FL - Mass Shooting at Pulse Nightclub, Orlando 12 June 2016 #4

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Not sure if this has been posted or not but it has more of OM growing up. Very angry & mean child. Doubt there were many who wanted to be friends with him.

Exclusive: Mateen’s violent, disruptive behavior a pattern stretching back to elementary school


He certainly took a page out of terroristic methods and weaponry, but as time goes on it's becoming more and more evident that this was not primarily a terrorist attack in the traditional sense. There was more going on here than religious fanaticism.
its not erroneous when the FBI admits they knew all this stuff before hand but didnt act cause some stupid profiling and 'time limit' excuse. its pathetic.

what is erroneous' is people trying to claim this is anything other then an islamic terrorist attack with all the info known that i mentioned in my first post in this thread.
At a Wednesday afternoon news conference in Orlando, U.S. Attorney A. Lee Bentley III would not say whether Salman was a target of the FBI investigation and made no mention of the grand jury.

At a news conference Wednesday morning, Mayor Buddy Dyer said Mateen had visited several other locations in the hours before the massacre, but a few hours later Ron Hopper, the No. 2 FBI agent in Central Florida, told reporters that they were not his targets.

"There is nothing to suggest that there was any target other than Pulse nightclub," he said. "This was the intended target for this evening."

More at the link:

Very active on Gridr. Grindr is not for "scouting " gay locations. Its about sex and sex and then sex!

The equivelent of Grindr whatever they are called in hetero land are a lot more about maybe finding a spouse. The gay apps, just like in life (especially pre aids) are much more focused on having some sex , and never really seeing the person agian.

It seems they are releasing electronic stuff slowly, or they were saying chat rooms when it really meant Grindr??

Apparently fascinated with transgendered.

I think on the gay side CNN (just casue of Andersoo and Don) will flesh out more of the gay stuff just casue they know how it works moo
Right. I lurk. Always. But I'm stunned.

In addition to your valid points , he enjoyed two trips to The Kingdom, was under investigation by the FBI twice for terror ties, he had some sort of affiliation with the American who blew himself up in Syria....and he, himself, proclaimed his allegiance to Daesh.

But he was gay. So obviously, he can't be your run of the mill Islamic Terrorist. It has to be "deeper" than that.

its not erroneous when the FBI admits they knew all this stuff before hand but didnt act cause some stupid profiling and 'time limit' excuse. its pathetic.

what is erroneous' is people trying to claim this is anything other then an islamic terrorist attack with all the info known that i mentioned in my first post in this thread.

We'll have to agree to disagree.
is it ok if i mention that stuff like this san berdino and boston are because our president has handcuffed the FBI from doing its job?

they knew this guy hangs out with terrorist Imams, suicide bombers and he told them himself he wanted to martyr himself in front of them.....but that isnt good enough to arrest a terrorist anymore in this country i guess. becaue of the policies set forth by obama.

No bostonstrong, we cannot allow discussions about presidential policies in other cases. Leave Obama and politics out of this. There are plenty of forums on the Internet where you can discuss politics.

I can guarantee you that any argument you have against Obama someone else will come up with the exact opposite to argue and yes they will present facts too.

We use to have a political pavilion and before I knew what had happened the forum turned into an awful beyond right wing embarrassing forum. I am so mad at myself that I didn't check in on the forum sooner.

People cannot discuss politics in a civil manner. Just cannot. Not when they are anonymous behind their computer.

Do not bring up Obama. While you say he tied the hands of the FBI others will say he did not. I shudder to think how quickly this forum will implode.

The only way this case connects to the others you mentioned is they were all done by Islamic terrorists who want to kill as many Americans as they can.

There is plenty to discuss without going down the road of politics.


I agree Omar Mateen is an injustice collector/injustice creator that harbored grudges for all his life. He is also vicarious as terrorists are that. Most terrorists are injustice collectors, mainly vicarious injustice collectors.

On Wound Collectors

Psychology of Terrorism - National Criminal Justice Reference Service

The Dangerous Injustice Collector: Behaviors of Someone Who Never Forgets, Never Forgives, Never Lets Go, and Strikes Back!

Identifying The Next Mass Murderer—Before It’s Too Late

On June 17, 2015, according to authorities, Dylann Storm Roof (link is external) walked into the Emanuel
African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina, sat down, and after an hour or so allegedly shot three men and six women, attending a bible study class. Immediately people began to take sides, and not just about the gun debate. Was this an act of terror? Was this a hate crime? Was this a “lone wolf?” Was this a conspiracy? On and on. What is interesting as well as frustrating is that none of these terms serve a useful purpose.

Four years ago, on July 22, 2011, Anders Behring Breivik set off a bomb near the government headquarters of the Labor Party in Oslo, Norway; after which he proceeded to the secluded island of Utøya, where he methodically killed, with a high powered rifle, 65 plus children attending a youth event. Does it matter if we call Anders Behring Breivik a terrorist, mass murderer, or a lone wolf? Not really, only one thing matters: how did he become this way, and were there signs that could have prevented this horrendous tragedy?

Once again we face a mass murder (FBI defined as 4 or more) and we need to get past the debate over the nomenclature (terrorist, extremist, mass murderer, lone wolf, genocide, etc.)—that serves no prophylactic purpose. When it comes to Dylann Storm Roof, Anders Behring Breivik, the Boston Marathon Bombers, or the likes of Theodore John "Ted" Kaczynski known as the UNABOMBER, and Timothy McVeigh, it’s not what we call them, the issue is: could we have prevented their acts? The answer is yes. And yet, we seem to be incapacitated when we hear the term “lone wolf” or “solo terrorist” as if we were describing a demon beyond our capability to identify and stop.

From the article.
Narcissistic Traits
Paranoid Ideation
Passionate Hatred
Wound Collectors
Violence as Magic
The Lethal Cocktail
Acting Out

Omar Mateen showed all that on the list.

Injustice collectors tend to be complainers as they always have some grievance. It is known that Mateen would frequently go on hateful tirades. They are highly negative in nature. An example of an injustice who always complains.

Websleuth Radio Interview Of Tina Meier describing Lori Drew

It is at the 20:40 mark from 2013. Tina Meier is describing Lori Drew as a very talkative person who complained nonstop. She is described as unhappy and resentful at society. If one was not paying attention, Tina Meier would be describing Omar Mateen right there. Meier's descripption of Lori Drew applies well with Syed Farook, Tamerlan and Dzokhar Tsarnaev, Abdelhamid Abaaoud, Mohamed Atta, Elliot Rodger, Adam Lanza, Eric Harris, or Jodi Arias.

Injustice collectors are very unhappy and resentful as they are extremely envious of others. It is always about them as they are not pleasant people to be around. They are professional victims that rage at the world. They are perpetual victims and feel like society marginalizes them. They blame everyone else, but themselves. Omar Mateen was that.

WEB OF LIES: Deadly Cyberbullying Case of Missouri Teen Unravelled Tonight on ID (Video Preview)

Tina Meier said that Lori Drew had trouble fitting along with her daughter. Lori Drew would mould Sarah to be happy. Meier's description of Drew is something you hear often with terrorists and rampage killers. This suggests injustice collectors have trouble fitting in. They said that about Omar Mateen, Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik, Kouachi Brothers, 9/11 Terrorists, Elliot Rodger, Adam Lanza, Seung-Hui Cho, and Dylann Roof. If you watch Investigation Discovery, it will probably air again. You can also get the episode on Amazon or iTunes.
Believe it. Astounding, I agree.

I have not gotten the sense that anyone here does think that his acts have terrorized the world.

I think a lot of folks of are looking for casuastion/motivation. The more that is learned, imo many more variables are coming into play.

He is not a Paris terrorist. He is not, imo, a San Bern terrorist.

Moo totally different .

IMO he is moving a bit more in the direction of the guy who did the Congress woman

Or Elliot

Several of the notions mentioned on this thread #4 are referring to intial reports that have since been removed from the plate. The hanging out with a sucidal bomber (reason FBI came in one time) completly wrong - they had no connections per FBI.

The media turned another FBI deal into making terrorist statements, still floating around but the actual wordage used was biggoted comments - more female and racist than Islam.

Typically we find fanatical focus on relgion. He had two books in his house remotely related to the subject matter.

Thus far his electronics are gay.

The notion that his father was this intense radical terrorist from Afganistan, is in reality a dude who put him self up for election when the nation was not having one. In and of itself that sounds somewhat mental heath concerning! Cracked me up!

Dads home is very American. Dad dresses in ties. Dad seems to have pursued the american notion as it relates to monetary possessions. His house is nice , upper middle class looking. No woman are not showing their faces.

No mosque connections , I do not think, have been found with anyone in his life. In short we have seen nothing fanantical.

Furnishings in his apt were American with a obsession with Star Wars - quite a western deal!

He himself born here, seemed to assilmlate to our ways. Dress, college valued.

His second wife "looks" western for lack of a better word.

His first wife comes off as very assimilated to the Western world.

From the video released today of him with the oil spill - he mastered English.

Every person thus far who has come forward in terms of meeting and talking to him have refuted any religious discussions --in different environs - online- in work setting-bars

Dad appears to have several issues - denial, narssstic, liar, maniulative moo! This stuff bounces downward in terms of family systems!

He had obviously had a very distressed/distant relationship with his father. His relationship with his father was obvioulsy very conflicted, he discussed it frequently with people he barely knew in the bar. Typically one does not come up to a dude in a bar, intoduce themselves and go into a tirade about their relationship with their father.

i dont know the deal that he went over there a couple of time

His bio mom seems to be non existant! This is far more Western than Muslim!!

In reality it seems the only real time ISIS came up was on the three call from the bar. In that context he told different people totally different moslim groups he was "doing" this for. IMO that is like me calling once and saying I am doing this because I hate Africaian AMericans. In the next call I tell the listener I am doing this because I hate woman, IN the next call I claim I am doing this cause I hate latinos.

Imo most people are pretty sure of who they dispise.

He had been in the bar for hours, has a drinking issue , imo he was probably drunk! A fanatrical person, even when drunk , would be able to keep up with who they hate!!

I have not gotten the sense that anyone here does think that his acts have terrorized the world.

I think a lot of folks of are looking for casuastion. The more that is learned, imo many more variables are coming into play.

He is not a Paris terrorist. He is not, imo, a San Bern terrorist.

Moo totally different .

IMO he is moving a bit more in the direction of the guy who did the Congreswoman

Or Elliot


To me, he's exactly the same as the San Bernardino, Paris, Boston, Israel and 9-11 killers. They were all islamic terrorists.
its not erroneous when the FBI admits they knew all this stuff before hand but didnt act cause some stupid profiling and 'time limit' excuse. its pathetic.

what is erroneous' is people trying to claim this is anything other then an islamic terrorist attack with all the info known that i mentioned in my first post in this thread.

I'm not sure it matters that his act be labeled. The FBI are investigating to the best of their abilities.
What I'm getting from what we know is that he wanted to be viewed as being involved with terrorists.
He was a wannabe. IMO
I have not gotten the sense that anyone here does think that his acts have terrorized the world.

I think a lot of folks of are looking for casuastion/motivation. The more that is learned, imo many more variables are coming into play.

He is not a Paris terrorist. He is not, imo, a San Bern terrorist.

Moo totally different .

IMO he is moving a bit more in the direction of the guy who did the Congress woman

Or Elliot

Several of the notions mentioned on this thread #4 are referring to intial reports that have since been removed from the plate. The hanging out with a sucidal bomber (reason FBI came in one time) completly wrong - they had no connections per FBI.

The media turned another FBI deal into making terrorist statements, still floating around but the actual wordage used was biggoted comments - more female and racist than Islam.

Typically we find fanatical focus on relgion. He had two books in his house remotely related to the subject matter.

Thus far his electronics are gay.

The notion that his father was this intense radical terrorist from Afganistan, is in reality a dude who put him self up for election when the nation was not having one. In and of itself that sounds somewhat mental heath concerning! Cracked me up!

Dads home is very American. Dad dresses in ties. Dad seems to have pursued the american notion as it relates to monetary possessions. His house is nice , upper middle class looking. No woman are not showing their faces.

No mosque connections , I do not think, have been found with anyone in his life. In short we have seen nothing fanantical.

Furnishings in his apt were American with a obsession with Star Wars - quite a western deal!

He himself born here, seemed to assilmlate to our ways. Dress, college valued.

His second wife "looks" western for lack of a better word.

His first wife comes off as very assimilated to the Western world.

From the video released today of him with the oil spill - he mastered English.

Every person thus far who has come forward in terms of meeting and talking to him have refuted any religious discussions --in different environs - online- in work setting-bars

Dad appears to have several issues - denial, narssstic, liar, maniulative moo! This stuff bounces downward in terms of family systems!

He had obviously had a very distressed/distant relationship with his father. His relationship with his father was obvioulsy very conflicted, he discussed it frequently with people he barely knew in the bar. Typically one does not come up to a dude in a bar, intoduce themselves and go into a tirade about their relationship with their father.

i dont know the deal that he went over there a couple of time

His bio mom seems to be non existant! This is far more Western than Muslim!!

In reality it seems the only real time ISIS came up was on the three call from the bar. In that context he told different people totally different moslim groups he was "doing" this for. IMO that is like me calling once and saying I am doing this because I hate Africaian AMericans. In the next call I tell the listener I am doing this because I hate woman, IN the next call I claim I am doing this cause I hate latinos.

Imo most people are pretty sure of who they dispise.

He had been in the bar for hours, has a drinking issue , imo he was probably drunk! A fanatrical person, even when drunk , would be able to keep up with who they hate!!


Jared Loughner is the name you are looking for.
Believe it. Astounding, I agree.

He is 100 percent a terrorist. IMO He made sure everyone knew he pledged his allegiance to ISIS no matter what the reason it is a terrorist act on his part.
To me, he's exactly the same as the San Bernardino, Paris, Boston, Israel and 9-11 killers. They were all islamic terrorists.

Maybe if he had draped himself in an ISIS flag, more people would believe what he said regarding his motivation. That confederate flag solved all the riddles, after all.
No bostonstrong, we cannot allow discussions about presidential policies in other cases. Leave Obama and politics out of this. There are plenty of forums on the Internet where you can discuss politics.

I can guarantee you that any argument you have against Obama someone else will come up with the exact opposite to argue and yes they will present facts too.

We use to have a political pavilion and before I knew what had happened the forum turned into an awful beyond right wing embarrassing forum. I am so mad at myself that I didn't check in on the forum sooner.

People cannot discuss politics in a civil manner. Just cannot. Not when they are anonymous behind their computer.

Do not bring up Obama. While you say he tied the hands of the FBI others will say he did not. I shudder to think how quickly this forum will implode.

The only way this case connects to the others you mentioned is they were all done by Islamic terrorists who want to kill as many Americans as they can.

There is plenty to discuss without going down the road of politics.


You know what I just realized. Both you and Tycia (Spelling whats new!) when you post and explain the reasons why the TOS are what they are it is so helpful. I have learned more about how i got into time out a couple of times.

As you know I can be blabby! The best way to say this is"

"Do not sit in the chair."

Compared to

"Do not sit in the chair- a leg is lose."

It helps to understand why not to sit on the chair, and actually helps in remembering not to sit in the chair - if that makes any sense whatsoever!

Never been on thread with you - not kissing a##! Been helpful. Have never been good with just rote memorization. I can remember all sorts of stuff if it is connected or understood, as oppossed to memorized!
Jared Loughner is the name you are looking for.

I see more along the lines of Elliot Rodger, Eric Harris, Syed Farook, Osama bin Laden, and Lori Drew in Omar Mateen.

He is an extreme narcissist with paranoid thinking. He is very rigid in nature and does not compromise.

I still think he is a terrorist.
I have not gotten the sense that anyone here does think that his acts have terrorized the world.

I think a lot of folks of are looking for casuastion/motivation. The more that is learned, imo many more variables are coming into play.

He is not a Paris terrorist. He is not, imo, a San Bern terrorist.

Moo totally different .

IMO he is moving a bit more in the direction of the guy who did the Congress woman

Or Elliot

Several of the notions mentioned on this thread #4 are referring to intial reports that have since been removed from the plate. The hanging out with a sucidal bomber (reason FBI came in one time) completly wrong - they had no connections per FBI.

The media turned another FBI deal into making terrorist statements, still floating around but the actual wordage used was biggoted comments - more female and racist than Islam.

Typically we find fanatical focus on relgion. He had two books in his house remotely related to the subject matter.

Thus far his electronics are gay.

The notion that his father was this intense radical terrorist from Afganistan, is in reality a dude who put him self up for election when the nation was not having one. In and of itself that sounds somewhat mental heath concerning! Cracked me up!

Dads home is very American. Dad dresses in ties. Dad seems to have pursued the american notion as it relates to monetary possessions. His house is nice , upper middle class looking. No woman are not showing their faces.

No mosque connections , I do not think, have been found with anyone in his life. In short we have seen nothing fanantical.

Furnishings in his apt were American with a obsession with Star Wars - quite a western deal!

He himself born here, seemed to assilmlate to our ways. Dress, college valued.

His second wife "looks" western for lack of a better word.

His first wife comes off as very assimilated to the Western world.

From the video released today of him with the oil spill - he mastered English.

Every person thus far who has come forward in terms of meeting and talking to him have refuted any religious discussions --in different environs - online- in work setting-bars

Dad appears to have several issues - denial, narssstic, liar, maniulative moo! This stuff bounces downward in terms of family systems!

He had obviously had a very distressed/distant relationship with his father. His relationship with his father was obvioulsy very conflicted, he discussed it frequently with people he barely knew in the bar. Typically one does not come up to a dude in a bar, intoduce themselves and go into a tirade about their relationship with their father.

i dont know the deal that he went over there a couple of time

His bio mom seems to be non existant! This is far more Western than Muslim!!

In reality it seems the only real time ISIS came up was on the three call from the bar. In that context he told different people totally different moslim groups he was "doing" this for. IMO that is like me calling once and saying I am doing this because I hate Africaian AMericans. In the next call I tell the listener I am doing this because I hate woman, IN the next call I claim I am doing this cause I hate latinos.

Imo most people are pretty sure of who they dispise.

He had been in the bar for hours, has a drinking issue , imo he was probably drunk! A fanatrical person, even when drunk , would be able to keep up with who they hate!!


This is brilliant, CARIIS , pure poetry!

He had been in the bar for hours, has a drinking issue , imo he was probably drunk! A fanatrical person, even when drunk , would be able to keep up with who they hate!!
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