FL FL - Michelle Parker, 33, Orlando, 17 Nov 2011 - #18

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I of course do not have any direct evidence that DSII was solely responsible for Michelle going missing, but for me there are a whole bunch of red flags that point to him.
The #1 red flag for me is that he went to work the next day. It seems to me, IMO, if there was ever a damn good reason to call into work, this was it! Someone who cared should be searching, helping, and assisting in any way to find her, right or MOO?
Other red flags that make me suspect him and only him are:
The airing of the PC episode that day.
His history of violent behavior & history of criminal behavior.
His lack of a solid alibi, because IMO we have proved in our many threads that there are gaps in his timeline, even an admitted 72 minutes, plenty of time to make her disappear in one way or another.

These are just a few red flags, for now, I have many more! My point is, that when I add all the red flags together it all seems like a very clear picture of who most likely committed this crime, and IMO it is Dale Jr.
For me the fact that he lied to police about her arrival time. WHOOPS! Camera has a time stamp.

Ok so let's say time got away from him and he was just estimating.
I of course do not have any direct evidence that DSII was solely responsible for Michelle going missing, but for me there are a whole bunch of red flags that point to him.
The #1 red flag for me is that he went to work the next day. It seems to me, IMO, if there was ever a damn good reason to call into work, this was it! Someone who cared should be searching, helping, and assisting in any way to find her, right or MOO?
Other red flags that make me suspect him and only him are:
The airing of the PC episode that day.
His history of violent behavior & history of criminal behavior.
His lack of a solid alibi, because IMO we have proved in our many threads that there are gaps in his timeline, even an admitted 72 minutes, plenty of time to make her disappear in one way or another.

These are just a few red flags, for now, I have many more! My point is, that when I add all the red flags together it all seems like a very clear picture of who most likely committed this crime, and IMO it is Dale Jr.


What is the crime?
touche Sparky. He has not committed a crime... and now that I have sleuthed this board.. things do seem a bit clearer...

I will leave it at this. I believe Dale Sr premeditated this woman's disappearance... and is very serious in not being held responsible. I believe he is very educated in being crafty and manipulative. I also believe that there was plenty of time to execute a plan. I would like to see some (even circumstantial) evidence proving it was impossible for him to be involved.
Yes alive and well... On the down low after some disturbing events... Watch EVERYTHING you say on here. That's all I can say.

Okay, now you're worrying me...

I probably need to find a different board then, as it seems ridiculous to not be able to hypothesize on scenarios and then be able to credit or discredit... It has been stated that she had intended on meeting him for a bite to eat before her shift.

This has actually been discussed in detail in the first few threads, and we were given much leeway at the time by the mods because I don't think he (NM) had been ruled out yet. He has since been ruled out by LE, and therefore I am not sure if the posts are still left up by mods but you could check...
Anyway, it was most certainly an angle that was discussed as I clearly remember being part of the discussion.

I do understand the mentality of, let's sleuth everyone and rule them in or out on our own...but there are real privacy issues with that, and thus the rule of not sleuthing NM.
Given the fact we know about Dale's past, what if Michelle did too? And let's say she was pizzed off over the PC program and she decided to set him up?

I think this would be a stretch at best. I don't see anyone leaving the kids, having one of them uprooted and living with another parent and not to mention all the pain the family would go through. And let's say she told the family, the fund raisers alone would be fraud and bring jail time; not to mention the searches and the cost of them. So no, I don't see this being the case.
It seems as though there are no new updates anywhere. The FB page for Michelle hasn't been updated with new search info in a week now and the new FB page hasn't had much activity on it either. Are the searches all over with?

So....this is what I'd like to do. I want to play Devil's Advocate and I hope y'all will go along with me. :)

So here's my first question..

What evidence leads you to believe Dale Smith is the reason Michelle Parker is Missing other than LE naming him a Prime Suspect?

In the first few days, my posts were all about a car jacking, then the hummer showed up and the then the family wasn't talking about a car jacking anymore. In the beginning they were, then we had a POI. Lots came out about Dale Jr. the conviction and the fights and their relationship. As days went on, I felt like he was the last one to see her, and he had a hot head and a temper and getting rid of her, meant getting rid of child support and of course, getting rid of the new bf. Cause I think that pizzed him to no end, that another man was going to have her, and the boob job he so crassly mentioned on air. Did he really have to go there???? Shows you what he is made of. JMO
I think this would be a stretch at best. I don't see anyone leaving the kids, having one of them uprooted and living with another parent and not to mention all the pain the family would go through. And let's say she told the family, the fund raisers alone would be fraud and bring jail time; not to mention the searches and the cost of them. So no, I don't see this being the case.

again, (although I think you are correct in THIS case, all my opinion).... I have to disagree.. I just read an update on a ministers wife who was found after 30 years, happily working fast food in another state. Recently there was a mother here, who tried to run away, but was found, alive and well, and unwilling to return home----

it happens.
again, (although I think you are correct in THIS case, all my opinion).... I have to disagree.. I just read an update on a ministers wife who was found after 30 years, happily working fast food in another state. Recently there was a mother here, who tried to run away, but was found, alive and well, and unwilling to return home----

it happens.

You are right, I remember a woman not so long ago, maybe the same one, that left her car in a parking lot and just walked away. Left the kids, everything. But she was married to him and he beat her. Michelle did not have to run from Dale, they were divorced and she had her mom to help out with the kids and her dad and she just finished school to work in the mom's salon. Michelle had options, she didn't have to run.
But...there is no evidence to murder. There is no body.

Yes, and that makes it really bad for Michelle's justice and really good for the POI. Sadly we see it all too often here at WS.
I think this would be a stretch at best. I don't see anyone leaving the kids, having one of them uprooted and living with another parent and not to mention all the pain the family would go through. And let's say she told the family, the fund raisers alone would be fraud and bring jail time; not to mention the searches and the cost of them. So no, I don't see this being the case.

What if she didn't tell the family?
What if she didn't tell the family?

I guess the family would not be held responsible, and they could donate the money to charity.

But how did she pull this off? And why? There are better ways to fix and ex. Keep taking him to child support hearings :great:
I think this would be a stretch at best. I don't see anyone leaving the kids, having one of them uprooted and living with another parent and not to mention all the pain the family would go through. And let's say she told the family, the fund raisers alone would be fraud and bring jail time; not to mention the searches and the cost of them. So no, I don't see this being the case.

I dunno. When I was ten my mother suddenly left my father, took me out of school one day, drove me across three states and left me with an aunt I didn't know. My mother was gone for months and no one knew where I was--or where she was. Back in those days children were not considered missing if the mother took them, no one looked for me besides my father. Kids weren't sophisticated in those days, there were no cell phones, no missing child agencies or searches. One day my mother suddenly reappeared, took me back home and dropped me off at my father's house in the middle of the day. He had no idea I was home until he got home that night. She, of course, disappeared again and wasn't heard from for a couple years when she filed for and got a divorce.

Of course, in those days, there being no searches there was also no publicity and no fund raisers.

So, it's my experience that mothers can and do leave their children and disappear. :(
We have no actual evidence that Dale committed a crime on November 17, 2011, ie, killed Michelle, or participated in her murder and the coverup. But for me, what makes him look most suspicious is first that he gave the wrong time for Michelle arriving at his condo, and second, that he also told Michelle's family that he had left with the twins and driven to Rose Ave. right after Michelle had left. (I'm sorry--I don't have a link to that statement, so if you don't remember it, you have a right to doubt my memory of it.) And to arrive at Rose Ave. by 4:30, he would have to have left immediately after she left, if she indeed had left at 4:10.

So sure, if you take the 4 to 4:10 statement by itself, he could have just been guessing when she arrived and guessed wrong. But if you add in that he would have to have left with the twins right after 4:10 to make it to Rose Ave. by 4:30, then that catches him in a lie.
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