Another theory is that the overspending to appear to live large may have been an intentional attempt to show up his murderous hated father who only served 2 years in prison and who still lived close by. Like, “See what you did to me did not destroy me. Look how well I am doing despite everything I’ve been through.” The same might be said for the murder. Aware that the hated father was watching his life, he may have “over killed” entire family as an angry outburst at the father. Oftentimes victims of crime will “give up” on life, shut down, and contemplate annihilating everyone they love to show themselves n the world, especially their abuser, that they are empty, done, have nothing left in their heart. Like “Look Dad, this is what u brought me to. I care about nothing and no one.” If they can’t live large and show him up in that way, they will get his attention another way... by destroying everything around them.