FL - Manhunt in Tampa after 4 slayings in 5 weeks, Oct-Nov 2017 #2 *Arrest*

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I did a little reading on job ops for those w/ Sports Mgt. degree and one article mentioned, it was a field where job prospects were better if student went on and got a Masters in Sports Mgt.

Most jobs listed for Batchelor's were very entry level and pretty low pay. If he wasn't a great student, maybe the prospect of going to grad school was a no go for him. And it would be tough living in NYC on entry level income.

How did his parents afford 5 1/2 yrs. of schooling for him at $40,000 per year? He must have received some assistance
or student loans?
thanks. I noticed meth abusers/users tend to get skinny/thin legs, bloated tummies. I'm not picking up long term meth use from him.
If he is athletic, runs, plays basketball he'd stay in shape. Did he bloat from stress, McDonald's food? That'll pack on pounds in two months easily!

Maybe heavy drinking? Heavy street drugs? Good questions.
Plot thickens...he knew the victim.

I thought the aunt said he didn't know the victim??? She knew the killer and his family some ten years ago, if I understood correctly.

ETA: I listened again--the aunt says she doesn't think the shooter knows the victim is her nephew. I didn't catch anything about if the shooter knew the victim.
lots of people on this board in earlier threads

Who mentioned it before arrest?
No wonder his fellow McDonald employees thought he looked like the killer in videos. Betcha a couple of them are kicking themselves now for not turning his name into LE.
I thought the aunt said he didn't know the victim??? She knew the killer and his family some ten years ago, if I understood correctly.

ETA: I listened again--the aunt says she doesn't think the shooter knows the victim is her nephew. I didn't catch anything about if the shooter knew the victim.

gotcha. so, strange of a coincidence then.
wow ... I wonder if there are other connections
Perhaps another connection?
Wondering what show Anthony wanted to see?
TAMPA — Casimar Naiboa is no stranger to the McDonald’s restaurant in Ybor City.

"I’ve eaten there three or four times," he said. "Me and my family like that restaurant."

But tonight, when the family pays a visit to the McDonalds, it won’t be for the hamburgers and fries.

They want to thank restaurant manager Delonda Walker, who police say alerted an officer having lunch Tuesday when Howell Emanuel Donaldson III, an employee, handed her a McDonald’s bag with a gun inside.

Her tip provided the evidence that led to the arrest of Donaldson, now charged with four counts of first degree murder in the Seminole Heights serial killings.
After visiting the restaurant, Naiboa said the family is going to head over to the Columbia Restaurant to thank owner Richard Gonzmart, who gave $9,000 to Walker, Then the family will walk over to The Ritz, a club in Ybor City where his son wanted to see a show.

"He was supposed to go there with his sister Karen," said Naiboa. "Anthony can’t be there, but we will."
I thought the aunt said he didn't know the victim??? She knew the killer and his family some ten years ago, if I understood correctly.

ETA: I listened again--the aunt says she doesn't think the shooter knows the victim is her nephew. I didn't catch anything about if the shooter knew the victim.

Exactly. I doubt if Benjamin looks anything like he did years ago.

How long had the killer been back in Tampa?
Exactly. I doubt if Benjamin looks anything like he did years ago.

How long had the killer been back in Tampa?

Welll he graduated Jan,17 then started the job at the medical center Feb. 13 til May 2, 2017

edited for correction of dates
They can do so with probable cause or if there safety is endangered.

They might end up having some serious problems if the transcript of the first
presser is entered IMO

But we have to be honest here imo -- he has a public defender at this point and they are not gonna go near that -- there case loads are too much.

IMo if he gets private counsel they may have some IMO real problems.

The presser was bizarre: we found the the killer but have no details cause our paperwork is not done, but I have
thought I had him before and been wrong
so I have to be careful, we still need to learn a lot but we have caught the seminole killer So I have to be guarded cause he might be a totally innocent american citizen but we are proud to tell the community they can rest well tonight cause I kinda think we caught the killer running our streets but am not really sure until our paperwork gets completed and signed off on . We have some clothes that might maybe possibly be a blood speckle and there was a suitcase in the trunk of a car. The individual flat out told us very clearly and specifically that the gun had never left his possession. He made sure we understood that (?????)

Sleep better cause i believe, my belly tells me , we may have caught the killer but will remain guarded until our evidence might indicate that he might be the seminole killer I am proud to announce that we have caught the killer ......................

one of the strangest pressers I have seen

But AFTER the presser, they matched ballistics of his gun with the shell casings found at the scene of the murders (at least the 1st 3) . They also asked him if anyone else had used the gun and he stated the gun was never out of his possession since he bought it. They also pinged his phone to the area on all 3 nights----This all happened AFTER the presser, si IMO they have the right guy. I mean he offered no explanation at all. The only way I see it different is if he lent his gun AND phone to someone and is taking the rap for them,which I highly doubt.--JMO
Israel Keyes and Bundy traveled long distances to do their crimes.

This killer did not go that far, but the fact that there are connections is not that astounding.

I don’t have a clue why he went there. Maybe easy ways to disappear quickly. I think the people he shot were in the wrong place. Random.

Black, white, young, old, male, female.

Are there any other criminals that match the random up close like this?

Did he do stuff in NY?

So strange to me.

I imagine there was a lot of pressure on him to succeed all of his life. The family seems imcredbily hard working and focused on providing quality education for the children.

Even if he felt he was not living up to goals, would that make a serial killer?
Welll he graduated Jan,17 then started the job at the medical center mid May

ABC news said he worked for Ultimate Medical Academy in customer support role from Feb. 13 til May 2 when he
was terminated for absenteeism.
No death penalty for juveniles in USA:

Supreme Court Ends Death Penalty for Juveniles

[FONT=&]March 2, 2005[/FONT]

The Supreme Court on Tuesday abolished the death penalty for convicted killers who committed their crimes before the age of 18. The court ruling, closely divided at 5-to-4, affects 72 people in 20 states. The practice will also be banned for any future crimes.
Executions for those 15 and younger when they committed their crimes were outlawed in 1988. Tuesday's ruling prevents states from making 16- and 17-year-olds eligible for execution.
The executions, the court said, violate the Eighth Amendment ban on cruel and unusual punishment.

It's my understanding he is 24 years old. He is not a juvenile.
What are you talking about? Of course you can be placed in handcuffs and put in a cop car before being charged with a crime. They can't charge you with a crime until the evidence is submitted to the DA. The DA is who charges people with crimes, not the cops.

They don't even have to advise Miranda rights until the suspect is being questioned.

I was respnding to Cariis who wrote the comment. I said at the link of course a citizen can be placed in handcuffs----When I was a correction officer,we placed handcuffs on a women who brought contraband into the prison even BEFORE we called the sherrifs office to arrest her.
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