Found Deceased FL - Madeline Soto, 13, Missing Child Alert, 13500 blk Town Loop Blvd, Orlando, 26 Feb 2024 *arrest* #11

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Im going to have to listen to this new release with alot of concentration......

Q: did you know ( and then its redacted). and continued: ' He never said anything to you or anything to you about it?" <------the 'it', Im guessing he was taking about Madeline and SS engaging.....


ANSWER: If anything, Ive always, Ive always told him my biggest fear is that this would turn into a WOODY ALLEN situation where the stepdad, or fa, the dad grooms the child and the child then turns 18 and ends up running away with him. I told him like that was my biggest fear and I dont ever want that happening...LIKE YOU CANT DO THAT TO ME.

QUESTION: Why would you say that to him?

ANSWER: Because I never trusted, I never trusted, I grew up being told never trust a man. My mom put that in my body. Never trust a man. and like, I do not completely 100% trust a man, but in my, like the logic in my head was saying you know, he has been in your life for 7 years, nothings happened, he hasnt shown you anything that he is weird, or that he's done any, or that he is interested in her, or said anything about her body, or talk about her in any specific way that would freak me out, he has never said anything like that or shown me any of those signs, so I thought I could trust him, that he was safe, that he was a good guy and he was taking care of my baby and loved her the way I loved her. BUT I WAS WRONG.

Q Yes, because, you may think he was whatever (redacted)....

A I know..... redacted. SOBBING.

she gets passed the sobbing, was still choked up for a few answers, then she reverts back to his script answers.

further on in this audio release we hear her response when she is shown Madeline in the car, SS throwing stuff out and then she is told what is in the trash.

Ill get back to it.....its alot.
I appreciate the summary. I see GHI link posted upthread, but it's 4 hours long and my attention span is not. I will have to space it out. Thank you for listening and reporting back!

The above exchange is infuriating. She was upset her boyfriend might run off with her daughter - and said, "Don't do that to me."

TO ME?? How about don't do that to Madeline!

FWIW, I think she knew full well what was going on. And I think he became her boyfriend in the first place because she had a daughter she didn't protect. Speculation.

To me, tracking periods is normal. I'm a list maker. I organize everything. Im a planner. I do not enjoy surprises on anything. I have always tracked mine every single time. When it started and when it ends. I taught my daughter to do the same. She has a calendar in her bathroom. Of course they were a bit irregular in the beginning but that didn't last long. I don't do it to watch for a pregnancy for either of us. Its a simple health thing. Pregnancy isn't the only reason for a missed period. I can understand that not everyone thinks like I do though. My sister never did and her daughter doesn't either. Just wanted to chime in that there is EVERY reason not to trust JS and to be highly suspicious of her. However, tracking periods doesn't stand out to me. I think in general, JS was completely self absorbed and poor MS barely crossed her thoughts.
I appreciate there are other reasons for a mom to track a 12yo's cycle, but for this particular mom, I don't think it was because she is organized. My opinion.

I appreciate the summary. I see GHI link posted upthread, but it's 4 hours long and my attention span is not. I will have to space it out. Thank you for listening and reporting back!

The above exchange is infuriating. She was upset her boyfriend might run off with her daughter - and said, "Don't do that to me."

TO ME?? How about don't do that to Madeline!

FWIW, I think she knew full well what was going on. And I think he became her boyfriend in the first place because she had a daughter she didn't protect. Speculation.

Why on earth would she even think that. Why would she see her daughter as a threat?
There have been mothers whose children were murdered who say, I've lost my best friend.
Their child was their best buddy & friend.

(Just a thought I had regarding JS's statement to LE that creepy SS was her best friend.)
Why on earth would she even think that. Why would she see her daughter as a threat?
And if she was so afraid her boyfriend would leave her for her daughter, why have that boyfriend?! That worry is a siren blaring to get rid of the guy!

She sits there like a lump worried about her loser of a boyfriend and not her precious daughter.
IMO he was almost certainly selling images / video and possibly Maddie herself. Maybe he tried to tell Ms she was being sent to serve someone else and she declined on the Saturday. Maybe she made herself unavailable by crying and putting up a fuss at grandma’s about not wanting to go somewhere and maybe she told SS she was staying there so she wouldn’t be available for whomever he MAY have arranged for her to be with. IMO it is possible that set him off. Perhaps a lot of $$$ on the line and now a promise made to someone of a child for service and he couldn’t deliver on it. That would not shock me.

This is entirely speculative on my part as to the motive for him (or sadly Js) killing her. Otherwise, I see no motive when she was his easily accessible victim. This had to have been a NO on her part about something imo.

I can't imagine, SS sold Maddie to someone and Maddie would have known. How is it possible, that MS over years didn't reveal anything to anyone? If the girl was "awarded" to someone WITHOUT her knowing, ie in a somehow narcotized state, that would I believe more. Don't ask me, how to manage such evil deals. MOO
And if she was so afraid her boyfriend would leave her for her daughter, why have that boyfriend?! That worry is a siren blaring to get rid of the guy!

She sits there like a lump worried about her loser of a boyfriend and not her precious daughter.

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