FL - Mass Shooting at Pulse Nightclub, Orlando 12 June 2016 #6

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DNA Solves
Another FBI disaster. I'm so glad that organization is being cleaned up.
Do it right.
I personally think that she knew and helped him.
But our law enforcement and FBI need to clean up their acts.
This is not a Dexter tv episode.

QUOTE=Gardenista;14027881]Another FBI disaster. I'm so glad that organization is being cleaned up.[/QUOTE]
News 6 Pulse Trial@News6PulseTrial
2h2 hours ago

The day before jury selection begins, a federal judge has unsealed records from defense experts suggesting Noor Salman was "severely abused" by her husband, Pulse gunman Omar Mateen, and was vulnerable to making a false confession. #News6


(sorry, but I don't know how to enlarge the following so it could be easier to read...:sheesh:)




I think this is all so congruent. The first wife was actually extracted out of his house like an episode of Mission Impossible/
Noor Salman trial: Potential jurors weigh challenge of deciding fate of Pulse gunman's widow

"The jury pool in Noor Salman’s trial has at least 30 people in it after the fourth day of jury selection for Pulse gunman Omar Mateen’s widow.

U.S. District Judge Paul Byron has said he wants about 58 prospective jurors before attorneys narrow it down to 12 jurors and six alternates who will hear the case...

Over the trial’s first four days, potential jurors have faced questions on a variety of topics, from their feelings about the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks, to their views on guns and knowledge of the massacre at Pulse....

Testimony is expected to begin next week and last three more weeks"


Defying Evidence, Pulse Shooter Widow Claims Omar Mateen Didn't Target Gays

"Defense attorneys say there’s no way to know if Omar Mateen targeted the LGBT community when he attacked the Pulse nightclub in Orlando and instigated one of the deadliest mass shootings in American history. Attorneys for the dead shooter’s wife have asked a judge to prohibit federal prosecutors from suggesting that motive for the massacre, and say Mateen’s phone records show evidence to the contrary....

Swift’s motion says prosecutors should not be allowed to say Mateen targeted the gay community because he also visited Disney Springs near Walt Disney World the evening of the attack and loaded directions in his phone to EVE Orlando, a high-end lounge that does not specifically cater to LGBT attendees.

Salman’s legal team says data obtained from Mateen’s cell phone indicates he had no firm plans to go to Pulse...."


Jury selection surpasses halfway-point in Noor Salman trial

"ORLANDO, Fla. —
Inside federal court, as each potential juror is questioned the so-called jury pool is taking shape for the trial of the Pulse shooter's widow, Noor Salman.

Ten more people were added to that pool, from which the actual jury will be impaneled, Tuesday....

The court is looking to get about 60 people in the so-called jury pool before the jury is seated.

The judge has said he believes jury selection is on target to be completed by the end of the week, or early next week, and that testimony will begin by or before March 14..."


During gay days!

During gay days everything is catering to gay people


EVE during gay days would be packed with folks in town for gay days

It is kinda like a wonderful gay invasion from outer space !!
If I were on the jury, given the evidence presented I couldn't vote her guilty. (JMHO)

Let's see if I guess this one right? I got the Casey Anthony verdict correct. I got the George Zimmerman verdict correct. Maybe I'll get this wrong?

I think verdict is right.

I have never , from day one, believed this had anything to do with the terrorism.

IMO it was internalized homophobia, bipolar ( which was totally ignored despite the fact that the first wife on her first interview clearly stated he suffered with bipolar)

All along I have pointed out how "western" these folks lives were. The bathroom being decked out in Star Wars stuff is as American as one can get!

THey dressed western

THere were no Muslim related anything anywhere

The timing had always struck me. Gay days are about celebrating oneself as is. \\

To go to gay days at disney and be surrounded by people who are living loving the lifestyle and themselves had to be a real reckoning for a closeted homosexual.

His first wife said so. He was gay. Before getting married he had quite a gay bar hopping run.

She said something akin to he had quite a past and was conflicted about his orientation.

His father was a raging homophobe , while at the same time enjoying all the American status symbols.

Sharp clothing Mercedes home etc etc

To go shoot up a club celebrating BOTH being latino AND gay is more than interesting.

They made a big deal of one or two manic nights watching ISIS stuff while ignoring during another episode he spent an entire evening looking up psyc meds.

He knew he was sliding down did not want to go on in the closet any longer after seeing thousands and thousands that could embrace themselves and the lifestyle

He was envious of those of us that celebrate ourselves and our lifestyle

Culturally homosexuality aint ok nor is suicide.

All ends are met with Pulse.

A rage with self the community.

Suicide by cop --the finale clearly indicates that was the plan.

His utterance to the cops that night was for his dad and to make it not end up as suicide.

His life was a classic case of being bullied for being muslim.

From childhood forward he clearly had mental issues.

None of this entered the picture because of his family history

To then find out dad ( who had been heralded by most as a terrorist) works for the FBI is pretty compelling.

More than compelling actually

There is no doubt he was very scary when agitated as a result of his illness.

IMO if the last name was Smith most would have empathy for her and understand the reasons why she was too scared to report.

She has a kid. The system had not been exactly helpful - the notion that this woman would risk her child or herself and report to a system that had failed them is reasonable IMO.

All of his alleged terror claims were in response to being ridiculed for being a Muslim.

He was a tormented gay man with severe mental illness.

No different than Parkland or Austin bomber imo

There has never been links to terrorism -- because they are non existent

Pulse shooting victims' families say social media was partly at fault; a judge disagrees

"(CNN) -- A Michigan judge on Friday dismissed a lawsuit by more than a dozen families of the Pulse nightclub shooting victims against social media companies.

The lawsuit, filed in December 2016, accused Facebook, Twitter and YouTube (owned by Google) of knowing that ISIS recruited members online and doing nothing to stop it. Because the Pulse gunman, Omar Mateen, was able to view extremist propaganda on these social sites, the lawsuit said they were civilly liable. The complaint demanded a trial by jury.

"Without ... Twitter, Facebook, and Google (YouTube), the explosive growth of (Islamic State in Iraq and Syria) over the last few years into the most feared terrorist group in the world would not have been possible," the complaint reads..."

After the verdict: Pulse owner discusses Noor Salman trial (with clip)
'I can still replay it over in my head,' Poma says of shooting video

"ORLANDO, Fla. - Pulse owner Barbara Poma thought she was better prepared for the possibility that the jury in the Noor Salman trial would return with a "not guilty" verdict last week. When it happened, she said it was so emotionally draining she needed time before discussing the trial and the acquittal of the Pulse gunman's widow.

Poma was in court almost every day for the monthlong federal trial of Salman, whose husband killed 49 people and injured more than 50 others almost two years ago before he was shot and killed by Orlando SWAT officers....

As the verdict was read, Poma, wearing a rainbow heart pendant, was sitting about 12 feet away from the defense table, surrounded by her family and Pulse victims' families. After the verdict was read, she left the courtroom with tears in her eyes and did not speak to any news media.

"I think that, as we went through the three weeks of evidence, I think we expected her to be found guilty on at least one of those charges," Poma said. "We were very shocked."..

The site of Pulse, on South Orange Avenue, is currently undergoing renovations to be turned into a memorial for the 49 victims. After the shooting, Poma founded the onePULSE Foundation, which is planning the memorial..."

Why do many Central Florida high-profile trials end in acquittals?
Casey Anthony, George Zimmerman, Noor Salman all found not guilty

"ORLANDO, Fla. - When a federal jury acquitted Noor Salman last month of aiding her husband in the Pulse nightclub attack, it became the third recent high-profile criminal case in Central Florida to end in a not guilty verdict....

Each of those criminal cases involved different criminal charges, different evidence, and different defense strategies.

But psychologist and trial consultant Dr. Amy Singer believes there is a common link among the three acquittals.

"(It's) the fact that they're high-profile," Singer said.

Although some high-profile trials end in convictions -- including the cases against Martha Stewart, Scott Peterson, Timothy McVeigh and Boston Marathon Bomber Dzhokar Tsarnaev -- Singer believes such cases are more challenging for prosecutors than those that do not have such intense public scrutiny.

Singer, who did work for Anthony's defense team, said attorneys in high-profile trials typically must spend additional time and resources during jury selection trying to find out what information prospective jurors already know about the case through news accounts.

Also, the attorneys often conduct thorough background screenings of prospective panelists to identify so-called "stealth jurors" who may have a hidden agenda, such as plans to write a book, that could influence the outcome of the case.

In the process of researching those prospective jurors, defense attorneys may be able to identify which ones are more open-minded to rendering an acquittal.

"'Not guilty' is the easiest (verdict to reach), because the prosecution has to prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt," Singer said.

Even without considering the evidence in the cases, Singer believes the Anthony, Zimmerman and Salman trials were particularly prone to acquittals....

During high-profile trials, particularly those that are televised, true-crime enthusiasts and other spectators flock to websites and social media platforms to share theories and opinions....

Singer says defense attorneys can use that real-time online feedback to tailor their legal strategy while the prosecution is still presenting its case.

"They're telling you how they react to every piece of evidence. They're telling you how they react to every piece of testimony that they hear," Singer said. "You are literally inside people's' heads."

Social media users can even influence a defendant's wardrobe...."

Personally I think that jurors should have to be able to attend a class on trial terminology, definitions of "reasonable doubt" and be able to show that they can actually read and write and have the IQ needed to actually understand the testimony given, including explanations of forensics. Jurors tend to totally dismiss the science of forensics simply due to not having the ability to understand the testimony. Jurors should be qualified to serve.
Pulse survivors suing nightclub owners
June 8, 2018 @5:03 PM
ORLANDO, Fla. -- A new lawsuit filed Friday morning alleges the owners of Pulse nightclub could have done more to prevent the 2016 terrorist-inspired attack that killed 49 people and injured 53 others.
The lawsuit outlines claims that Pulse, and the Pomas as owners, "did not take reasonable steps to prevent guns from entering the club" and "negligently and/or with utter indifference and conscious disregard ignored Pulse's security needs."
Pulse survivors suing nightclub owners
June 8, 2018 @5:03 PM
ORLANDO, Fla. -- A new lawsuit filed Friday morning alleges the owners of Pulse nightclub could have done more to prevent the 2016 terrorist-inspired attack that killed 49 people and injured 53 others.
The lawsuit outlines claims that Pulse, and the Pomas as owners, "did not take reasonable steps to prevent guns from entering the club" and "negligently and/or with utter indifference and conscious disregard ignored Pulse's security needs."

I have to wonder why the survivors are not suing Salman's nor Mateen's family.
Pulse survivors suing nightclub owners
June 8, 2018 @5:03 PM
ORLANDO, Fla. -- A new lawsuit filed Friday morning alleges the owners of Pulse nightclub could have done more to prevent the 2016 terrorist-inspired attack that killed 49 people and injured 53 others.
The lawsuit outlines claims that Pulse, and the Pomas as owners, "did not take reasonable steps to prevent guns from entering the club" and "negligently and/or with utter indifference and conscious disregard ignored Pulse's security needs."

Golly everyone sues everyone for everything and anything. It a really small club - they had an off duty cop there --

The reality is if he chose he could have just waited outside until a lot of people were outside and then started shooting .

The only person IMO who is at fault is Omar and possibly LE for choosing the three hour option.

LE (and the room itself) in all likelihood acciendelty shot people.

All bullets come down --there were a lot of people down on the floor already.

It defies logic that there were not some friendly fire deaths

2 years after Pulse: nightmares, resolve, hope
2 years after Pulse: nightmares, resolve, hope
Published: June 10, 2018
Updated: June 10, 2018 at 04:42 PM

ORLANDO, Fla. — India Godman can still feel the body that slumped against her in the darkness, shielding her from a bullet and likely sparing her life.

In quiet moments, the weight is still there, despite all her work to heal. "I’m OK," she said. "I don’t ever say I’m fine. But I’m OK."

On Tuesday, it will be two years since that night of horror, when a lone, troubled, perhaps radicalized gunman entered Orlando’s Pulse nightclub, sprayed the crowd with bullets and for more than three hours held hostage those who tried to hide in bathroom stalls and hallways and under fallen bodies. He killed 49 people and wounded more than 60.

Pulse first responder still does not have pension benefits

Two years after one of the deadliest mass shootings in modern-American history, a former police officer suffering from PTSD after being one of the first to the massacre scene at Pulse nightclub still does not have pension benefits he was told he'd receive.

Omar Delgado was let go from the Eatonville Police Department in December 2017 due to his struggles with PTSD.
Why do many Central Florida high-profile trials end in acquittals?
Casey Anthony, George Zimmerman, Noor Salman all found not guilty

Perhaps, it's because the jurors understand the burden of proof... And as I said before Salman would be found not guilty. Don't hate on me for being right.
Pulse shooting victim's mother pressing for FBI ballistics report (with clip)

More than two years after a mass shooting at a Central Florida nightclub, survivors and victims' families are still left with questions.

Christine Leinonen, whose son, Christopher Leinonen, was killed in June 2016 at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, has been asking the FBI for its ballistic report for more than a year, but she said she has not received it.

The FBI said the ballistics report is exempt from release because it could interfere with enforcement proceedings.

Christopher Leinonen was shot nine times in his chest and in the back of his legs...."

Pulse shooting victim's mother pressing for FBI ballistics report

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