Found Deceased FL - Madeline Soto, 13, Missing Child Alert, 13500 blk Town Loop Blvd, Orlando, 26 Feb 2024 *arrest* #7

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Sure, I'm well aware of what pleading down is but there are still no charges for JS after all this time.
I don't see her not being charged because she's struck some deal.
I suspect she hasn't been charged because there's possibly no actual evidence to charge her with a crime.
Yet. I believe the investigation is ongoing so, it remains to be seen if she'll ever be charged with anything.

Her judgement & ethics aside, which are IMO crimes against human decency but obviously not actionable by LE.

Agreed. If they had anything big on her they would have arrested her. Why make a deal so quick instead of putting her behind bars and taking the needed time to get things right. I just can’t see them waiting this long to arrest her if they have anything solid. They may be trying to connect her to the murder and don’t have enough solid evidence to arrest her yet. Or, they have nothing on her but won’t say so publicly because she’s still a person of interest in the murder or maybe just on lesser charges. Just my opinion.
Yeah, strangulation, asphyxiation, choking or whatever word you want to use is a very intimate way to kill someone.
Of course you can choke someone in a rage but strangulation is still prolonged.
A long time ago, defense attorneys made fun of officers that used the word "choked" instead of strangled, but the word was frequently used by victims to describe what the suspect did to them, resulting in it being written in police reports. The words are not interchangeable and if you want to describe someone using their body or an object at the neck, to interfere with a victim's breathing, it would be strangulation. I think SS did that.
MOO, another person needs to be held accountable for all those years Madeline was subjected to the unspeakable abuse of a child. Negligence to the max to claim ignorance.

JS allowed SS access to her daughter for 7 yrs. and she can claim ignorance of the sexual abuse going on, but there's no way she didn't know. MOO, she helped procure a victim for SS-- her own daughter. There must've been a reason she let it go on. Was there some kind of monetary assistance having him live there?

She helped groom a little girl. Did JS do it to keep a boyfriend? To have a built in babysitter to fill in as a "stepdad" for the convenience it lent JS? All those years of Madeline being groomed and JS allowing it, sending her off into another bedroom with a creepy pedophile. :mad: Now, JS claims it never crossed her mind what was going on? She had to work, she was anxious, needing a restful night, blah, blah, blah, excuses, all selfish reasons. All MOO

Well, they literally let Karla Holmolka skate away to a lesser sentence when she plead out and gave evidence regarding the murders of two missing kids in the 90’s. She claimed he did it all and she was abused. They believed her. Until they found out about videos the couple made that showed Karla was just as vile as her spouse (PAul Bernardo). You can read more about that case and that horrid couple here: DEAL WITH THE DEVIL: 25 years since Karla Homolka skated

So while I would hope they wouldn’t just let Js go if she rolled on her man, I lack faith that they will pursue her to the fullest extent of the law. I don’t believe in plea deals unless the victim’s family is agreeable to it (eg: in the case of Jacob Wetterling, they agreed to a deal for the perp if he would tell the police where to find Jacob’s remains). The Story Behind Danny Heinrich's Delicate Plea Deal

In this case, JS brought the monster home to her daughter and had her sleep in their bed with them. Or sent them to another room to sleep without her. I’m sorry but I believe she needs to be held accountable for her role in what happened to her daughter.
I'm well aware of Homolka & Bernardo & the "deal with the devil" as most Canadians called that fiasco. Comparing her case to this one isn't quite the same thing, IMO. They didn't have the video evidence in that case until after the deal was made and she (Homolka) knew it.

In MS's case if they have evidence JS was directly involved, she has nothing to leverage for a lesser deal the way Homolka did. Even if she did, she'd still be charged with something, and that hasn't even happened.

If JS is guilty of any criminal wrongdoing then I agree, she needs to be held accountable.

Agreed. If they had anything big on her they would have arrested her. Why make a deal so quick instead of putting her behind bars and taking the needed time to get things right. I just can’t see them waiting this long to arrest her if they have anything solid. They may be trying to connect her to the murder and don’t have enough solid evidence to arrest her yet. Or, they have nothing on her but won’t say so publicly because she’s still a person of interest in the murder or maybe just on lesser charges. Just my opinion.

It's also entirely possible she (JS) has not been arrested & charged because LE have found zero evidence to support the idea that she knew/allowed/facilitated the sexual abuse, and likewise zero evidence she was involved in either her daughter's murder or coverup after the fact. I'm well aware that's an extremely unpopular opinion here but, it might explain why there's been no criminal charges for her.

It's also entirely possible she (JS) has not been arrested & charged because LE have found zero evidence to support the idea that she knew/allowed/facilitated the sexual abuse, and likewise zero evidence she was involved in either her daughter's murder or coverup after the fact. I'm well aware that's an extremely unpopular opinion here but, it might explain why there's been no criminal charges for her.

She definitely facilitated the abuse. MOO
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Still just wondering why JS was not present at her daughter's birthday party. I know 13 y/o me would've been pretty bummed if my mom couldn't attend my party, whatever the reason. Actually, I'd be disappointed if she couldn't make it to my birthday dinner now as an adult. It just wouldn't feel right now having her there. MOO.
If JS was sending her to sleep with the monster maybe Ms didn’t want her mother at the party. Maybe the last fight they’d had wasn’t “two weeks ago” like Js told the female interviewer via the webcam interview she gave before the body was found.

Maybe the extended family did not want JS there for whatever reason and booked it while she was not available.

jS does not strike me as a super involved mother to be honest. Maybe she just didn’t want to be there for her own reasons. Maybe she and Ss had their own plans that evening. Who knows?

In the end, I am glad she had one last happy moment with loved ones, without having to worry about what might happen to her in the time spent there. It sickens me to know her demise was only hours away. :(
Well, take it for what it's worth, but in the interview SS says he hadn't been there since December.
Maybe that’s why MS was smiling and carefree at her bday party? Maybe her world collapsed all over again to find him there when she got home? Maybe she tried to get away? I don’t think she made it to Monday morning alive. I really don’t. :( mOO
MOO, another person needs to be held accountable for all those years Madeline was subjected to the unspeakable abuse of a child. Negligence to the max to claim ignorance.

JS allowed SS access to her daughter for 7 yrs. and she can claim ignorance of the sexual abuse going on, but there's no way she didn't know. MOO, she helped procure a victim for SS-- her own daughter. There must've been a reason she let it go on. Was there some kind of monetary assistance having him live there?

She helped groom a little girl. Did JS do it to keep a boyfriend? To have a built in babysitter to fill in as a "stepdad" for the convenience it lent JS? All those years of Madeline being groomed and JS allowing it, sending her off into another bedroom with a creepy pedophile. :mad: Now, JS claims it never crossed her mind what was going on? She had to work, she was anxious, needing a restful night, blah, blah, blah, excuses, all selfish reasons. All MOO

Probably. In docs I saw today the police got a warrant for capital one (a credit card company) biz acct. Which of them had a biz acct and why?

The police also asked for pen and trace ((twice or on two devices). I googled. They were interested in incoming calls / communication on those I guess. Very interesting.
I'm well aware of Homolka & Bernardo & the "deal with the devil" as most Canadians called that fiasco. Comparing her case to this one isn't quite the same thing, IMO. They didn't have the video evidence in that case until after the deal was made and she (Homolka) knew it.

In MS's case if they have evidence JS was directly involved, she has nothing to leverage for a lesser deal the way Homolka did. Even if she did, she'd still be charged with something, and that hasn't even happened.

If JS is guilty of any criminal wrongdoing then I agree, she needs to be held accountable.

And what I am saying when I mention the deal Homolka made is that it’s disgusting. I am hoping that if she had any part in the abuse happening (and I believe by sending her daughter to sleep with him in another room and having her in their shared bed that she absolutely did play a part in the abuse!), that no deal should be offered. Period. She can help the case or not. I don’t care. None of it will bring her baby back or make it so that the abuse never happened. They have SS with the abuse alone so they don’t really need her. I don’t care if he rots in jail for life or if they execute him. I don’t care if they feed him to the alligators. There should be no deal for anyone who behaves as he did or those who let it happen / helped it happen.
It's interesting that on the one hand, JS was the kind of parent who paid for many hobbies and extra-curricular activities for her daughter, and was involved enough to take her to all of these activities and lessons, yet in other ways, JS was seemingly not vigilent at all. IMO.
Listening again. Due diligence on my part...

Around 15 minutes in, he describes jamming his thumb while changing the tire, by the jack, I think. Oh? Or did he get BIT?

Then he describes going back home, ten minutes late for picking up Maddie from school. Says he called JS to tell her what happened and that he was PROFUSELY sorry for being late, because he had promised he'd go with her. What? A two adult pick up from school? That can't be anything but alibi building. Only he didn't get back in time. From making sure Maddie would never get to go to school again.

Just after this, he says he just hung out at home, tidied a bit and "then we got the call". WE got the call. Who is we? He says the call that Maddie didn't come out after school. I think they all suffer from remembering who did what alone and who did what together or who is supposed to say who was or wasn't doing what together.

McDonald's -- she wasn't having it.

Makes my blood boil.

Everything about him makes my blood boil.

Just making it up as he goes, making adjustments to the facts as he's called out. Good on LE for sticking with him and not letting up.

And for what was on his phone, how awful for the LE who had to see it.

And poor Maddie who had to live it.

Sometimes I don't like our planet very much.

interesting.....he claims Madeline was with the grandmother off and on because of JS's work AND not taking her ADHD medication as she should. but this is interesting: he says he came up AFTER her birthday party on sunday 8:30ish pm, to help, make sure of her bedtime routine and 'wait for her mom to get home'.

all the lies and he keeps keeps piling them on....and then he's nailed being seen on a certain road going back toward Kissimmee (his McDonald-a-rama back and forth story and subsequent vape store story, he just forgot....oops, I DID come back before dropping her off and then goes into he 'clicker' and parking sticker scan 'to get back in the complex' story. <---the return to the complex at 8:10am when she is seen in the car.

last lived together in December. was spending time at both places, at his parents because they are making end of life plans and need someone to help out. and 'forgot' his phone when he left. (which was, by the way, HE SAYS is a NEW phone)

how about this tidbit: I did give Madeline a rassberry cheese danish. LE question: where did you get that, thru McDonald's drive-thru? no hesitation: it was Entemann's I brought from home.

he's quick on his feet with lying, but unfortunately so transparent. dangerous....scary.... IMO

next, I want to hear JS's version of her nite, her morning and all day monday.
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And what I am saying when I mention the deal Homolka made is that it’s disgusting. I am hoping that if she had any part in the abuse happening (and I believe by sending her daughter to sleep with him in another room and having her in their shared bed that she absolutely did play a part in the abuse!), that no deal should be offered. Period. She can help the case or not. I don’t care. None of it will bring her baby back or make it so that the abuse never happened. They have SS with the abuse alone so they don’t really need her. I don’t care if he rots in jail for life or if they execute him. I don’t care if they feed him to the alligators. There should be no deal for anyone who behaves as he did or those who let it happen / helped it happen.
When it comes to SS (and KH's vile plea deal), I agree completely.
Except even the gators don't deserve to be poisoned with him.
All I was saying is, I don't think it was any kind of deal she made that has prevented her from being criminally charged alongside him. Mostly because she doesn't have any kind of leverage to do that. She doesn't have anything the state needs to successfully prosecute him, at least on the CSAM charges. And he's already facing the (thankfully) DP for that.

We can't possibly know for a fact if she knowingly let it happen or helped it happen, especially since there haven't been any charges reflecting that. Since it's been this long and she hasn't been criminally charged, it's likely not because she's somehow covered up her involvement or she's made some deal, but possibly because there isn't any actionable evidence she was involved in any criminal activity when it comes to MS.

Choosing a monster for a boyfriend (unknowingly, as far too many single women have done) or having weird fetishes or completely inappropriate co-sleeping habits doesn't automatically make someone a criminal.

interesting.....he claims Madeline was with the grandmother off and on because of JS's work AND not taking her ADHD medication as she should. but this is interesting: he says he came up AFTER her birthday party on sunday 8:30ish pm, to help, make sure of her bedtime routine and 'wait for her mom to get home'.

all the lies and he keeps keeps piling them on....and then he's nailed being seen on a certain road going back toward Kissimmee (his McDonald-a-rama back and forth story and subsequent vape store story, he just forgot....oops, I DID come back before dropping her off and then goes into he 'clicker' and parking sticker scan 'to get back in the complex' story. <---the return to the complex at 8:10am when she is seen in the car.

last lived together in December. was spending time at both places, at his parents because they are making end of life plans and need someone to help out. and 'forgot' his phone when he left. (which was, by the way, a NEW phone)

how about this tidbit: I did give Madeline a rassberry cheese danish. LE question: where did you get that, thru McDonald's drive-thru? no hesitation: it was Entemann's I brought from home.

he's quick on his feet with lying, but unfortunately so transparent. dangerous....scary.... IMO

next, I want to hear JS's version of her nite, her morning and all day monday.

Can’t help but wonder if there is some inappropriate thing called a raspberry cheese danish but I don’t have the heart to urban dictionary or google it
It's also entirely possible she (JS) has not been arrested & charged because LE have found zero evidence to support the idea that she knew/allowed/facilitated the sexual abuse, and likewise zero evidence she was involved in either her daughter's murder or coverup after the fact. I'm well aware that's an extremely unpopular opinion here but, it might explain why there's been no criminal charges for her.

your opinion is certainly respected. IMO, she is under care and treatment somewhere and cannot be further questioned by LE. he was arrested on SA charges on the 28th at the same time the search warrant was being executed at the home...IMO a family member obtained an attorney for her immediately and she got whisked away. we only know of 'a' interview mentioned that she had with LE. (one of the last LE pressers by Chief H). also, even with the murder charges, *the investigation is still ongoing*

we just dont know anything about her whereabouts, but Im sure LE has that info if she was mobile via car any time that weekend, (via CCTV in and out of the complex)....notably all day sunday, overnite, and all day monday before she left for the school.
Has LE been investigating JS's role? This latest info makes me furious that she exposed Madeline to this man and sent her off to bedrooms with him, so Jen could get restful sleep. Playing ignorant of what was going on probably starting seven yrs. ago when Madeline was a young child. MOO, but I see it as she's been complicit in the grooming all along.

MOO, she may not have taken part in the murder, but MOO, she is complicit in the cover-up. Plus, she's directly responsible for making her daughter available and handed over to a pedophile. Is that going to be overlooked and forgotten now that Madeline ended up dead at the hands of the same pedophile? Justice for Madeline please.

Josh's two part interview comes to mind because he knew SS from boyhood days, he met JS and MS and had been to the condo. He had heard from SS what went on sexually between him and JS. He said relatives lived there too, and talked about the bedroom arrangement. Even Josh voiced that he thought there may have been something going on with all three in the bedroom. Imagine if that was goin on with JS's knowledge all along? He said he thought Jen knew more about the murder.

Ryan 1:19
Frank 23:43
Josh part 1 - 47:49
Josh part 2 - 1:13:31

Chase 1:36:50

Listen at the Josh 1:14:00 mark.
Josh talks about being at their condo, how JS must know something more.
SS told him things about their bedroom activity. He says 1:17:20 he knows Jen and Him sexually... kinky people. 1:17:50 He says personally he thinks all three of them did something weird.

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