FL - Manhunt in Tampa after 4 slayings in 5 weeks, Oct-Nov 2017 #2 *Arrest*

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Shell casings and cell phone data link the man police arrested Tuesday to four recent murders in Seminole Heights, an arrest report shows.


Investigators found SIG brand Smith & Wesson .40 caliber shell casings at all four of the locations where Monica Hoffa, Benjamin Mitchell, Anthony Naiboa and Ronald Felton were found shot to death between Oct. 9 and Nov. 14, the report states.

The casings found at the scene of Felton’s murder were not available for comparison but had previously been identified as being fired from the same gun of the first three murders. the report says.

Donaldson told police that he "was unfamiliar with the area identified as the Seminole Heights neighborhood, and he did not have any association with anyone in the area," Hill wrote.

I know gun control is a hot topic issue in our country and yet Donaldson bought his gun from a gun shop, legally. I am not getting into a debate about the issue but what I don't understand is why isn't the most basic control gun being enforced? To me right at the time of purchase there should be a gun test and the casings recovered could have a ballistic report generated and entered into some sort of National Database that can be used to locate gun owner's whose gun is used in any type of crime involving the gun.

Wouldn't that sound like a simple, yet effective way to have some sort of gun control? All the testing costs would be passed onto the new owner and I'm also including sales from gun shows too. Of course it's not 100% since we then have the issue of illegal guns being on the streets.

I just think doing this could prevent crimes or easier to find that gun's owners. I'm not even a gun owner and know nearly nothing about guns, but this doesn't seem like a tricky process to have done with every gun purchased in this country....
I saw that also. Was it something he'd written, maybe??[/QUOTE

The stuff was creative writing all the way through !

How the media turned a ticket taker at 23 years of age into a career was somewhat colorful -- there was something amusing in there too that was a one time thing

who would put in a vocational history one time "shift"!!!!

Provided customers with french fries at the Convention of Resume Tips!!

Realistically nothing has been verified about his past .

A red flag for me was that he 'switched high schools' several times before going off to college.
Troubles in high schools, perhaps?
Also he used his mothers beauty school as a job reference. Padded job references?
So glad LE has charged him.

I am going to guess that the move to Florida was one of the triggers for him. Lots of New Yorkers end up moving to Florida and I have to wonder if he didnt want to move there.

The suitcase in the car seemed like he may have been planning to move back on his own or something. The motive of him doing the killings may have been him simply acting out because of the move to Florida.

He was obviously a very disturbed individual.

So glad LE has the right guy behind bars.

If I recall he worked for the Mets organization up until May 2017. That would probably be the time when he needed to move back to Tampa. Living in NY is expensive and he wasn't established enough to live there with his own place.

I wonder why he no longer worked for the Mets? Was it his choice or was he let go? What might have been or seemed to be a great career opportunity vanished when he no longer worked for them and that could very well have been a trigger for him.

He doesn't appear to have been involved with drugs, but who knows.... What would possess him to turn into this serial killer at this point in his life? So many questions unanswered.... Maybe he wanted to be famous and is now only infamous... pretty sad turn of events.

My heart breaks for the victim's family, so senseless, so random, and all for no reason.
It could be that whatever source you saw got their information from his Facebook profile. He put in his profile that he studied computer science at St John's.

St. John's University SAT Score Analysis (Old 2400 SAT) The 25th percentile SAT score is 960, and the 75th percentile SAT score is 1180. In other words, a 960 places you below average, while a 1180 will move you up to above average.

It utilizes a semester-based academic calendar. St. John's University's ranking in the 2018 edition of Best Colleges is National Universities, 165. Its tuition and fees are $40,790 (2017-18). St. John's University is a Roman Catholic institution open to students of all faiths.

Roman catholic is pretty homophobic yes??

Curious as it relates to at least half of his victims were openly gay?

It came in at 165 in rankings of collages



Agree about the DP, but I don't feel sorry for this guy. He was a cold blooded killer of innocent, vulnerable people. He's despicable.

I am opposed to the DP but would accept what ever the outcome of the trial will be. To me it comes down to, two wrongs don't make it right! Let justice prevail in what ever form it takes....
He returns to the old, boarded up home like a moth is drawn to the flame.

From a psychological perspective, perhaps he kept going back to the old, boarded-up home (& inhabitating it) during the last few months to avoid the reality of his current life elsewhere which he may feel is abysmal....

and yet....

There is no comfort in the old boarded up home because he had no solace there. Yes, he had dreams of a bright future then but there were events of anger and pain caused about by others there. A childhood robbed by those who should’ve protected him as a child? It triggers him and he was too small to protect himself and others then but he can now. He becomes filled with PTSD-like rage/anger/disassociation. And if he is recreationally using drugs/alcohol, it will make things worse. It boils up & overflows but he cannot put those emotions into words as he has been firmly instructed to “tell no one”.

All of the above is purely moo and speculation but I strongly feel the boarded up house holds the key to a story of anger and abuse; victim hood and vendettas. He felt compelled to go back to the old home but instead of feeling comfort, it triggered unresolved and unaddressed traumas. Ones he could never talk about but were broiling under the surface. He tries to juggle the concept of remaining loyal and quiet about the offender versus finding a way to acquiesce while having limited “tools” and resources to do so.

This does not justify what he did, of course.

I wonder if he can verbalize anything to LE so we can learn how to prevent these occurrences? Or will he continue to have flattened emotions and shut down while he broils inside as he has always done?

Based on the property appraiser site, the boarded-up house was never the family home. It was bought 10 years after the house they currently live in. moo
I remember that discussion and there is one interview where the news lady that was at the scene that I cannot find right now where she talks to a gentleman who was in the McDs when it happened where he more or less says something similar. Its hard to understand him and another lady cuts him off and begins to talk to the reporter. If we can find that interview and try to understand what the first male is saying he talks about what the suspect said as he handed the gun over.

I saw that interview and the woman who interrupted was his sister I believe. After the reporter walked away from that interview and she was walking away, the camera kept rolling and that same kid was in the backround playing to the camera making what I can only assume were gang signs with his hands. What a idiot!!!!
(Ditto, just thought the same thing and shuddered)

Back in the day iirc Glock 40s were standard police issue for some police depts, I had a Glock 9 way back in the day...When heavy.com first reported that the lady said that the gun was a 9, that was my first thought, was I wonder if it was a Glock 9mm (for various reasons), then later reports said it was a .40... (that's why I remembered that detail, ray_of_hope, and noticed the discrepancy...) Anyway, I was surprised all that came out publicly so quickly, the gun and ammo details (I'm so used to that always being close to the vest!), but I guess they don't need to keep the ballistics info in this case private anymore...if anything, they want everyone to feel secure and know that they got the right guy, and like they said, can finally sleep at night. Poor folks, they've been through the ringer.

I dont think he was planning a mass shooting -- we , thus far , have not heard anything about a ton of ammo

how much does one one of these guns
cost average ?

Are they considered mean guns?

You know what just struck me (still having problems with body size but...........) just because in FL they did not use term serial killer that is what the perp was.

So in some way it makes sense that there may be a string of killings

I would love to know exactly what the reasons for the other hate crimes were determined not to be related

it is also confusing to me as to how the angle that at least half of his victims were openly gay _ all along that has been significant for me

what are the odds - if totally random- ?

been wrong often but I think sexual identity issues continue to ring potent -- only imo

has all along as tragedy unfolded

ny is expensive -- it would be interesting to know if his parents provided funding or did he work while at University?

It seems like we have some high school - alleged- background -but little on his 5 years in NY area.

IMO we need to know about that 5 year chunk of a 24 year old life

all we really know is we have a sealed criminal offense. --I don't think age wise that is juvenile protected stuff - which IMO would mean sealed was something actively obtained - which takes me to it had to be a crime that could have had tremendous impact on his future

that takes me back to sex related offense?

snitches get stitches. Snitching can get you killed.

He probably counted on that cree of the streets. But I'm glad it didn't happen this time and the fact that a cop was sitting in McDonald's might have been a motivating factor in the quick decision to tell.
His LinkedIn shows such a good background, career-wise.

One video of his arrest showed a limp, which was commented on by many from the surveillance videos. I wonder if basketball was his life and an injury took him away from it. I'm also curious the NY arrest details. What could cause him to lose his medical job in May and work at McDonald's now?

I echo the thoughts you all share above -- his poor family. I wonder if they had any clue.

Reading about the victim's families arriving at the scene, being interviewed in their son's room, driving down from SC, and having to have buried a husband are completely heartbreaking. I'm so glad the killer has been caught.

Yes after watching the video's over and over again I saw a really slight limp from his left leg. It's almost unnoticeable where you think it's just his normal gait, but it's there.....
Sounds like he may have been suffering from what you might call "adult-onset failure to thrive". Those jobs remind me of the kind of work kids find for summer/winter break when they're going to college.
One possible scenario on these jobs is this. He just graduated in January. It has become notoriously difficult for people to find work in their field directly out of college. If he was staying with his parents, they may have told him that he must get a job, any job, while waiting to find something in his field.

I was an honors graduate and I took a very crappy job right out of college to support myself while I looked for something better to sustain me until I started graduate school a year and a half later. After graduate school I purposely took another crappy part time job because I didn't want to get stuck in a field I was by then uncertain of. I needed time to think while not working in a high pressure position as I already had so much of my life, and it was good for me.

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I disagree. Beautiful successful people do not let their real estate property become a putrid eyesore as their house on Wood is. Successful people maintain the property, if not out of respect for themselves, at least out of respect for the neighbors on their street. It wouldn't have taken much money to keep the yard cleaned up and the house at least painted. It's clear the family didn't give a flying whowho for the other people who owned homes on that street.
I'm not defining success by income here.

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Too bad we didn’t see him **walk** into the police car during the arrest videos because we have studied that gait. It would be reassuring for many of us that they have their man (or....shudder...they don’t)!

Also, if the case goes as exspected, who will collect the large reward at McDonalds? Co-worker GR, the Manager, who?

Hi my dear!

There was video of him walking between buildings --imo looked nothing like the other stuff

I assume being in handcuffs alters this somewhat but in terms of agility displayed in spooky videos his even getting into the cop car did not seem that agile

i watched it a couple of times cause it struck me

I apologize for it being Fox it is the first result that came with the slow mo !!

Here is the perp walk , in light loose clothes like the spooky video

humm maybe he was high during the killings??

just an aside university seems to be in 11439 zip code

This is just not accurate

Florida cops on Tuesday busted a former St. John’s basketball player

he never played

his job at the medical setting was answering the phone --

[FONT=&amp]Classroom Support Specialist at the Ultimate Medical Academy.

[FONT=&amp]LinkedIn [/FONT]page,[FONT=&amp] Donaldson described himself as “a natural born leader, that takes great pride in originality. A professional that executes on all levels; motivated by great heights of opportunity. Currently establishing myself for a career in the Sport World.”

[FONT=&amp]up until May 2017, Donaldson had been working as a Classroom Support Specialist at the Ultimate Medical Academy.

[FONT=&amp]ties to North Carolina-- any info??

Here is pic in camouflage pants and a bomb t shirt




You’re right it could be!! Or maybe it was his major and he ended up switching? Weird how he went from sports management to semi-unrelated jobs. I know it’s so incredibly difficult for us to get jobs after college but most people I know try to get one in their field to climb the ladder. (Ex: I was animal science and started off cleaning stalls at the large animal hospital. Then I ended up a veterinary technician at the same place, now I’m in vet school). Idk. I wish we knew more. But I understand why we don’t.

I also thought sports management would be an easy placement to a job after college? Am I wrong?

JMO, I don't think sports management is a large or growing field. It sounds like one of those degrees colleges offer just to attract students. He probably did the right thing to have another major in IT. It's a struggle for most new college grads these days.
Is it possible a sibling committed the crimes? He has an effeminate brother and a sister.
If they borrowed his gun and hoodie. Are we 100% positive?

Actually hindsight is 20/20. After the first killing and watching the video of him walking I thought it might be a woman. I don't know why I thought that except maybe power of suggestion that PC's given that said it could be a man or a woman and I began looking at the video differently. I don't know.

But after I realized it was a man the only thing that kept popping into my head was the fact that he is a sharp dresser, well put together, cares about his appearance, takes care of his clothing, like a woman. How he looked really mattered to him.

That is mainly what threw me off even though my own brother (rip) was like that too. My brother would never leave the house looking like a bum, he even pressed his jeans. He was high maintenance for a man and I loved it. That's what HD reminded me of initially after dismissing the female aspect of his appearance.
( Man, this article is messed up imo, (not blaming you flowerb at all), just sayin...)
Well of course. There are always 5 fast facts about the families of perps who are of color, but no 5 fast facts about the white families of the last 3 mass shooting perps that I have seen.

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