GUILTY FL - Lonzie Barton, 2, Jacksonville, 24 July 2015 - #7

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--so, the 7 people named in court today then ( 5 of which ruben is to have no contact with):

Kristina (gave Lonna the ride home)
Daniel (the roommate)
Lonna's Mom

and his parents.

Who are the 7 witnesses? No matter how many times I reread the logic, I still only count 5 names given.

1. JR (ex-gf)
2. Kristina (drove Lonna home)
3. Lonna
4. Daniel (roommate)
5. Lonna's Mom
6. Ruben's Mom
7. Ruben's Dad

Has the witness list been made public? If not, we are just speculating. The "no contact" list is not necessarily the same as the witness list.

--yes, the State provided it in Discovery on August 25th.
Case 16-2015-CF-006602-AXXX-MA
William Ruben Ebron

--based on the info in these articles re court Tuesday, and the witness list, is where the no contact list speculation comes from..

The prime suspect in the disappearance of 21-month-old Lonzie Barton can have no contact with most of the witnesses in the case, a judge ordered Tuesday.

Outside of law enforcement personnel, there are seven witnesses so far in the toddler's disappearance. The only ones Ruben Ebron can speak to are his parents, and only with a lawyer present, Judge Marianne Aho decided Tuesday.

According to the state, Ebron attempted to contact his ex-girlfriend, who has an injunction against him, more than 30 times the first three weeks he was in jail. She [JR] and Lonzie's mother, Lonna Lauramore Barton, who are not on the witness list, were included in the judge's no-contact order.

Nichols said the state asked for the order so that Ebron couldn’t intimidate, threaten or manipulate any of those seven witnesses, which the judge placed on five of them, excepting only Ebron’s parents.

Tuesday, Aho also prohibited Ebron from having any contact with Lauramore Barton or her Mother Debra Lauramore. She also prohibited him from having any contact with Daniel Aranda who rented a room to the couple and Kristina Rivera who worked at Wacko's and gave Lauramore Barton a ride the day Lonzie went missing.

--the state witness list has 90 witnesses listed (so far). 83 of them are various JSO / LE personnel.

category A : 31 witnesses

-(the only non JSO/LE) :wanda ebron ,william ebron sr. , Daniel Aranda (the roommate) , Kristina Rivera (gave her a ride home) ,Christy Pittman (IMO, the mutual friend (or as Chief Hackney said, someone known to both ruben/lonna) that dropped by the apartment July 23rd. (IMO b/c she's 'friends' w/ ruben, the roommate, ruben's ex, etc per her F/B)

category B: 16 witnesses

(the only non JSO/LE) : debra Lauramore, and an MD from Mcclenny Pediatrics.

category C: 43 witnesses , all JSO/LE.
1. JR (ex-gf)
2. Kristina (drove Lonna home)
3. Lonna
4. Daniel (roommate)
5. Lonna's Mom
6. Ruben's Mom
7. Ruben's Dad

Thanks. I didn't find verification of 2 & 4. Got it now. :)
1. JR (ex-gf)
2. Kristina (drove Lonna home)
3. Lonna
4. Daniel (roommate)
5. Lonna's Mom
6. Ruben's Mom
7. Ruben's Dad


--see, this is what happens when they don't live stream! and we can hear it for ourselves.

--it's confusing (to me) is this list 5/7 witnesses PLUS Lonna and JR ? (he can't have contact with them, but they aren't on the witness list).

--or is 'the no contact list' just 5 people , since ruben's parents are now excluded?

The prime suspect in the disappearance of 21-month-old Lonzie Barton can have no contact with most of the witnesses in the case, a judge ordered Tuesday.

Outside of law enforcement personnel, there are seven witnesses so far in the toddler's disappearance. The only ones Ruben Ebron can speak to are his parents, and only with a lawyer present, Judge Marianne Aho decided Tuesday.

According to the state, Ebron attempted to contact his ex-girlfriend, who has an injunction against him, more than 30 times the first three weeks he was in jail. She [JR] and Lonzie's mother, Lonna Lauramore Barton, who are not on the witness list, were included in the judge's no-contact order.

Nichols said the state asked for the order so that Ebron couldn’t intimidate, threaten or manipulate any of those seven witnesses, which the judge placed on five of them, excepting only Ebron’s parents.
Are you absolutely, 100% sure Ebron's car is still in lockup? You have seen it with your own eyes, you know someone who has done the same, or you learned from MSM that it was still impounded? I'm trying to understand if you are stating a fact or (well-founded, obviously) opinion.

We all agree the car was processed for evidence. Is it statutory to hold an actual vehicle after evidence is processed, perhaps until the charges are resolved? (I'm asking, I do not know.) After a certain point, though, why would they have to continue to hold it? They would have sampled the trace evidence from inside and outside. If the impound lot is uncovered, any exterior evidence would have been washed away or changed by the weather. They also know what it looks like and to whom it belongs (I wonder who the registered owner is and if it is in fact Ebron or, say, his parents). His vehicle has a very distinct paint job. Unless it was a kit type of thing, or something offered by a local shop, I just think it seems improbable that there are two Civics with identical paint schemes like that in Jax. Maybe local car culture there is highly custom and you could find 10 cars there in various orange/black combos. That's why I am asking, and again, NOT to be argumentative.

ETA: I see from posts that appeared while I was typing this that apparently JSO made it known (or seemed to imply) that there may indeed be two cars with the same paint job around town. So obviously that makes a difference. But if anyone can answer my questions about vehicle impounding, I'd be appreciative. Including whether or not Ebron's car is still there, or if they hold all suspect vehicles until a later point, etc.

It has to be held its evidence of a for another car that looks like it sure why not...its a colored scheme for I can't say it or I get thrown off the board for it but trust me there is certain element of the criminal area that likes cars like that. Duval county has over 1 million people .....of course there is going to be copy cats of paint scheme out there. The car used that night will stay in lock up till the trial is over with ....defense will want to see it and see all evidence from it. If they release the car then his defense can use that against JSO and say there was other evidence in the car that wasn't found that prove their client is innocent.

Ebron stated there was only 1 way to start the car as he had made it that way so...defense is going to want to see me defense lawyers will try every trick in the book to get their client off.
Seems RE is in full panic mode now. All his calls trying to get and relay messages are
cut off, it's sinking in now... I wouldn't be surprised if he starts pointing and deflecting responsibility real soon. LB should be worried.
CO's tend to detach themselves from things like that at work. sometimes they dont even watch much news and dont even know about each inmates case.

the reason i quit my job as a CO is because i responded to a suicide at work. the man slit his own throat w his razor (he was a general population inmate, they kept their razors hung on their cell door window at all times except when in use) he was clearly dead when we got there but as a formality we had to do CPR, well i hung back because i happened to know he had hep and i also really, did not care. then i thought about it later and i was like how cold am i? over a few weeks i sat and thought about how i trusted NOBODY in life. i assumed EVERYONE i encountered was lying to me. so i decided i was done w that career.

Today at Jax4news at 6pm they showed a clip of WRE coming into court with a great big smile on his face and one of the women in uniform opening the door to let him into the courtroom and smiling at him. My DH and I were horrified. What is wrong with these people????!!!
WRE was also smiling and talking to his attorney. Looks like he's on a field trip, having a grand old time. Makes me ill! Am I a bad person for wanting to smack that smile off of his face?

Watch at 53 seconds. Was more aggravating on big screen!
Also check out 2:36 when he's having a laugh in court.
i have a 2010 civic and had a 2001 civic previously, and a 95 accord before that. my sister had a 95 civic in the early 2000's.

i can tell the differences in years. and 90's civics are EXTREMELY common where i live. hondas last forever and civics are cheap and easy to soup up for racing.


Out of curiosity I Googled "Orange Honda Civic Black Hood" and apparently there is a black carbon fiber hood "racing" treatment" that can be gotten with the Civic. I don't know if Ebron's Civic was such a car or if the black hood on his car is a poor man's version - meaning just a black paint job.

So there could be other Honda Civic's like his car in Jacksonville, though I imagine the number of 1990 Civics is pretty low. I have no idea how to identify a 1990 from a different year model.

Who'd a thunk it - seems like I learn something new every day here at WS."Ho...0.9#tbm=isch&q="Orange+Honda+Civic+Black+Hood
CO's tend to detach themselves from things like that at work. sometimes they dont even watch much news and dont even know about each inmates case.

the reason i quit my job as a CO is because i responded to a suicide at work. the man slit his own throat w his razor (he was a general population inmate, they kept their razors hung on their cell door window at all times except when in use) he was clearly dead when we got there but as a formality we had to do CPR, well i hung back because i happened to know he had hep and i also really, did not care. then i thought about it later and i was like how cold am i? over a few weeks i sat and thought about how i trusted NOBODY in life. i assumed EVERYONE i encountered was lying to me. so i decided i was done w that career.

I am so sorry cvaldez1975. I hope you are feeling better now. There are some experiences that are life altering and profound.
Today at Jax4news at 6pm they showed a clip of WRE coming into court with a great big smile on his face and one of the women in uniform opening the door to let him into the courtroom and smiling at him. My DH and I were horrified. What is wrong with these people????!!!
WRE was also smiling and talking to his attorney. Looks like he's on a field trip, having a grand old time. Makes me ill! Am I a bad person for wanting to smack that smile off of his face?

Watch at 53 seconds. Was more aggravating on big screen!
Also check out 2:36 when he's having a laugh in court.
This tells me he's a sociopath, of course...we already knew that. Totally INSANE?
Wow. Every time I see video of him I am struck by his lack of remorse and seriousness. He seems to be a bonafide sociopath, IMO. His behavior through out this case coupled with his criminal history. Smiling and laughing when he's caught trying to escape, smiling and laughing when he's standing in front of a judge having privileges taken away, having to be ordered to have no contact with witnesses. Flat out lying and lying and lying.

I keep hoping and praying Lonzie is found soon.
no worries! im a full blown crybaby now lol. i knew i always was, it would peek through the clouds at times. once, they brought in a pedophile who did what pedophiles do, and murdered the child and something else i dont want to mention and the child was 9. my own son was 9 at the time, i threw up and had to leave work.

CO's and LE usually have gross sense of humor too. they see such crude stuff on the regular.

I am so sorry cvaldez1975. I hope you are feeling better now. There are some experiences that are life altering and profound.
I hate that this case has gone silent with info about Lonzie. It's been a week or two of just RE and LL legal drama, but nothing about this sweet boy. Lonzie, WHERE ARE YOU???

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2:13 on this clip smiling, joking around, being super friendly brought back vivid memories of C Anthony exact behavior under same circumstances. Sociopath, no doubt about it. Insane? Absolutely not. LL? Absolutely no indication or even an attempt to indicate any remorse whatsoever.

There is one huge red flag consistent between LL and RE that speaks volumes to me and that is the 'lack of fear' that L will be found.

Read everything I could get my hands on late last night - feeling LL, CB, and RE all involved.

Good read here.^
“The judge went ahead and issued an order and said you're done with using the phone. There's no more trying to contact anybody. You can have face-to-face, and what that does, is it allows for immediate knowledge as to who he's talking to,” Nichols said.

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What's he smiling for !?!

I will admit to flicking his head on my screen,shame he couldn't feel it.

It's dark, cold, raining outside (uk) , I'm say here thinking of this poor lil boy needing to be found,
While he's thinking of what !?!?


Little L, you are not forgotten.
I hate that this case has gone silent with info about Lonzie. It's been a week or two of just RE and LL legal drama, but nothing about this sweet boy. Lonzie, WHERE ARE YOU???

Agree. And sadly it appears IMO, that EB and LL are actually enjoying the publicity/attention, esp RE, in his sociopath mind, all of the media attention just validates his narcissitic thinking of self importance. He's in-famous!

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