Found Deceased FL - Madeline Soto, 13, Missing Child Alert, 13500 blk Town Loop Blvd, Orlando, 26 Feb 2024 *arrest* #5

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Possible that Maddy had something to do with that flat tire. If her death was on the way home from the party, there could have been a struggle inside/outside the car. SS would have had to stop if he was going to strangle her and maybe she opened the door to try to escape. At which time she stabbed the tire with something.
Flat tire happened about 20 hrs after the party the previous day.
I listened to a phone interview someone did with someone that had been his friends with him for the past three years. He was obviously shocked, and stunned to find this out, even sent SS a message after SS was arrested and said something to the effect of 'WTF! You've been around my children!!!' and he sounded very credible about their connection. He said they were gaming friends. He also said that SS once told him he takes/has Lunesta, and that it's 'powerful enough to knock someone out easily'. Which, if that was truly said....just, wow. I can't remember, but I do think he or someone else said he also takes Adderal. I would imagine it's his own prescription. IF Maddie was taking anything, it was because of the immense stress she was under and it may have been assumed to be something like ADHD, but just not sure yet. However, SS supposedly bragged about what Lunesta does. So, I think he possibly may have used that to sedate JS, and needed.
Was this one of the GH interviews? Sounds like Frank? I skipped around in those a bit so missed this bit about Lunesta, but remember Frank was the most recent/current friend, played games and smoked pot with SS, and he has two very young kids.

Gross how SS would tell him it "knocks someone out". Warning signs people missed or ignored....

Again, I think a lot/all of these people seem weird. Hopefully these friends of SS with little kids, their kids were never harmed. I'd be looking pretty closely at the people around me after this kind of thing, because I think SS was CLEARLY not someone I would have wanted around my kids. JMO.
I would hope that if the SAO does not bring murder charges forth this week that we will get additional details the timeline.

I also hope that if LE is dealing with an entangled mess as they gather evidence, that they appeal to the public for help and tips.

Lastly, I want to see them take questions from the press. IDR if they allowed the press to ask questions before, does anyone know?

YT is abuzz with scheduled reminders for this press conference. I can’t imagine the KPD scheduled it as a “nothing burger” just to quell public impatience.

<modsnip - "comments all over the web" aren't allowed at Websleiuths>

More questions: why no mention of bio dad on MS’s birthday? Did MS FaceTime him and the step mom at any point? Did anyone FT them during the birthday party? I can’t imagine not doing so as a parent, but we also don’t know how contentious the coparenting relationship may have been. Step Mom seems to adore MS.

My child’s father is a but his family are all lovely, they reach out regularly and we FaceTime.

At 13 and given the abuse, I can imagine MS may have wanted to visit with bio dad and step mom more often. IIRC they live in Texas? That’s not a far flight. I’d be interested in knowing how often MS saw them either in FL or in TX, was she a happier kid with no sleeping “issues” with dad? Or did they persist and was it noticed? Was MS depressed and/or fearful when visitation with Dad and Stepmom ended?

Lastly, I would like to know what comms with bio Dad were like when MS went missing…what story did JS and SS give them? They’re under no obligation to speak or satisfy anyone’s curiosity, but I an wondering what they thought it JS and SS’s interviews.
It would be very interesting to know what MS biological father and stepmother thought of SS prior to this happening.

They're both military, and so I am assuming they'e stable adults. Did they know SS well? Did JS and SS lie about how unstable that home environment was(abuse aside) with SS moving in and out and not working most of the time, not owning anything a normal adult would--no car of his own, no bank accounts or property all so weird? We will probably never know, but I bet they're beyond disgusted in addition to being in unimaginable personal pain.
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At 2:35
Grandma Yolanda talks about how she was a fearful child and didn't sleep alone..... you can watch with translation into English.
She describes the party and says her little friends were there...
That's not making a whole let of sense to me. She was likely fearful that SS would enter her safe haven in the middle of the night, hence the not wanting to sleep alone comment. But it doesn't seem like she was sleeping with her mom, or SS couldn't get her there, and I doubt she was choosing to sleep with the monster. I suppose she could be sleeping with her mom, and these assaults were during other times of the day (not bedtime), but you'd THINK that would raise red flags with JS why a child her age would want to sleep with her. You'd think. :(
The really stupid thing--and hey SS is not the brightest bulb--is these "woods" are more thn 20 miles away from MS' home, and in relatively unpopulated agricultural land.

So, how the heck would a 13 year-old have "runaway" to them in the first place?
Hitchhike, which I'd think would be a runaway's way of getting far away if they don't have access to buses. Also, a hitchhiker wouldn't have cameras capturing her every movement like at a bus station, and even in the bus. And, SS would "helpfully" point that out to LE and in MSM interviews that that's likely what happened, and that the hitchhiker killed her.
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I would hope that if the SAO does not bring murder charges forth this week that we will get additional details on the timeline.

I also hope that if LE is dealing with an entangled mess as they gather evidence, that they appeal to the public for help and tips.

Lastly, I want to see them take questions from the press. IDR if they allowed the press to ask questions before, does anyone know?

YT is abuzz with scheduled reminders for this press conference. I can’t imagine the KPD scheduled it as a “nothing burger” just to quell public impatience.
<modsnip - "comments all over the web" aren't allowed at Websleiuths>

More questions: why no mention of bio dad on MS’s birthday? Did MS FaceTime him and the step mom at any point? Did anyone FT them during the birthday party? I can’t imagine not doing so as a parent, but we also don’t know how contentious the coparenting relationship may have been. Step Mom seems to adore MS.

My child’s father is a jerk but his family are all lovely, they reach out regularly and we FaceTime.

At 13 and given the abuse, I can imagine MS may have wanted to visit with bio dad and step mom more often. IIRC they live in Texas? That’s not a far flight. I’d be interested in knowing how often MS saw them either in FL or in TX, was she a happier kid with no sleeping “issues” with dad? Or did they persist and was it noticed? Was MS depressed and/or fearful when visitation with Dad and Stepmom ended?

Lastly, I would like to know what comms with bio Dad were like when MS went missing…what story did JS and SS give them? They’re under no obligation to speak or satisfy anyone’s curiosity, but I an wondering what they thought it JS and SS’s interviews.
All good questions. Regarding the birthday - the party wasn't held on her actual birthday which was earlier in the week.
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Lastly, I want to see them take questions from the press. IDR if they allowed the press to ask questions before, does anyone know?

They don't always take question but they have. I've quoted their Q&A's in this thread numerous times, along with a link to the video starting with the quote so folks can hear for themselves and not take my word for it.
correct. JS never said SS picked Madi up for school in the interviews with press. That comes from the arrest affidavit that states "the mother advised her daughter's step-father, Stephan Sterns, picked her up from home and dropped her off at Hunter's Creek Middle School, 13400 Town Loop Blvd., Orlando, FL . . "
right. her media pressers: no mention of SS picking up Madeline from home. JS began her account as if they both took her to school and was quick to provide observations of the drop off at the church as if she personally witnessed it... but a few moments later its SS only.

IMO, relationships/living arrangements can be messy and sometimes of no relevance to the public. LE should be aware of the details as to who was where and when. to avoid eyebrow raising all she had to say was my BF, partner, whatever title she wants to give him, picked her up in the morning, (or not, he lived there) drove her to school and have him sit there and provide the account to the media. the entire interview with him hanging in the background was so unnerving.

when JS arrives and Madeline is not there waiting for her, she chooses not to enter the school to see if she got hung up. she drives away, rides around a bit 'searching' and returns when the school is closed and no one is there for her to check with. I simply cant get past her inaction in that one moment in time.

as to what LE is going to provide as a significant update regarding Madeline's demise, Im hoping its something other than working diligently.
YT is abuzz with scheduled reminders for this press conference. I can’t imagine the KPD scheduled it as a “nothing burger” just to quell public impatience.
LE did exactly that in the Elijah Vue case. Absolutely nothing new was said an was a total waste of everyone's time, and their money IMO. And then 2 days later they had a real update but it wasn't even in a presser! It was a FB post. I'd have thought they'd have at least waited 2 days to get a presser that actually had substance, yet they didn't. And I can't imagine that was the only time that has happened. Just a guess on my part.
when JS arrives and Madeline is not there waiting for her, she chooses not to enter the school to see if she got hung up. she drives away, rides around a bit 'searching' and returns when the school is closed and no one is there for her to check with. I simply cant get past her inaction in that one moment in time.
(snipped for focus)

Could you expand on what you mean by her inaction at that point?

I think it's pretty normal if your 13 y/o isn't where you expect them to be to not immediately freak out, and to instead check around where you think she might have gone. The final bell for school was at 4:04pm. I'd imagine it takes a bit (15-20 minutes?) for all the cars to clear out and for it to be apparent that MS was not waiting to get picked up. Then, JS looks around, doesn't see MS, then goes back to the school. The Sheriff's Office says she reported MS missing at 4:43pm, and they arrived to a location near the school at 7:48pm. It's possible that the "reported time" from the Sheriff's Office means that that is not the time of the report, but the time that JS reports MS began being "missing," but from the context of the Sheriff's Office report that seems very unlikely.

All sources from the timeline in the media thread here.
(snipped for focus)

Could you expand on what you mean by her inaction at that point?

I think it's pretty normal if your 13 y/o isn't where you expect them to be to not immediately freak out, and to instead check around where you think she might have gone. The final bell for school was at 4:04pm. I'd imagine it takes a bit (15-20 minutes?) for all the cars to clear out and for it to be apparent that MS was not waiting to get picked up. Then, JS looks around, doesn't see MS, then goes back to the school. The Sheriff's Office says she reported MS missing at 4:43pm, and they arrived to a location near the school at 7:48pm. It's possible that the "reported time" from the Sheriff's Office means that that is not the time of the report, but the time that JS reports MS began being "missing," but from the context of the Sheriff's Office report that seems very unlikely.

All sources from the timeline in the media thread here.

Logically though, wouldn't the first place you checked be the school building?
(snipped for focus)

Could you expand on what you mean by her inaction at that point?

I think it's pretty normal if your 13 y/o isn't where you expect them to be to not immediately freak out, and to instead check around where you think she might have gone. The final bell for school was at 4:04pm. I'd imagine it takes a bit (15-20 minutes?) for all the cars to clear out and for it to be apparent that MS was not waiting to get picked up. Then, JS looks around, doesn't see MS, then goes back to the school. The Sheriff's Office says she reported MS missing at 4:43pm, and they arrived to a location near the school at 7:48pm. It's possible that the "reported time" from the Sheriff's Office means that that is not the time of the report, but the time that JS reports MS began being "missing," but from the context of the Sheriff's Office report that seems very unlikely.

All sources from the timeline in the media thread here.
Anyone have access to the 911 recording?
LE did exactly that in the Elijah Vue case. Absolutely nothing new was said an was a total waste of everyone's time, and their money IMO. And then 2 days later they had a real update but it wasn't even in a presser! It was a FB post. I'd have thought they'd have at least waited 2 days to get a presser that actually had substance, yet they didn't. And I can't imagine that was the only time that has happened. Just a guess on my part.
FWIW, I think an ongoing missing persons case is different than an investigation where the body has been found and everyone is reasonably sure there is no danger to the public. For an ongoing missing persons case, even "nothing new" can be an update, and a presser helps to keep the case in people's minds. In this case, I doubt there is investigatory value in keeping this case at the forefront, so there isn't a benefit to having one unless there is something to say.

Of course, I think the above is correct and logical, but that doesn't mean LE will act logically.
Logically though, wouldn't the first place you checked be the school building?
The incident report says
Jennifer went to Hunter's Creek Middle School in an attempt to pick up Madeline at approximately 1600 hours when she discovered Madeline did not make it to school. In an effort to find Madeline, Jennifer looked through the neighborhoods near Madeline's school and went to her mother's business office located at [redacted] Village Park Drive.
I don't know that she didn't check the school building, or that she didn't go to the office to ask after MS. JS "discovering" that MS did not make it to school could mean that MS just didn't show up for pickup, or it could mean that JS checked MS's attendance on their virtual classroom website or whatever, or it could mean that she spoke to school staff who informed her that MS did not make it to school. It's such a small detail, I don't think we know either which way or that we ever will know.
If only the shame would sink into SS, and last for his entire lifetime in his long prison stay. However, many have no real remorse. They don't all slink away and stay hidden in shame. I know Chris Watts had to face a public sentencing, but he seemed to get over the shame and has many pen pals now. I can't think of a worst example of human, and yet women send him their pics.

What happens after sentencing is often not what we here would expect. Hope this link is allowed. There's a video on the right side. The headlines sound make it sound like his life is over, but he's feeding his ego with all the women fans he seems to have. It makes me sick, but someday he'll be judged by his Maker.
How Chris Watts Decided to Plead to Killing Family: 'Eventually He Acknowledged His Life Was Over'
Ughh I remember this one we were watching the court it was supposed to only be a remand or something and boom watts pleads guilty right there. I can't see SS going to trial I see him pleading before that to save his butt from dp but jmoo
(snipped for focus)

Could you expand on what you mean by her inaction at that point?

I think it's pretty normal if your 13 y/o isn't where you expect them to be to not immediately freak out, and to instead check around where you think she might have gone. The final bell for school was at 4:04pm. I'd imagine it takes a bit (15-20 minutes?) for all the cars to clear out and for it to be apparent that MS was not waiting to get picked up. Then, JS looks around, doesn't see MS, then goes back to the school. The Sheriff's Office says she reported MS missing at 4:43pm, and they arrived to a location near the school at 7:48pm. It's possible that the "reported time" from the Sheriff's Office means that that is not the time of the report, but the time that JS reports MS began being "missing," but from the context of the Sheriff's Office report that seems very unlikely.

All sources from the timeline in the media thread here.
sure. thank you for the recap of times. JS is right there at school but doesnt check to see if she is inside the school, delayed for whatever reason. why would her first instinct be to leave and ride around first when the place she should be, as all other days, is right there at school waiting for her pickup.

if she would have went into the school while staff were still there, she would have known on the spot she never arrived for school from 'her morning drop off walk from the church parking lot". her inaction was not checking first where she is expected to be, at school.

Quick question….
At 41:20, the woman is referencing JS’s reaction to the news about Maddie, SS, life in prison.
What is that all about?
Not sure if it’s ok to talk about.
Unless she has some sort of inside information, this is news to me. We’ve heard nothing about mom’s reaction to the arrest of SS.
That's not making a whole let of sense to me. She was likely fearful that SS would enter her safe haven in the middle of the night, hence the not wanting to sleep alone comment. But it doesn't seem like she was sleeping with her mom, or SS couldn't get her there, and I doubt she was choosing to sleep with the monster. I suppose she could be sleeping with her mom, and these assaults were during other times of the day (not bedtime), but you'd THINK that would raise red flags with JS why a child her age would want to sleep with her. You'd think. :(
IMO, saying she was scared to sleep alone doesn't necessarily mean she had to sleep with another human. Perhaps she slept with their cute little doggie. Not so much for protection from the horror but for comfort after. Some non traumatized children like to sleep with a snuggle and she was a child when the SS inflicted trauma began so it's not unreasonable to me that she would need some comfort.
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