GUILTY FL - Jordan Davis, 17, shot to death, Satellite Beach, 23 Nov 2012 #8

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Did the jury see the X-ray picture of the bullet trajectory? It entered his side below the ribs and traveled to the opposite armpit.

There is no way that I can see he could have been shot in a trajectory like that while getting out of the SUV but it seems to work if he was bending back towards Leland, trying to get away from MD.
I'm hoping that, if/when they retry, they bring in more of the jailhouse letters, and that they bring in the phone calls. I also hope that they focus more on Jordan, and how, by all accounts, he was a good kid with a bright future.

I am wondering if the prosecution stayed away from humanizing Jordan because a year prior to his death he was involved in a fist fight at school, and "talked back" to several of his teachers the fall he died. JMO
IMO - the jury (well, not all of them) were hung on the degree of the charge.

Frankly don't see the point, of being hung on that issue, in that he was found guilty on all of the other charges.


I'm not getting it either and am hoping some of the jurors talk. I've always felt the Allen Charge should work because they're going around the table saying what the weaknesses in their beliefs are. That should bring up new areas of discussion rather than people just arguing back and forth with "I say this" and "No, I say that" which doesn't do much but let them continue to dig their heels in and not budge. jmt
I am wondering if the prosecution stayed away from humanizing Jordan because a year prior to his death he was involved in a fist fight at school, and "talked back" to several of his teachers the fall he died. JMO

Zuri..i think you may have something there...his own parents admitted that in the past year they have seen him change and not for the better but nothing major...we really don't know what all happened behind the scenes.
None of it really makes any difference and they may not have wanted the victim to be on trial any more than he was.
That closing I think some photos of him to really let the jury know what the case is about would have been good...Jordan was so handsome and they have so many wonderful family photos...including that photo with his dad putting on his tie! At that point the defense could have no longer trashed him.
One of the things I think the prosecution could do, to clear up any misconceptions about the child locks, is to bring in an expert on 2002 Dodge Durangos. How the doors work, the auto locks, how far down the rear windows go, would have been helpful. Also the height if the Durango as compared to the Jetta, where the Jetta would have been parked in relation to the Durango with regards to the gunshot trajectory.

IIRC, the Jetta windows were down when MD started shooting. Tevin Thompson stated he reached over and put up Jordan's window prior to the shooting. The shattering of the windows seemed similar, which would give credibility to Tevin's testimony. JMO
I don't agree. I know I believe it was murder 1. But I would have settled for murder 2. I would not have voted for manslaughter. And I would have held my ground.

I just don't think anyone thinks it was self defense. Because if it was really self defense those AM charges really don't fly because he was shooting in fear of his life. If you but self defense you have to think he was shooting to protect himself and not to kill them.

Kwim? I hope they tell us. I do. And if it does come back to a self defense hold out I hope it was a low number.

Forgive the autocorrect. Tapatalk has a mind of its own. :)

BBM ~ Thank you! Exactly, self-defense is protecting yourself from harm not having to kill them. And, yes, MD was so :furious:

I personally would of drove away if I was in the face of danger not shoot to kill. :moo:
Does the law about discharging a firearm contain language about reasonable and prudent? I thought I read that before, but everything is now running together. TIA
I can only speak for myself. For me, they were separate issues. I wanted the _________who killed my brother to rot in jail and go to hell. They were sentenced to LWOP. One died in prison and the other one is still serving. The DP was in the table and the shooter pled out with the permission of our family. The DA asked us what we wanted to do. Justice was served according to the law.

Coming to terms with our loss? Never. I miss my brother every single day. If coming to terms with his death means helping others, honoring my brother, advocating for change and laws that protect others, then I would say yes. Accepting he is dead? Yes. Pain? Yes Watching my mother grieve and weep at the kitchen sink? Heartbreaking.

Life does go on. But we are forever changed. I hope you understand what I am trying to say. Tears are rolling as I write this. Excruciating pain. For the last 32 years....But you would never know if you met me. You learn to hide it and you live your life. But you are never, ever the same.

I'm sorry Zuri. And for your mom too, as I cannot imagine having to bury your child, especially due to such a heinous act. I hope I don't offend you (or anyone else here), but I believe that we are ALL held to account for our deeds, and in the end, after this life is over, is when the real scales of justice begin. Your brother's killer(s) will not escape justice, and they will fully understand what misery means when they get it.
I brought over this post from the last thread;

I don't understand this. Are you saying that no innocent person need fear for their lives, or that no person, guilty or innocent fear for their lives. I mean that if somebody is not committing a crime that rises to the level of attempted murder that they shouldn't have to fear for their lives, or that people who are committing a crime that rises to the level or murder shouldn't have to fear? I don't understand.

Let me explain to you why I'm having a hard time with this. JD was sitting in a car jawing with a psychopath, IMO, and the worst crime he committed was "possibly" being disrespectful. That is not a death penalty worthy crime.

JD didn't have a gun. I'd bet diamonds to donuts on it. Here's why I'm so sure.

MD is a pathological liar. He will say whatever he needs to say to get out of :censored: he gets himself into. I'll go only by introduced evidence to make my point. There's a lot more on the net you can find.

1. MD lied about calling the police. He never called the police and never broached the subject when the crop cop he was going home to talk to called him! Based on that I feel it is beyond a reasonable doubt that he never intended to call police as he lied about.

2. He lied about telling his girlfriend the kids had a gun. She testified to that fact. It seems to me that by watching her cry on the stand she didn't want to say that, but she knew it was the truth.

3. He lied about thinking he saw a gun and being afraid because of it.

If the kids had a gun he wouldn't have left after they fled. Surely he'd be aware that cops would be on the scene shortly, or if he wasn't sure he could have called 911 himself. He was not afraid of the "gang" coming after him. He didn't bring the gun with him inside, he didn't mind walking Charlie in front of the hotel, and he didn't call police, who would have protected him, if that were the case. He lied about having a fear for his life.

The boys ditching the gun is a theory that is false beyond a reasonable doubt. If the kids had a long gun (Remember he said he "thought" he saw four inches of a long gun. Not a handgun, not a knife, not a rock, not a pair of scissors and not a piece of paper with intent to give him a papercut that could fester into an infection that could spread to his blood and kill him.) So we're looking for a long gun. There were people in the next strip mall and nobody reported seeing them throw anything on the roof, or hide anything. What the kids did do is to come back to the gas station, where the cops and witness' were, to seek help for their friend. Tommie Stornes didn't give a crap that he was violating parole. He came back because it was the closest place to get help for his friend.

An independent witness heard Dunn scream something to the effect of "YOU'RE NOT GOING TO TALK TO ME THAT WAY!!!!" just before the shots were fired. There wasn't a gun, and you can't kill someone because you "thought" you saw a weapon. You have to have a reasonable fear for your life. A kid yelling at you from another car doesn't rise to the definition of reasonable. If it did then paranoid schizophrenics could run the streets without consequences for killing innocent people.

The police didn't search for a gun because nobody at the scene told them they saw the kids ever have one. The only person who could have told them was hiding out from the law. The police didn't botch the search, they didn't have any information that they needed to look for a gun. They didn't look for hidden handguns, knives, scissors, rocks, paper, or anything else that could be lethal, so I guess they botched those searches too.

The kids didn't fire back with any type of gun. It's my belief that if they had a gun. They would have used it in defense. So, IMO, there is no reasonable doubt the kids had one.

IMO, MD didn't want to be interrogated about the incident at all. Especially, right after it happned. Why? because he never "thought" he saw a gun, he had no proof they had a gun, and knew that he'd have to explain why he shot at them and his only true answer would have landed him M1.

So he was able to muddy the waters enough by using that excuse, the one he caused himself, to get a mistrial on M1. It worked, there are enough paranoid schizophrenics out there to keep him from being found guilty by 12 out of 12.

Plus he had 17 hours to concoct a story. And made sure to mention a ***ton of "scared for my life" "threatened me" malarky while on the stand.
Plus he had 17 hours to concoct a story. And made sure to mention a ***ton of "scared for my life" "threatened me" malarky while on the stand.

his language right from that night was from the self defense and syg laws..he was googling all night.
Someone please correct me if I am wrong.

Since MD fled the scene, does that make it M1?

Maybe the prosecution overshot the charge, and should of charged him with M2, and possibly the jury would of found him guilty instead of hanging?

I personally think the jury could not agree on M1, therefore hung. It may have been different if it was a M2 charge?
his language right from that night was from the self defense and syg laws..he was googling all night.

Certainly not self-defense either.

If I shot/stabbed/tasered/punched someone because I was in fear for my life, I would of called 911 right away.

Was MD under the influence of anything? He seemed to be out of his mind that night. :scared:
Someone please correct me if I am wrong.

Since MD fled the scene, does that make it M1?

Maybe the prosecution overshot the charge, and should of charged him with M2, and possibly the jury would of found him guilty instead of hanging?

I personally think the jury could not agree on M1, therefore hung. It may have been different if it was a M2 charge?

so in other words without m1 on the table the would have gone with m2..guss that implies no self defense hold out...hope we find out...sure would make a difference for next thought is if you cant agree on m1 then move to m2 and so on. they did not think like me.
Someone please correct me if I am wrong.

Since MD fled the scene, does that make it M1?

Maybe the prosecution overshot the charge, and should of charged him with M2, and possibly the jury would of found him guilty instead of hanging?

I personally think the jury could not agree on M1, therefore hung. It may have been different if it was a M2 charge?

Him fleeing the scene, does not make it M1. It's all about premeditation and his actions/thoughts before and when he killed Jordan. The jury had the option of finding him guilty of M1 down to the lesser offenses in their instructions (M1 and manslaughter).

I really hope that the mistrial on count one was because they couldn't agree to a guilty on which charge. Not, that there was 1 or more jury members who thought he had a valid-self defense claim. Wishful thinking.

so in other words without m1 on the table the would have gone with m2..guss that implies no self defense hold out...hope we find out...sure would make a difference for next thought is if you cant agree on m1 then move to m2 and so on. they did not think like me.

Does it work that way? I mean, since they couldn't agree on M1, can they default to M2?

And, yes I would of the same if so. Maybe they were thinking he's be sentenced anyways, that the M1 is overkill. No pun intended. :giggle:
One of the things I think the prosecution could do, to clear up any misconceptions about the child locks, is to bring in an expert on 2002 Dodge Durangos. How the doors work, the auto locks, how far down the rear windows go, would have been helpful. Also the height if the Durango as compared to the Jetta, where the Jetta would have been parked in relation to the Durango with regards to the gunshot trajectory.

IIRC, the Jetta windows were down when MD started shooting. Tevin Thompson stated he reached over and put up Jordan's window prior to the shooting. The shattering of the windows seemed similar, which would give credibility to Tevin's testimony. JMO

Tevin may have put that window up but it appears it was down so it is possible when MD said either you can't talk to me that way, or are you talking to me (could have said both) JD may have rolled his window down to reply at the time MD was grabbing his gun. Even if it was part way down the remainder of the window may have slid down into the door. Only an expert could tell us that so they probably should have an expert testify.

My back doors auto-lock the minute you are driving forward at 15 miles I think, maybe less. They stay locked in the back until they are released. You also can not open the back doors from the outside once you are stopped. You have to unlock them. So they are locked inside and out. It is a safety and security feature. It is just automatic when we stop the car to push the unlock button. Driver's side will open and front passenger opens but back doors have to be unlocked for someone to get out. Think about it if you were to stop at a light late at night would you want to have to worry about your doors being unlocked. I can't believe Strolla even said that Jordan could have reached out and opened the door because the window was down. If it's locked on the inside it is also locked on the outside. jmo
During the question period last night, a reporter asked Angela Corey why she would retry the murder count considering the lengthy sentence MD faces for the other 4 counts. She said that it was important to retry the murder count in case the other counts are appealed and thrown out.
I'm so flippin mad right now.....some toolbox on Facebook commented on my friend's post, my friend saying basically it is yet another gross miscarriage of justice, and this guy responds saying this was a CREATED EVENT, a made up scene, and called me an idiot of I "actually believe" there were no cameras outside of the gas station. OMG.....people have LOST their MINDS in these days we're in!!

When I said MD is a racist jerk, I am called a "racist." (my profile picture doesn't have any hint of what color I am, but while I KNOW they think I'm black, I'm actually white as rice. And a Muslim, so I'm sure if they knew THAT their heads would explode from the combustible conspiracy theories that will immediately flow in).

Some days, I fear for the continuation of the human race.
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