FL FL - Kingfish Boat Ramp Murders, Holmes Beach, 1 Aug 1980

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
But there was a print left by the killer, left on the boat, I believe. I read on a post here that it had been run before over the years, but did not match anyone on file. So, wouldn't that eliminate Mr.Burnside ?
In my first post I wondered about cocaine and Columbians. Sleuthster seemed to think that such killings would be confined to Miami. I found out that Raymond Barrows, Dr.Dumois' brother in law, actually lived in Miami. He was there on vacation, and I believe that was the last day of his vacation ; he was due to go back to Miami.
I notice that he was shot first. I also noticed that he died in Miami two years later. His death is attributed to both natural causes and a severe heart attack.
I must add that I lived in Miami during the 80's. I have friends in the Cuban-American community there, and I undrestand that Dr.Dumois was not especially politically active. But, I have come to believe this might have been drug related ; the shooting of the two boys is telling. Columbians would kill whole families, it was a hallmark of theirs. Just MHO......
But there was a print left by the killer, left on the boat, I believe. I read on a post here that it had been run before over the years, but did not match anyone on file. So, wouldn't that eliminate Mr.Burnside ?
Yes, one would think.
In my first post I wondered about cocaine and Columbians. Sleuthster seemed to think that such killings would be confined to Miami. I found out that Raymond Barrows, Dr.Dumois' brother in law, actually lived in Miami. He was there on vacation, and I believe that was the last day of his vacation ; he was due to go back to Miami.
If it was a contract hit, it sure seems like an exceedingly odd and amateurishly risky way to carry out one. In broad daylight, in relatively busy surroundings, with a bicycle as an initial escape vehicle and a peculiar method of getting close to the intended victim. Also, I don't know, but professional assassinations aren't usually mass murders, but rather more targeted to an individual.
I don't really subscribe to the theory that Dumois ran afoul of drug dealers. Anything's possible, but why would a respected pediatrician get entangled in the lowlife world of drug smuggling.
On the other hand, what other possible motive could there be? A random crazed, drug-fuelled attack? Perhaps the killer got into an argument with one of the car's occupants? The whole scenario is just bizarre.
I also noticed that he died in Miami two years later. His death is attributed to both natural causes and a severe heart attack.
That's a great shame, because Barrows could have been questioned more extensively (though I'm sure he was at the time). If he were still alive today, he could rule out or in some of the suspects being discussed.
Where is the dog track that's been mentioned?
Hi Crimesolver,
Yes, it does seem ridiculous to send a hitman on a bike.But,consider this : he got away with it ! The bike would have enabled him to be more nimble than a vehicle, and would have put some distance between the crime scene and his car plates ?

If this had to do with drugs it could have been that Barrows was the intended target. He was shot first ; could mean something if he shooter had a priority level ? Raymond Barrows was a bellhop in a large hotel in Miami. He could have seen an opening and started supplying guests. Maybe made a mistake about paying the guy above him on the foodchain. Just speculating.
I don't think Columbians always used professional killers. But,they were known to use Columbian nationals, because their prints never matched anything on file here. Any heat came up about a killing,and they just flew back to Columbia.
Crimesolver, I would like to ask a question : I see that you started this thread. So, I would love to know who you think did this ..... Excuse me if you have already given an opinion ; I coulld not find it.
A lot of news reports from the time discuss the lengths that law enforcement went to when investigating the backgrounds of both Dumois and Barrows. The possibility exists, of course, that something was missed, but I personally think that at least rumors of illicit activity would have been uncovered.
Its also possible that this was a hit of some sort, but the killer got the wrong people. Maybe not a hit directed by any crime organization, but a murder-for-hire...?
Yes, a hit for hire crossed my mind too. Do you have any ideas about who might have done the hiring ?
None at all...Everyone involved seemed to be model citizens, leading fairly quiet low-key lives. There doesnt seem to be any reason at all---nothing to gain---by the murders.
Even taking the speculation to the far reaches of imagination, I really can't come up with much more than I've already posted. One of the few scenarios I can come up with is, since Dumois was a pediatrician, is that someone blamed him for something that went wrong with their own child (blaming Dumois for their child's death due to inadequate care or something similar). This could be why the assailant also killed the children.

Again, this is complete and total conjecture. If it were a hit, I'd have to believe that it was in order to deliver a message to someone else. Hard to recoup a gambling debt from a dead person, for example.
There is one in St Petersburg, Derby Lane. There is also one in Tampa that mostly does training of the greyhounds and they have a card room. Im not sure which one he was refering to.

Just reading and catching up.

There's also one in Sarasota- Sarasota Kennel Club, not far from Bradenton.
I can tell you for fact from what itcouldhappen said yesterday that it was likely not "drugs or mob" nor the columbians... but has to do with the dog track. This is the trail that the investigation took with LE. He said "don't give up on the idea that this was "hit" " and it wasnt drug or mob and that the people at the dog track should be looked at.

we need to look at the 3 area dog tracks (Tampa, Derby Lane, and Sarasota), find out who the people are, if any of them that where owners/staff in 1980 are in prision now. The best way to search IMO is the old google archives and sunbiz.org.

edit-btw it is still really bizzare how Burnside looks like the perp, the bike the grocery, everything.
I just noticed the question on your first post : " I wonder what happened to his wife after all this ? "
I don't know,and neither does anyone I have asked. But, isn't it lucky that she stayed on the beach with her daughter and Barrow's wife that day ? Otherwise this could have been even more of a tragedy.
Sleuthster, how sure are you about this retired FLE guy ? Didn't he just tell you the other day that it was " mob " related ?
I just noticed the question on your first post : " I wonder what happened to his wife after all this ? "
I don't know,and neither does anyone I have asked. But, isn't it lucky that she stayed on the beach with her daughter and Barrow's wife that day ? Otherwise this could have been even more of a tragedy.
Sleuthster, how sure are you about this retired FLE guy ? Didn't he just tell you the other day that it was " mob " related ?

He is. I confirm people that I get this sort of info from. BY his email address he is a PI and searching I found he was retired LE.
No, I meant how reliable do you think he is ? Because, he just told you very recently that this case was investigated as a mob related hit.Now he tells you something very different. Why do you believe him ? Just curious kwim ?
Well he said "hit" he said it again in the email last night but said not necessarily mob or drug related. So I guess I assumed mob hit. The way I am interpreting this now is good old boys? lol maybe it was a good ole boy hit and thats why the bicycle. Lord knows. This case is crazy.
So far all I can come up with is that the dog tracks in Orlando and Jacksonville were, at various times around '79-'81, being investigated for gambling irregularities, the sale of food stamps, and other financial crimes. Nothing related to the tracks listed.

The owner of a track in Miami, interestingly enough, was murdered in a similar way on a golf course in Oklahoma in '81. An unidentified man approached the track owner, Roger Wheeler, as he was getting in his car and shot him in the head. The man then fled in a beige or copper-colored '70s model sedan. This murder appears tied to a major scandal within the Miami PD; a suspect was indentified but apparently never captured.

More thoughts swimming through my head... Annette worked at Conley Buick (which is still in existence today, by the way). The 'getaway' car was described as a tan over dark brown Chrysler. Chryslers and Buicks of the late 70's/early 80s, at least the larger models, were similar in style and appearance. I wonder if there is link between Burnside and the car dealership beside Annette...

Article describing the auto: http://news.google.com/newspapers?i...DAAAAIBAJ&pg=4287,171803&dq=juan+dumois&hl=en

And a pic of a typical late 70's American land yacht, in the described tan over brown color scheme:


So far all I can come up with is that the dog tracks in Orlando and Jacksonville were, at various times around '79-'81, being investigated for gambling irregularities, the sale of food stamps, and other financial crimes. Nothing related to the tracks listed.

The owner of a track in Miami, interestingly enough, was murdered in a similar way on a golf course in Oklahoma in '81. An unidentified man approached the track owner, Roger Wheeler, as he was getting in his car and shot him in the head. The man then fled in a beige or copper-colored '70s model sedan. This murder appears tied to a major scandal within the Miami PD; a suspect was indentified but apparently never captured.


The vehicles are simular. Great find.
I dont know if he has a dog track connection but the second sketch reminds me of Donald Eugene Web. Ironically killed a police officer only a few months after the HB homocide, he had just arrived in town.


According to the witness Barrows, he stated that the second image was dead on for accuracy.

Playing devil's advocate...If Barrows were indeed the target, and knew why he was a target, I have to wonder how truthful he would be in identifying the killer. Most of the information that law enforcement had to work with came from him, it appears.
Apparently there were other murders related to this same scandal, having to do more with Wheeler's involvement in jai-alai than dog racing...I had the article then lost it as I was searching for something else.

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