FL - Julia Bennett, 33, shot dead, 2yo son blamed, Miramar, 20 April 2011

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Missizzy, I just had the most horrible thought. What if this man held the child's hands on the gun and pulled the trigger? Dear Lord please guide LE to get to the bottom of this mess. This child does not deserve to grow up thinking he killed his own mom. This kinda reminds me of the case where the stepdad said that the two year old girl threw her baby brother out of his crib and killed him. I don't remember the names but she grew up believing she killed him at a terrible cost to her emotional health. At least she got the investigation opened back up and proved the stepdad was the killer. I'm sorry I can't remember the names. Maybe someone else here can?

That's what I was thinking. The man could have worn gloves, changed clothes, etc. had the child standing between his legs and pointed and fired as if a game especially with the woman being shot in the back. She wouldn't have seen it coming and there would be GPR on the child. I don't know if there is evidence of a silencer? Any neighbors hear the shot? Cops carry glocks so I am inclined to think the expert saying 5lbs. of pressure had he been able to manage that the gun would have enormous recoil and injured the child. I fired a .38 with the help of my father at 5 and the recoil and noise brought tears to my eyes. I was not able to pull the hard steel trigger on my own. Guns are much easier to fire now especially the automatics. There was a case here I read about last year where a 3 year old picked up a loaded gun and shot themselves. I do not remember what the gun was and the parents were charged. I think LE's account of the child's playful behavior after the fact is more an indication of him possibly playing bang bang with daddy as well rather than his realization of killing his mommy. That's my take anyway.
I agree. It sounds all about poor me from what is released. It should have been ÖMG! OMG! Get some help fast. Someone has been shot!" Not poor me...'

BTW - Howdy North Ga neighbor!
:seeya: hi! I'll also add besides the fact that this licensed gun owner left his weapon loaded in the reach of a. T W O yr old,it was reported that he had threatened this woman with it in the past. This is not responsible behavior and he probably. should never have been allowed a permit in the first place.
IMO..guns don't kill "people" and PENCILS don't misspell words.
I don't own a gun, but I have many big knives in the kitchen! funny how kids don't play with knives huh???? WHY? because from a very young age we TEACH them how dangerous they are.
Whether an adult is pro or anti, gun, I hope EVERY PARENT is teaching their children from the time they can crawl that guns are dangerous, to NEVER touch one, even if you don't own one you'd be surprised at the people that do - and leave them laying around or easily accessible to small children.
That's what I was thinking. The man could have worn gloves, changed clothes, etc. had the child standing between his legs and pointed and fired as if a game especially with the woman being shot in the back. She wouldn't have seen it coming and there would be GPR on the child. I don't know if there is evidence of a silencer? Any neighbors hear the shot? Cops carry glocks so I am inclined to think the expert saying 5lbs. of pressure had he been able to manage that the gun would have enormous recoil and injured the child. I fired a .38 with the help of my father at 5 and the recoil and noise brought tears to my eyes. I was not able to pull the hard steel trigger on my own. Guns are much easier to fire now especially the automatics. There was a case here I read about last year where a 3 year old picked up a loaded gun and shot themselves. I do not remember what the gun was and the parents were charged. I think LE's account of the child's playful behavior after the fact is more an indication of him possibly playing bang bang with daddy as well rather than his realization of killing his mommy. That's my take anyway.

Neighbors and cops (looking for a missing child) at the complex heard the shot. I wonder how many minutes passed before the 911 call? Enough time to hide a pair of gloves?

I will be astounded if this baby pulled the trigger on his own
Neighbors and cops (looking for a missing child) at the complex heard the shot. I wonder how many minutes passed before the 911 call? Enough time to hide a pair of gloves?

I will be astounded if this baby pulled the trigger on his own
heck he could have even used a couple of pull ups or disposable diapers.
would cops check a diaper pail? other than a quick once over?
just a crazy thought I had...
eta: if he called 911 immediately she bled to death awful fast :waitasec:. I'm a nurse but I don't know gsw... I guess the angle is key here. lower back at a 45 degree angle. upward could hit the aorta.? major veins to kidney? pancreas maybe. grr I wanna know more!
and IF THE TWO yr old did it...where did dad go and why? no reason to go missing
My question is: Your bf, baby's father, whoever he was to her at that point, has pointed a gun at you in the past, arrives in your home and lays a glock on your coffee table, with your toddler in the room no less, and your response is to turn your back and walk away?

NOT. This story stinks from top to bottom. If that gun were laying there in plain view and within reach of her toddler that woman did not turn her back and make to exit the room. It did not happen. I guarantee.

Hink and stink all over this. Period.

Exactly! I would also think she would have said hey don't leave that right there, the baby could grab it, or something like that? JMO
Just to update - I've heard / seen nothing concerning this. There has been nothing in the local papers and nothing on the local news. I would really like to know if LE is looking for this guy; is he really missing; what did the police report say; etc.

But, we are being told nothing - right now. I do have to wonder if he wasn't American - did he flee back to his country?
Ok - did get news at noon.

LE knows where the father is and is in contact with him. He is cooperating and hasn't been charged.

The 911 call has been released - at the link below.

Sounds like he's Jamaican. They didn't say if he is here - but it sounded like he's still in Florida.

Such a coward to put this crime on his lil 2 year old. Like all of you - I don't believe that child pulled the trigger. Not for a minute!!!!!! :furious:

From WOO's link :seeya:

The caller went on to say how he tried to take the gun from the boy when it went off. "Jesus Christ, God. Why did you put my son in this spot?"

Ummm I don't think JC or God put his son in that spot...

When the 911 operator asked who shot Bennett, Bailey Sr. said, "I was taking the gun from him. I was trying to take it from him ... From my son, from my son. He's right here."

And this will explain the GSR on his hands (if it is there) - Still not buying this story...

WOO, the victim's mother and some of her family is living in Jamaica -
I have been reading this article and its seems like a bunch of BS. I have been shooting since I was 10 Years old. My grandfather believed we should know how and he had to help. When I was older I had to use two hands to fire a Glock because I could not grip it correctly.
Now I know the child could pick it up but fire it that seems unlikely unless the gun has a hairpin trigger. Most guns have to be modified to have a hairpin trigger. It requires very little pressure. It is possible that this was the case. I believe I read somewhere where the Father stated he had never fired the gun. I am still not buying it.
I don't buy it. Not for a second. No way could a 2 year old reach his fingers to fire a gun. I guess the "I was trying to take it" will answer to how the gun was fired since the toddler couldn't have done it. How convenient that the child can't really speak for himself. I mean...both of my kids were incredibly verbal at 2 and ratted me out all the time, but they couldn't have defended themselves against a charge of shooting someone.

Why was the bullet in the chamber? Why was it that easy for the child to get the gun had it never been fired? Really...
The LE should also be looking at the trajectory of the bullet-if a toddler shot it, then he is obviously much shorter than the grown man, so presumably trajectory is going to be different than if a grown man shot it.
The LE should also be looking at the trajectory of the bullet-if a toddler shot it, then he is obviously much shorter than the grown man, so presumably trajectory is going to be different than if a grown man shot it.

good point, unless the grown man is in a seated position, which would likely put him at the same level as a standing toddler (approximately).

I think the trajectory, the gun powder residue and the physical evidence will tell the tale.
Well obviously it can happen. There have been many instances where children either injured or killed someone playing with guns. That's why children should never have access to loaded guns.
My question is: Your bf, baby's father, whoever he was to her at that point, has pointed a gun at you in the past, arrives in your home and lays a glock on your coffee table, with your toddler in the room no less, and your response is to turn your back and walk away?

NOT. This story stinks from top to bottom. If that gun were laying there in plain view and within reach of her toddler that woman did not turn her back and make to exit the room. It did not happen. I guarantee.

Hink and stink all over this. Period.

EXACTLY. And if this poor woman's 2 yr old had the gun she would have been walking TOWARDS the child to take the gun away from him. She would have LUNGED towards him immediately. But given that she was going the other way, I am thinking the bf had the gun on her and she was trying to get away. imoo
good point, unless the grown man is in a seated position, which would likely put him at the same level as a standing toddler (approximately).

I think the trajectory, the gun powder residue and the physical evidence will tell the tale.

They said the gun was on the coffee table in the livingroom and was 'hot' -another words it was loaded with a bullet in the chamber, ready to go.
WHO leaves a hot and loaded Glock on the coffee table with a toddler in the house???? Oh I know, maybe someone who is married to somebody else and has a child with his mistress....just sayin...

So I think he may have been sitting on the couch and she walks in, sees her bf with the Glock and she turns to run out, too late, then the guy puts the babies hand around the gun for the prints and the residue. Coward. imoo
My hubby watches tosh.0 and they just showed this video...it's a 2 yr old at a wedding playing with a gun and he shoots his dad. It doesn't show blood or anything, just the gun going off.
It can happen...

I just watched that 5 times, it didn't appear that 2 year old even pulled the trigger the gun just went off. Notice the kick knocked the baby under the table too!

Does anyone carry a concealed glock ready to fire? Wouldn't that put the holder in danger of losing body parts?
I just watched that 5 times, it didn't appear that 2 year old even pulled the trigger the gun just went off. Notice the kick knocked the baby under the table too!

Does anyone carry a concealed glock ready to fire? Wouldn't that put the holder in danger of losing body parts?

The baby's fingers in that video appear to be on the trigger. There was a lot of recoil, so it would be important to know if the baby had any injuries from that.
They said the gun was on the coffee table in the livingroom and was 'hot' -another words it was loaded with a bullet in the chamber, ready to go.
WHO leaves a hot and loaded Glock on the coffee table with a toddler in the house???? Oh I know, maybe someone who is married to somebody else and has a child with his mistress....just sayin...

So I think he may have been sitting on the couch and she walks in, sees her bf with the Glock and she turns to run out, too late, then the guy puts the babies hand around the gun for the prints and the residue. Coward. imoo

A "hot" gun, from where I'm from usually means it was used in a shooting, murder, robbery. I tried looking for a link to back it up but couldn't find one, just terms I've heard on the street. Could have different meanings in different areas though.

Your theory may not be far off though. My BF has had the unfortunate privilege of working in some of the worst areas of Chicago (thanks at&t). One day his work partner saw some guy beating his girl so he stepped in and said something, 20 seconds later the guy sent a kid no older then 14 out with a gun shooting at him. Some people don't think twice about having kids do their dirty work (for lack of a better word) so it wouldn't surprise me.

My hubby watches tosh.0 and they just showed this video...it's a 2 yr old at a wedding playing with a gun and he shoots his dad. It doesn't show blood or anything, just the gun going off.
It can happen...

Wow!! That is just awful ... but how could the father not notice the kids pointing a gun at him! Real good parenting on his part.

I just watched that 5 times, it didn't appear that 2 year old even pulled the trigger the gun just went off. Notice the kick knocked the baby under the table too!

Does anyone carry a concealed glock ready to fire? Wouldn't that put the holder in danger of losing body parts?

I opened it in media player and slowed it down.. It does appear he was on the trigger but I couldn't tell if he pulled it. Different types of guns have different trigger sensitivities but they usually don't go off on their own. What a horrible situation, it's a shame. I am all for peoples rights to arm bears (joke) :crazy: but I just wish people would use common sense about it. Guns and children don't mix, even locked up they make me too nervous to keep in a house with kids. we were all kids once and we all know damn well how easy it is to get into things we weren't supposed to. Kids don't know better when it comes to guns.

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