FL - Manhunt in Tampa after 4 slayings in 5 weeks, Oct-Nov 2017 #2 *Arrest*

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OMG just had a thought...

Did St Johns basketball team ever travel to Ft. Collins, CO to play CSU by any chance in April, May and June of 2015? Was he on the team then? (Asking in reference to the unsolved random shooting cases here).

No he wasn't on the team at that time
His childhood was straight from he//

Seemed pretty disturbed. (referring to Ted Bundy and Jeffery Dauhmer) Same with Charles Manson Nature + Nurture= Ticking time bombs.
Just my 2 cents - the adult failure the thrive idea that had been tossed around earlier really resonates with me. My experience with a similar situation, in which the sociopath was a golden boy but had no real successes after high school/college, showed that someone in that situation can develop resentment and violent tendancies. It becomes everyone else's fault but their own that they can't maintain a healthy relationship, can't hold down a job... I'm interested to hear more about the family dynamics in this case.
Just to play devil's advocate, it's possible the trigga is a basketball reference.

Like, Pistol Pete Maravich (sp?) was so named because he was an especially skilled shooter of a basketball, not because of anything related to an actual pistol.

Could be, and good point. If so, ironic.
Funny you mention that! I googled the name/word Trigga looking for a connection, all I found was a black (Jamaican??)
hip hop/rapper ? named Trigga but his real name is Trey .....something.

Lol, just did the same thing, funny they do not look unalike, imo.
Funny you mention that! I googled the name/word Trigga looking for a connection, all I found was a black (Jamaican??)
hip hop/rapper ? named Trigga but his real name is Trey .....something.

There are a few Triggas out there, no doubt. I googled as well.
(What was the sign his hand made in the jeans pic? Also, I had asked upstream about the "bomb squadron infantry" shirt...was that just one of those Walmart type shirts? (You know, Rolling Stones official tour of '79...didn't see a response? Maybe I missed it, still catching up, thanks.)

Someone probably already answered this already, but just in case. . . The shirt is from the "Crooks and Castles" line of clothing and they have a wide variety of graphic tees and designs.

Crooks & Castles started out in LA in 2002. The founders Dennis Calvero and Robert Panlilio got their inspiration from growing up in the La streets during the 80's & 90's. The concept is easy - Crooks, meaning thieves, pimps and hustlers. Castles meaning thos who got rich by stealing.
Oct 2nd or 3rd. Vegas Shooting was Oct. 1st. Media attention on mass shootings can trigger more shootings. However, he chose another method rather than spree/mass shooting.

I wonder if these types of shootings that HD committed could be considered a warm up for potential escalation to a mass shootings...it seems mass shooters that I've seen just shoot masses without previous single victims? Again as I've mentioned previously, all these classifications, mass, spree etc , sometimes the characteristics seem to overlap and blend, etc, I believe I used the word hybrid...
OMG just had a thought...

Did St Johns basketball team ever travel to Ft. Collins, CO to play CSU by any chance in April, May and June of 2015? Was he on the team then? (Asking in reference to the unsolved random shooting cases here).

He played in morning practices for a week, pre-season, never on the roster, with a locker, or suited up, etc... played on rec courts with some of the team players... so, he never travelled with the team. He was said to have played like a 'hard-nosed defender' on the rec courts.

I wonder if these types of shootings that HD committed could be considered a warm up for potential escalation to a mass shootings...it seems mass shooters that I've seen just shoot masses without previous single victims? Again as I've mentioned previously, all these classifications, mass, spree etc , sometimes the characteristics seem to overlap and blend, etc, I believe I used the word hybrid...

This would've been where Foxfire would've agreed with you, don't you think?

Do you think he seems like he was ready to give up and go out with a bang?

If he was seen playing ball with his brother in the family driveway recently, as mentioned by a neighbor in MSM, then when did he decide to pack up his kit and leave?

It sounds like his leaving town was news to his boss that day, from various MSM interviews, but not sure. So, maybe something scared him that hadn't up to that point into deciding to leave, to not get caught, at least. Whatever it was, it caused him to make huge mistakes, it seems.
Someone probably already answered this already, but just in case. . . The shirt is from the "Crooks and Castles" line of clothing and they have a wide variety of graphic tees and designs.

Crooks & Castles started out in LA in 2002. The founders Dennis Calvero and Robert Panlilio got their inspiration from growing up in the La streets during the 80's & 90's. The concept is easy - Crooks, meaning thieves, pimps and hustlers. Castles meaning thos who got rich by stealing.

Thank you :wave:

What about the hand sign of 4 straight fingers separated into 2 groups of two? Anyone know offhand? Tia.
I wonder if these types of shootings that HD committed could be considered a warm up for potential escalation to a mass shootings...it seems mass shooters that I've seen just shoot masses without previous single victims? Again as I've mentioned previously, all these classifications, mass, spree etc , sometimes the characteristics seem to overlap and blend, etc, I believe I used the word hybrid...

Great question. I just don't know.
Possibly HD thought he was earning street cred? a gangsta wannabe?

Crooks & Castles started out in LA in 2002. The founders Dennis Calvero and Robert Panlilio got their inspiration from growing up in the La streets during the 80's & 90's. The concept is easy - Crooks, meaning thieves, pimps and hustlers. Castles meaning thos who got rich by stealing.

Just my 2 cents - the adult failure the thrive idea that had been tossed around earlier really resonates with me. My experience with a similar situation, in which the sociopath was a golden boy but had no real successes after high school/college, showed that someone in that situation can develop resentment and violent tendancies. It becomes everyone else's fault but their own that they can't maintain a healthy relationship, can't hold down a job... I'm interested to hear more about the family dynamics in this case.

Yes, agree, Me Too. We may never hear that. I predict he'll take a plea deal to avoid the death penalty and trial.
I suspect there were some major family problems and possibly absentee parents during his childhood.
Besides being a golden boy athlete, getting addicted to street drugs will also make them 'irresponsible' for their own behavior. Talk to any druggie, nothing's ever their fault. And especially, here in Fl., it seems that a young man who
is NOT on drugs would be the exception. Drugs are rampant here.
One could almost scratch out some kind of a reason for killing the men, but to kill a young woman up close in cold blood, especially since there was no sexual assault, or robbery???

Wondering who he wanted to impress with his careful, stylish appearance?
Any recent female rejection, unrequited love, any dating at all?
Maybe i missed it, or forgot, but were there any female friends ( as opposed to friend's mothers) to come forward to say what a great guy he was?
imo speculation.
"The question that we're all going through is why? We don't, you know, he didn't live there. He had no ties to the place. He just killed people indiscriminately,” said Monica Hoffa's dad Kenny Hoffa. "We don't understand why he chose our daughter.”

Howell "Trai" Donaldson wore Orient Road green and was shackled before a Tampa judge when told he will be held without bond until a Tuesday 10:00 a.m. bond hearing.
Not dumb at all. I've read several different descriptions of what his role/title was to the basketball team. But one of his former practice guys said HD had no uniform and just got to practice with them for one week prior to season opening.
I've seen other mention of his name being on the college team roster page. Maybe he didn't make the cut but he was
listed as a walkon because he volunteered to practice with them when they needed an extra player.

From what I understand about how walkons work is they are basically showing up themselves and trying out for the team and it sounds like the team gave him a chance to see how well he could do and then what happens is the team will announce a final roster before the season really starts and that is where they would let anyone go that did not make the cut.

I think i read where all the walkons did not make the team that year that he tried. So he wasnt the only walkon who didnt make the cut. Kids that are recruited from high school by colleges are often offered scholarships to attend the university and play the sport they were recruited for. I am pretty sure they are a little more favored than walkons since they were actively recruited to play but then again the kids that are recruited and offered scholarships are usually only the best high school players so it may not be favoritism at all. The recruited scholarship kids may very well be better players than any normal walk on.

With that said, some great football players were walkons in college and if they are noticed and play really well then a school will definitely keep them on the team and let them join the team. Its also my understanding that if a walkon does make the team then shortly after that, they are usually recommended for a scholarship by the program to help them financially with the required course work. So walkons can get sports scholarships too but it is usually only if they make the team and are great players.
Sorry I'm all over the place right now...I can't remember, does he, or family, own the red mustang? The reason I ask is it might be useful to search/cross check other unsolved crimes in the area listed as possibly involving red mustangs.
It's very troublesome to me so many doubt he got his education...there are actual pictures of him in the university bball uniform.

This kind of talk reeks of inherent racism and has turned me off to this thread entirely, I hate to say.

Why is it that an intelligent person can't also suffer from mental illness or have pathological issues? Why do we have to doubt his intelligence or education and make out like he was lying on his accounts?

It's oftentimes the most intelligent among us who have the most trouble adapting to society/the current economy and job market, esp if they come from a marginalized background. Many of us are currently not "living up to our potential" but it has nothing to do with lying about that potential.


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No, it has nothing, zero, zilch to do with racism, and frankly, I'm offended that we cannot have a discussion about very basic elements of his education and work history without that insinuation.

A number of people upthread saw that he had a computer science degree, worked for Mets, Adidas, etc, and concluded that he was a well employed professional at the start of a prosperous career.

The fact is, he was misrepresenting himself in at least a couple of respects.

1. He was not on the basketball team.
However, a university source said Donaldson’s tenure with the Johnnies was informal and extremely brief, saying he was cut before the season started and he shouldn’t necessarily be described as a walk-on.

“He was used for a few early morning practices along with a small group of other walk-ons who were dropped prior to the commencement of the season,” the source said. “Never suited up. No locker, etc.”

[Thanks to FindHG who posted this upthread]

2. One of his accounts clearly stated that he majored in computer science, which certainly implies that he graduated with that major. In reality, he majored in sports management.

Because of these misrepresentations, people were assuming that he had IT related jobs with major companies. Were that true, his motivations for his crimes may be along the lines of a major hiccup in his career, or something similar, with, of course, mental illness always being a possibility.

A sports management degree is vastly different than a computer science degree, and leads to very different career options. He had a series of low paying, entry level jobs. This gives rise to a different, although overlapping, set of potential motives, again, with mental illness always being a possibility.

His academic history, employment history, and future job/career prospects are absolutely relevant in discussing possible motives, and are pretty much always discussed in cases involving teens and young adults of all ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds.

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One could almost scratch out some kind of a reason for killing the men, but to kill a young woman up close in cold blood, especially since there was no sexual assault, or robbery???

Wondering who he wanted to impress with his careful, stylish appearance?
Any recent female rejection, unrequited love, any dating at all?
Maybe i missed it, or forgot, but were there any female friends ( as opposed to friend's mothers) to come forward to say what a great guy he was?
imo speculation.

A local reporter asked HD's old friends about girls and the friends agreed that HD had no problem getting girls.
One article mentioned he had a girlfriend who went to UCF (University of Central Florida) but I don't know if that was
a current or old gf.
Sorry I'm all over the place right now...I can't remember, does he, or family own the red mustang? The reason I ask is it might be useful to search/cross check other unsolved crimes in the area possibly red mustangs.

His father owned the mustang.
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