Found Deceased FL - Madeline Soto, 13, Missing Child Alert, 13500 blk Town Loop Blvd, Orlando, 26 Feb 2024 *arrest* #11

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and this....she remembers having a 'lunch date' but doesnt remember if SS 'babysat'....yet investigators knew there was communication with SS about it. only a few weeks before she is missing and she cant remember?????? I call it BS.

MM: Do you remember sending him a text message asking if he can babysit Maddie while you go have lunch with your friend?

JS: This was a few weeks before? I remember—I remember going out a few weeks before. I don't remember asking him to babysit. I don't know where he was.

MM: Did you ever go to lunch with your friend and he babysat her?

JS: I—I did go to lunch with my friend, but I don’t think he—I don’t think he was here. I think Maddie stayed home alone for a few hours.

makes me crazy the term BABYSIT is used.
MS, a minor child, died under suspicious means that were determined to be criminal, not an accident, under JS's watch.

JS was under criminal investigation and had to make a decision if she was going to cooperate with the investigation of her daughter's murder or not.

IMO, JS lawyered up, and made the decision to cooperate but not without some form of protection for herself. There are three types of immunity, and JS received the middle ground. IMO, she got more than she deserved.

Derivative Use Immunity (DUI) is better than Use Immunity because it prevents the government from using not only JS's direct statements and evidence against her, but it also protects her from any evidence derived through additional information the authorities might derive from her as she cooperates by giving the DA and investigators honest answers to their questions about both herself and SS.

JS's DUI won't protect her from the government using evidence against her that it obtained completely independent of her cooperation. For example, an independent source, and/or an independent investigation could still result in evidence to prosecute her. IMO, the person who could probably hurt her is SS but she's covered now. JMO
With DUI it sounds like she would have no immunity where she was not truthful. How might they prove she was untruthful when she said she could’ve remember or didn’t know? And there was a lot of that (I assume coached by counsl). They can’t get inside her head but let’s hope somehow there will be evidence to prove she does remember or did know. OMO.
and this....she remembers having a 'lunch date' but doesnt remember if SS 'babysat'....yet investigators knew there was communication with SS about it. only a few weeks before she is missing and she cant remember?????? I call it BS.

MM: Do you remember sending him a text message asking if he can babysit Maddie while you go have lunch with your friend?

JS: This was a few weeks before? I remember—I remember going out a few weeks before. I don't remember asking him to babysit. I don't know where he was.

MM: Did you ever go to lunch with your friend and he babysat her?

JS: I—I did go to lunch with my friend, but I don’t think he—I don’t think he was here. I think Maddie stayed home alone for a few hours.

makes me crazy the term BABYSIT is used.

Yes, as if a 12-year-old needed a babysitter while her mother went to lunch in the middle of the day.
I wonder if LE know what was said on the phone between Maddie and SS on the 2/24? CS said Maddie just wanted to confirm SS was coming to her party the next day but for some reason. afterwards SS was acting strange and tense and but wouldn’t tell them what was wrong except he really needed to find his medications. It seems like that this the day he chose to remove his hard-drive from his computers too and put them info storage. It seems suspicious and odd to me and I wonder if there is any way for police to retrace all his communications and transactions that took place then.

Like others said, what happened to Maddie’s money and where does SS’ money come from? He doesn’t have insurance so presumably he pays for his meds out of pocket, he orders packages of video games, and I assume he can afford gas for his car and the vapes he bought at the shop.

Yet, he doesn’t have a job and CS, JS, JS’ mom, one of JS’ roommates and JS’ friends all states to police that not only did he not have a job but he also doesn’t have any money either. Maddie also told her therapist and a friend that he doesn’t do anything useful around the house but he still their money and eats their food. Considering that he steals from his own parents it makes sense that Maddie and JS consider him responsible for Maddie’s Christmas money too. It makes sense also why they would count her birthday money considering they have to account for every penny with a their in their house.

What doesn’t make sense is that he could make 30k at Disney and still not contribute at all to $400-600 worth of rent? It doesn’t make sense that according to C.S. and Angelique SS could get upset that JS was kicking him out last November/December. She told them he was a bad partner who didn’t want to work and she, like his parents, was tired of supporting him. It sounds like Maddie was tired of his presence too.

However, for someone without a job he sure seems entitled to the money other people worked for or were gifted. And for someone who doesn’t pay rent he acts like it is privilege for JS, Maddie and his parents to have him he even live with them. It seems like he told JS the same lie he has already been telling his parents about getting a job at Disney.

However, if Disney is not source of income than what is? I truly hope he hasn’t been selling any explicit pictures of Maddie or any other victims. Already he seems to have exploited every aspect of her life and person even though he had no right to it or her.

Also, how was he planning on getting his hands on sevoflurane and who was he going to illegally use it on and why?
It’s possible with all his claims about debilitating anxiety — he should have an actual diagnosis to get the prescriptions — he could be receiving disability or food stamps, and/or could be on Medicaid. OMO. IDK.
and this....she remembers having a 'lunch date' but doesnt remember if SS 'babysat'....yet investigators knew there was communication with SS about it. only a few weeks before she is missing and she cant remember?????? I call it BS.

MM: Do you remember sending him a text message asking if he can babysit Maddie while you go have lunch with your friend?

JS: This was a few weeks before? I remember—I remember going out a few weeks before. I don't remember asking him to babysit. I don't know where he was.

MM: Did you ever go to lunch with your friend and he babysat her?

JS: I—I did go to lunch with my friend, but I don’t think he—I don’t think he was here. I think Maddie stayed home alone for a few hours.

makes me crazy the term BABYSIT is used.
Plus, you know he'd JUMP at the chance to "babysit" with Maddie home alone.



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