps...been doing the lables for a few months.

The personalized stamps are aroun $18 for a sheet of qty 39, value .39....so that's only 3 bucks more. However, I tried to find ones you can put info, the only ones I can find is photo only. Anyone?

O.K. - I found this URL for the photo stamps - but, need to change my internet access to my computer to view content. I'm being totally lazy this afternoon and accessing the forum from my Sony Webtv in bed. Some sites, like this Photo Stamp one, won't access properly from a WebTv.


There may be other sites as well.

I think the labels with "info" would need to be a separate thing. Labels with "Info" and Postage Photo Stamps with Jenn's photo.

13th Juror
13th Juror said:

O.K. - I found this URL for the photo stamps - but, need to change my internet access to my computer to view content. I'm being totally lazy this afternoon and accessing the forum from my Sony Webtv in bed. Some sites, like this Photo Stamp one, won't access properly from a WebTv.


There may be other sites as well.

I think the labels with "info" would need to be a separate thing. Labels with "Info" and Postage Photo Stamps with Jenn's photo.

13th Juror
That's the one I looked at...we need something w/text don't we...I couldn't find where we could put text.
christine2448 said:
That's the one I looked at...we need something w/text don't we...I couldn't find where we could put text.
I am sure you could line up two labels one with her picture and one with the information. Two on each mailed envelope.
After her Dad called John Walsh on Larry King last night.....he should be up for any and all help with spreading the word. I saw that show too, he was very emotional.....and has all the right to be. They need leads so badly.
I don't see them saying no to it......but......because they are private people
you should run it by them for approval anyhow.
John told them......get out there.....push......stay with media.....push for media....the word has to be constantly out there.
Great job in doing this Christine........
LaMer said:

The Kesses have a number to call for tips, which leads directly to them. Maybe you could suggest your idea to the Kesses, as it sounds like a great idea. Also there is a link to print posters, as mentioned by Sundayrain.

I would check it out with the Kesses tho, before doing anything, to get their permission.

They weren't very impressed with some of the activities, concerning some of the people/internet, whan Jenn first went missing.


Still thinking about and remembering Jennifer :angel:

Hey LaMer, Christine, SundayRain n' All .. :)

Just my .02 but I think the Kesses would be most appreciative of caring folks like websleuthers utilizing info labels & photo stamps to keep Jennifer's name, plight & image out there in the public domain. That's what it's all about - keeping her "missing Status" alive and in the public domain.

To me - utilizing labels & stamps is akin to going to the Kesse website and printing posters to distribute or to position them in areas where Jenn's missing status will be seen by many.

My understanding of what the Kesse family was distraught about was ... "other folks", unknown to the Kesse family, setting up websites in Jenn's name and collecting funds or directing potential contributors to any other place or method other than the one single trust fund that the Kesses had set up & control at the Bank of America.

In addition - my belief is .. they did not want or condone folks commercializing Jenn's name and/or image for internet entrepreneurs to capitalize on *selling* her mysterious abduction to the public. Individuals - some well-meaning, others NOT - who may attempt to bring internet traffic to their own websites, and offering an alternative means of making a contribution .. as well as, possibly offering items for sale with proceeds supposedly earmarked for the fund for Jennifer. (t-shirts, coffee cups, whatever - but, most specifically, donations)

IMO .. the family wanted ONE accurate "Find Jennifer Kesse" website where they could control the pertinent information provided (by them & LE) to the public. A "public forum" where people have license to post all kinds of rumors, misinformation & bizarre theories of exactly what happened or what 'their Jennifer' may have endured .. was not what the Kesses wanted or needed in their efforts to publicize her abduction - and bring their daughter home. Help and Tips .. yes, of course.

From my perspective - anyone who truly wishes to help by printing or purchasing labels with 'Jennifer's Missing Info' - or who takes the time & care to invest in USPS photo postage stamps of Jenn is simply supporting the Kesse family's plight to find their daughter.

It's certainly not an investment to promote ourselves or our bottom line. Simply n' purely - it's a gesture of love & care to support the Kesses. I feel they would be grateful for the heart-felt support.

Good thoughts to all - and prayers for Jenn & her family ...

13th Juror

Such a beautiful, vibrant looking young woman. I do think about a lot of the cases here but everytime I see this thread in new posts I hope that there is some news for her family. I can't imagine the heartbreak of not knowing.
Thank you very much for your great ideas!
I've been informed that the Kesse's think your ideas about the return address labels are terrific and they're working on them right now!
Thank you for your support!

If you have any more ideas, please don't hesitate to post them!
Every idea is very much appreciated!

Thanks ~
good morning,

we thank each & everyone of you for your continued support, prayers, hoping for the miracle for jenn to be found & reunited with all of us....or answers.
we would like to ask you, your family and friends to please bombard the local media, tv stations, papers, national shows-- dateline,oprah,dr.phil,maury,montel,tyra,on the record w/greta,nancy grace show, court tv,americas most wanted, larry king, hannity & colmes etc asking them to please do a followup story on jenn. drew s/w John Walsh, last week and asked him what else we can do---he said to keep doing what we've been by keeping the media awareness--he suggested blasting them w/emails--for they respond to the public's interest......also, let's contact Nascar-Evernham Sports-attn Ray- asking him to please consider putting jenn's photo on one of his cars during the daytona races-it'll be right around the ugh, 1 year mark, lord willing we'll have jenn/answers by then but we need all the help we can get....AWARENESS IS KEY

warm regards, love,peace & positivity,
joyce, drew & logan kesse & rob allen
Help Find Jenn... www.findjenniferkesse.com
I've been informed that the Kesse's think your ideas about the return address labels are terrific and they're working on them right now!
Thank you for your support!

I thought Christine's idea was a super suggestion. This is what the Kesses need is to know there are people out here who care and are remembering their Jennifer. It is wonderful to know they are working on Christine's idea!

This is something that will travel around the country which is so terrific. Hopefully this will lead to more tips for LE! God Bless the Kesses.

:blowkiss: Great idea Christine! Kudos to Our Christine!
from www.findjenniferkesse.com

November 21, 2006 For the love of Jenn
Family letter

10 months ago to the day, Thursday, November 23,2006, was the last time we spoke to Jennifer. Jennifer was TAKEN against her will from in or around the area of her condominium in Orlando Fl. sometime between the hours of 10pm 1/23/2006 to approximately 8am, 1/24/2006. We, her family, continue to ask everyone who visits her website to pass on the message that she is still MISSING and needs to be found! We truly believe that someone somewhere saw her either being taken, her car being driven by someone other than her or the Person of Interest the night of 1/23/06 till 1/26/2006 the day her car was found 1.2 miles away from her home. They need to step forward no matter how hard it is or who they may incriminate in this unthinkable act of ABDUCTION. We plead with anyone who may know any information during this Holiday season to take a step back and think if it were your child or family member who was taken, the emptiness we feel everyday and the horror Jennifer must be going through or went through for the past 10 months.

The pain is endless, though our pain does not matter, our hearts have a huge hole in them and our world as we know it has changed forever, taken by a senseless act and a senseless person(s). This is not a crime against only Jennifer it is a crime that affects the entire Orlando community because it remains unsafe until the person(s) are apprehended and taken off our streets so they may not commit this act again.

If you have not already discussed personal safety, please take the time to do so. Visit www.missingkids.com, the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children. They have many wonderful resources, 2 booklets in particular, Just in case….Guidelines in case your child might be someday missing and Child Protection. A missing adult IS someone’s child no matter what their age at the time of their abduction.

To the person(s) who have committed this heartless and senseless act we say “You cannot break my (our) spirit you can only take my (our) dreams” from the song Goodbye My Lover by James Blunt. We will not rest till we find Jennifer!

Since so much time has passed we would like to remind you or inform you of the circumstances of Jennifer’s abduction and urge someone to come forward to help end Jennifer’s personal ****. We also hope that this Holiday season you take the time to realize just how precious family and friends are and that they can be gone in an instant for many reasons, so treasure the time you spend with them.

We again want to thank everyone who has given us emotional support, prayers, kind words. The help from the many family, friends and volunteers who continue to pass on her website, who assist us with emailing the media for updates on Jenn. For all the wonderful suggestions we’ve received to aid in our search for our beloved daughter.

Recap of Jennifer’s disappearance:

Jenn, as family and friends know her, was reported missing when she failed to show up for work on the morning of Tuesday January 24th, 2006. For those of us close to Jenn, we knew something must be wrong. If she was going to be late for work or a meeting she would call. In fact Jenn had good routines she and Rob, her boyfriend called each other every day while driving to work in the morning and would speak with each other every night before going to bed. On the morning of Monday January 23rd, she talked to her mother while driving to work, after returning from work she spoke with her father and brother, and later with some friends, then she spoke with Rob by phone as usual and that was the last anyone has heard from Jenn.

She and Rob did not talk the morning of Tuesday January 24th. Rob called Jenn at work and went into her voicemail. When she did not show up for work, her employer immediately called us to see if we knew where Jenn was, we tried to reach her at the condo and on her cell phone and were unsuccessful. We contacted the management office of her condo complex, explained the situation and asked them to please check on her. The door was locked, upon entering the unit they found nothing amiss, they then drove the complex in search of her car, not there. We then began the drive to Orlando, calling Rob, her friends, the hospital ER’s, and the police.

On Thursday Morning the 26th, police found Jennifer's car abandoned in an apartment complex not far from where she lived.

Jennifer is a strong, fun loving, career minded and responsible young lady if she was running late to work she would have called which is why we all became concerned immediately. At no time had Jennifer shown signs of discontent with her life, relationships or work environment.

Drew, Joyce, Logan Kesse and Rob Allen
Help Find Jenn... www.findjenniferkesse.com
Beyond Belief said:
Mr and Mrs Kesse are on Greta right now.

Beyond Belief, I caught most of their appearance, maybe missed the very beginning. Jenn's disappearce is dreadful with nothing to go on, my heart goes out to them. Nothing has ever been found, to have them think Jennifer is dead, but again the flip side of that works also. They did say, there have been 50 murders in Orlando this year, and most bodies have been found. Since none of Jennifer's personal items have ever been found, they keep on hoping she is alive.

Greta asked the Kesses about the pic of the poi and if there had been any advancement in determining the identity. They informed Greta, authorities had recently worked on the pic of the poi, the results were, it was as good as it gets.

Mrs. Kesse is so positive, that if someone who knew the person, saw the pic of the poi, they would definetly be able to identify the person.

There must be going to be some kind of a ballgames (2) coming up in Orlando soon, and they plan to have two airiel banners flying, where Jenn's name will be brought before the public. Hope I have that right. Maybe some bowl games being played over Thanksgiving, I dunno, as I' not up on the sports arena schedule.

That is about all I can remember, maybe someone else can add to the interview. I might have missed the very beginning.

I will add, Mr. Kesse looked good and sounded strong, but Jenn's mom looked so tired and so sad. I feel so bad for them. What a toll this has taken on them, but they are wonderful people and God Bless them, they are not giving up.

Let's all keep praying for Jennifer and all the missing people. :angel:
I have to give this family a lot of credit for holding onto hope for so long. I don't know if I could do that after so long. Jennifer's disappearance is such a mystery. You would think that there would be a clue somewhere. Did they find nothing in or on her car? If there were no fingerprints then someone wore gloves or wiped the car down really well after they dropped it off. I still wonder about the construction workers and if one of them didn't have his eye on Jennifer. I just wonder if she will ever be found.
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