FL FL - Michelle Parker, 33, Orlando, 17 Nov 2011 - # 1

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I must be getting tired, I don't understand the connection? What company, Cowboys?

I'm sorry.

Cowboys is Country Western Bar that's not far from Oakridge Rd. Not a good part of town either.
Well I need to sign off. May tomorrow bring more answers with TES on the scene. May Michelle's family get some much needed rest and fresh minds.

And most of all, may Michelle come home soon and safe to the one's that Love her so dearly.
I don't know about any of you but I just got off of a :rollercoaster: on here.

Glad it got fixed quickly.

Thanks !

I'm know I'm tired. I thought this post was from . I thought he had read the thread and was on the roller coaster with us and was glad we finally got it fixed and then thank us for fixing it. :)

Oh well.....
Hello, this is my first time posting. I started searching the Internet looking up all I could find because I'm not in the area right now and I personally know DS. I have known him for about 13 years and would trust him with my life as well as my kids. There is no doubt in my mind he is innocent. I know what you are going on is based off of what you hear on the news and from the beginning they have gotten so much wrong it's unbelievable!

The court show was taped in the beginning of June! Since then Michelle has had no problem leaving the twins with him and he has been an active father! He loves his children more than I could ever imagine him loving another person. He makes sure to serves them fresh veggies, makes them fruit salads, watches cartoons with them. He teaches his children manners and respect, right and wrong. Hes also a proud Marine. He served his country in the Army and the Marines. When the world gets caught up in the who's who of Hollywood DS posts names of our military that have been KIA to show respect and give us perspective! He's not a perfect person and does have flaws and makes mistakes just like you and I. The show was about what happened that one night and yes he made some bad choices and the show made him look like an a$$. But there was TWO PEOPLE in that relationship and neither were perfect. I'm NOT trying bash Michelle I'm just being honest. If he was so dangerous then why did she keep going back? Why did she leave their children with him? She went to his home alone because she was NOT afraid. Another thing the media is saying is her time of disappearance is 2:30 not true she dropped the twins off at 4 and it was NOT DS who told them she went shopping it was assumed from the text to her brother. The police were not called til after she didn't show for work from what I understand from him. His friends and family have been praying for Michelle's safe return since the cops left his house Thursday night long before the botched reports from the media.

Yes the story is heard all too often that a young mother drops of the kids to never be seen from again and the ex charged with murder. But that is not this case not only would he never do that to another person but he would never do that to the MOTHER OF HIS CHILDREN!! The only thing that really annoyed me is it seems like you forgot that he is a real person those twins are real children it's NOT a story it's real life and y'all have seemed so disrespectful and so non chalant about it. He's at home taking care of his children protecting them from the television, the news, the media so they arent scared because they miss their mother. So please think twice before you post what you do because this is a public site and God forbid her oldest isn't surfin the net and comes across this site talking about his mother being strangled or hit in the head. I hope I don't offend you all coming on to your website but I just couldn't take it anymore and had to turn this man and these children into real people and show how wrong the media has been.

Have a good day.
Hello, this is my first time posting. I started searching the Internet looking up all I could find because I'm not in the area right now and I personally know DS. I have known him for about 13 years and would trust him with my life as well as my kids. There is no doubt in my mind he is innocent. I know what you are going on is based off of what you hear on the news and from the beginning they have gotten so much wrong it's unbelievable!

The court show was taped in the beginning of June! Since then Michelle has had no problem leaving the twins with him and he has been an active father! He loves his children more than I could ever imagine him loving another person. He makes sure to serves them fresh veggies, makes them fruit salads, watches cartoons with them. He teaches his children manners and respect, right and wrong. Hes also a proud Marine. He served his country in the Army and the Marines. When the world gets caught up in the who's who of Hollywood DS posts names of our military that have been KIA to show respect and give us perspective! He's not a perfect person and does have flaws and makes mistakes just like you and I. The show was about what happened that one night and yes he made some bad choices and the show made him look like an a$$. But there was TWO PEOPLE in that relationship and neither were perfect. I'm NOT trying bash Michelle I'm just being honest. If he was so dangerous then why did she keep going back? Why did she leave their children with him? She went to his home alone because she was NOT afraid. Another thing the media is saying is her time of disappearance is 2:30 not true she dropped the twins off at 4 and it was NOT DS who told them she went shopping it was assumed from the text to her brother. The police were not called til after she didn't show for work from what I understand from him. His friends and family have been praying for Michelle's safe return since the cops left his house Thursday night long before the botched reports from the media.

Yes the story is heard all too often that a young mother drops of the kids to never be seen from again and the ex charged with murder. But that is not this case not only would he never do that to another person but he would never do that to the MOTHER OF HIS CHILDREN!! The only thing that really annoyed me is it seems like you forgot that he is a real person those twins are real children it's NOT a story it's real life and y'all have seemed so disrespectful and so non chalant about it. He's at home taking care of his children protecting them from the television, the news, the media so they arent scared because they miss their mother. So please think twice before you post what you do because this is a public site and God forbid her oldest isn't surfin the net and comes across this site talking about his mother being strangled or hit in the head. I hope I don't offend you all coming on to your website but I just couldn't take it anymore and had to turn this man and these children into real people and show how wrong the media has been.

Have a good day.

Thank you so much for stopping by and giving us a little insight to Dale and the type of person that you have known for 13 years.

It is so hard when information is released in a case and the entire picture is not available in order to determine what happened to Michele.

The media reported the show was taped in October, however, I always felt that the show had to be taped much earlier then that and now it makes more sense that the show was taped in June.

This forum is a victim friendly forum, however, it was difficult after viewing the People's Court episode and not feel for Michele and what happened to her putting Dale not in the brightest light at that particular time of the show.

It is a bit confusing now to read that Michele dropped the children off at 4:00 PM and then read that her sister claims she was going to pick up the children when her sister last saw her ~2:30 PM. The times are so unstable right now and we so wish we all had a better time-frame for when certain things happened.

Again, thank you for stopping by and should you hear anything, please stop back and post again.
Last Updated: Monday, November 21, 2011 5:30 AM

Search for missing Orlando mom moves to new location


Car jackings are not just about taking the car. We saw this in another case where two young kids were car jacked and it was all about taking them; Shannon and Chris. And it does happen in broad daylight, she went missing in broad daylight. It takes seconds. I don't know what is East of this area, but I am glad they are looking at this and expanding out.

Prayers for the family and Michelle!

Search Continues For Missing Woman

Woman Last Seen Around 2:30 p.m. Thursday

The areas we have marked are what we've done. Specifically here, they just came down Orange Avenue through downtown Orlando. They've handed out fliers whether it be to the stores or the bars," Mann said.

Parker's sister, Lauren Erickson, said she last saw her sister Thursday afternoon.

"She was fine. She was going to pick up her kids," Erickson explained.

...................... snip ..........................

Parker's mother, Yvonne Stewart, said the last person to hear from her was her brother, who got a text message from her at about 4:30 p.m. Thursday, letting him know she was in the Waterford Lakes area.

....................... snip .............................

Parker's brother, Dustin Erickson, said he thinks the timing is "sketchy."

"To me, it seems a little sketchy to do something in such a short time frame. Just the fact that this aired yesterday, and now she's missing today -- it almost seems stupid," he said.

<<<<<<<<<<<< full article at link >>>>>>>>>>>>

For those that know Michelle, how hard would it be to pay back the $2500? This is all pure speculation and I still think that the ex-boyfriend is the likeliest suspect, but could she have been feeling the pressure financially and gotten involved in something trying to pay off the ex? I don't mean anything nefarious as she knows, but meeting a person to sell/buy/take a job and that person taking advantage? I mean, Michelle and the ex might have reached an agreement where ex's child support goes against the debt instead of them swapping money back and forth, or she might have had savings and it's a moot point, but with the timing I had to wonder. Show airs, she feels even worse that she hasn't paid D off yet, she gets desperate.

On the carjacking front- coudl there have been a chop shop issue (police have the place under surveillance, there was something noticeable about the vehicle that they couldn't cover up in a reasonable time, whatever) and having the Hummer while it was resolved was more of a liability than it was worth?

Honestly, both are probably long shots, but I thought I would throw them out there in case it jogged somebody's memory.
Last Updated: Monday, November 21, 2011 5:30 AM

Search for missing Orlando mom moves to new location


From the link above.

Monday morning, search teams will head to the Wedgefield area of Orange County, north of State Road 528, and as far east as Interstate 95.

I wonder what makes them think to look in this area. This is no where near where the last cell ping was.

ETA Unless the Hummer was caught on camera going thru the toll booths on the 528.
Attention please!

I see we have some local members from the area as well as friends of the people involved in this sad situation. In order to maintain the integrity of the Websleuth community and the validity as to accuracy of what is posted here, we would like to ask the following:

If you would like to be verified as a professional poster, such as doctor, lawyer, chemist, or whatever your profession or if you would like to be verified as a local/know the case players then please do the following:

Email Websleuths at : wsverify@xmission.com

In your email please include:
*The case
*Your Websleuths name
*Your real name
*Your phone number and a good time to call

In the subject line put either the case you are interested in or the profession you wish to verify.

Thank you for your time and caring about Michelle.


PS....Welcome all new members. Glad you could join us! :)

Michelle Parker: Search resumes this morning for missing mother of 3

7:46 a.m. EST, November 21, 2011

A search for Michelle Parker has organized around the former Jesse Black's Saloon on 333 E. Oak Ridge Road because police learned that Parker's phone was powered off in that area Thursday night, family members said.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< full article at link >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Last Updated: Monday, November 21, 2011 5:30 AM

Search for missing Orlando mom moves to new location


Also from the link above

The search for Michelle Parker is moving east, and searchers have gone from looking for a cell phone to looking for a body.

If you have any information on where Michelle Parker might be, call CrimeLine at (800) 423-TIPS (8477). You may be eligible for a $13,000 reward.

This is so sad. :(
I'm so glad to see the case is now getting national attention. That can only help to find Michelle.

If she was carjacked, why was her vehicle found abandoned?? Did someone get scared because of the attention the case was getting and just want to get rid of it?

I don't feel a happy outcome in this case. :(
I've been reading over at http://www.facebook.com/michelleparkermissingperson

there is a gentleman that believes he saw the Hummer on Thursday afternoon in the area of the 417 and Alafaya Trail heading east around 3pm to 4pm. Says he believes it exited the 408 and turned North. Says it was the Signage and the tire cover that caught his eye.

He has contacted Crimeline.

There is also another one (female) who says she saw the Hummer on her way home from the gym. But, she didn't say where she was when she saw it. She was referred to call Crimeline.
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