FL - Jennifer Kesse, 24, Orlando, 24 Jan 2006 - #2

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I haven't seen any news updates for Jenn.

However, I have been reading the Orlando news everyday. A woman was carjacked yesterday, but she managed to get out of the car. The carjacker must of had an accomplice pick them up shortly after she jumped out as her car was found abandoned close by. A passer by driver actually followed the theif. Hopefully, there will be an i.d. and they will get these organized theives off the street.
Another was caught last night who carjacked at a gas station.
beachcares2 said:
I have checked each news the past week and unless I just missed it, I see nothing on Jennifer. Since the one in NYC, which was horrible, it seems this one is not being shown and it should.

I'm emailing Nancy Grace & Greta to see if they can't get it going again. I'm very interested in this case since I have several friends and family that do not live far. Its very scarry when this happens.

Did they rule out that it was Jennifer on the video walking by? I know on video its hard to make out the person.

Thanks for info and let us know if on any of the shows.

Hi BeachCares2 :)

Yes - I believe LE ruled out Jennifer as being the "POI" or person walking past the gated pool area at the complex where her car was discovered - very early in the investigation.

I am a local in the Orlando area and either watch or record the 4 local TV news stations on a daily basis. I skim through each news airing on "Play - fast forward review" to see if there is 'any news or even a small blip mentioning the Kesse disappearance' to report on our WS forum.

Lately - there has been nothing to report since the controversial website fiasco. The Kesses appeared on Greta's show right after that published article & local news interview and discussed the controversy with Greta ..as well as reminding the public that the $100,000. from the anonymous donor will be fully recinded on Wednesday the 15th. (Tomorrow!)

Obviously - they want (as we ALL do!) the public's attention re-focused on finding their daughter - getting the word out to "everyone" to be on the lookout for Jenn .. for any 'tips' no matter how insignificant one might think it may be .. to be reported to them or LE authorities. Drew repeated their new 'snail mail' address for anyone to contact them with a tip - if the person felt uncomfortable calling Crimeline (1-800-423-TIPS) or local LE.

The news for the past few weeks has been sparse at best if not non-existent. No new leads reported - no forensic evidence taken from Jenn's car has been reported or even mentioned. That revelation from the LE forensics team was supposed to be available (& reported to media) well over a week ago .. but, nothing yet.

There was 'something' about a N.J. high school friend of Joyce's who owns a race car and was putting Jennifer's picture on one of his cars for a race. An old friend offering help to keep the story out there 'in the public eye'...

I noticed on one of the 'Jennifer threads' that the Kesse parents (Joyce & Drew) are going to be guests of Maury Povich on his show, "Maury" - TODAY (Tues. - March 14th). Since I never watch his tabloidish talk show - I looked it up. It's on the UPN network at 4 pm here in the Central Fla area.

I'm really pleased to know that Povich is giving some much needed attention to the Kesse's plight in finding their beloved daughter.

13th Juror
I just heard from the office of the anonymous donor in the Jennifer Kesse missing person case. The deadline for the $100,000 was changed last week to tomorrow (March 15) but the donor has decided to extend that deadline until Sunday (March 19). We're not sure why, but have asked. It might be because Jennifer's photo will be on a car this Sunday in a NASCAR race, as we reported yesterday. The reward is still contingent on the safe return of Jennifer, who has been missing since Jan. 24. Also, a reminder, her parents are scheduled to be on Maury today at 4 p.m. (Remember, anyone with details can call Crimeline at 1-800-423-8477.)

The Kesse family has done a lot of work to get word out about their missing daughter Jennifer. A lot of it was traditional, such as appearing on TV shows (they are on Maury tomorrow). This weekend, the word will be spread in a more unusual way -- on the decklid (the trunk area, if the cars had a trunk) of NASCAR driver Jeremy Mayfield's No. 19 Dodge Charger during this Sunday's race at Atlanta Motor Speedway. See some of the news release below:
STATESVILLE, N.C. -- Evernham Motorsports president and CEO Ray Evernham announced today that the decklid of Jeremy Mayfield’s No. 19 Dodge Dealers/UAW Dodge Charger will feature a photograph of 24-year-old Jennifer Kesse, missing from the Orlando, Fla., area since Jan. 24, during Sunday’s NASCAR NEXTEL Cup Series race at Atlanta Motor Speedway. ... NASCAR team owner Evernham attended high school with Kesse’s mother Joyce, and felt compelled to help when he heard of the disappearance. "I'm very loyal to my friends and family in New Jersey," Evernham said. "When someone I went to high school with calls and asks for help, I'm going to do what I can to get the word out. Hopefully someone will see the decal on our race car and provide information that can help solve this case."
I am just back from visiting in the Orlando/Apopka/Daytona areas during bike week. I was rather disappointed when I was looking for posters of Jennifer and didn't see many.

The only ones that I did see were at Golden Corral off of Silver Star Road and at a mini-mall in Ocoee. Then I did see a rather large colored poster in a roadside ad/poster thing near Apopka. Then I thought they were probably more concentrated around the area where she lived (which really isn't all that far.)

Someone has to have seen or heard something, they just need to come forward. :confused:
I think the POI is this guy, I have gotten this image several times. Of course for some of you it will be hard to see, but there are also two white things hanging from the shoulder area. I think this is a pair of shoes, like maybe the laces are tied and hanging around his neck.
I have thought they should check the mall about those shoes he's wearing, I think this bird spent the morning spending Jenn's money. I wonder how much cash she was carrying.

G'morning All ...

I thought there might be 'something' mentioned on our local news stations yesterday regarding Jenn's disappearance/abduction.

Perhaps - a mention of when the overdue forensics evidence taken from her car is now expected ...

Perhaps - a mention that the Kesse parents had taped an interview with Maury Povich that was being aired that same day ...

Perhaps - a mention that the anonymous donor had extended the $100,000 reward time frame scheduled to end today (Wed. - March 15) for an extra few days "for Jennifer's SAFE return" ...

I checked all our TV news stations - unfortunately, there was nothing. :(

Many other 'crime stories', both local & national, have grabbed the headlines and news anchor's attention - further pushing the Kesse disappearance story to back burner or cold case status. Very sad. :(

I think 'something has to happen' for Jennifer's alleged & suspected abduction to become a lead story again. Also - "most unfortunate" is the reality that it is the task and responsibility of the Kesse family to keep "Jennifer's Mysterious Disappearance Story" alive & in the public eye.

As for the "Maury" program - I reviewed the recorded show. The Kesses had a 4 and a half to 5 minute segment that had been pre-taped. As always, they did very well. Some national exposure - yes, but not nearly enough individual attention for what they desperately need to find their daughter - at least, IMO.

13th Juror - still praying for Jenn and her family ...
So, I'm reading re: the Imette St. Guillen case and how DL was placed at the scene her body was found several hours before because his active cell pinged the tower nearby. It's unclear whether a phone cane still ping when turned off, some say it can.

I know it isn't perfect or exact. But we have two phones in play with this case, Jennifer's and the one she planned to mail. Anyone hear anything or read anything that the two carriers were checked for "pings"? I know I'm being overly simplistic and there's likely more to it then punching a button, but still...
I am hoping that LE has someone in custody for one of these other carjackings that will be connected to Jenn. They have been picking up quite a few with the help of the victims fighting back.
Beyond Belief said:
Theres an image, not in the location of the POI, but he's got a hat, it says, of course, imo, Elite Lighting, or Painting, or Printing. Could just be a regular delivery person. But must pass it on.

Morning Beyond Belief, I have been out of the loop for a few days and I am trying to catch up. I'm in FL now, working from an ancient computer, not fun. Anyhoo, I was requested to ask you to post the picture you are analyzing in your above post, as this person found an ad for 'Elite Painting' advertisement looking for day workers, and considering the theory of a worker involved, thought this could be important. . She can't register here to ask you, due to her e-mail addie. Thanks in advance Beyond Belief. :)

13th Juror, also a big thanks to you also for keeping us updated. :)
I am several hours away from Orlando (east coast) right now, and I hear nothing here. Except the Kesses were on Greta last night, but there nothing new there, at least it was a reminder to the public. That was a good thing!
Hmmm let me see if I saved it.

This is all I saved.

I don't use any photos except off the original Orlando sentinel site. They are the clearest. This is an image not the poi.
I would check to see if there is a location that the temporary companies use on regular basis as up "pick up" location for day workers. Such as Manpower, etc.

I have repeated seen the letters PAK on the poi. And around the sleeve AM.

I thought I had seen on the shirt area first photo ESP. I saw it a couple of times, but of course this means nothing.

After hearing in the Carlie Brucia case that they were able to read Joe Smith's name off his shirt, I have confidence that if there is any readable writting in these photo's the FBI will find them.

Hey all :)

Well - I've had a house full of friends & family members for most of the past week. My youngest son finally tied the knot with his fiancee after a l-o-n-g "10" year courtship. After all this time - they are still very much in love and deliriously happy. I'm delighted but exhausted from all the planning, parties & wedding activity. Whew!! They're finally off on their honeymoon in Paris and I'm babysitting 3 BIG dogs & 3 more kitties for the next 2-3 weeks. Along with my own active troop of paws - it's a total zoo around here! <LOL>

Okay - As for news on Jenn - there have been several interview news clips with the Kesse parents on local channels regarding Jenn's picture appearing on the "19" race car owned by Joyce's friend from high school. Both Kesses have expressed how very grateful they are for that window of support and citing the amazing popularity of racing and the exposure to the race fans of Jennifer's disappearance. They said they were very hopeful.

I'm really not a race fan - so, if anyone following this thread is a race fan and can report on any news or publicity they see from the race .. that would be terrific & much appreciated.

Catherine Crier of Court TV said she will feature Jennifer's disappearance on her program on Monday. (March 20) Catherine did not say whether or not the Kesses would be interviewed. Either way - it's more good national exposure for Jennifer, her family and a baffling case that doesn't seem to be going anywhere.

Today - Sunday, March 19th is supposedly the deadline - the last day, that the anonymous donor will still honor his pledge of the $100,000. reward money for Jennifer's SAFE return. I noticed several days ago that the newest posters the Kesses had bearing Jenn's picture had a $15,000. reward printed on them.

13th Juror
Beyond Belief, thanks for your reply. :)

13th Juror, CONGRATS on your new daughter-in-law and Best Wishes to the newly married couple. We went through all the parties and the big wedding this past winter in Florida, and did it all from up north too! So it is understandable what a merry-go-round you were on. Fun tho huh? :)

Also thank you so much for keeping us updated on the news or the lack of about the investigation. Your posts are so nicely written, you have quite a knack, bet your are good at writing letters too.

I'm hoping I can watch Crier this evening. Thanks for the news. Being here in FL right now, it has been difficult to catch all the news shows. I wish Nancy Grace would cover Jennifer Kesse's disappearance--haven't heard nary a word from her about Jennifer.
Congratulations 13th juror and thanks for the updates on this case, seems to be no news at all lately.
LvsAMystry, I had the same thoughts about the cell phone in this case because of the gps locater so I had come to the conclusion in Jenn's case that it was tossed in the water or smashed and this same question comes into play with Imette's phone too so it's possible LE does have info but are not releasing it.
I did read something interesting about orlando the other day. They just recently solved the last case for 05, so I guess they are confident they will solve all these others. Thats pretty good for all the things that go on in that big city.

Good morning Websleuthers :)

I've copied a post written by 'Christopher Marlowe' from *worst case scenarios* on another forum to post here on our discussion thread. Regular readers of the Jennifer Kesse threads here on WS will most likely remember Marlowe's previous posts.

Additionally - at the bottom of the page of the above link - there is a "reposting" by OrlandoMom of "today's response post" from Christopher Marlowe. To read - scroll to bottom of page 1. (link above)

Warning ...
If you are offended by this poster's opinion that Jennifer was indeed murdered by her assailant - you may wish to skip reading this post of his theory on how this abduction happened. It is his opinion - and you are welcome to agree, disagree or simply discuss the post. I found it most interesting and worth posting here for discussion.

(I should add that - additional "spacing breaks" in Marlowe's post were inserted by me to facilitate making this long post a bit easier to read.)

13th Juror

Post subject: Christopher Marlowe's latest post on another forum

Christopher Marlowe
Joined: 25 Feb 2006
Posts: 12
Location: Central Florida

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 9:39 pm
Post subject: Revised Scenario After Eight Weeks

It has been eight weeks since Jennifer Kesse disappeared and it has been about four weeks since I wrote my first "scenario" – a few minor points need revision. (The criminal profile can remain as is.) The tracking dog evidently did not pick up two scents from the car seat of Jennifer's car as I had initially concluded; it only picked up one – that of the perpetrator. And the tracking dog did not go up to Jennifer's condo-unit door as I initially wrote, but rather only to the foot of the staircase at the rear of her building, which would be roughly where Jennifer was assaulted. The confusion about exactly where the tracking dog stopped resulted from imprecise reporting by the news media or possibly an imprecise recounting of the bloodhound's tracking by the police.

It was reported that the scent led straight to "the front door" of Kesse's home in Mosaic at Millenia. By "front door" was meant the "entrance way" of the building, which actually does not have a door. As a matter of fact, there do not seem to be any doors at any of the entrance ways on the ground floor – the only doors are on the individual condo-units. And although the reporter used the term "front door" it is likely that the tracking dog went to the staircase at the "back entrance" of Jennifer's wing, because this is where she parked her car and this is likely where the perpetrator also parked his vehicle. Since the tracking dog went straight back to the foot of the staircase at the rear of Jennifer's building, this would mean that Jennifer was likely overpowered somewhere between the foot of the staircase at the rear of her building and her car in the parking lot.

From the fact that Jennifer did not place a call to Rob Allen, her fiancé, on the morning of the 24th, it can be inferred that she did not drive anyplace with her car that morning, since the first thing she most probably would have done while driving to work would have been to call Rob. And, since there was no blood or other bodily fluids in her car, or other evidence that a body was transported in her car, it is highly unlikely that the perpetrator transported her body with her car. Ergo, he must have transported her body with his own vehicle, which was probably a van – his work vehicle.

Joyce Kesse has stated that Jennifer usually left for work sometime between 7:30 and 8:15 a.m. She probably was expected to be on the job at 8:30 a.m. Jennifer's parents found out that she was missing at 11:15 a.m. on Tuesday, January 24, when her employer called them. Her parents called their son, Logan, and the family immediately set out for Orlando.

Sometime after the call from her employer, apparently while they were driving, the Kesses called security at the Mosaic and asked them to check Jennifer's condo-unit to see if she were there – they checked and found that she was not there. It is not known whether or not the Kesses asked security to check the parking lot for her car, but one would almost have to assume that they did.

The Kesses likely placed their call to security before 12 noon, and at this time Jennifer's car had likely been gone for three to four hours. The Kesses arrived at Jennifer's building at 3:00 p.m. As we know, Jennifer was not there and neither was her car. The perpetrator had likely driven Jennifer's car to the Huntington sometime between 8:00 and 9:00 a.m. He was back at the Mosaic by 9:30 a.m., at the latest, and immediately left the premises.

The perpetrator was smart enough to know that people would soon be looking for Jennifer and that he had to get his van off of the Mosaic grounds as soon as possible, since Jennifer's body was inside. If the alarm were sounded before he could get off the Mosaic grounds, it is possible that police officers would be posted at the security gate and all of the vehicles would be searched as they drove through - and he would be nabbed.

He also had to dispose of her body so that he could get back on his normal schedule. We can deduce that the perpetrator did not do any "driving around" with Jennifer's car, because the gas tank was half-full, which was as it should have been, considering that she had tanked up in Fort Lauderdale and driven directly to work on Monday morning, and then from work to the Mosaic on Monday after work.

Another reason that he didn't do any "driving around" was because Jennifer's body was in his van and soon someone was going to notice that she was missing - for this reason he drove Jennifer's car into the first parking lot where he figured that it would go undetected for a couple of days; he then hustled back to the Mosaic. Dumping the car and getting back to the Mosaic took him thirty minutes at the most.

Concerning "the person of interest:" The "person of interest" was video-taped at exactly 1:00 p.m., a full four hours after the perpetrator had dumped the car, and most likely did not see the perpetrator and had nothing to do with this case.

Furthermore, we know from the tracking dog that the perpetrator went directly from Jennifer's car, where he parked it in the Huntington on the Green Condominium parking lot, back to the Mosaic. This indicates that he had most likely come back for his vehicle. Further, the fact that he drove the car to the Huntington and then walked back, indicates that Jennifer was already dead at this time, since the perpetrator could not take the chance of leaving Jennifer alive, bound and gagged, in the back of his van, while he ditched her car.

To reiterate from my first scenario: had the perpetrator had an accomplice, the accomplice would have followed him to the Huntington to pick him up. Ergo: there was only one assailant.

And, as I conjectured in my first scenario, the perpetrator likely lives in Orlando or its environs, and he could have disposed of Jennifer's body anyplace in Orlando or its environs - the fact that the areas around the Mosaic and the Huntington have been thoroughly searched, without results, supports this theory.

And further, as I stipulated in my first scenario, since searching for Jennifer's body in all of Orlando and its environs would be like looking for "a needle in a haystack," it would be much easier for the police to thoroughly interview all of the men who were at the Mosaic on Tuesday morning, January 24.

However, since the general public has no influence over how the police conduct their investigations, if the general public (which includes everyone except the police, media, and politicians, in this situation) wants to do something to expedite solving this case, I think that the best that can be done is to pressure the media to ask the difficult questions of the police, and to contact their political representatives and ask them to request that the police be more forthcoming with the ongoing status of this investigation, i.e., let the public know what they have done, what they are doing, and what evidence they have.

And, finally, since everyone needs to get some physical exercise, everyone who lives in Orlando or Orange County could go out and search for bodies, human remains, or clues, which might be connected with a missing person. Since there are so many missing adults and children in Orange County, there is a strong likelihood that searchers would find remains other than Jennifer's.

This investigation has reached the point that an assessment has to be made concerning how those interested in helping to solve this case can best spend their time. Although Jennifer's family and many of her friends are still in an altered state of consciousness because of the tragic loss they have suffered, others, who are less emotionally attached, both professionals and laypeople, must remain realistic and focused. The reality that she is likely no longer alive must be faced.

Therefore, those involved in trying to solve this case should not be spending all of their time passing out fliers and promoting other media with Jennifer's likeness on them; they should also not be spending a lot of their time attending the various events that are being held.

If the scenario that I have presented above is correct, then Jennifer was murdered shortly after she was assaulted. This means that, in all likelihood, no one but the perpetrator knows what he has done. Furthermore, this means that the phrase, which has almost become a slogan, which is being used: "Somebody out there knows something" - meaning that one or more people other than the perpetrator knows what happened to Jennifer - is most likely not correct.

As I have indicated in at least one of my previous posts: this case smacks of a serial killing, and many serial killers are capable of remaining silent about their misdeeds for long periods of time. And, as professionals in the area of criminology have speculated - this is most likely not the first serious, violent crime that this perpetrator has committed. Although the perpetrator may not be a serial killer, he is likely a serial violent offender.

Before someone overreacts to the statement that I made above, to wit: - those involved in trying to solve this case should not be spending all of their time passing out fliers and promoting other media with Jennifer's likeness on them - let me emphasize that I said "all of their time."

There will be those who will spend "all of their time" doing these things, but everyone should not do so. Someone has to take the time to contact the news media and their political representatives, and someone has to go out and search. I know that searching is a difficult task, but consider the number of times that you hear about people who are out walking and just happen to stumble across someone's body or human remains. This just happened with the serial-killer case that is now ongoing in Daytona Beach, and it also happened about a month ago in New York City in the Imette St. Guillen case.

One reads about such cases again and again; it is only logical that if people can find bodies just by chance, then if enough people go out and pointedly search for bodies and other clues on a "Missing Persons' Day," for example, the chances of finding "disposed of bodies" would have to improve greatly.

As I have alluded to in some of my previous posts, the problems we are now having in this country with violence and murder go far beyond the tragedy of the Jennifer Kesse case – and all indications are that these problems are getting worse. Solving the Jennifer Kesse case will bring closure to everyone involved with this case, but the broader problem of pervasive and growing "violence in America" will have to one day be addressed. The sooner that all of us realize this, the sooner we will be able to come up with feasible solutions.

Although we certainly want to solve this case - and that has been the raison d'être of this loose-knit coalition - we must understand that Jennifer's disappearance has its roots in the growing trend of increased violence in America. The Jennifer Kesse tragedy is symptomatic of more deep-seeded social problems - problems which are precluding us from adequately adapting our response to this increase in crime and violence.

The social bonds which have held us together as a country have gradually eroded so that the consideration and respect that we once had for each other have turned into disregard and greed – it's now every man for himself, and, rather than protecting our women and children, we neglect them and let them fall victim to predators.

Furthermore, not the least of our problems is the reluctance (perhaps fear) of the general public to confront the police, the news media, and the politicians. This "reluctance" keeps the general public from holding the aforementioned groups accountable for their actions. Other problems include insufficient funding and training for law enforcement personnel, and an inadequate criminal justice system. And, there are many more such problems that we have to face.

If those involved with the Jennifer Kesse case just solve this case and go home, without addressing the core problems, who will be the next Jennifer Kesse?

Christopher Marlowe

On Tuesday, March 21st -

WKMG ran a 'reporter feature' spot on the Kesse's plight. Louis Bolden reported that the Kesse's are having a very difficult time. At this 2 month mark - they have now lived in Jennifer's condo for the same amount of time that she had occupied it. In the taped interview - Joyce said they were on 'an emotional roller coaster'.

Drew said he felt he had let Jennifer down. He said, "Ultimately, as her father, it's my responsibility to find her." His nerves were shot & he looked broken - emotionally, mentally & physically.

Through tears - they reiterated that they are staying strong and will stay there at the condo until they find their daughter.

Most of Jenn's bills are being automatically drafted from her checking account but the Kesses still have to pay the mortgage on the condo & other bills - as well as maintain their own home & bills in Bradenton. Financially & emotionally draining!

A bit of positive news ...
Joyce Kesse's employer has said that they would continue to pay her salary for the next 3 months while the Kesses continue their search for Jennifer. Nothing definitive mentioned about Drew's circumstances.

Kesses stated that they are 'down' but not out and will be here as long as it takes.

Reporter, Louis Bolden, again stated that - the POI has not been located and the "Reward Fund" has been dropped to Crimeline's amount of $15,000. .. as we all know.

Yesterday - Wednesday, March 22nd

WKMG reported that the Kesses were basically on their own in their search. Community searches are over - no more volunteers - no LE searches taking place. :(

The Kesses were outside on the highway (not far from where Jenn's car was located) early yesterday morning with large poster signs bearing Jennifer's picture and asking for help in finding her. Some people 'honked' their support and others stopped to talk with the Kesses.

(I didn't see the TV news film story as I was driving to a haircut appt. and just heard it on WKMG's 5 pm radio simulcast.)

Basically - the news report alluded that Jenn's disappearance appears to be a floundering 'cold case' as nothing is happening .. at least not anything reported in the media. No LE updates at all for quite a while.

At this juncture - the Kesses are keeping the story alive and on the news by their sheer tenacity and incredible drive.

My heart absolutely breaks for them. :(

13th Juror
A friend of mine just spent 2 weeks in Orlando with her hubby and kids and she said she didnt hear or see one thing about Jennifer Kesse the whole 2 weeks she was there. No missing posters, no news reports, nothing.. I assumed everyone in the whole area would of known about this by now but I think I assumed wrong and the searchers and LE need to start back up again and realize they left alot of stones unturned. I feel so sorry for her family. I can't imagine not knowing and obviously knowing she won't be coming home alive at least let them have a proper burial for her..It's terrible.
If this was my daughter I would be very disappointed not to mention very angry.

Right from the start this has been a very weak effort by both LE and the media.
Does anyone care?
Is the life of a good young woman worth nothing?
If this is all a life is worth in Orlando it isn't the kind of place I would want to live.
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